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| Mizsterious
# Statistics
Favourites: 655; Deviations: 66; Watchers: 51
Watching: 104; Pageviews: 8370; Comments Made: 394; Friends: 104
# Comments
Comments: 114
PurpleInk777 [2014-07-28 01:36:30 +0000 UTC]
Hi Adrienne,
, so decided to wish you a very Β
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Mizsterious In reply to PurpleInk777 [2014-08-27 07:54:19 +0000 UTC]
Aaaaaw!! [: Thank you so much, Tracey!!Β
Hope you're keeping well, I know you're away, but wish you all the best! <3
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PurpleInk777 In reply to Mizsterious [2014-08-28 00:22:16 +0000 UTC]
An old journal, Well, It Looks Like More Surgery For Me, explains my hiatus,
but until my surgery date (around the end of September - sometime during
October), I shall be online - just "invisible"!
Likewise, my dear!
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CyberFox [2014-06-05 19:42:22 +0000 UTC]
hello there
I have a TLK request if that's ok with ya!
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Mizsterious In reply to CyberFox [2014-08-27 07:54:55 +0000 UTC]
Hello! Sorry, I only check this sometimes .. Haha, I use my tumblr a little more frequently, but if you have a request please shoot me a message or reply! (:Β
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PurpleInk777 [2014-03-27 06:50:31 +0000 UTC]
Hey there, Adrienne (aka Mizsterious)!
I know it's been far too long; however, I remember you doing the following request -
- for me, a couple years ago.
(I've just recently shared him - after ages of greedily hoarding him all to myself - with a new friend.)
Here's hoping you and yours are well...
Tracey Henderson (who used to be known as 'Simbake777')
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Mizsterious In reply to PurpleInk777 [2014-04-09 03:50:26 +0000 UTC]
So good to hear from you! ( I have been on and off dA for a super long time)Β
Haha! Aaaw! Β Well I hope he's exceeding their expectations! (:Β
All well over here, just in my last year of tertiary study! Likewise, hope everything is well on your end too!
(Let me know if you have any more requests!)
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PurpleInk777 In reply to Mizsterious [2014-04-09 04:13:36 +0000 UTC]
Likewise! You're right: It has been a looooooooooooooooooooooong time!
As for that sexy Simba exceeding the nameless new friend's expectations? Nah. She prefers Michael Jackson! *O-OK* Ah well.
Still, I happen to think he's hotter than MJ could ever HOPE to be! Especially in your EPIC style!
, you're in your final year?
Here's hoping your last year at Uni (at least for this course) is a blast!
As for me, all is well. Still happily joined at the hip. (It's been seven years, now, since hubby and I were married.
Wouldn't be without him!
You bet! Any time I need a request done, I'll let you know A.S.A.P.!
Have an awesome day (even though it's probably pouring, where you are)!
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Mizsterious In reply to PurpleInk777 [2014-04-10 00:54:50 +0000 UTC]
Heya! (: Β
Hahaha! Aaw, oh well. I suppose they're two different Kings of a kind, aren't they? xDΒ
Thank you! (: It's a bit scary being in final year, but it's been quite the ride and a lot of fun! Glad to hear you're both going strong - Seven years is nothing to sneeze at! n__nΒ ! Of course!Β
Yeah, been a drizzly and grey over inner Melbourne. I hope there's at least been a /peek/ of sunshine near you!Β
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PurpleInk777 In reply to Mizsterious [2014-04-11 04:45:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, they are! But hey, both had beautiful long hair! The only difference being that MJ had black hair and Simba's delightful red locks were his Bon-Jovi-inspired mane!
You're welcome! Yeah, final year is ALWAYS scary!
All the same, I'm glad you've enjoyed the roller-coaster ride that is University life!
! You're right: How many marriages these days survive their first six months?
I'm so glad my awesome man and I are still conjoined twins!
We're off to see the... surgeon? UPDATE!Recent Poll:
Out of Hospital (surgery a resounding success)! Still on Semi-Hiatus!
Β Β© Baka-Ani
Hello friends, angels and watchers! How is the Spring or Autumn (depending on where you live) going? Our lovely Australian Autumn is still warm, but becoming slowly more colourful, with the lovely array of reds, oranges and yellows, in the trees!
Having said this, I simply can't wait for the leaves to fall, and for the crispiness of fallen leaves, so I can stamp them underfoot! Oh, what fun that will be!
What are the things you are most looking forward to, with the changing seasons?
As several (or is it many) of you may know, I have been on the waiting list for some minor abdominal surgery, so have been on semi-hiatus, all this time! Well, to cut a long story short, the hospital slated to admit me (for surgery) con
Actually, I do have a request: I'm a big sucker for the pre-LK characters Ahadi and Uru. Basically because a very good American friend (Nala15) has made the most awesome graphic novels - one completed, another still being added to - that I love! Of course, Nala's own depiction of the characters looks like fav.me/d5qux44 ; however, you can add your own flavour to the mix (so long as Ahadi's mane is fluffy as a feather boa)! (And yes, I commissioned the artist for this! She did a fab job, crafting this gift for mine and hubby's sixth wedding anniversary, last year!
You can be sure I'll commission her again!
It seems like the drizzle has settled EVERYWHERE!
Ah well. We had an awesome Summer and March!
So I guess I shan't complain...
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AspiringImages [2012-10-03 16:37:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave love
on my photo βThe Clouds Are Real, I Swearβ [link] Much appreciated
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Mizsterious In reply to AspiringImages [2012-10-04 05:59:39 +0000 UTC]
:3 You're very welcome! I adore it - Very picturesque indeed. (:
Thank you for the Watch also!
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2012-09-20 05:31:15 +0000 UTC]
Haha Thank you! I feel a bit daunted. D:
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SkylaComics In reply to Mizsterious [2012-09-20 14:14:30 +0000 UTC]
How so? Just ask me if you need any help with anything
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2012-09-22 09:26:56 +0000 UTC]
c: I suppose just the normal nervousness, and intimidated by everyone's vast skill sets. >3< But no better people and peers to learn from then.
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SkylaComics In reply to Mizsterious [2012-09-23 05:28:16 +0000 UTC]
I understand, the artists in the course are all pretty spectacular Are you focusing on the art or design side?
I did design. Are you in first year?
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2012-09-23 14:02:13 +0000 UTC]
At the moment I'm not too sure. x) Haha I'm pretty keen on the design side, I suppose; though I have done a little bit for the art side too..
I am in first year. c: So far it's been really enjoyable. What about yourself?
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SkylaComics In reply to Mizsterious [2012-09-28 03:30:14 +0000 UTC]
Sounds good I did the design side but I've graduated already.
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2012-09-29 02:58:34 +0000 UTC]
C: Oh? How did you find the entire course, and what have you been up to since?
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SkylaComics In reply to Mizsterious [2012-10-16 04:19:33 +0000 UTC]
I enjoyed it a lot. The Game Studio class with Fabio was my favourite The best part was making new like-minded friends.
I was lucky to graduate a year before the games industry started to go down in Australia. I managed to get a job at Torus as a Level Designer, I worked there for 2yrs but things have gotten dicey lately and I'm no longer there.
I would recommend focusing on 'Level Design' if you're going for the design side. Torus hires graduates too, so here's hoping the situation gets better and there will be more jobs!
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2012-10-25 13:39:15 +0000 UTC]
:3 Mm! Games Studio is a really good class, albeit stressful at times.. Although you learn so much!
In complete agreement about friends. c: Probably a great highlight.
:3 Oooh Wow! That definitely sounds like a pretty good opportunity. How did you find the whole experience, coming straight from Uni? c:
Thank you very much for the tips! Hopefully there will be more jobs come graduation in 2 years time, haha. Though I suppose one shall wait and see if the industry climate improves!
What are you doing nowadays? c:
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SkylaComics In reply to Mizsterious [2012-10-30 11:02:29 +0000 UTC]
I found 'Games Studio' was the most useful subject I did. Working in a studio is similar to what you learn in this subject.
Also I did one programming elective (Programming Principles 2B) which helped to write small code for gameplay puzzles. I would highly recommend taking it in second year... if that's still possible in the course. Now I'm job hunting again.
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2013-05-23 02:51:25 +0000 UTC]
:L It's odd because I thought I replied to this a long time ago. :C Sorry!
Games Studio last year was good, if not stressful; though I think now that I'm encountering DIM (Design for Interactive Media) it's almost a bit more. Certainly something different. D: In a good way.. I think.
I think now we are offered a 'Programming 1' subject in which we can learn some Java and C#, so I'm not sure if they've modified it. I was certainly thinking of perhaps taking it up in Semester 2. (:
And hope the job hunting has been going/gone well!
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SkylaComics In reply to Mizsterious [2013-05-23 02:58:26 +0000 UTC]
Hey good to hear.
I've found some admin work at the Uni's English department now
Keeping my ear out for more work in the games industry too. Torus Games has been hiring lately which has been great to hear things are getting slowly better. The Auzzie dollar is lowering too which is good for industry. Hopefully there will be jobs for graduates
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Mizsterious In reply to SkylaComics [2013-05-23 03:03:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh excellent! At least something for the mean time. (:
Mm, definitely that should help many industries out and hopefully it will all start looking up!
Haha, fingers crossed! I know a few of this year's graduating class, and they're optimistic at least.
Can only wait to see how it is in another year's time!
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Mizsterious In reply to muffuu [2012-05-22 03:08:22 +0000 UTC]
(: Depends. What are you looking for? C:
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muffuu In reply to Mizsterious [2012-05-22 22:55:26 +0000 UTC]
ummm just some fan art if possible >.<
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Mizsterious In reply to muffuu [2012-05-24 12:52:25 +0000 UTC]
C: Sure! Just send me the details in a note? :3
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muffuu In reply to Mizsterious [2012-05-27 02:01:32 +0000 UTC]
may i hear the prices first ^^ imma little short on points
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Mizsterious In reply to muffuu [2012-05-27 08:39:42 +0000 UTC]
XD I don't really have prices, per se. Not really sure what the standard is, so just tell me whatever you wish to offer, and what the art is of. P: If I have fun doing the project I don't mind so much about pricing. [:
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muffuu In reply to Mizsterious [2012-06-03 22:12:14 +0000 UTC]
ok well then are you familiar with one piece ? ><
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Mizsterious In reply to muffuu [2012-06-08 07:13:09 +0000 UTC]
[: Not really familiar with; have heard of it.
Would be interested in drawing for it though, no worries. C:
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muffuu In reply to Mizsterious [2012-06-12 03:32:12 +0000 UTC]
wahh ok then could you possibly try drawing ace from one piece with a muffin ?! tell me if you need ref :3 maybe easier to just google him
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Mizsterious In reply to muffuu [2012-06-18 11:40:06 +0000 UTC]
o3o Oooooooooh, sure! I could give it a try.. [:
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Third-rate [2012-04-01 16:31:32 +0000 UTC]
Hello thank you for joining I hope you enjoy the group and if you have any questions feel free to ask
And if you want to take part in our contest here's a [link] ^3^
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Mizsterious In reply to Third-rate [2012-04-02 10:38:03 +0000 UTC]
[: Awesome! I think I shall give it a go.. Thank you!
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Mizsterious In reply to crystalwings6 [2012-03-09 06:44:56 +0000 UTC]
Mighty welcome! C:
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