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| MisteRandom
# Statistics
Favourites: 5029; Deviations: 63; Watchers: 52
Watching: 210; Pageviews: 11109; Comments Made: 7190; Friends: 210
# Comments
Comments: 1181
MisteRandom In reply to Ecclytennysmithylove [2017-09-01 16:03:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you
π: 0 β©: 1
Ecclytennysmithylove In reply to MisteRandom [2017-09-01 18:50:11 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
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Glinel [2017-08-13 14:27:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the +WATCH!
It's very much appreciated!
If you're interested in my work, check out my cosplay page @SharpAmethyst
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MisteRandom In reply to Glinel [2017-08-13 17:29:19 +0000 UTC]
Cheers! You're welcome.
I guess I will take a look, then!
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MisteRandom In reply to Liilies [2017-08-05 15:10:06 +0000 UTC]
No problem!
I saw you're a friend of Lily's, so I checked out your art. It's pretty, so keep up the good work~
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MisteRandom In reply to Liilies [2017-08-05 18:02:54 +0000 UTC]
No problem.
How's your summer so far?
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Liilies In reply to MisteRandom [2017-08-10 18:57:51 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the late reply! Mine's been going really good. I went on a few really amazing trips to some cool places and I got to spend the rest of it with some of my best friends doing a musical c:
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MisteRandom In reply to Liilies [2017-08-11 13:24:55 +0000 UTC]
Oh, that's neat! Me too, actually. I went to various places in China (mostly to see friends and family) and also to Japan. Where did you go?
A musical sounds really fun! Did you put down a solid performance?
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Liilies In reply to MisteRandom [2017-08-11 14:43:39 +0000 UTC]
Ah wow that'sΒ super cool! I've never been out of the US before, I'd really love to visit Japan sometime
I went to NYC (for the first time!) to see a couple musicals on Broadway and then to Los Angeles to visit family c:Β
And yeah definitely! It was kind of a tricky role for me but I think that I did pretty well ^^
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MisteRandom In reply to xTaylorMoonx [2017-07-03 22:19:29 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, keep up the good and, frankly, quite interesting work.
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MisteRandom In reply to xTaylorMoonx [2017-07-07 15:25:41 +0000 UTC]
What do you usually use to draw, btw?
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xTaylorMoonx In reply to MisteRandom [2017-07-09 03:02:38 +0000 UTC]
I use a wacom tablet, and paint tool sai
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MisteRandom In reply to Miitee [2017-03-12 09:48:49 +0000 UTC]
Oh hey there! That's been a long time indeed. How are you? Haha
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Miitee In reply to MisteRandom [2017-03-21 09:05:43 +0000 UTC]
Im fine! β‘ How about you?
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MisteRandom In reply to Miitee [2017-03-26 13:01:21 +0000 UTC]
That's good to hear!
I'm busy with my studies, so I barely have tiime to do everything I want to do... such as checking dA frequently OTL
So, anything new lately? ^^
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Miitee In reply to MisteRandom [2017-04-23 21:28:39 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for late reply
Awww, thats too bad :'', hope you will get your holiday soon ;;
....I rarely checking dA and I feel bad ;;, gotta back to dA now
Mmm...Im doing 100 flavor challenge!, How about you Mr? ^0^
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cyymin [2016-12-26 18:22:36 +0000 UTC]
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! \( ^w^ )/
Hope you're having a nice holiday season!! uwu
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cyymin [2016-09-01 03:07:10 +0000 UTC]
Hehe I had to pop in to wish the Senps an awesome birthday!! Ahhh
You're probably asleep by now, but happy birthday anyway!! Hope you had a really awesome day~
(Did I mention that you must be a holy person)
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-09-01 23:27:03 +0000 UTC]
It's much appreciated, It's great to receive birthday wishes from my kouhai. c:
I had a nice day, thanks, in fact, I've been in a state of bliss ever since I heard that I finally finished my double bachelor's degree a few days ago XD
(Me, a holy person? Is there a religion devoted to me or anything? x3)
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cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-09-02 05:51:03 +0000 UTC]
NP, hehe!! >wo
Whoa!! That's too impressive, haha. =^=
Might I ask what fields the degrees are in? (Math and physics?)
(Lol yes you're too much for this earthly world
The Psycho Helmet Cultβ
jkjk tell me you get that reference though)
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MisteRandom In reply to Ecclytennysmithylove [2016-09-01 23:16:36 +0000 UTC]
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Ecclytennysmithylove In reply to MisteRandom [2016-09-02 01:19:23 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome!
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-05-27 21:28:05 +0000 UTC]
Nico Nico-niii~, daisuki!
That's so nice. XD
I really ought to use UTAU. I've been working on a remix with Nico in it recently, and it contains a part of her voice being synthesized. I tried doing it in REAPER, but it didn't turn out very well.
Tell me what you think, though!
Also, sorry I haven't been able to reply to your other comment! That Madoka OST has been covered pretty nicely~
Just watch out for non-Japanese texts when you're using a Japanese UTAUloid.
π: 0 β©: 1
cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-05-28 19:38:02 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes!! ;v; If you ever want to do a project with me in UTAU, do say!! o:
(I've always wanted to do a tuning collab ;w
And wow, that's nice! Did you make the instrumental yourself? Hm~ The only things I would say is that the transitions are a little too abrupt, like from Nico's "nico nico niii" to the instrumental, then to the next part and so on. The contrast is a bit much, I guess??
Ahaha, thank you. 'v' I'm going to make it into a 4-part a cappella arrangement (even though at this rate, it may end up being a 6-pt a cappella).Β
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-05-31 21:01:54 +0000 UTC]
Ah yeah! Sounds interesting. I don't know much about UTAU, but I've had some experience with music editors and video editors, most notably Sony Vegas~
If we were to have a collab, who would do what, though?
I'm interested as though how a tuning collab works. owo
Nah, the instrumental can be heard here:Β www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOXKrZβ¦
It's a soundtrack of some rhythm game. ^^
The fast transitions are part of the song, to be fair. I'm just worried about how the part with the synthesized voice sounds, doesn't it sound icky? x3
Please keep me posted on the progress, I'm curious! c:
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cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-06-01 18:04:45 +0000 UTC]
Oh!! That's cool~ I haven't worked with many digital workbenches before!
And as for collabs, often it's two people tuning two different parts for a song. It's usually a duet or something or a melody + a harmony. ^^ (Like, my friend showed me a really nice collab cover of Matryoshka.)
Or it could be someone mixing the instrumental and somebody tuning, like how Circrush used to work (rip Circrush ;n.
Ahhhhh, ok, ok. I see. (Is this rhythm game the Love Live game??)
Ah, the synthesized voice parts are okay. I mean, there can always be improvement~ (Ahhh I'm sorry about the vagueness I kind of forgot what it sounded like >^< I've been functioning off of 4 hours of sleep a night all this week.)
Resend the link??
And of course I will! c:
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cyymin [2016-04-12 00:50:05 +0000 UTC]
//pops in to thank you for the fave
( oh also integral help would be nice still ;v; )
forgive my being weird the other day, I can't do life irl
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-04-12 20:43:31 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! ^w^
Sure I can help you. Just throw a question at me and we'll see what we can do. ^^
Don't worry about that, it seems like Bunny put you in a rather uncomfortable position after all, I'd never force you to talk. c:
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cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-04-15 01:43:57 +0000 UTC]
Awesome!! ;v;
Senpai is amaze
Ah! I want to learn how to do integrals in general. ;v; It's annoying b/c I know derivatives (I just did a ton of chain law practices just now as practice) and stuff, but it's hard to derive I in physics without integrals. ^-^"
Like... What's the formula for integration?? I know derivatives are
lim_(h -> 0) f(x+h)/f(h). I also know the basic premise of integration (summing up all the teensy tiny pieces) and know that it's reverse derivative and has a symbol that's like a long, skinny S. But how does one do it?
Ahhh. ;v; Thank you thank you. And it's kinda my problem that I get really flustered and stuff with new people. >///<
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-04-16 00:58:25 +0000 UTC]
Psh, you're amaze yourself.
"Integrals in general" is a very dangerous phrase, because integrating really is more difficult than differentiating. For instance, even for simple expressions like sin(x)/x, exp(-xΒ²) or 1/ln(x), antiderivatives cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions (combination of polynomials, exponentials, logaritms or trigonometric functions). However, the derivatives of these functions can be calculated quite easily!
Talking about antiderivatives, that's exactly the way how one integrates. Suppose you have a function F whose derivative is the function f. Then the integral of f between a and b is equal to F(b) - F(a); this is called the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and practically ALL integrals are calculated this way.
Example: f(x) = 2x + 4. What is the integral of f between -1 and 4? Well, we know that F(x) = xΒ² + 4x is an antiderivative of f (you can differentiate F to check for yourself), and we calculate:
F(4) - F(-1) = (4Β² + 4*4) - ((-1)Β² + 4*-1) = (16 + 16) - (1 - 4) = 32 - (-3) = 35. Pretty neat.
I hope this story was somewhat clear. ^^
P.S. The derivative of a function f in point x is defined as f'(x) = lim_(h -> 0) [f(x+h) - f(x)]/h
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cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-04-17 18:32:15 +0000 UTC]
X'D Yeah, I know it's just h in the denominator. //facepalms
It's really easy to make typos online, y'know?
See, Senpai is more amaze
Ahhhh? Really! Wow, wow, okay. That's cool. *w*
Alright, I think I get that. But... how does one know the antiderivative off the bat?? Is there an organized methodology to go about doing it?? ^^"
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-04-17 19:13:17 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, typos can happen anytime. As long as it doesn't impair the communication, all's good. c:
Well, that's the problem. There isn't a general well-organized methodology to find anti-derivatives. It's just too difficult.
There are some basic formulas which are very convenient to know, though.
Like: an antiderivative of x^n is given by 1/(n+1) * x^(n+1). (Differentiate it to check for yourself)
Or: an antiderivative of e^x is itself (e^x). An anti-derivative of cos(x) is sin(x) and for sin(x) it is -cos(x). ^^
To calculate more difficult anti-derivatives, some advanced integration techniques are required, but for now they're out of your scope, I think. ^^
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cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-04-24 11:00:49 +0000 UTC]
Ahhhh... I see. o:
Hm, I guess I'll do a few practice problems then and see how it goes~
(sorry for the late reply omg)
Also, would you be willing to listen to an UTAU thing I made to help critique my tuning?? ;v;
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-04-29 20:43:51 +0000 UTC]
Yes, practice is key to success, as they say! Good luck!
If you have any more questions, I'd be glad to answer.
Also, sure!
Show me the song, and we'll see. ^^
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O-CH [2016-03-22 04:03:53 +0000 UTC]
hey, thank you so much for the watch!! I appreciate it lots <33
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MisteRandom In reply to O-CH [2016-03-22 09:46:31 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, you make lovely art after all! ^3^
Keep up the good work~
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MisteRandom In reply to Eulerian-Circus [2016-02-28 19:30:28 +0000 UTC]
It's ok! ^^
Keep up the good work.
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MisteRandom In reply to cyymin [2016-01-01 13:25:15 +0000 UTC]
I hope you had a nice evening! ^^
Did you hang out with friends/family?
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cyymin In reply to MisteRandom [2016-01-01 18:25:12 +0000 UTC]
Aw, thank you!! ;u;
And I didn't yesterday, but some family friends will be coming over tonight! c: And you?
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