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| Midnight-Lunalux

Midnight-Lunalux ♀️ [21751916] [2012-04-17 04:00:41 +0000 UTC] "Learn tolerance and respect" (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 6044; Deviations: 268; Watchers: 166

Watching: 227; Pageviews: 32420; Comments Made: 9094; Friends: 227

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Juvialle, xNightMelody, Centchi, and TheNornOnTheGo
Favorite movies: Wreck it Ralph, El dorado, How to Train your Dragon, Brave, Hetalia: Paint it White
Favorite TV shows: MLP, Hetalia, Soul Eater, Death Note, Mirai Nikki, Deadman Wonderland, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Gravity Falls
Favorite bands / musical artists: Paramore, Three Days Grace, Lady Gaga, Meghan Trainor
Favorite books: Warrior cats by Erin Hunter, In Greywolf's Hands by Marie Ferrarella
Favorite writers: Erin Hunter, Marie Ferrarella, ANDREW HUSSIE (?)
Favorite games: Resident Evil (4, 6, and Revelations 2), World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Alice: Madness Returns
Favorite gaming platform: Wii, PS3, desktop
Tools of the Trade: Paper and pencil / Bamboo Tablet
Other Interests: Homestuck, Romance anime, violent anime, LGBTP

# Comments

Comments: 1852

LuciferTeaParty [2018-04-29 14:59:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the fave~  

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to LuciferTeaParty [2018-04-29 15:01:35 +0000 UTC]

No problem, it was a lovely picture <3

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MKSfan14 [2017-11-06 04:04:40 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!  

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to MKSfan14 [2017-11-07 20:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuu~~

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RY0ASUKA [2017-11-06 03:15:20 +0000 UTC]


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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to RY0ASUKA [2017-11-07 20:15:59 +0000 UTC]


yes, thank

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Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-05 19:33:54 +0000 UTC]

Heteroflexible and Panromantic? Nice. But how does that work? I'm Panromantic asexual which is easier to explain. 

I like to meet Demigenders so meeting another Demiboy is nice.
I thought I was Demigender but I am Agender because, I can't fit any gender boxes

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-07 20:15:30 +0000 UTC]

(Is this a new comment or should I dismiss it? I think I already replied once so just asking x'D I can re-explain if you want though)

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-07 20:18:23 +0000 UTC]


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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-07 20:46:02 +0000 UTC]

Ah alright
*cracks knuckles*

So, the "heteroflexible" part refers solely to my sexuality, not 'romantic' side. As such, it means that, sexually, I'm more attracted to males. In reference to the 'demiboy' thing, I only identify partially as male, but it's more of a physical thing (I prefer to have a more masculine appearance, and I get all giddy when I'm mistaken for a boy. I just feel much better about myself with a more male body than female). I still go by female pronouns because I'm still comfortable being female, I feel a little weird if friends (who have known me as female all my life) struggle to call me by male pronouns because I feel like I'm making them work really hard for no good reason. So, I'm still female at heart, I just prefer to be 'male' in nearly every other sense. 
Panromantic is no different though, romantically I can be attracted to anyone. It's actually rather funny because the only time I've fallen 'in love' was with a girl, so I'm definitely not against girls and I can easily feel a romantic attraction to them. I think if I'm 'in love' with a girl (you know, like I've known that person for a while and feel a spiritual connection to them and all) I can develop a sexual attraction to them, but it's not quite as intense or quick to develop like it would for a male.

Hope that explains it ^v^

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-07 20:47:47 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's crazy. How do people feel when they are like "What is your sexuality?" but it's that complicated tho.

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-07 20:57:06 +0000 UTC]

Lol I dunno, I dont get asked often tbh

To put it more simply "I like guys, but I'm not against girls, they can be mighty fine too" x'D

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-07 21:07:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah they might think you are Bisexual/romantic unless you specify but 
Hey do you have a google account?

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-07 21:10:40 +0000 UTC]

Eh, the specific labels dont really matter too much, I mean heteroflexibility is essentially just bi/pansexual with a strong male preference
They don't need to know everything anyways, just enough to get the point c':

Yeah but I never use it for anything other than to watch youtube videos lmao

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-07 21:24:48 +0000 UTC]

Yeah and some people get pissed over it but eh everyone needs a label to fit, right?

Well I have this thing on google where I post LGBT resources and stuff

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-07 21:56:44 +0000 UTC]

Hmm- yes and no? I feel like we could live without labels just fine as a society, and I know that my stepmom feels that labels do moreharm than they do good-
I think they're not neccesary, but to some they're nice to have. Personally I like labels because they allow people to understand certain things about you (religion, ethnicity/cultural background, gender or sexuality)
It's only when people have a negative stigma about those labels or generalize/stereotype people of a certain label that it becomes harmful
Thats my personal opinion anyways

And ahh- Well I think I'm all set, but if you really want me to I can check it out

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-07 22:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. But opinions are different.

Not really, it's your choice.

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-08 03:24:26 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, you think so?

What's your take?

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-08 03:52:51 +0000 UTC]

Take? what that mean?

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to Hoppin-Frogs [2017-11-08 11:45:47 +0000 UTC]

I mean what's your thought on labels? We clearly have slightly different thoughts on it so I'm just curious to hear another viewpoint

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Hoppin-Frogs In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-08 13:05:33 +0000 UTC]

Kay well. Sometimes we don't really need them, some we don't.

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GrimesGirl123 [2017-11-05 16:54:32 +0000 UTC]


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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to GrimesGirl123 [2017-11-07 20:14:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuuu! :00

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GrimesGirl123 In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-07 23:24:36 +0000 UTC]

I miss you ;-;

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to GrimesGirl123 [2017-11-08 03:26:17 +0000 UTC]

Me too man :'0
And I've changed so much since you last saw me x'D Come back to Maine >:UU

Or NY, I want to go there for my majors in college

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GrimesGirl123 In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-09 01:02:57 +0000 UTC]

Well, we ARE headed to Maine this summer, soooooo

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to GrimesGirl123 [2017-11-12 04:40:34 +0000 UTC]

Come see Ari and I!!! We gotta plan a sleepover or something!

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GrimesGirl123 In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-11-12 14:36:20 +0000 UTC]


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nervousScripture [2017-07-02 23:26:39 +0000 UTC]


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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to nervousScripture [2017-07-08 23:27:56 +0000 UTC]

Hello uvu

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nervousScripture In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-07-09 02:24:24 +0000 UTC]

what's up o3o

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to nervousScripture [2017-07-10 17:18:01 +0000 UTC]

Not much :v Happy to be on Summer vacation lol

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nervousScripture In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-07-11 00:48:49 +0000 UTC]

I see lol I'm currently on permanent vacation

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to nervousScripture [2017-07-12 17:33:02 +0000 UTC]

Haha, that sounds nice xD It's probably going to be a while before I have a permanent vacation lol, but I don't mind

I hope you're enjoying your vacation c;

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nervousScripture In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-07-13 08:05:12 +0000 UTC]

It's not really a 'vacation' per se, as I have been helping to get our house ready to sell by the end of the year. Before that I had some job training after leaving a program that had job training mixed with college training. And that was after I thought I was ready for college! That's the thing, you know. I do wish I had more experience during my teen years but at the time I was surviving high school, although middle school wasn't TOO bad. Elementary school was when I switched from public to private schooling. Kindergarten and pre-school was around the time I was diagnosed with ASD (formerly Asperger's or high-functioning autism)/ADD (ADHD was later added)/childhood bipolar syndrome (long in remission). I don't recall anything further than that xD Oh and I did special olympics from 2007-2015, will hopefully rejoin once we move to florida (north/east florida to be exact, specifically to Jacksonville), and hopefully then I will have learned to drive some more to the point where I regain my permit, followed by my license, so I can become independent enough to live on my own especially once I go from part-time to full-time. thinking about moving to the Kentuckiana (Kentucky-Indiana/Louisville metro area) as I used to ride horses as a small/smol child, been watching the Kentucky Derby for about a decade or so now, it's always been held at Lexington Downs race course for well over a century, back in the old days of railroads/railroading and street/horse railways and telegraphs and early electric light systems and early recorded sound systems/recording systems (what would we ever do without sound and vision!). not to mention early interurban/intraurban railways (trams, trolleys, streetcars) and multimodal systems (bridges, tunnels) and early baseball, america's great pastime (louisville is known for the louisville slugger baseball/softball bats, I have one myself). Plus country/bluegrass is cool, it's america's music lol they have a AAA (triple-A) affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds (national league), their highest-ranking minor-league baseball team. The city itself is situated at the Falls of the Ohio, the only navigational obstacle between New Orleans on the Gulf of Mexico and Pittsburgh at the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers (east of there you have the Appalachians which were at first cleared by canals and portage/gravity/switchback railroads and now just railroads). There are two notable interstate highway bridges, one named after JFK and one named after Honest Abe (Lincoln). The Big Four Railroad Bridge (CCC&Stl) is now a notable pedestrian/bike bridge, having closed to train traffic in the late 60s (1969) and then suffering through some notable fires. It was built on the original piers of the original bridge, which collapsed at least partially during construction! The Kentucky and Indiana Terminal Bridge was notable for carrying railroad, streetcar, wagon, and pedestrian traffic (it was the original Dixie Highway Western Division bridge!). Today it only carries railroad traffic, though there are hopes to restore pedestrian traffic. In 1979 truck and automobile traffic on the replacement (current bridge) was closed after an accident. The Fourteenth Street L&N Railroad Bridge originally dates back to immediately after the Civil War and was the first bridge in the metro area over the Ohio River. The Second Street Bridge is the only free vehicular crossing of the Ohio in downtown Louisville. Since 1991, the bridge has been used as "ground zero" for the annual Thunder Over Louisville event, when a waterfall of fireworks flows along the entire length of the bridge during the fireworks show. This involves traffic being closed for much of the week. This is criticized as it cuts off both the only non-interstate and, prior to the Big Four Bridge reopening, the only pedestrian route between Louisville and southern Indiana, which can impact local businesses such as bicycle couriers. This bridge was originally a toll bridge until 1946. It appears that the Dixie Highway was rerouted to use this bridge at some point. Eventually traffic went onto the Sherman Minton Bridge (1962), followed by the JFK Bridge (1963). Bowman Field is Kentucky's first commercial airport and is the oldest continually operating commercial airfield in North America. Bowman Field was used in the James Bond film Goldfinger as the base for Pussy Galore's Flying Circus; principal photography of hangars, aircraft, etc., were done there in fall of 1963. During World War II, Bowman Field was one of the nation's most important training bases as well as the nation's busiest airport. The facility became known as "Air Base City" when a bomber squadron moved in and more than 1,600 recruits underwent basic training in a three-month period. The U.S. Army Air Forces school for flight surgeons, medical technicians, and flight nurses also called Bowman Field home. Charles Lindbergh landed the Spirit of St. Louis at the airport in 1927, viewed by 10,000 spectators. Louisville International Airport is home to Worldport, the worldwide hub of UPS. Although it currently does not have regularly-scheduled international passenger flights, it is a port of entry, as it handles numerous international cargo flights.

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to nervousScripture [2017-07-13 15:10:03 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like you know a lot more about traveling and the places you've traveled to than me :'D I mean the farthest I've ever gone is from Maine to MA, I don't get to travel much :'D

For the most part I've only ever stayed here for all of my life, but I don't mind too much because all the people I know and love are here, and this place is familiar to me so it's comforting. There's places I've never even been to here, so if I ever feel the need to get out and explore someplace unfamiliar I have that. 
Other than that, we don't have much here outside from lots of trees and apple+strawberry picking haha

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nervousScripture In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-07-14 19:26:40 +0000 UTC]

I see lol

Did you know that Maine was once part of Massachusetts? So in historical terms you've stayed in MA your whole life XD jk

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to nervousScripture [2017-07-19 01:36:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh man good point lmfao xDDD
Oh nooooo x'D

So I guess I really don't go adventuring much, even less than I thought originally :'D 

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nervousScripture In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2017-07-19 01:44:41 +0000 UTC]

XD ye

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MoostarGazer [2017-03-15 21:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the LLAMA!

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to MoostarGazer [2017-03-18 21:43:47 +0000 UTC]

Any time <3

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fluffae [2016-11-24 02:32:00 +0000 UTC]

Did my last roleplay reply not send??

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to fluffae [2016-11-24 05:52:45 +0000 UTC]

No it did, it did ;7;
I've been on a major drawing roll though so I've been focusing solely on that x'D I'm actually working on your question now! I'd do a stream but we lost our wifi so eve;

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fluffae In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2016-11-24 12:37:17 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, sorry, I just get worried at the smallest things ahhhhh
And keep drawing, it always feels nice when I'M on a roll, so I assume it does for you too!

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YaoiLoveOTP [2016-11-22 06:58:21 +0000 UTC]

New Dr love

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lovememanglefang [2016-11-12 18:00:23 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the lallam               now you get a happy sans and a lallma

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to lovememanglefang [2016-11-12 18:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, no problem <3
And thanks!

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lovememanglefang In reply to Midnight-Lunalux [2016-11-12 18:27:14 +0000 UTC]

you welcome

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fluffae [2016-11-11 19:34:19 +0000 UTC]

I have drawn this
Although I have no clue why she is nervous

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Midnight-Lunalux In reply to fluffae [2016-11-11 23:01:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh that's so cute hhHHG <33
You didn't have to draw for me aaaaa ;7; <333

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