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| MichaelFarryStudio
# Statistics
Favourites: 62; Deviations: 178; Watchers: 6
Watching: 10; Pageviews: 3431; Comments Made: 91; Friends: 10
# Comments
Comments: 21
MichaelFarryStudio In reply to umbrellatown [2012-07-05 02:14:11 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome
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sailormoonangel22 [2012-04-17 19:17:10 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Iām a contributor for #Sellers-Showcase . Thankyou for joining our group; we really appreciate it and we hope that you find it very beneficial. Please read the "Rules/Guidelines" section on our homepage before getting started, and remember that we will only accept submissions that have some indicate in the artist's comments of being for sale, or that have prints enabled. If you need any further help, feel free to note the group or leave a comment on the home page. Thanks
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MichaelFarryStudio In reply to ARTBYTERESA [2012-02-22 02:23:24 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! Thank you for faving too!! I need to start making some more paintings
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ARTBYTERESA In reply to MichaelFarryStudio [2012-02-22 02:45:44 +0000 UTC]
Yes,You are talented in everything you touch!
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MichaelFarryStudio In reply to OliviaMichalski [2011-09-17 03:07:55 +0000 UTC]
Hello! No problem, you have a lot of great photos.
And thank you for the Llama
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MichaelFarryStudio In reply to JennyLynnPhotography [2011-08-13 02:47:32 +0000 UTC]
One of these days I'm going to try and make a sculpture of your "sunrise on the mountain." It will pretty sweet.
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JennyLynnPhotography In reply to MichaelFarryStudio [2011-09-26 02:35:16 +0000 UTC]
OMG that would be SICK!
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MichaelFarryStudio In reply to borabalbey [2011-07-31 06:55:05 +0000 UTC]
Most welcome!
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MichaelFarryStudio In reply to random16k [2011-07-27 06:09:09 +0000 UTC]
No prob...keep being great at what you do
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