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| Meam-chan
# Statistics
Favourites: 802; Deviations: 409; Watchers: 209
Watching: 192; Pageviews: 37016; Comments Made: 1793; Friends: 192
# Comments
Comments: 212
InsomniaHyena [2014-10-20 22:16:34 +0000 UTC]
Sorry it took me so long! Here ya go! catthecapricorn.deviantart.com…
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InsomniaHyena [2014-10-12 03:40:19 +0000 UTC]
I just read through Deadlocke Machinist and I love it so far! I'll definably have to read Metro-Jack here soon too!
(By the way, I'm the Bobby Fulbright cosplayer from AWA! How are you? )
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Meam-chan In reply to InsomniaHyena [2014-10-12 03:45:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh its youu!! You were so delightful! I'm glad you are enjoying the comics!
def make sure to read MJ on Smackjeeves since I've replaced a lot of early pages there but not on here! www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofi…
I Hope the rest of your AWA was a blast! I had a great time chatting with you ~
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InsomniaHyena In reply to Meam-chan [2014-10-12 03:48:27 +0000 UTC]
Aw! X3 thank you so much! You guys were super awesome to talk to as well!
Thank you so much for letting me chat with you guys! X3
And I certainly will! I'll go check it out over there here soon!
And it was! Thank you, I hope the rest of your AWA was awesome too! Oh! and before I forget, thank you so much again for the print you gave me!
Mind if I draw something for you as a thank you?
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Meam-chan In reply to InsomniaHyena [2014-10-12 04:18:43 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad you enjoyed the print! Oh that would be so sweet! I couldn't say no! Any character you like from either of the comics would be amazing <3 Thank you!
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InsomniaHyena In reply to Meam-chan [2014-10-12 17:04:24 +0000 UTC]
I love it! X3 It's so adorable!
And I'll get to work on it once I get a chance to read over Metro-Jack as well! I'll be sure to let you know once I've gotten it drawn! And no problem!
thank you again for being so awesome!
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NewYorkVash [2014-09-29 02:46:15 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Thank you for the favorite
Please feel free to see my Vash the Stampede collection here: mareklos.deviantart.com/galler…
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HamSamwich [2014-09-01 18:14:19 +0000 UTC]
Hi meam!
Since I last talked to you, I -finally- got caught up on MetroJack and I like it so far :3 I only wish I would have gotten into it sooner so I could have bought prints and stuff at Otakon -n- you wouldn't happen to have an online store, would you?
Also, I was wondering if I could have permission to draw your characters? I've fallen quite madly for the landlord/officer duo and have the urgent need to sketch them during my classes *u* hehe
Hope you're doing well!
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Meam-chan In reply to HamSamwich [2014-09-02 04:49:28 +0000 UTC]
First thank you so much for reading!! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Also I would love it if you drew them! Please just be sure to show me because it makes me flail with joy!
I don't have an online store but if there are any prints you wanted I would be happy to ship them! I even have a few prints with that pairing. I can send you links if you cant find them in my DA gallery or whatevs! Just lemme know
Large prints (11x17ish ) are 15 and small prints are $10 (usually a bit smaller than 8.5x11) and i'd probably just add on a few dollars for shipping .
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HamSamwich In reply to Meam-chan [2014-09-03 00:41:26 +0000 UTC]
Okay, I'll tag your name or something when I get it posted :3
Do you only have specific prints available? The one I liked best was one of the comic pages actually so I figured I would ask beforehand xD but then again, I'm not too picky when it comes to pairing prints *u*
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Meam-chan In reply to HamSamwich [2014-09-03 05:39:53 +0000 UTC]
The strip print?
meam-chan.deviantart.com/art/M… was it this one maybe? i do offer still have this one as a print without the dialogue on it!
I also have these:
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HamSamwich In reply to Meam-chan [2014-09-03 17:53:23 +0000 UTC]
I've seen that print before (my roommate has it on her wall lol) but actually I was talking about this one --> fav.me/d4ialo2
If you don't have that one as a print, that's okay -u- I do like the other prints tho so I totally have to get one once I regain my funds (college books and supplies drains your bank account so hard OTL). Do you take Paypal?
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Meam-chan In reply to HamSamwich [2014-09-07 02:52:11 +0000 UTC]
woops sorry for the slow response!
I don't normally make prints out of that one but I have to do an AWA print run in the next week or so anyway if you don't mind waiting on that one for a bit I can totally have one printed up with the others if thats the one you like the best ! I do take paypal!
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HamSamwich In reply to Meam-chan [2014-09-07 17:06:57 +0000 UTC]
oh, thanks! If it's not too much trouble for you, I can certainly wait as I'm in no rush :3 I do really like that picture in particular so I don't mean to be too picky or anything xD Paypal is my best friend lol and I should have enough to cover the cost for a small print if that's okay with you
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Meam-chan In reply to HamSamwich [2014-09-08 18:49:59 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem! I'll be sure to get a small one done probabbbly by next weekend since awa is 26th. I will let you know as soon as I have it available so I can get your info to ship it out and stuff
my paypal is brandywine1421@aol.com
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HamSamwich In reply to Meam-chan [2014-09-12 21:18:08 +0000 UTC]
oh okay :3 when did you want me to pay? Or did you want to wait until you have the print?
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Meam-chan In reply to HamSamwich [2014-09-13 04:23:00 +0000 UTC]
I'd say wait till I get it! I'll let you know! I wanna make sure the print comes out okay first since I've never printed a version of this one! D:
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HamSamwich In reply to Meam-chan [2014-09-13 14:53:52 +0000 UTC]
oh okay -u- I'll just wait then~
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Meam-chan In reply to HamSamwich [2014-09-22 06:10:40 +0000 UTC]
HI! Just wanted to let you know I wasn't able to do prints this weekend, but I do absolutely have to go before AWA this coming weekend so.. I will let you know asap JUst wanted to keep you up to date.
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Shy-Ghostwriter [2014-06-19 08:52:06 +0000 UTC]
Oh. My. God. I. Finally. Found youuuuuuuuuu *A*
I found your comic while browsing randomly on smackjeeves, and the whole time I was reading, I didn't even realize when I'd made it to the last page. I thought it'd go on forever, but then I saw it's still an ongoing project ;u; Oh god, I loved it SO MUCH that I read it twice don't mind me and my desperation TTwTT and I just thought, "I HAVE to find you *^*", and so here I am.
Sorry about the rambling about your glory, but I just want you to know that you just earned yourself another fan OH, and I took a look at your Deadlocke Machinist comic too, but I'll have to read that tomorrow since it's now 2:30am TTWTT So just, good luck, keep at it, you're amazing, I'll be awaiting the next pages of Metro-Jack, and, and........*dies from excitement* Um, yaaay (TTwTT)/
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Meam-chan In reply to Shy-Ghostwriter [2014-06-24 18:38:27 +0000 UTC]
First of all so sorry I sat on this message for so many days. It''s just so sweet and I may have had to roll around to find a bit of composure to make a response.
I am so happy you found Metro-Jack and that you enjoyed it so much!! You even read it twice wow wow <3 I promise it will be even better when I finish redoing the rest of the pages in the first chapter!
And I am super excited that you are also giving Deadlocke a chance as well! We are still setting up quite a lot of things but it's about to get a lot more interesting in the new few pages :3 I hope you will stick with us!
I hope someday you can come to one of the cons I am tabling at and we can talk in person
This year is a little minimal as its only going to be Otakon and AWA.
You can also find me on Tumblr:
NSFW BLOG: MetroJackOff.tumblr.com (although I havn't updated in awhile D
or just my derp personal blog Meam.tumblr.com
Also there is now a joint Twitter for both comics twitter.com/MetroLocke
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Shy-Ghostwriter In reply to Meam-chan [2014-06-25 04:44:03 +0000 UTC]
*looks dramatically at the sky* Someday, I shall find you in person in a convention.
OH! And I finally got to reading Deadlocke Machinist. It's pretty interesting so far--I can't wait for more :3 (that one flashback page where Roark first sees the lights coming from Wolcott's harp, such a priceless face in my opinion ehehe )
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Meam-chan In reply to Shy-Ghostwriter [2014-06-27 22:21:43 +0000 UTC]
I do hope so! And haha yaay Roark is so distracted by them X3
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6800 In reply to Meam-chan [2014-08-17 03:02:59 +0000 UTC]
You're the oldest person I've ever seen using "X3" ehehe <3
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Meam-chan In reply to 6800 [2014-08-17 04:40:13 +0000 UTC]
Ah, The emoticons of my youth. Like the scent of fresh lemons.
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Lady-Moosh [2014-03-26 09:51:41 +0000 UTC]
-gasps- You're the one who arts Metro-Jack e A e
I love your comic sooooo much, it's one of the very few I keep up with and return to check and I just pfpfpft -falls off chair- I love watching you improve through the pages and ugh, UGH I love how you do facial expressions, you magical person with the magical arting skills.
Anyway lol, love it, even if you do one page teases
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Meam-chan In reply to Lady-Moosh [2014-04-02 05:47:34 +0000 UTC]
Hello yes you have found me! I am so glad you are enjoying Metro-Jack! It makes me so happy! Sorry for always being a tease haha;;;
I hope you'll also check out my other comic (its only a year old and about 28 pages so far, so it's a really quick read and full color OOooOooo )
Deadlocke Machinist: www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofi…
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IronicAlchemist [2013-10-02 23:35:50 +0000 UTC]
I love the Knives/Trigun pic I bought from you in the Artist Alley at AWA. I'm going to put it in its own frame and everything
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Meam-chan In reply to IronicAlchemist [2013-10-13 15:10:42 +0000 UTC]
Ahh Thank you so much! I am extra happy anytime someone buys the Knives Print <3 Darling Darling Knives <3
I'd love to see a pic of him on your wall someday *u*
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IronicAlchemist In reply to Meam-chan [2013-10-14 02:10:53 +0000 UTC]
The pic makes me so happy! Oh he'll be there!
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Wovstah [2013-09-09 00:33:35 +0000 UTC]
Had a dream about you the other night. Hope you're doing well!
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Meam-chan In reply to FenrirDarkWolfe [2013-02-23 00:25:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!!
deviantART muro drawing
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Meam-chan In reply to JustMiri [2013-02-23 00:26:43 +0000 UTC]
thank you i have expressed my feelings below in this terrible self portrait
deviantART muro drawing
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Meam-chan In reply to Demonhoku [2013-02-23 05:24:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes!! i made you some terrible muro drawings
deviantART muro drawing
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