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| MaximoVLorenzo
# Statistics
Favourites: 30708; Deviations: 239; Watchers: 5995
Watching: 2708; Pageviews: 461221; Comments Made: 20047; Friends: 2708
# Comments
Comments: 6114
XxRobotChaoxX [2019-09-24 21:41:24 +0000 UTC]
I agree to your reasons, anime is may be the style of human posture
For most people that anime artstyle could be semi-realistic and Realistic, some anime settings described to be removed by kemono, or others that the anime world known as animated planet earth where real human beings adopted by anime can look more farther than the animation experience.
What do you know when japanese people gets to hate the word kemono known as beast-man, does japan knows that anthropomorphism died from its anime universe?
If so, people challenged to stay human in reality in a anime where a human character portrayed politicaly by japanese men and women by existence of humanity.
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MaximoVLorenzo [2019-09-18 21:13:36 +0000 UTC]
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MaximoVLorenzo [2018-03-12 04:43:02 +0000 UTC]
Hey guys I appreciate all the love and comments even If I don't get back to you, I'm pretty busy so I don't get to check DA very often!
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xSxPxAxMx [2017-07-13 20:45:56 +0000 UTC]
Hey I know you, Weren't you one of the artists mentioned in the Fangamer Earthbound Handbook? Aren't one the one who drew the cop, Captain Strong, Annoying reveler, and many others? If the answer to that question is yes, then did you know any of the other artists in the book such as:
Laura Wilson
Nina Matsumoto
Jonnathan Griffiths
Shawn Witt
Jorge Velez
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MaximoVLorenzo In reply to xSxPxAxMx [2017-08-09 20:19:11 +0000 UTC]
yeeeeeep that was me!
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xSxPxAxMx In reply to MaximoVLorenzo [2017-08-09 21:10:19 +0000 UTC]
OH MY GOD!!! I never thought I would meet one of the artists mentioned in the earthbound handbook! THIS IS SOOOO COOOOL!!!
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deanor1265 [2017-06-16 05:56:05 +0000 UTC]
Hello whats a font to use in your pic ?Β orig02.deviantart.net/2ef1/f/2β¦
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LitanaYasha [2016-11-02 10:45:31 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for your watch! Your gallery is cool!
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KittenLover126 [2016-11-02 01:20:44 +0000 UTC]
love your art, the style you use is amazing.
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PEPPERTODE [2016-05-29 00:33:17 +0000 UTC]
Incredible gallery!
Honored to be watched by someone of your skill!
Thank you very much!
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a-sound-heart [2015-01-04 15:40:32 +0000 UTC]
.....I π your art and those are my two favorite people........ I will love you forever
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a-sound-heart [2015-01-04 15:38:20 +0000 UTC]
.... Will you draw me Simon and kamuna from Guran lagan.... Please....
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Roll-Arimoto [2014-11-11 15:30:54 +0000 UTC]
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OnTheWeb [2014-11-10 00:07:57 +0000 UTC]
I'm the dude who asked for the Wonder-Red commision. Keep up the good, no, excellent work!
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MaximoVLorenzo In reply to OnTheWeb [2014-12-15 14:44:47 +0000 UTC]
Oh thanks man I appreciate that
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N0vaAngel [2014-10-31 07:16:04 +0000 UTC]
YOU'VE BEEN HUGGED!! Huggle huggle <3
for all your amazing work and being the awesome person you are~
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're bad friend
4-6 you're an ok friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10-& Up you're loved =7=
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Lioken7 [2014-09-29 01:30:51 +0000 UTC]
I would like to invite you to join my art book contest that I'm hosting in my group, . The contest is "The Game and the Gamer Contest" and will consist of three separate themes: redesign, games playing games and project yourself. Each theme will have a separate deadline, here are the deadlines: October 25th, November 14th and December 5th. Ultimately, the best entries will be made into an art book. There will be big prizes given to the contest's victor and to the runner ups. Will it be you? Join and submit an entry and we'll find out.
Here's a link to the contest journal:Β fav.me/d80vz9t
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Hyperspectrum [2014-08-23 01:12:33 +0000 UTC]
hiii! I don't know if you remember me but I'm the guy from Otakon who commissioned you and gave you the giftart!
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inthisserenity [2014-08-05 23:15:46 +0000 UTC]
Hey, Β I'm sorry to bother you but could you check out my tumblr and my alternate deviantart account please?
theatrical-works.deviantart.co⦠ <- Deviantart
theatricalworks.tumblr.com/ Β <-Tumblr
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polyvisual [2014-08-01 09:20:09 +0000 UTC]
whoahh hey! thank you for the watch, your stuff is kickass!
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PenBee [2014-07-27 09:55:00 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! I remember your artwork when I was "Kittypaint" and "Spacebunnycomet"! Still cool stuff!-PB
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MaximoVLorenzo In reply to PenBee [2014-07-28 02:43:06 +0000 UTC]
thats who you are?? your worki is looking fantastic
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PenBee In reply to MaximoVLorenzo [2014-07-28 23:06:54 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Your work is still as dynamic and fun looking as ever!-PB
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AvalonStarlight [2014-04-22 06:30:13 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I see you are watching my old account. I have a new one now:Β Β I hope to see you there, thanks for your support!
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Onepiecefan15 [2014-03-26 02:15:29 +0000 UTC]
sorry for the delay of activity on zorocrazies... im on a sonic kick...and i moved...
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SnowbyFerxa [2014-03-15 00:45:14 +0000 UTC]
Great Art.They're all beautiful/well made.
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Fynnik [2014-01-02 18:47:38 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the fave spam, I really like your art.Β
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HellBender93 [2013-12-24 15:53:07 +0000 UTC]
Just wanted to share a pic I drew of one of the monsters you drew for me at Neko Con:
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Kamui85 [2013-12-05 17:45:17 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fave! it means a lot! i love your work!
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MegaBusterArtworks [2013-11-27 16:09:40 +0000 UTC]
I really like what I saw on your page! Great work!
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FiendishBro [2013-11-09 19:16:11 +0000 UTC]
Daaaaang zo.... can I call you zo?
Anyways, Yo gallery is NIIIICCCEEE.
Definitely deserves some fiend support.
Keep up the good work.
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MaximoVLorenzo In reply to FiendishBro [2014-01-16 02:23:13 +0000 UTC]
sure man! thanks!
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HellBender93 [2013-11-03 23:28:10 +0000 UTC]
Hello, this is the guy that had you do all the kaiju commission index cards at Nekocon. Just wanted to stop by and say hi!
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