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| MakotoKei
# Statistics
Favourites: 2344; Deviations: 127; Watchers: 36
Watching: 110; Pageviews: 17861; Comments Made: 1379; Friends: 110
# Comments
Comments: 193
laterdudes [2014-07-05 23:27:28 +0000 UTC]
McWhoops mighta accidentally confused you for someone else. Hit up your mentions - you'll see it!
psst ilu do your best good luck! need a reference in the industry, hit me up!
π: 0 β©: 2
MakotoKei In reply to laterdudes [2014-07-07 12:52:33 +0000 UTC]
After I read your journal and the comments it all came into context.
I was in Melbourne all weekend so online has been a couple of random selfie posts for no reason (not really into selfies but gave it a shot).
ilu too, thanks! and I hope you can get your footing in life cause when you set your mind to something you power through it
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Twiganut [2014-07-05 22:05:06 +0000 UTC]
you never said the sack had a cameo in Sleeping Beauty XD
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MakotoKei In reply to Twiganut [2014-07-07 12:53:26 +0000 UTC]
only the greatest flour sack fangirl could find something like this XD
you're awesome
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Twiganut In reply to MakotoKei [2014-07-07 22:25:19 +0000 UTC]
Next years cosplay - FLOUR SACK ... orΒ possibly Oogie Boogie which is pretty much the same thing!!
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MakotoKei In reply to Twiganut [2014-07-09 02:33:09 +0000 UTC]
If only dA had like buttons XD
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Twiganut In reply to MakotoKei [2014-07-10 21:15:08 +0000 UTC]
nah that would make us too close to facebook!
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MakotoKei In reply to Twiganut [2014-07-14 09:13:35 +0000 UTC]
I think we need a zuko cosplay photo... yeah...
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Twiganut In reply to MakotoKei [2014-07-14 23:10:47 +0000 UTC]
ah Avatar is excellent - I'm still slowing working through my Disney list but some of those costumes look like so much fun!
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MakotoKei In reply to Twiganut [2014-07-16 08:29:23 +0000 UTC]
If I did everything by list we'd be here for a long long time. I just go with what I feel like at the time.
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Twiganut In reply to MakotoKei [2014-07-21 01:13:37 +0000 UTC]
if I didn't have a list I'd be overwhelmed
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Twiganut [2014-06-05 02:53:53 +0000 UTC]
returning the cosplay fave - and I thank you for it! we should make a group for international Disney cosplayers!
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MakotoKei In reply to Twiganut [2014-06-22 22:41:15 +0000 UTC]
we should! that'd be cool
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MakotoKei In reply to Achico-Xion [2013-05-28 04:46:51 +0000 UTC]
you are a pretty rock star!
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AutumnalBlep [2013-02-13 01:50:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the favs, oh great and mighty Cookienort!
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MakotoKei In reply to AutumnalBlep [2013-02-19 10:41:15 +0000 UTC]
um.. you're welcome lol
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AutumnalBlep In reply to MakotoKei [2013-02-23 09:53:38 +0000 UTC]
...and thanks for another one!
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MakotoKei In reply to AutumnalBlep [2013-02-23 10:07:34 +0000 UTC]
hey I helped make it... in fact I made UP THE JOKE
and I just thought of is Nort's symbol is X. So anything in the crosses is his too XD
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AutumnalBlep In reply to MakotoKei [2013-02-24 05:27:16 +0000 UTC]
'Course! I slapped credit to you all over that thing.
So basically he owns EVERYONE anyway, because after all in KH everyone is either Sora or Xehanort. Basically the worlds would have imploded should the two have merged in DDD.
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MakotoKei In reply to AutumnalBlep [2013-02-25 22:53:28 +0000 UTC]
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AutumnalBlep In reply to MakotoKei [2013-02-27 05:46:31 +0000 UTC]
And no freaking kidding. I mean it's bad enough the universe would implode, but anything less than a PS3 couldn't handle that kind of epic, unbelievable destruction and shock.
I swear if we actually get a Soranort he'll be one hell of a boss fight, should it come to that.
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MakotoKei In reply to AutumnalBlep [2013-02-28 02:42:10 +0000 UTC]
If it came to that, I think the boss battle would be a cross over of Riku/Ventus Nightmare (DDD) and Vanitas/Ventas final boss battle
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AutumnalBlep In reply to MakotoKei [2013-02-28 02:53:39 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, some kind of internal struggle too! I mean outwardly if the other heroes have to battle Soranort it would be insane, but after that either Sora has to struggle against Xehanort inside his heart, or someone, probably Riku, has to dive in there again to defeat Xehanort inside of him. I can taste a huge multi-stage fight here...
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MakotoKei In reply to AutumnalBlep [2013-02-28 04:26:58 +0000 UTC]
was kind of what I was meaning XD
Only in the Deep Dive fight Sora and Nort keep merging similar to how Ven and Van did over and over in their deep dive fight.
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AutumnalBlep In reply to MakotoKei [2013-03-02 02:16:43 +0000 UTC]
You know me. I like to clarify things.
OMG that would make it even more epic and trippy. Squeenix better deliever or HEADS ARE GONNA ROLL~
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AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-12 08:33:12 +0000 UTC]
I was the Demyx on Sunday at Supanova~
I got a few photos with you :3
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-12 09:21:30 +0000 UTC]
haha sweet!
You and your group were awesome. I put them in my little montage pics.
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-12 09:37:09 +0000 UTC]
Aw gosh thank you!! I loved your cosplay it was amazing!!
We plan on doing KH again next year for November~ We're hoping to get a massive group for it like they had on Friday with PokΓ©mon
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-12 10:27:38 +0000 UTC]
Haha thanks, I was never too sure but everyone seems to love it. I loved that you got right into it with all the playful facials.
That sounds pretty awesome, I'm not even sure what I'm doing next year. Got a long list of cosplay.
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-12 10:39:29 +0000 UTC]
It was absolutely amazing~ Did you make it yourself or buy it?
I'm all about Playful facials, 'specially since on Saturday I was doing such a serious character~ I've always pictured Demyx to be the "Class Clown" of the Organization, which is shown quite a bit in the games and fan vids/art so I just went off of that~ I'm still working on perfecting my voice for him so that's my goal for him :3
I've also got a huge list!! Next year for me consists of Tekken/Sword Art, Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts and Mortal Kombat!
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-12 10:59:38 +0000 UTC]
Had to buy most of mine, but also had to do a fair number of alterations. I don't get a lot of free time
In the manga he puts a whoopie cusion under Axel's seat, so yeah I think you've got him nailed personality wise :3
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-12 11:14:05 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I know that feeling!~ xD My life for the past 3 years has been School and Cosplay. No spare time at all D:
SCORE! I honestly love characters like Demyx, they're so fun to act out as
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-12 11:25:38 +0000 UTC]
I don't know you well, but I can see you bouncing around a stage as Demyx. Especially with the our FB Cookie convo as a skit.
Yeah mines all work work work. Need a new job.
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-13 07:17:09 +0000 UTC]
The whole reason I even considered cosplaying Demyx was just because we are so alike there is really no acting involved :3 I had a whole bunch of people from my school who watch my cosplays over Facebook and DA and most insisted that I cosplay Demyx which just really made me replay Kingdom Hearts 2 and in the end I decided I would despite how long it took. When I went back to school yesterday I got heaps of comments on how awesome I looked and I was so pleased I matched their expectations {Even passed a few of their expectations also}
What made you cosplay Terra and Terranort?
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-13 10:18:19 +0000 UTC]
Well you did do awesomely.
I originally got the cosplay ready for a friend's bday part back in 2010. I liked the character, but then again I like a lot of hard-luck characters as well as smart assy ones. Since I never got to do it for my friend's party it just kind of sat around for the last two years, finally got all my stuff together and do Terra properly. Then about two weeks before supanova I decided I'd also do Terranort for giggles... didn't realise how popular it would be on Sunday haha.
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-13 11:28:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow~ I didn't expect Demyx to be as popular as it was either, I just figured everyone would be like "aw Yeah, It's a Demyx. Cool" Not "OH MY GOSH Photo?! AND A HUG?!"
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-13 19:30:09 +0000 UTC]
haha cool
everywhere I went I'd hear excited whispers of "Oh my god it's Terra!" Maybe we reminded them of a happier pre-brony time XD
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-14 09:05:51 +0000 UTC]
Oh god yes, All the bronies... it was quite scary D:
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-14 11:08:16 +0000 UTC]
extremely scary D: sooo many bronies... so many raindow dash thingies. It burned.
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-17 09:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Agreed... My eyes... I had to wash them after
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-17 09:59:40 +0000 UTC]
what has been seen cannot be unseen
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-17 10:42:19 +0000 UTC]
maybe this will help, made it for fun [link]
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AmIAPrettyStar In reply to MakotoKei [2012-11-17 12:34:58 +0000 UTC]
My eyes feel much better :3
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MakotoKei In reply to AmIAPrettyStar [2012-11-17 13:10:34 +0000 UTC]
always here to help
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