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| Maka-kun
# Statistics
Favourites: 65; Deviations: 111; Watchers: 18
Watching: 19; Pageviews: 4876; Comments Made: 289; Friends: 19
# Comments
Comments: 45
Maka-kun In reply to MisterGoreMonger [2012-11-08 03:54:10 +0000 UTC]
no problem! They're gorgeous shots!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Valfarre [2011-03-11 07:21:01 +0000 UTC]
lol i love your style of drawing.
and you hair reminds me of Skrillex
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Maka-kun In reply to Valfarre [2011-03-12 02:22:59 +0000 UTC]
You havw no idea how much this comment made my day! Thank you SO much! <3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Valfarre In reply to Maka-kun [2011-03-12 06:48:43 +0000 UTC]
yep yep ~_o
i now know that i have some purpose in the world
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Maka-kun In reply to ValkyrHerald [2010-09-22 19:16:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks!! I really appreciate it!!
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Maka-kun In reply to LonelyAgain1 [2010-05-13 17:42:40 +0000 UTC]
Actually I didn't. So now I'm bothered by the fact I commented. >.< But that you for telling me.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Maka-kun In reply to Akichan1001 [2009-12-24 01:39:23 +0000 UTC]
I dunno. I was in a Star Trek mood XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AZSniperFox [2009-09-22 13:37:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the on [link] it is very appreciated!!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
AZSniperFox In reply to Maka-kun [2009-03-10 23:33:33 +0000 UTC]
It makes me feel good when friends from Twitter add me on DA.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Maka-kun In reply to AZSniperFox [2009-03-10 23:38:17 +0000 UTC]
XD. I don't blame you. I Squeeled when I found out somebody fav'd my kat drawing.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AZSniperFox In reply to Maka-kun [2009-03-10 23:45:52 +0000 UTC]
That's always awesome. Twitter has been a nice way to pimp my DA page.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
VeganZombie [2008-09-13 23:25:30 +0000 UTC]
So that puppy in you gallery? Is adorable. I JUST re-found your page XD I think I'll watch you, 'cause man, I'm lame enough i'll forget where you are again XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Maka-kun In reply to VeganZombie [2008-09-16 17:53:44 +0000 UTC]
haha that's funny. I've actually got you on my friends list. And yes, that puppy IS adorable. XD I REALLY should start drawing again...
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Maka-kun In reply to keylaleigh [2007-04-08 02:52:49 +0000 UTC]
Aha sorry I didn't reply sooner. But sure! I'd love to do a reguest for you!! Just pm me with whatever you want me to draw. ^_^
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Won-Won [2006-04-22 23:55:48 +0000 UTC]
Did you know that I forgot my old deviantart S/N (I havn't been on in forever) so I made a new one just to comment you XD
my other friend Susan will be so happy too!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Maka-kun In reply to Won-Won [2006-04-25 19:56:23 +0000 UTC]
YAY! now you must post art-ness so i can gawk at it!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
rip318 [2003-10-15 19:30:11 +0000 UTC]
WOAH!! 0.o ........ >.> ....... <.<.......
Your interests are..like..practically the same as mine!! Hee- hee-hee!! ^_^
And for that, you are very cool. Woo!
By the way, you don't suck at drawing, so don't put yourself down like that, okay?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Maka-kun In reply to rip318 [2003-10-16 21:43:40 +0000 UTC]
Yay! Another person with my exquisit tastes! Heh ^^; thanks for the comment. Actually no...I can draw heads pretty good..the rest of the body...>.< eeewie. lol
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Maka-kun [2003-10-15 01:11:07 +0000 UTC]
So does this mean that I'm your slave or something? lol
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
eblade [2003-10-14 23:03:47 +0000 UTC]
what, no comments!!! pah!! well, I've found you, so I get to keep you!!
I love that Kanya picture...now, let me go comment!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0