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MajinNeda ♀️ [14739914] [2010-08-19 08:23:50 +0000 UTC] "Nostalgia hurts." (United States)

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Favourites: 18433; Deviations: 358; Watchers: 489

Watching: 607; Pageviews: 68753; Comments Made: 9804; Friends: 607

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Favorite movies: The Matrix, T2:Judgement Day, KICK-ASS, Fight Club, The Island, Jurassic Park, The Mummy, Resident Evil series, Pokemon First Movie...
Favorite TV shows: Avatar:The Last Airbender, Dragonball Z, Scrubs, Psych, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Fellmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood, Lost, Prisonbreak, How I Met Your Mother...
Favorite bands / musical artists: MUSE
Favorite books: Harry Potter series, Jurassic Park/The Lost World, Sookie Stackhouse Series, Hunger Games Trilogy...
Favorite games: Portal/Portal 2, Bioshock/Infinite, Mortal Kombat, Black Ops 2, Tomb Raider....
Favorite gaming platform: PC/360

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# Comments

Comments: 1012

paintmarvels [2020-02-24 12:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Happy B- Day my dear friend!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to paintmarvels [2020-04-18 07:05:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Heart-of-Moons [2020-02-23 21:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Just in case I'm not on dA tomorrow, happy birthday, Neda!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to Heart-of-Moons [2020-04-18 07:06:30 +0000 UTC]

I'm soooo late, to this, sorry! But thank you!!! You're so sweet! Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Anonnim [2019-01-02 13:52:09 +0000 UTC]

Hi! Do you take request?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to Anonnim [2019-01-03 06:43:48 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, no. I do take paid commissions.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Hrodwulf123 [2018-02-24 12:14:27 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to Hrodwulf123 [2018-02-24 17:06:39 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thank you!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

lemos839 [2017-03-01 21:00:57 +0000 UTC]

Hi! I need the link of your blog but I cant find by my phone.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to lemos839 [2017-03-01 23:24:12 +0000 UTC]

Do you mean my tumblr blog?

Here it is:Β 


EDIT: Oh, it seems you've already found it and followed me! I'm glad you found it, thanks for the follow!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

lemos839 In reply to MajinNeda [2017-03-02 12:17:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜
Do you use to post vegebul stuff?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to lemos839 [2017-03-02 17:07:06 +0000 UTC]

I used to post VegeBul more often than I do now. I did post one a few months ago and will probably post more in the future, but I have other drawings I like to do as well.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

lemos839 In reply to MajinNeda [2017-03-02 21:19:32 +0000 UTC]

OK. Nice. Thank u for your answer.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Hrodwulf123 [2017-02-24 22:32:25 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to Hrodwulf123 [2017-02-24 23:08:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

RainbowRenders [2016-09-16 21:09:48 +0000 UTC]

Not a Bioware fan?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to RainbowRenders [2016-09-19 06:51:36 +0000 UTC]

I most certainly am!

P.S. Love your username!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowRenders In reply to MajinNeda [2016-09-19 07:39:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

I invited you to a bioware art group

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

eight8eight8 [2016-08-24 20:23:37 +0000 UTC]

Hello my friend! ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to eight8eight8 [2016-08-24 21:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Hey! Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

manokmetz [2016-05-30 09:14:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch (ο½₯ο½ͺ-)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to manokmetz [2016-05-30 09:32:37 +0000 UTC]

It's my pleasure, I love your DBZ art! Keep up the great work!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

GorillaSketch [2016-05-27 14:39:44 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fav

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

olivegbg [2016-03-12 18:19:52 +0000 UTC]

Many thanks for adding my images to your favorites!Β  Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

FirstDarkAngel2001 [2016-02-24 21:28:34 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday, hun.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to FirstDarkAngel2001 [2016-02-24 21:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness, thank you so much!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

princessarien [2015-12-31 23:20:46 +0000 UTC]

So, our family got an Xbox1 for Christmas.....can you guess what game I have now and started last night? If your first guess is Dragon Age: Inquistion, then you'd be right Didn't get very far though (since my brothers wanted to go to bed, and both Xboxes are in their room :/ meh), only as far as creating my Inquisitor and then to the first bit of actual gameplay when you can save after the first cutscene...I'm looking forward to when I get the chance to play again.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-01 00:42:17 +0000 UTC]

Ohhhh I'm SO excited for you! It's been so long since we've spoken! I'm very happy you're finally going to play! You must tell me everything! What is the race, gender, and class of your Inquisitor? What do they look like? oaifhw;klefb;sdoihgw;kjefbkj;webf This is so exciting!!! You have a long way to go, but don't forget to play the Trespasser DLC for a proper epilogue!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-01 05:36:31 +0000 UTC]

Female Elf, I was originally going to do a Qunari...but I wound up not really like the customization options they had :/ So I went with a female Elf mage. And surprisingly, the character actually wound up looking pretty good, usually I'm rather dissatisfied with how my characters wind up looking, but this time she wound up turning out rather well, which pleases me As to what she looks like, she has really light yellow-gold eyes and sort of a coppery brown hair color....can't remember what vallaslin I gave her though :/ i want to say it's either the one corresponding to the Elven deity Sylaise or Falon'Din....I'm pretty sure it's Sylaise though >_>
I'm going to get all of the DLC at some point Trespasser is top of the list...going to be quite a while before I get there though since I barely seem to have the time to play video games anymore thanks to work :/ But I'll definitely be getting Trespasser when the time comes.
Now you get to be my guide on the really tough decisions like I did for you with ME2's Suicide Mission Though Inquisition probably won't be as "Guide Dang It" as the Suicide Mission was...I'm not sure who I'll wind up romancing, 'cause I really like Solas so far....but he's also the Dread Wolf, and his plans to put the Elves back into their position of ancient glory can't be good for the rest of Thedas in the long run...so romance with him I'm sure would only ultimately wind up in tragedy, and while I'm sometimes a sucker for a good bit of romantic drama...I don't really want a tragic ending :/ Blackwall is the other guy I'm leaning towards, but I dunno, there are so many good choices...oh well, I guess I can cross that bridge when I finally get there XD

So far though I'm liking how much of an open world Inquistion is than the others, it kind of feels like Skyrim with extra party members XD I only wish I could move around more when I was attacking, those Fade monster have gotten too close to my Inquisitor for comfort quite a few times during the mission to stabilize the Breach...it'd be great if I could retreat or move back as I attacked them...and I really want the awesome helmet the Inquistor is always wearing in all of the trailers and on the cover of the box XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-01 06:40:55 +0000 UTC]

Nice, nice, I also had a female mage Lavellan.Β 

Oohh, I never see Inquisitors with the Sylaise vallaslin!Β 

Take your time with the game! There's no need to rush (that I know of)!Β 

Hahaha there's really no guiding I can give you with Inquisition. It all just depends on whose side you want to be one. Just do every character's personal quests. And do Halamshiral before Here Lies the Abyss (not really important, just depends on a character).Β 

Noooooooo I hate that you know everything about Solas!Β 

The only love interests you can't romance as a female elf are Cassandra and Dorian, so you have plenty to choose from. Blackwall is quite charming and I enjoyed flirting with him at the beginning of the game, but I just wasn't attracted to him; he's too boring for me.Β 

I thought Inquisition felt like Skyrim when I first played it as well. The open-world feeling is actually one of the reason Inquisition is my least favorite of the 3, haha. I just really prefer linear games. I don't like exploring.Β 

Yeah, I enjoyed DA2's combat mechanics the best.

You have to fight a high dragon for the Helm of the Inquisitor.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-01 07:56:26 +0000 UTC]

I'l probably do a Qunari mage on another playthrough sometime...I like pissing off people by being everything they fear XD haha, being an Elf or Qunari mage certainly is reason for most of the Chantry characters to not like and be suspicious of me

I thought it was the one that looked the prettiest, and wouldn't be very distracting...too often I've found the vallaslin really distracting to look at when I encounter Dalish characters XD At least the Elves don't look really disturbing anymore in Inquisition. It wasn't ever really that bad in Dragon Age 2, but the way they did the faces for the Elves in that, it always wound up looking more than a little creepy to me, definitely ventured into the Trope known as the Uncanny Valley.

I'm certainly not in any rush......it's going to probably take me at least a year to beat this though at the rate I'm going with exploring almost every single nook and cranny and trying to do a lot of the quests XD And I have to say, I really frigging hate bears! D: I've met more than my fair share of them exploring the Hinterlands tonight....and most of those encounters consisted of me running for my life and the whole party being wiped Bears are bad news....at least at my current level....

Well, I usually make sure to do any side quests or character recruitment quests that show up before I attempt to move on with the main storyline, I've had too many games where if you go on with the main story you lose out on certain side-quests or characters, so I always make sure to get every side thing done, no matter how important it might or might not be.

It does kind of stink knowing a lot of stuff that I do in advance...but there's still a whole lot I don't know, so I'm sure there will still be plenty of surprises left for me to uncover.

That's always one of the things I love most about Dragon Age, the fact that all of the characters are so awesome...I just love 'em all. While not all of the potential romances appeal to me, there hasn't really been a single bad character as a romance in my opinion. I'm really looking forward to getting to know Inquistion's cast, especially when I'll have more characters available to me than just Cassandra, Varric, and Solas....I need more melee characters XD Varric, Solas, and I keep getting swarmed with just Cassandra to draw and occupy melee fighters.

I kinda like and don't like it at the same time. I do enjoy exploration a lot in games, but I also tend to wind up feeling overwhelmed when it's as open world as Skyrim and Inquistion are...I think from the small taste for the game I've had so far, Inquistion just might take away Origins position as my favorite Dragon Age game, or at least sit up there at the top with it.

*grumbles*......figures, stupid dragons, always hoarding the coolest loot for themselves and keeping it away from us.........*sigh* undoubtedly going to be a tough fight too, I hope it won't be nearly as much of a pain in the neck as that High Dragon lurking in the Bone Pit in Dragon Age 2 was, that thing was a nightmare to fight and I only just barely killed it. Merill was my only party member left and even she was just hanging on by the barest slivers of life when I finally killed it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-01 08:29:12 +0000 UTC]

Do you mean the elf nose bridges? I LOVE the concept of the nose bridges. Inquisition improved upon them by making each elf have their own unique nose while still maintaining the bridge so they didn't all look the same like in 2.Β 

Whoa. A year is a long time. I could never imagine taking a whole year on a game. Are you serious?

You know, bears are infamous in Inquisition. A lot of people had problems with them but I really didn't encounter that many. They are unusually strong though.

Inquisition's characters are great, but I don't love them as much as 2's. I mean, I have my favorites in Inquisition, even have a default party that I just can't seem to change, but some of the characters just don't interest me enough whereas 2's characters were all super lovable. I guess it feels more like Origins again.Β 

Oh, wow! You already like Inquisition that much?Β 

UUUUUUGH don't remind me of the Bone Pit dragon. That's the ONLY dragon I fought in the entire series that I didn't NEED to fight for a main quest. The word "dragon" is in the name of the games but I avoided fighting dragons at all costs haha.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-01 09:03:44 +0000 UTC]

Nah, not that, I'm not really sure what it was to be honest, but just something about the Elves' transition from Origins to Dragon Age II they wound up looking kind of creepy...I don't really have the words to explain it that much...Inquistion is definitely a lot better in how the Elves look. It's a much better execution of whatever they were trying to do with them in Dragon Age II, 'cause I can definitely see the similarities, the nose bridge you mentioned being one of them and (in my opinions) being kind of sharper of feature in general, humans heads seem to be more rounded than the Elve's do.

Yeah, though not really by choice. I don't live in the same room as the Xbox anymore (it's in my brother's room, which used to be mine), so I can't stay up late playing it like I used, and also the fact that I work fulltime with a 40 hour work week pretty much every week...so yeah, I'm expecting Inquistion to take me quite a long time to beat, especially if I wind up doing a whole bunch of sidequests and whatnot in each are you can unlock and explore. A year might be a tiny of an exaggeration...but I'm definitely not going to get through it quickly or any time soon.

I didn't know that, but it wouldn't surprise me I probably just got unlucky, all those bears were right back to back with each other too, so yeah, definitely a stroke of bad luck. I don't think it's normal to run across three-four bears all right after each other XD

Well, I haven't really met too many of them yet, so can't really judge, haha XD I'll definitely let you know what I think of them all as I encounter them and once I've completed the game. I think my favorite characters are probably the old gang from Origins, and I doubt any future Dragon Age games will topple that. With 2 I only kind of wound up really liking a few of them, I did like them all, but only a handful really stuck with me. Like I adored Merill, she was just too cute and innocent for her own good XD And who couldn't love Varric? Speaking of Dragon Age 2's characters, I really wish you'd been allowed to choose which of the Hawke twins survived in the actual story rather than having it tied to Hawke's class :/ 'Cause I like Bethany a whole lot more than I do Carver, but I like playing the mage classes the most. It was the class for my first playthrough when I started the series, and I've really been in love with the class ever since, nothing better than freezing your enemies with a good blast of ice and then shattering them, or burning them to a crisp with a fireball XD

I'd say so, a few minor quibbles here and there, mainly to do with the combat, but so far I definitely think so. We'll see if I keep that initial impression to the end and after the shine of a new a game wears off, but yeah, right now it's definitely right up there with Origins.

I can see why you would.....battling dragons has always been a royal pain in the ass >_> I actually had to bump the difficulty down to the lowest setting when I fought Flemeth, and she was still really, really hard...and I think I did the same with the Bone Pit dragon too, and I know that one was next to impossible, it took me several hours to beat that one. And I never actually did officially beat the Archdemon in Origins Though that was more because my game glitched and would always freeze midway through the battle so I could never finish it. I just wound up giving up on it and moving forward to Dragon Age 2 anyways.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-01 09:52:19 +0000 UTC]

Heh. Sounds like you'reΒ talking about the nose bridges. XD

Damn, that sucks. But you really do have time now, since you already know the major spoiler and don't have to rush to avoid it.Β 

I don't know, man, I've heard bear horror stories.

Yessss, yes please tell me your thoughts on each character once you get to know them. My favorite character in the whole Dragon Age series is Dorina Pavus. He's ALMOST perfect. He just says one really stupid thing.Β 

Yeah, I definitely had my favorite characters out of the Kirkwall crew, but they were all pretty great. Especially with their banters. I wish I recruited all the companions in Origins.

It would be a pretty horrible implication if you could actually choose which of Hawk'es siblings survived...because that means Hawke actually had to choose to save one over the other. That would definitely add shit to the family drama hahaha. And yeah, I've only everplayed as a mage haha. I do enjoy my fireballs.

Ohhh wow. I think I remember you telling me that before. So how would your game have ended in Origins? Did you make Alistair king?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-01 10:14:53 +0000 UTC]

Maybe All I know is that the Elves kind of creeped out in 2 and now they no longer do so in Inquisition XD

Haha, yeah, everyone's long gotten Inquistion out of their systems, not very likely to stumble across spoilers now unless I actually go looking for them.

I can imagine, they were quite brutal, they pretty much one-hit killed me with no prior sustained damaged >_>

I'm really looking forward to meeting them all, 'cause they all sound like such a fun bunch. Iron Bull is one of the ones I'm really looking forward to recruiting, he seems pretty cool, but like I said, they all do, so that's not saying too much XD It'll be good to have a Qunari companion again, even if it's not really Sten...Sten was so awesome, and it was fun learning about the Qun from him, even if in a whole lot of respects I find the Qun a fairly intolerable way of living, especially if you're a mage...I'd much rather take the Templars and the Chantry over the Qun and the Qunari. But yeah, Dorian is also someone I've been looking forward to meeting and learning more about, especially since he's from Tevinter. Pretty much the first Tevinter mage who's actually on your side and not a potential enemy out to kill you XD

All the banter is always the best part of Dragon Age, I love just wandering around listening to my companions bickering with each other or acting like family...Morrigan and Alistair had some of the best banter though with all of their teasing and sniping at each other XD Though Morrigan just tended to have rather humorous banter with everyone to begin with I'm glad she's back again in Inquistion.

Heh, yeah, as if poor Hawke didn't already have enough shit in their life and angsty drama I think I would have preferred it though, would have made the death of the other Hawke twin more meaningful and have more of an impact I think, especially on future playthroughs if one decided to make a different choice and go save the other one....I think that's one of those times where drama and tragedy would serve to help improve or build on the story. A lot of the time things like that feel like they're added just to create wangst and for no other reason than trying to punch the audience in the feels.
I first played the mage because I've always liked that kind of role and ability in games, and one of the main reasons I've stuck with it besides liking how it plays is the whole position of mages in the series....something about playing as the scrappy underdog that everyone hates is more fun, especially when you can give them even more of a reason to hate you by playing as an Elf XD ...sometimes I think I'm too mean to the characters I play as by giving them hard roles, hehe An Elf would probably at least have it easier than a Qunari would...

Mhm, Alistair was elected king in the Landsmeet, I can't remember if Anora was ruling as Alistair's consort though, or if she had whatever ending happens to her if don't take that specific path >_> I do know that the Warden remained as Alistair's mistress (couldn't marry him or become queen since I chose the Elf mage origin)....whatever else wound up happening in regards to his marital status. And the Warden was alive and well since Alistair had the Old God Baby with Morrigan (since Morrigan shows up again in Inquistion, I can only assume the OGB would as well, did Bioware finally give a name and gender to the tyke?)...much to his protests Even though it means both of them survive, I still always feel a little bad about making Alistair doing that, especially if a female Warden is romancing him...but yeah, basically my save-state going into Dragon Age 2, and by extension Inquistion, is basically my game as it would have progressed if I'd actually officially completed the game and killed Urthemiel.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-01 10:52:04 +0000 UTC]

The Iron Bull is a fan favorite but I actually don't really care for him. He's cool but he doesn't stand out to me, personally.Β 

Party banter is one of my favorite things about Dragon Age. Inquisition felt like it had less banter, but the ones it did have were good and sometimes quite meaningful. And, of course, sometimes funny.Β 

Eh, the reason they did that with the Hawke twins was just to even out the classes. It's quite clever, actually. Just sucks that you won't be able to get to know the other twin. I've heard good things about Bethany, but never got to know her.

Hahaha I remember when I was playing Origins, my Warden was a female mage elf. Like, how much more discriminated can you get? I started out the game knowing nothing about the lore, so I was repeatedly surprised by how shit on she was for being either an elf or a mage. The Inquisitor gets shit on too, but it didn't feel as bad.Β 

Ohhh good, good. You gave Alistair a good fate. You won't get there for a loooong time, but talk to me once you've done Here Lies the Abyss.Β 

Regarding Morrigan's Old God Baby...just wait a see. ;D

And yeah, having romanced Alistair and being for to watch the sex cutscene between him and Morrigan was actual torture for me.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-03 04:48:13 +0000 UTC]

Speaking of the characters though, is there any way to look up in the game what their approval rating of you is? 'Cause I'm kind of worried about pissing off Solas, even if I don't choose him as the romance for my Inquisitor, I still want to be friends with him...the dialogue options I wound up picking when talking to him about the Elves and got quite a few "Solas slightly dissaproves/dissaproves" :/ The tone and what the Inquistor wound up saying really weren't at all like what the preview options made them out to be >_>

All of the character interactions are the best thing about every Bioware game, no matter what game it is, the characters are always so good. I'm glad Dragon Age has kept all of the randomly triggered party banter that crops up...that's one of the things I really hated as Mass Effect went on :/ That they sort of dropped the stuff like the elevator conversations and random party banter...

I guess so, but really the classes are uneven whether they did that or not Hawke always creates an imbalance in the number of a specific kind of class you have and brings the number up to three of that specific class (and if you have the DLC with Sebastian in it, then four if you're playing a Rogue Hawke ), and then Bethany or Carver makes it three Mages or three Warriors, respectively. Out of the three playthroughs of Dragon Age II I've done so far, two of them have been with the Rogue class, both because I like how it plays in 2, but also because I like Bethany more than Carver He's too broody for me...we don't need two Fenris's XD Whichever sibling I wind up having as a party member though, I always send them to the Gray Wardens...no brother of mine is ever going to be a Templar if I can help it! And I'm especially not going to let my sister get shipped off to a Circle that's even more of a prison than all of the rest in Thedas and where the Knight Commander was already batshit crazy without ever having touched the Red Lyrium Idol...though speaking of Hawke, what sort of personality did you play out for him/her? My Hawkes always wind up being snarky, sarcastic, and always making light of even the most inappropriate moments XD

Only by being a Qunari mage XD Everyone will at least grudgingly put up with an Elf...a Qunari though, heh...I can't remember whether I knew it was the mages or the Elves who were looked down on, but I do remember that I knew one of those two before I ever started the series...still chose both options anyways for my first playthrough of Origins, haha. Yeah, the Inquisitor has the whole "Herald of Andraste" thing going on for them...plus the fact that, you know, they lead the Inquisition And inquisitions are always scary things, even when they are a force for good...and you can never expect them, especially Spanish ones

Of course I did, he's Alistair, he deserves his happy ending...even if he didn't really want to be king at first XD Though speaking of Alistair, do they hint or mention in the game at all that Fiona is his mother? 'Cause I know Fiona shows up in the game at one point...you know, I really want the two of them to meet, even if Alistair never finds out that she's his mother Hehe, now that I think about it, my first playthrough of the game is fairly ironic given who Alistair's mother is, like father like son
I think I might know already which quest that is, but I'll definitely let you know when I get there.

Well, all I asked was if he/she was in the game at all and if we had a name besides Old God Baby yet to go with them XD

Yeeeeaaaah, I can't watch that scene at all >_> It's just so, ugh, especially since Alistair looks so freaked out and put-off the whole entire scene...I honestly can't really imagine what it'd be like for either Alistair or the Warden to go through that, it already feels plenty painful as the player....I have to imagine that they both probably would have gone through a rough-patch after that. I mean, sure, Alistair would probably be happy that they both lived, but yeah, I highly doubt things would be all hunky-dory between them after the Battle of Denerim...things would probably be a bit tense and/or awkward for at least a little while after that.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-03 10:05:17 +0000 UTC]

From what I've gathered with my two playthroughs of Inquisition, approval really has no big affect. Unless you're a total dick haha. The only way to really get high disapproval from a companion is to blatantly, and intentionally offend them, or just do bad things. And, if it helps, Solas loves it when you ask him questions. Seriously, every time you ask him anything his approval will increase haha. You just have to show interest in what he has to say.Β 

Man, I wish I got those elevator conversations in ME1. For some reason, they were always silent in my playthrough. I did like the conversations areound in Normandy in ME3.

Yea, that's true, Hawke really did always cause an imbalance in classes. Heh...Carver ended up a templar in my playthrough because I didn't like having him in my party so I didn't bother taking him to the Deep Roads. Oh yeah, I totally went Purple Hawke. I can't imagine playing it any other way. It's WAY TOO FUN!Β 

Monty Python reference, I see what you did there.Β 

I don't want to spoil anything in Inquisition about Fiona being Alistair's mother...but yes. There is at least hinting.Β 

I don't know if I should say anything about Morrigan's Old God Baby...spoilers!

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princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-04 05:40:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure it probably has some sort of impact somewhere XD But good to know that I don't really have to worry about it as much. And yeah, I rather quickly figured that out about Solas, hehe, pretty much everything I did in that first conversation netted approval from him except for that minor bit of flubbing it up when it came to talking about the Dalish...I shouldn't have too much trouble getting approval from Solas since I naturally tend to explore every conversation option I can with characters and ask them everything I possibly can...no matter how reluctant they are to talk about it And I'll especially be doing all of that with Solas, both becaus he's interesting, and because it's a good way to learn about the Elves...what better source can you get than the Dread Wolf himself?

I tend to not get them very often either :/ More often I get those advertisements that leadΒ  side-quests or the follow-up broadcasts you get upon the completion of the side-quest...and yeah, the random conversations all over the Normandy were a great addition, I wouldn't say it more than made up for the lack of elevator conversations, but still it was a nice bit of compensation. Though they did include an elevator conversation in the Citadel DLC, one of the highlights of that particular DLC for me, especially if you happen to be bringing old squadmates from the first game along as your party, they'll even mention the old elevator conversations depending on who you brought along .....it's a shame that only Garrus and I seem to miss them though, all of the other old party members seems to have hated them, especially Tali, haha, she keeps threatening people with her shotgun if they bring up up.

Heh, I felt much the same about Carver XD I didn't mind missing him for than half the game, I just didn't find him all that interesting, and I feel like Aveline and Fenris had the whole Warrior thing covered much better all ready. Bethany was both more interesting and felt much more useful.
Silly Hawke is best Hawke There are so many good lines that way too, and I loved how all of your party members just seemed to face-palm at all of Hawke's antics and were like "can't you just take anything seriously for once in your life?", especially Aveline XD She always seem fairly put-out by Purple Hawkes.

Indeed I did, because Monty Python is awesome...and hilarious
And yay, good to know that stuff from the books isn't left out or too neglected in the games. I kind of figured that at least something would get put in since they mentioned Lord Seeker Lambert when you do that fist story mission in Orlais.

Well, there'd certainly be a lot less spoilers about Morrigan's kid if I heard anything from you than there would be if I tried to look it up myself I'd have probably done that myself if I wasn't so afraid of spoiling something potentially big, which I'm sure there probably would be seeing as it's the Old God Baby...

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MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-04 06:59:03 +0000 UTC]

Basically everyone gets disapproval when discussing the Dalish with Solas because he's a jackass when it comes to them.Β 

I just loved that Fenris would usually chuckle at Purple Hawke's lame jokes.Β 

I thin kit would just me more exciting for you to see for yourself instead of having me spoil it for you!

Ugh. I'm playing The Witcher now (the first one), and it's exhausting and treats its women like shit. I feel like it had so much potential too. I'm forcing my way through because I bought the trilogy on sale. I'm just hoping they get better with each new one. Have you played them?

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princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-06 02:37:58 +0000 UTC]

Hehe yeah, he did seem kind of like he was a bit of a prick toward the Dalish and overly prickly when talking about them Though the whole entire conversation itself took on a mutually aggressive tone completely by accident due to one of the dialogue tree options I chose somewhere along the line...I kinda wish things were more clearly marked like Dragon Age 2 :/ That was one of the better things about that game, that you had a much better idea what you were getting into with the dialogue even with the most minor conversations.

It's been a while since I've actually played 2, so I don't remember that But Fenris is cool, usually broody characters don't really pique my interest too much, but Fenris is an exception to that, probably because there's more of a reason for him to be fairly broody than others, and he's much more than his moods and isn't defined by them One of the things I really liked was how for the grand finale of the third act he's all set to join the Templars in their mad crusade to purge Kirkwall's Circle, and then you can point out that Mages are essentially little more than slaves and then he's just like "uh...um, hm, point taken" and comes right back to your side XD

Uuugh, fiiiiine

I haven't actually played that series yet, I got the first two over Thanksgiving/Black Friday due to them being pretty cheap, but that was for the PC, and since my PC is a real piece of junk and can barely play anything....no, I haven't played it yet. I know the Witcher 2 and 3 are for at least the Xbox 360 and Xbox1, but did the first one ever make it to consoles? 'Cause that'd probably be the only way I'd be able to play any of them any time soon. I'll probably get into it at some point.

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MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-06 04:21:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh, man you don't remember? Whenever Hawke was flirty with Fenris or joked around he'd often chuckle in response. I probably payed more attention to Fenris since I was romancing him. He has one of the best sense of humors out of the companions, because he laughs at lewd things Isabela says and things Varric talks about too. The fandom seems to misrepresent Fenris' personality, making him much more grumpy that his canon. Everybody thinks he's grupy, when he's broody, as you've mentioned. Yeah, he's a really great character.

I just looked it up and I think the first Witcher is only available on PC. It's so disappointing. I really hope it gets better with the second one. The 3rd one is probably pretty good since it won Game of the Year...but it didn't have much competition. =/

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princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-06 06:03:15 +0000 UTC]

No, unfortunately, I've forgotten a lot of the littler things like that about DA 2, I think it's been at least two years since I played it last >_> Heh, I romanced Anders I'll probably pick Fenris next time I do a playthrough. Though speaking of Anders and Fenris....with all of their petty squabbling, honestly I just want to turn around and smack them upside the head half the time XD .....either that or lock them in a room with each other until they sort out their differences...though on second thought, that's probably a terrible idea as they'd likely only wind up killing each other, even if I locked them up with no weapons or improvised weaponry of any kind What'd you think of Anders blowing up the Chantry in DA 2? And did you let him live? My feelings on his actions are kind of mixed, on one level, I kind of agree with him, something shocking needed to happen to upset the status quo and provoke the change that was desperately needed.....but at the same time, I can't do anything but condemn it...I love games that actually provoke you into thinking and creating complex mixes of emotions like this.

Oh and by the way, on the Inquisition front, I've recruited Vivian now....my feelings are very mixed. While I like her spunk a lot, at the same time, she's kind of an example of everything I hate about how the Chantry is run and how it handles mages in particular >_> I feel like I really don't agree with her on anything at all...beyond that order must be restored...I'm certainly going to be doing everything I possibly can to keep her from becoming the new Divine at the end. Leliana is who I want, but I'd probably settle for Cassandra if I had to, she sort of seems to be the middle ground. Vivienne seems to be pretty much completely preserving the Chantry and the status-quo from before the Mage-Templar War as much as possible, whereas Leliana seems to be all about completely upending everything the Chantry currently is and rebuilding it all from the ground up, and then Cassandra kind of falls into the middle between the two...oh, you know who I'd have seriously considered a good choice for Divine and kind of wish had been an option? Mother Giselle. The more I talk to her, the more I feel like she's everything the Chantry is supposed to be and should be....on just about every issue too!

I should see if it'll actually run decently on my computer then, it probably will, because it is pretty old I think? If it's older or around the same age as Dragon Age: Origins, then it will probably work, since said game ran fine when I tried playing it on the PC. I hope it does get better for you, there's nothing quite so disappointing as buying something only to find out you don't really like it :/

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MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-06 07:08:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yeah I can understand forgetting stuff then. Haha I actually love how Anders and Fenris don't get along. It's realistic to have some people just NOt be friends. Makes the characters feel more real.Β 

I thought it was super interesting that he blew up the chantry. It didn't bother me as much as it bothers some fans, because it's a videogame...I do think it was wrong, but I also understand that he needed to do SOMETHING to finally get things rolling. I think his action is the one truly morally gray thing in Dragon Age. I let him live, mostly because I needed a healer haha, and also because it felt wrong to kill off a companion. Plus, he was a friend of my Hawke, and I don't think you can decide to kill a friend so quickly, even if they did do something so horrible.Β 

Most people disagree with Vivienne, just as I do. But she's actually a really great character and not a bad person. She's definitely not one of my favorite characters, not interesting enough for me. But she has some banter with party members that makes you really respect her, though I never had her in my party haha. And I think VERY few people had her become the Divine. Basically the only way to choose the Divine to to agree with the character's decisions and tell them you support them. Mother Giselle...she's not horrible. She's actually quite a good person. But I dislike her because of how she treated my favorite character. You'll see later. A lot of people share my feelings on the matter.Β 

Even if you had a good gaming computer (as I do), Witcher will probably crash or freeze occasionally. It's happened a few times for me and pisses me off because I don't feel comfortable doing a force-shutdown on my new laptop.Β 

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princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-07 07:41:00 +0000 UTC]

I really need to go back and replay the other two games...especially now that I have all of the DLC for Origins and the Awakening expansion...
And yeah, even though I want to bash their heads together plenty of times, it's something I enjoy about Fenris' and Ander's interactions for its realism.

Yeah, it never really bothered me too much either. It's something that I would never say was justified, but that it was kind of necessary....though I feel like that isn't really the right word or description >_> I feel like things probably would have never changed without something drastic like that to light the powder keg. I'm sure something would have happened sooner or later to spark a rebellion amongst the mages, but I don't think it would have ultimately been as successful as it was or lasted as long as it did and been as potentially devastating as it was without Anders blowing up the Chantry.
That's for sure, I know I certainly wouldn't kill Anders if I was in Hawke's shoes, at worst, the most I'd do is probably send them away from me and tell them I don't want to see them again for a good long while.

Oh no, I certainly haven't thought she was a bad person, not at all. Even though I haven't seen very much of her at all yet, I can say that she's a pretty good person (well, as good as any of the rest of your companions are at least...which I guess might not be saying a whole lot considering the kinds of people you can fraternize with and recruit in Bioware games XD), she's just been drinking a little too much of the Chantry and Templar Kool-Aid, so to speak I kind of have to assume that her existence within the Circle was very sheltered if she's hasn't had enough experiences with Templars to really sour her opinion of them....either that or deliberately ignoring it >_>
I really want to get Leliana to be Divine...though preferably in a less, uh, stabby personality if at all possible XD I wonder what happened to her in the intervening years between Origins and Inquisition that made her wind up being so much more brutal...and speaking of Origins, I really kind of have to wonder what all of the old companions have been getting up to...I know Wynne and Shale were hanging out together for a while and both of them were involved in the book Asunder which ultimately resulted in Wynne dying because she passed her Spirit of Faith on to someone else...but I want to know where Oghren and Zevran are in all this madness and what they're up to, and what Shale has been doing since Asunder...and just who's leading the Ferelden Gray Wardens if the Hero of Ferelden is off doing whatever it is they're doing in Inquisition >_> ....heh, and speaking of Gray Wardens, I wonder just why Solas seems to dislike them so much, from what I've had spoiled for me, it seems like any decision that's even remotely favorable toward them or any positive sort of opinions about them net his disaproval.
I guess I'll just wait and see, all you've done though is really pique my interest

Huh, I wonder why it does that, seems really weird that it'd crash and/or freeze so much. And yeah, I never like having to hard reset my computer either, I always feel like if I do that it won't wake up again the next time...

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MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-07 09:18:46 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I assume Vivienn's circle was basically the opposite of Kirkwall's. I'm sure there's background information about her somewhere, I just don't know it....and I'm really not interested enough to look it up haha.

Haha you can have a softened Leliana as Divine! My first playthrough I had her softened, and my second I had her hardened. I actually did that by accident because I was trying to make the same decisions as my first playthrough.

Zevran gets a mention on one of the War Table quests! It actually bothered me because Zevran is supposed to be dead in my worldstate (which I'm sad about, but still).Β 

Huh I never really noticed Solas' disapproval of the Grey Wardens.Β 

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princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-09 08:01:34 +0000 UTC]

Wouldn't surprise me, Bioware does love fleshing out their characters afterall (and that's one of the best things about them). And yeah, I'm not all that interested in her either I haven't actually even taken her out in my party since recruiting her...my usual party so far has been Cassandra, Varric, and Iron Bull. Though now that I have most of the companions, that's probably going to be changed up fairly regularly (I recruited Blackwall and Sera tonight, and started the Redcliffe level where you get all time-traveled, so on the way to fully recruiting Dorian).

I figured they'd probably have the option to soften her up or leave her brutal, Bioware usually leaves that sort of thing open a lot of the time allowing you to either adjust the morality or the pleasantness of some of the cast. With just how much Inquisition is changing the political layout of Thedas and upsetting the status-quo, I really want to see where it winds up going in future games and books...and speaking of Bioware games, I wonder what they're going to be doing with Mass Effect: Andromeda and how choices from the ME Trilogy might wind up affecting your game state in that...because a lot of the choices in the Trilogy are really world-changing, especially as the series went on.

That's kind of weird...I wonder why, that sort of thing seems to have happened a couple of times now Like Leliana survives Origins no matter what, even if you killed her in the Temple of Sacred Ashes And Cullen too, showing up in DA 2 with none of his epilogues from Origins applying to him at all XD

Yup, Solas apparently hates the Wardens for some reason, he disapproves if you recruit them into the Inquisition, he disapproves if you encourage this Elf girl you meet on one quest to go join the Grey Wardens...and I think there were more too, but yeah, Solas no-likey the Wardens for odd reason.

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MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-09 10:32:05 +0000 UTC]

Hurray! I hope you like Dorian! He's wonderful.

I don't remember any hardening being an option in DA2. Honestly, I was surprised they brought it back for Leliana in Inquisition.Β 

I'm soooo curious to see what Andromeda will be like. I'm both excited and nervous. I remember hearing that it's placed many years after the end of 3, but I don't know if that's true. I'm wondering if they'll do like what they did with the Keep for Inquisition and have us go over our past choices to import a world (or galaxy) state. Or if it'll just ignore the events at all. I've been thinking about it recently and considering how it's about humans exploring new planets, it could work as a prequel...kind of...maybe? Without its choices having very different impacts on the original. Yeah, I don't know. I just want to see what they'll with Andromeda.Β 

You can kill Leliana in the Temple of Sacred Ashes???? I accidentally didn't recruit her so I didn't know that was an option. I really don't remember Cullen's epilogues on Origins. Could different things happen to him in Origins? I don't remember enough from that game.

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princessarien In reply to MajinNeda [2016-01-09 23:02:39 +0000 UTC]

He seems fun so far, veeeerry snarky Which is something I really enjoy in characters haha, obviously they should all be massive snarks, but with the few who are, the snarkier the better I say XD But yeah, I like Dorian so far.

I don't think there was one, though I kind of felt like the whole Friendship/Rivalry thing wound up playing more like that than Approval/Disapproval. I guess they figured it was a good feature for Leliana, and I guess maybe since she was a former party member, though not returning in that specific capacity that she should have some sort of deeper player interaction than some of the other NPCs? ...probably also because, to me at least, she seems to be the "Liara" of Dragon Age and the one character who you could argue is Bioware's favorite, what with how she keeps appearing in every single game and you can't kill her no matter what

I remember hearing similar. It honestly wouldn't really surprise me all that much if they did something similar to Dragon Age and made a "Mass Effect Keep", with a series as sprawling in choices as those two, it's a really good feature, I wouldn't be that surprised if other RPG series started copying the idea for their own. Going off of the name of Andromeda though, I feel kind of like that it'll be taking place for a large part of the game in the Andromeda galaxy...

Haha yeah, if she's in your party and you corrupt/poison the Urn with the High Dragon's blood, then she'll turn on you and you'll have to fight and kill her
Well, considering that I haven't beaten Origins and thus haven't actually seen any of the epilogues, I only have my memory of what I read online to go off of...IIRC, I think at least one of Cullen's epilogues said he went completely mad and wound up killing a bunch of apprentice mages before being apprehended and then eventually escaped from prison becoming a wandering madman that was dangerous to anyone he met...I don't remember how they addressed that one, or if they did at all And I don't think they addressed Leliana getting killed the player and then inexplicably coming back whole and well if you went that route.
Given all of the many different choices in Dragon, for the major ones (such as like who you picked to rule Orzammar or sided with at the Anvil of the Void, and so on), I'm kind of curious which ones you picked and what your world state is like.

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MajinNeda In reply to princessarien [2016-01-10 00:53:00 +0000 UTC]

Haha I do love me some snark! Dorian has a really good backstory too and his sad puppy eyes hit me right in the heart.

Yeah, the Friendship/Rivalry thing was pretty big in DA2. I really didn't like, actually. I don't know about the other love interests, but Fenris' rivalmance makes me really uncomfortable. During his love scene he turns his head away as though he really doesn't want it and I HATE that. Consent is really important for everyone, but considering Fenris' history of abuse, it hits harder Β with him.Β 

Huh, that's a good point. Bioware does seem to really like Leliana and Liara. I'm just happy that she didn't mention the Warden in my playthrough of Inquisition, because I never recruited her. So at least they transferred over her history better than Zevran's for my worldstate haha.Β 

Oh, I didn't even know there was a galaxy named Andromeda. I really have very little knowledge of space.Β 

Wowwww. You weren't kidding when you said Leliana is unkillable. I wonder if you import a worldstate where you killed her she'll have an explanation for how she lived in Inquisition...*searches* Oh. Yup. She basically doesn't have an explanation haha. Leliana...Lazarus....they both start with an L, Β practically the same person!

Oh, you want to know my worldstate? It isn't much different from many other people's, considering I usually choose the nice options. I chose Bhelen over Harrowmont because the game felt like it was pushing Harrowmont as the better choice and I thought it was a trick. Seriously, that's why I chose Bhelen hahaha. I'm okay with the choice though, even if Bhelen is a dick, because Varric mentions things going well in in DA2. I killed Branka and destroyed the Anvil. Hmm...what other big choices were there? I didn't corrupt the Sacred Ashes, I made a deal with the desire demon possessing Connor to have it leave and come back later int he future (only because I was too weak and didn't have enough health poultices to defeat it after many attempts). I let Flemmeth go and lied to Morrigan (also because I couldn't defeat her). Uhh...I convinced Zathrian to end the curse on the werewolves and sacrifice himself...Uhh...what else? not much happened in DA2 to affect the worldstate, right? I sided with the mages, of course, and kept all of my companions alive. What about your worldstate?

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