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| Maiyunbby

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# Comments
Comments: 940
gymnosophist [2019-04-08 18:36:43 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a fun one & that this year will be your best yet...
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Maiyunbby In reply to nuudelinen [2018-12-23 16:24:34 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
nuudelinen In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-12-24 07:57:07 +0000 UTC]
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Maiyunbby In reply to nuudelinen [2018-12-24 22:01:50 +0000 UTC]
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Miss-Saros [2018-09-21 00:22:19 +0000 UTC]
♥ You are Beautiful ♥
♥ You are Gorgeous ♥
♥ You are Awesome ♥
♥ You are Perfect ♥
Have a nice day ~
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-14 02:10:21 +0000 UTC]
awe~ i miss you too bby. how joo been? :3
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-14 02:23:24 +0000 UTC]
goood! Suffering from this heat T.T Sooo hootttt. Yooou? c:
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-14 02:26:43 +0000 UTC]
Oh god I feel ya. I'm thankful I have an AC that's working beautifully right now xD I got the excuse of a baby so i gotta keep it cool ;D
but im good. motherhood has been...interesting. an adventure only other parents would understand tbh. its quite odd no lie. ^^
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-14 02:40:12 +0000 UTC]
Awww, I've seen her pictures on your facebook.
She's so cute!!! T//T
Babies are adorable x3
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-14 02:54:19 +0000 UTC]
Thankies~ im pretty proud of her xD
she's chill too which is nice lol
ive mostly been dealing with adjusting my life around her.
still havent quite figured it out yet lol.
but how about you? what have you been up to?
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-14 21:24:36 +0000 UTC]
Yeaah, a parents life revolves around their kids pretty much!
Nothing too interesting with me!
I moved to Oklahoma like a year and a half ago..Suffering with this horrible heat T.T
Annnd Im trying for vet tech again! lol
Try and not mess it up this time T.T
And teaching myself to draw xP
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-14 22:08:57 +0000 UTC]
oh wow you did? yeah the heat must be killer down there. especially since i bet you were used to the weather up here xD hope otherwise its been good tho ^^
and that's good! I hope you get through it! ^^ college is a pain man...i couldnt make it either -sigh-
and nice! is that why you're here on DA again? xD
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-15 00:22:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! Lived in NH for 24 years basically xP
yeaaah, first time anxiety got the better of me.
So hopefully this time things go well!
Yes! I like admiring other pictures too lol
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-15 00:44:29 +0000 UTC]
XD yeah I figured lmao.
Lmao!!! Well you just gotta hide hide hide lol
Ahh. For me I just didn’t have the money ;3; I got my classes and books covered but there was so much extra crap they wanted me to get that I couldnt afford. -sigh- but srsly, I hope you can. Vet tech sounds so fun right about now lol.
Yeah ive mostly been doing that on instagram and twitter more then ever. DA just...idk anymore lol. Its frustrating.
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-15 01:38:17 +0000 UTC]
Yes, hide and hug the central air! T//T
Central air is so much nicer than ACs!
Yeah, it gets really expensive.
I've been lucky and finical aid has covered it all, so far!
Gotta save the animals!!
I followed your twitter! Though, I dont really touch it or know how it works xP
Do you roleplay still or such?~
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-15 18:21:18 +0000 UTC]
lmfao exactly.
and it really is! i loved it back in missiouri. shit was the jam! xD no leaving your room and getting smacked in the face with heat. lol
yeah its already bad enough but they tack on more shit that makes it even more expensive. like jfc leave us be xD we're dying here
nice nice x3 hopefully you dont have my issue of "heres more shit that fin aid wont cover!" xD
save all of dem! <333
i saw! xD i was looking at your profile like "i think this is ana...." and i wasnt sure till i saw your DA follow me xD and twitters pretty easy. just @ and start typing their username then you can tweet right at them.
oh yeah i do xD but only really with joey lmao. just cause like...idk anyone ive found that i enjoyed rping with always stopped replying or ditched me entirely. -shrugs- as it is i already have such a chill style that most people dont really seem to like so its hard to find a partner that's ok with my chill style. but also im horrid with plots and story progression so i have to find someone who's confident in leading so the rp doesn't fall flat but...yep...not many people like that. tis why joey is my perfect partner xD
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-15 20:09:38 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I've been wanting to go to Tennessee maybe.
Its a really pretty state T.T
Yeah! Im hoping they dont throw too much expenses at me.
Im a broke hobo! D:
Have you ever been on aniroleplay.com?
That's the main spot for roleplayers now. I miss myspace!
And yeah, I always have a hard time keeping people around D::
I still lurk around on the aniroleplay site xP
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-15 20:33:51 +0000 UTC]
man then its still gonna be hella hot tho! xD
i rly like it up here. but ive also grown up in flat ass missiouri so seeing moutains is epic lmao
i love the cold here too...haaah~
yeah xD exactly how i felt. now i feel like that just this time its cause i have a kid .__. hah...
uh i think i have a few years back. but again, still hard to find ppl. anyone who adds me never talks to me so its just annoying...
yep shit is rough. though if you'd ever like to try with me you're more then welcome to~ i got many outlets we can use from discord to line to well here in notes.
twitter dm's are good too. anything you want. up to you really lol. there's a lotta ways people do it now a days...-shrugs-
yeah lurking is my middle name ;3
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FuuRawr In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-07-15 22:02:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! NH and Mass are really pretty and the ocean!
Though the ocean is always freeezing cold. I dunno how I always swam about in it as a kid D::
I want a place where it gets cold, but not freeezing cold T.T
Yeah, I imagine having a kid and going to college is hard.
I'm always impressed with people that attend college and have kids and have jobs..Thats so much work lol T.T
Oooh, It would be fun to roleplay with you again!
-Nod nod-
I have found a couple awesome roleplayers on ani, so it's not all bad!
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Maiyunbby In reply to FuuRawr [2018-07-15 22:52:32 +0000 UTC]
oml yeah. i need to enjoy the ocean more damnit. ive never been near it and now i have the chance to see it more and i dont xD ever lmao
man cold aint nothin when your a kid xD you just wanna swim! lmfao.
naaah i'd rather freeze my ass off then sweat it off...lol
yeaaah i cant imagine that being able to work. i dont wanna pawn her off on someone and i dont wanna give her up to someone i dont trust so...xDD delemas
it would~ i wonder how much our styles have changed since xD
just...idk let me know where your the most active so you can check it easily ^^ i have a ton of social media accounts so...basically you name it i have it likely lmao.
oh that's good at least! i mean there's always a few good ones out there. i just got tired of looking xD especially when i can easily start a new rp with joey anytime i feel like it and what not. lol
tho lately he doesnt seem into it...i wonder why...-sigh-
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Kattsura [2018-05-13 21:38:31 +0000 UTC]
Happy mother's day!!! ♥
I hope you have an amazing day!! and do your best!!
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Jau-chan [2018-04-13 01:43:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch!!! Your ferrets are so damn cute! I have 2!!! <3
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Maiyunbby In reply to Jau-chan [2018-04-13 01:44:42 +0000 UTC]
Omg you do?! That’s amaziiiing! I never find other ferret owners omg! <3 what’s their names?! You must show meee~ :3
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Jau-chan In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-04-14 00:44:06 +0000 UTC]
Ohhh I have gidget, and Gizomo! Ill have to try and get some good pics for you! but youll probably have to remind me later.. xD Im in homework mode right now! xD
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Maiyunbby In reply to Jau-chan [2018-04-14 01:46:17 +0000 UTC]
Omggg those names are too cute! XD they both boys? Or girls? Or one a boy and a girl? Blitz is my boy and jinx is my girl. Jinx is the smaller more brown looking one lol :3
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Jau-chan In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-04-15 18:39:53 +0000 UTC]
one boy and one girl! x3;
Gidget is my girl!
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Maiyunbby In reply to Jau-chan [2018-04-15 23:41:13 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh thats awesome~ did you get them at the same time or one then another? We got ours at the same time cause we were so scared we wouldnt be able to give one enough attention at some point. Plus they were too cute lmao.
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Jau-chan In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-04-16 03:41:37 +0000 UTC]
we got ares at different times. x3; they are sooooo much fun!!! Once we get into a bigger place we plan on getting more. x3;
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Maiyunbby In reply to Jau-chan [2018-04-16 14:48:42 +0000 UTC]
Oh gosh your truly gonna be the crazy ferret lady! XD I’m sure itll only be even more fun~
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Jau-chan In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-04-16 16:06:11 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes, I am the crazy ferret lady!!!!!! x3;
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Maiyunbby In reply to Jau-chan [2018-04-16 19:00:22 +0000 UTC]
Lmao! I’m sure your fuzzies will be so spoiled and happy~
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Jau-chan In reply to Maiyunbby [2018-04-16 23:31:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh they are! Do you raw feed at all?
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gymnosophist [2018-04-08 19:18:34 +0000 UTC]
Hope you have a fun one & that this year will be your best yet...
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Maiyunbby In reply to gymnosophist [2018-04-08 19:21:05 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!!! ;3; <3
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