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| MaiiChama

MaiiChama [11657117] [] "CupcakePanikku"

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# Comments

Comments: 102

kimusensei [2012-12-24 13:50:24 +0000 UTC]

ehh omg yeah school must be pretty stressful!! take it easy! (if you can orz) yeah same! except I'm on Summer holidays!~ ugh I cosplayed twice for shoots (love is war vocaloid) and (Project K) but the photographer hasn't even edited our shots yet.. and its been awhile omg >__> gonna ragequit soon LMAO. I really wanna upload more cosplay photos to dA to show Im still alive with cosplay and all.. but its just this stupid lazy photographer that takes centuries to upload a single photo and its not like 'breath taking' photos either lmao. just generic stuff--- omg sorry I got carried away by ranting >__>;;

So you're on vacation now huh! congrats!! XD time to rest easy and go all out in having fun? or do u guys get homework..? orz hope I can see more of your cosplays soon! any cos plans?

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2013-03-15 21:01:33 +0000 UTC]

orz, omgosh, so long!
I'm so very sorry! TT TT
I don't really have good excuses, just school! ; ;

oh, is it better with the photographer now? or is worse?
no, don't worry, I dont mind haha : D

unfortunately I have final examen in a few months! so there won't be any cosplays soon! ; ;
but I still has many on my mind x D
don't worry, there will be coming some in summer, I hope! : )

how are you?

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2013-03-17 08:10:52 +0000 UTC]

hey! haha no worries! school defs comes first~ (which is probably why im failing so much atm orz since i do the opposite hahaha)

it is kinda better with the photog-- because i don't ask for photoshoots with him ahhaha. i go for another guy who has a more keen eye on flattering shots,doesn't obsess over perfection or get moody from not having a nice location.

ohhh!! i see >w

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2014-03-09 23:34:27 +0000 UTC]

aw, hey! it's been so long! q q
I'm so so SO sorry, that it took me so long to reply! T T
many things happened and I even stopped cosplaying! do you still remember me? ; ;

aw, I hope you're doing fine and well!
I can't apology enough for my behavior! T T
please forgive me! ; /// ;
and also please tell me how you are! is everything fine? :')

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2014-04-08 08:28:09 +0000 UTC]

wow I rarely go on dA these days too HAHA! 
and omggg u stopped cosplay huh.. I'm eventually gonna stop as well ugh;; i realise now i'm not all that great at sewing and i tend to throw out my cosplays after I shoot them LOL (even though i spent so much money on fabric etc)

.. sigh

but It's nice to hear from you again!!!!
oh noooo no need to apologise! life is stressful and busy so I can understand~ 

I'm good good~ just gonna be cospalying some last characters I promised to shoot with people an then I'll be done~ (will get back into drawing or someting)

how are you!!!? <3

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Bearmonify [2012-01-22 22:44:23 +0000 UTC]

hey i know you dont know me, but i was just asking random people all over DA this. Can you donate a point or two to me? You dont have to if you dont want to. Sorry for bothering you if this got on your nerves. Great pics by the way

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MaiiChama In reply to Bearmonify [2012-01-24 13:07:48 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, but I don't donate points to people I don't know.. : (

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kimusensei [2012-01-19 23:42:32 +0000 UTC]

hey hey~ : D
i'm good you? XDD
upload more cos picsss ;___:

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-20 17:06:33 +0000 UTC]

it's very cold here so I freeze most of the time T ^ T
who? you? : D

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-21 01:28:58 +0000 UTC]

LOLOL NO YOU~~ : D i wanna see more of your cutenesss : D <3

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-21 20:26:14 +0000 UTC]

oh haha, my bad X D
but it will take its time, because of bad and cold weather ; ^ ;
sorry! but I'll take lots of photos for you then! <3
and I wanna see more of your prettyness! * v * <3

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-22 01:32:47 +0000 UTC]

awee i see i see ;____;.. it was SUPER SUPER hot over here when i was taking photos in my ciel cosplay and vocaloid. omg == like.. 30ish degrees?? i was sweating so much and my makeup was melting LOL >___>;

aww thanks~ cant wait to see more fotos of you~
LOL nahh not pretty >___>

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-22 14:06:17 +0000 UTC]

really? it was super super cold here X D
and these days it always rain and I lost my tramticket T ^ T
but I envy youu, I want it to be warm again! and make lots of photos X D

aww, thank you! * v *
sure pretty here! > 3

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-22 14:37:53 +0000 UTC]

ehhh == i want it to be cold cause then makeup doesnt melt off your face! ;___; intense heat feels so disgusting, sweaty and smelly >__>; i hate it.

: D <3

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-23 13:47:30 +0000 UTC]

how about it should be just...cooly warm?
not too hot and not too cold? : D

but yes, that kind of feeling is really disgusting > <
poor you D :

I want to take photoos!
and I want to take some of you! * v *
but you're so faaar awaay > <

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-23 23:47:59 +0000 UTC]

naww~ me too! i wanna pinch your cheeks cause your too cutee : D
lolol i swear i only look better in camwhore/luvo/selfshot photos since i add the angle in and know what looks better.. LOL if others take photos of me i look really... funnyLOL

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-24 13:08:47 +0000 UTC]

noo, I'm not that cute! X D
ooh, so I will work hard to do it to your liking! > D
just wait and see! X D

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-24 14:28:49 +0000 UTC]

yes yes~ i will : DD <3

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naokunn [2011-12-15 21:31:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the !!

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MaiiChama In reply to naokunn [2011-12-17 16:57:40 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome! : 3

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kimusensei [2011-12-13 06:40:14 +0000 UTC]

*;0;* hey cutie -shot-

LOL~ hope you dont mind filling out my stalker journal tag post~ >w< <3


thanks so muchh <3 sorry if questions creep you out...abit...okay, alot.

but for the funs~ : D

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-13 17:41:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm also a fake! really : )
aww, thank yo soo much! ; // ;
I really appreciate it! and also thank you for the watch! <3
and you're still PRETTY for mee!

haha, no it's okay ; D
I'll do it! > 3
but is it alright if I do it at the end of the week?
because now I can't think of new questions X D"

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-14 00:13:38 +0000 UTC]

Lolol xD yeah sure! Take time if you need xD its not really urgent~
And no. YOU'RE never gonna be fake in my eyes <3 keep up with the cos pgotos so i can fangirl more and drool xD <3

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-16 13:55:22 +0000 UTC]

alright X D
I will do it tomorrow! : D

aww, thank you! I'm so honored! ; /// ;
sure, I'll do my best!
I will also fangirl you! * v *

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-16 14:12:59 +0000 UTC]

tehehehe <3<3 arigatouu~
LOL i am not worthy of your fangirlness ;___;
but i will accept the thought tho~ sankyuu lovely girl! XD

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-17 16:57:32 +0000 UTC]

sure you are! * ^ *

haha, you're welcoome! <3
how are you? <33

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-18 03:23:47 +0000 UTC]

I'm good~ ^^ you?? <3

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-18 10:30:02 +0000 UTC]

I got a little bit sick 8 D
my voice is cracking X D

stupid weather > 3 <

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-18 10:36:28 +0000 UTC]

>< awee... a couple of weeks ago i got REALLY sick cause i went to the beach when it was really cold... and i even went in the water. ==;;

yeah high fever and coughing relaly badly..

but now its all gone thank god. >__>; had for a week straight.;;

hope you get betterrr!! <3<3 ;___; my poor cute maiichama is sickkk

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-22 16:21:20 +0000 UTC]

aww, why did you do that? ; _ ;

poor you, so long! ; ^ ;
but I'm happy that you are well again! * ^ *
so glad, my pretty kimusensei! ♥

aww, now it's better! : D
though my throat still hurts a little bit
but today I will bake muffins! * v *
do you want one? ; P

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-22 22:30:53 +0000 UTC]

Omnomnomnommm muffinsss <3 yes putiizu ~ <3!

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-24 13:25:48 +0000 UTC]

aww, but mine are not that yummi X D
but when I'm one day in Korea we can meet and I'll bake you same! if you want to! <3

and I wish you merry christmas! ♥

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-24 14:15:48 +0000 UTC]

ahaha XD! im sure theyre better than what i can bake. >__>;;
Ahh you mean "when I'm in Australia" XD; I only go korea in holidays (well this year im not ;__

merry Christmas to you too!!! ♥♥♥

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-26 14:05:16 +0000 UTC]

haha, I don't think so X D
I'm not that good in baking D :
but I want to! so I always have to bake for my mom > 3 <

oh..yes sure X D
but I want to go to Korea first!
my flight to Korea takes 24 hours! O _ O
but I want to see you one time! : 3

aww, thank youu! ♥♥

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-27 07:39:25 +0000 UTC]

ahh1!! omg 24 hours?! geez thats really tiring >👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-29 17:38:14 +0000 UTC]

oh no!! I mean to Australia! haha, I'm sorry X D""

I think to Korea it also takes me 12-14 hours : )

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-30 01:34:06 +0000 UTC]

ahhh!! i see! makes more sense ><

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-30 11:22:51 +0000 UTC]

yes, I'm sorry > <
misunderstanding D :

how are you?
how was your christmas? : 3

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-30 14:14:23 +0000 UTC]

ahah my christmas was so boring == just stayed home and played games XD;

yeah my family is korean and i dont think we really celebrate christmas? how was yours?

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-30 15:44:13 +0000 UTC]

oh alright : D

haha, mine was similar to yours X D
I was reading some fanfictions and eat a meal with my mom, that's it..
boring D :

I jost hope it won't be so boring on New Year D :

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2011-12-31 02:16:14 +0000 UTC]

xDD ahhaha XD that's still alot better than mine i think XD
i hope you have a fun new years eve! : D
im working then == so... urhg. LOL

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2011-12-31 17:43:38 +0000 UTC]

you have to work? D :
what do you work as?

and I wish you a Happy new Year! * v * ♥

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-01 00:27:46 +0000 UTC]

ahh im helping out at my dad's restaurant. he owns a japanese cuisine restaurant? yeah, so i'm like a waitress taking orders, waiting tables.. cleaning.. etc ==;

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-01 14:28:29 +0000 UTC]

it must be stressful right? did lots of guests come?
I also did work as a waitress in sommer : )
and I had a stingy boss (my cousin | D)

I hope you got a good new year start! : 3 ♥

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-02 00:35:26 +0000 UTC]

OH MAN. yes HEAPS of ppl came yesterday in particular! because all the other japanese restaurants closed for the day, so all the ppl came to ours! it was packed like NON STOP. ;___;

ahhh the actual boss is my dad but the manager looks after me who is my dad's friend : D.
==;; i screw up alot but the manager is pretty kind to explain to me nicely the right way to do it. but then my dad comes along to work sometimes and tells me off as in shouting at me. == so embarrassing cause i think the customers can hear it too..

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-03 10:40:14 +0000 UTC]

ooh, that's hard! > <
poor you! ; _ ;

ah, I know what you mean!
but my cousin always do it in the kitchen or really behind the local, so the customers actually can't hear her complaining about my "mistakes"
she talks so long! most of it I don't listen, but I pretend I do X D

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-03 11:09:12 +0000 UTC]

lOLOL!!! >m< must be picky about things and wanting things to be perfect and right >___<;;; ahah dw~~ don't mind! >w👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-03 14:12:26 +0000 UTC]

yes really picky!
aww, I hate her the most in those of times! X D
and I don't get paid a lot like my co-workers! but they are really nice to me
but I also do my best at work!
and they also think that my cousin is really picky X D

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kimusensei In reply to MaiiChama [2012-01-04 02:45:23 +0000 UTC]

xD!! awee~
Ahh yeah its good to have nice co workers to complain together LOLOL ahah jk~
hai, do your best at work!! : D

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MaiiChama In reply to kimusensei [2012-01-07 08:31:10 +0000 UTC]

yes, that's true! : D
now I don't have to work X D
I go work in August again^^

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