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| Lorcan0c
# Statistics
Favourites: 3685; Deviations: 47; Watchers: 211
Watching: 189; Pageviews: 55685; Comments Made: 16406; Friends: 189
# Interests
Favorite movies: AVATARFavorite TV shows: Doctor Who, Firefly, Torchwood
Favorite bands / musical artists: Hans Zimmer, Brian Tyler
Favorite books: Halo Series, Horus Heresy Series, Mass Effect series
Favorite writers: Eric Nylund, Neil Gaiman
Favorite games: DOW 2 Chaos Rising, Mass Effect 2, Halo 3 & Reach, Starcraft 2
Favorite gaming platform: PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tools of the Trade: whatever i can get my hands on
Other Interests: Interesting stuff
# Comments
Comments: 1620
Arya-Jaeger [2019-03-30 05:59:45 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! ᵔ.ᵔ
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2019-03-31 16:59:52 +0000 UTC]
You never fail to show up here when the year rolls round Thanks Chris, always nice to hear from you!
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Arya-Jaeger In reply to Lorcan0c [2019-04-01 01:08:00 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! (◠‿◠✿)
And nice to chat with you again~
You have Discord Chat?
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2019-04-01 01:08:39 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm on Discord. Send me a note with your ID and I'll add you!
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Arya-Jaeger [2018-03-30 04:17:01 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! ᵔ.ᵔ
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2018-03-30 14:34:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for thinking of me Chris, much appreciated
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Arya-Jaeger [2017-03-30 02:22:03 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! ᵔ.ᵔ
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2017-03-30 20:22:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Chris, you never do forget
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Arya-Jaeger In reply to Lorcan0c [2017-03-30 23:39:23 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! (◠‿◠✿)
How yah been? =3
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2017-04-08 11:54:45 +0000 UTC]
(Sorry for the late reply, you'll soon see why)
Been absolutely up to my neck in college stuff.... handed in my thesis for a degree in IT management last night, so if I can get through my next few assessment tests, projects and the final exams in may, I'll be done with all this for good, so worth it.
What about you? I don't check in on RoosterTeeth much anymore, so not sure what you're doing with yourself.
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Arya-Jaeger In reply to Lorcan0c [2017-04-09 15:20:11 +0000 UTC]
Heh, just plenty of work and videogames =3
Have Discord Chat?
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2017-04-09 17:29:07 +0000 UTC]
Not yet. Keep hearing about it though. I'll set up an account next month when the exams are finished and behind me, so I don't get too distracted by another impulsive "thing" like that. I'm not the best at self-discipline...
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werelightshine [2017-03-29 19:15:31 +0000 UTC]
Well then, it's the anniversary of something... The day of someone's birth perhaps, Happy birthday! Do You want a gift of some form?
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Lorcan0c In reply to werelightshine [2017-03-29 21:36:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I'm alright though, it's the thought that counts and such. No need to go out of your way on my account.
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werelightshine In reply to Lorcan0c [2017-03-30 04:42:27 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. Good luck on the rest of your school year!
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Lorcan0c In reply to MechaAshura20 [2017-03-29 21:36:24 +0000 UTC]
Those sure are some exotic butters.
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werelightshine [2016-09-03 04:38:06 +0000 UTC]
Hey man, just came to apologize for being a nuisance before! And also checking if you're still active. Anyways, I'm happy to say I'm not obsessing over Vonna anymore, I still like her but she's not the only character i ever talk about, have a nice weekend!
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Lorcan0c In reply to Dragunalb [2016-08-08 00:45:26 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem. I know we don't see eye to eye on certain Halo topics, but I've always found the whole... "interspecies breeding" thing to be incredibly wierd D: so good job highlighting it, as you always do when it comes to this fandom's dumber sides
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Dragunalb In reply to Lorcan0c [2016-08-23 02:18:34 +0000 UTC]
I never saw it as a problem that I have different views on things compared to you or anyone else. As long as people accept different opinions and don't take everything as a personal attack, people can get along juts fine
I got a lot of joy lately from poking open wounds of the fandom
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werelightshine [2016-04-05 05:40:07 +0000 UTC]
You are cool person! So i am vatching you now!
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LONEWOLF45622 [2016-03-30 00:07:45 +0000 UTC]
happy bday bro ham!! im sorry i didnt say it earlier XDD, was not at the computer all day.
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Arya-Jaeger [2016-03-29 21:19:52 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! ᵔ.ᵔ
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Lorcan0c In reply to Arya-Jaeger [2016-03-29 23:30:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Chris! much appreciated!
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RolueVasReisa [2016-03-29 12:26:06 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday man! Feel free to send me a note whenever u want but in the mean time hope you have a fantastic birthday!
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Lorcan0c In reply to Wolvencheif [2016-02-11 17:00:40 +0000 UTC]
That it has. How're things?
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Wolvencheif In reply to Lorcan0c [2016-02-11 21:39:08 +0000 UTC]
Busy, work and school has bogged me down, but i have come back to see how things are. I miss DA. I also saw you left the WSPA. Understandable. I'm going to try and do something for it, but i do know it hasn't done much as of yet.
I have started to draw again, and i have put up some more posts, but i am Hoping to do something for maybe the field I'm going into or post pics of the #D projects I have made. still Debating.
How has life been on your end?
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Lorcan0c In reply to Wolvencheif [2016-02-13 03:07:22 +0000 UTC]
Don't take that part personally, it wasn't some dramatic "I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" storming out, but more... "Wait, what is this group again? Why am I in it?" Personally I'm not even sure what the group is for, (or what the acronym means) so.... I dunno, it seems a bit incoherent. If you plan on doing something with the group, godspeed, I wish you the best of luck, but I'm not sure what (if anything) I can contribute to it.
If you're drawing again, I'll gladly take a look at what you put out, looking forward to it.
Things are pretty stable on my end of things. Last year (Basically Sept. 2014 - January 2016) was just a mess, I was stressed out all the time from excessive college work and my internship, finals, drama with friends and ex-friends, wasn't able to get anything worth a damn done. But I'm better now, on temporary vacation from pretty much everything and trying to take things easy.
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Wolvencheif In reply to Lorcan0c [2016-02-14 22:24:06 +0000 UTC]
I hope things get better for ya, my friend. If there is anything you need to talk about, i will do my best to get in touch. I want to do what i can to help.
As for the group, I'll let you know if anything happens. it has been pretty empty.
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Lorcan0c In reply to Dragunalb [2016-01-18 12:51:28 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure. It's good for any fandom to be poked or satire-ised every now and then
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Dragunalb In reply to Lorcan0c [2016-01-19 01:46:55 +0000 UTC]
Yep! I'm however afraid of putting it up on Furaffinity. The last time I made fun of Halo there, I got a ton of Hate messages to gtfo and kill myself XD
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Lorcan0c In reply to Dragunalb [2016-01-19 02:22:49 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'd say better not.... if you did, I'm pretty sure whatever comment isn't hate-mail would be people talking about how much they want to bang the gagged Sangheili.
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Dragunalb In reply to Lorcan0c [2016-01-19 14:54:02 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes, all the horndog furries that want to rape the sodomized and dishonored Sangheili XD
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Lorcan0c In reply to Dragunalb [2016-01-19 18:23:47 +0000 UTC]
It took the Primordial Gravemind over 40 years to drive Mendicant Bias insane.
Give Mendicant 5 minutes on FA with those wierdos and the same thing would happen
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Dragunalb In reply to Lorcan0c [2016-01-20 15:46:29 +0000 UTC]
hat's the best description of FA I've ever heard! You killed me XD
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