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| LitostAndTea
# Statistics
Favourites: 638; Deviations: 130; Watchers: 407
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# Comments
Comments: 58
The-Ruptured-Duck [2024-09-20 02:50:34 +0000 UTC]
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joebev910 [2024-07-25 16:34:55 +0000 UTC]
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steam-dieselpunkpunk [2024-05-19 03:40:58 +0000 UTC]
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Panamaniaxxx [2024-02-22 21:41:44 +0000 UTC]
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LitostAndTea In reply to Panamaniaxxx [2024-02-25 23:36:39 +0000 UTC]
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Panamaniaxxx In reply to LitostAndTea [2024-02-25 23:37:30 +0000 UTC]
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NeonNightmaster [2024-01-10 01:43:55 +0000 UTC]
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LaReforma1857 [2023-08-15 01:30:47 +0000 UTC]
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YurixTheWanderer [2023-01-04 16:06:21 +0000 UTC]
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NorthaDawn [2022-11-20 18:22:27 +0000 UTC]
π: 1 β©: 1
LitostAndTea In reply to NorthaDawn [2022-11-20 19:09:54 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
2007ship [2022-10-03 20:22:36 +0000 UTC]
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The-Ruptured-Duck [2022-09-24 01:51:28 +0000 UTC]
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LitostAndTea In reply to The-Ruptured-Duck [2022-09-24 03:03:40 +0000 UTC]
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barneyjones123 [2022-03-22 15:31:14 +0000 UTC]
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ColonelFrontline1152 [2021-10-29 12:16:36 +0000 UTC]
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TheOnyxSwami [2020-06-16 03:37:20 +0000 UTC]
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LitostAndTea In reply to TheOnyxSwami [2020-06-16 03:48:13 +0000 UTC]
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TheOnyxSwami In reply to LitostAndTea [2020-06-16 21:06:18 +0000 UTC]
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AustralianMarcus [2020-04-25 00:34:11 +0000 UTC]
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yaddystonks In reply to AustralianMarcus [2024-09-26 02:46:06 +0000 UTC]
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MoArtProductions [2019-08-05 04:16:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for fave'ing back, and thanks for understanding my prediciment.
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LitostAndTea In reply to creativesam [2019-08-05 03:33:22 +0000 UTC]
A fave for a fave. I thank you back for your continued support.
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creativesam In reply to LitostAndTea [2019-08-05 03:40:01 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome!
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16woodsequ [2019-07-06 00:37:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav on
Disability ComplexThe bus stop is full of people
I take this bus
The benches at the stop
Are full
I think nothing of it
I stand and wait
A touch on my arm
Do you want to sit here?
A woman, standing, her seat free
I stare at her
I say and take the seat
Because I don't want to embarrass her
I sit and can't stop thinking
Why did she give me the seat?
Suddenly, my crooked legs
The limp in my step
Like a neon sign
Dis ability
Is that why she gave me the seat?
I don't need it
I can stand.
She was trying to be kind
Is it
I sat because I didn't know what to say
What would happen if I said no?
Why did she give me the seat.
Was it kindness?
She doesn't know
That my legs give me no pain
She doesn't know
I can stand just fine
She doesn't know
She only saw the limp
I forget
About the limpΒ
I sit in the seat she gave me
Because she doesn't know if I need it or not
And I wonder
Why no one else has ever offered me a seat before
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LitostAndTea In reply to 16woodsequ [2019-07-06 01:39:21 +0000 UTC]
It's a nice poem. Considering one of my main OC's is dis-abled, I found it assisting to my collection in inspiration.
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LitostAndTea In reply to SplicedBeast [2019-04-22 05:03:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!
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MensjeDeZeemeermin [2019-01-26 06:46:47 +0000 UTC]
I am so very honored that you liked my sad, if true, poem so much.Β Did you look over my poems of centaurs?Β Thank you.
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LitostAndTea In reply to MensjeDeZeemeermin [2019-01-26 18:25:33 +0000 UTC]
I read the poem about the stallion. Very thoughtful. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for more poems from you.
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MensjeDeZeemeermin In reply to LitostAndTea [2019-01-26 23:00:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad you liked it, and chose to honor it.Β Β
You MIGHT like:
Centaur on a HillI pause, at sunset, on a hill,
And watch the sky turn dark, and still,
I swish my tail, thoughtfully,
And think about eternity.
Each moment will not come again,
Or will they, someday? Β If so, when?
I shift my weight, adjust my hooves,
And notice how the world moves.
I learn, I age, gain, and the price,
I profit by, and give advice.
There's grey in certain parts of me,
A treasure-trove, of memory.
There's lovers held, and races won,
There's things both well, and badly done.
I can be proud, I should be meek,
I grow more thoughtful, when I speak.
And yet, I watch the foals at play,
I hear the things their mothers say,
And smile, in secret, and stand guard,
No, keeping to myself's not hard.
I've old friends scented, in the breeze,
And new friends met, to pass at ease
A lazy hour in drink, and song,
And such an hour is not long.
I feel, still, something lies ahead,
Good books to be obtained, and read.
Old knowledge found, and brought to light,
And poems and tales I'm meant to write.
SkittishClumsy of hands, clumsy of hooves,
Clumsy of tongue, all of which proves
That I've no chance to match your grace,
Your beauty, both of mind and face.
I'm strong of back, and strong of will,
My breathing's sound, and yet, and still
You are no rock my strength can move,
I feel that I've so much to prove.
Unsure of mind, unsure of plan.
I want to do what yet I can
To make my person fit for you,
And I've no clue what I should do.
My pelt is dusty from my toil,
My tail's matted, flecked with soil,
My sweat has left a tell-tale scent
And each day's ending finds me spent.
I'm shy of gaze, and shy of voice,
I scent you, shy, and yet rejoice
That, though unseen, you yet draw near,
And then I'm scared that you'll appear.
I'm long of leg, strong in my gait,
And patient, and not overweight.
I'm faithful, loving, gentle, too.
But how could I be fit for you?
You see me here, you head this way,
Your path is clear, you do not stray!
And what is this? Β You take my hand?
I'll take what I can't unde
I am greatly honored by your continuing interest in my work. Thank you.Β And I see that you did like those, thank you kindly.Β There are at least two more--funnier poems.
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frankly-art [2019-01-23 16:48:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the fav on my interpretation of Chiron as a Persona!
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RAM-brandt [2019-01-11 04:11:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I want to check in with you about your comic. Are you planning to continue it?
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LitostAndTea In reply to RAM-brandt [2019-01-11 12:29:54 +0000 UTC]
Yes I do plan to continue it.
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Roninwolf1981 [2018-12-12 07:39:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for ing my work.
Mature Content
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LitostAndTea In reply to Roninwolf1981 [2018-12-13 02:32:07 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. Great work on an adorable and unique taur pose.
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