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# Statistics
Favourites: 384; Deviations: 122; Watchers: 309
Watching: 96; Pageviews: 60597; Comments Made: 2949; Friends: 96
# Comments
Comments: 548
RBL-M1A2Tanker [2019-08-19 02:15:54 +0000 UTC]
In a few days, it is going to be a relatively normal day...for most.Β But not for you.Β For on that day...it will be a good day to revel in the moment that you were cast down upon this Earth, summoned and placed here by the mighty Odin to share your talents and your creativity with all.Β Let thee rejoice and enjoy this time, and know you are wished a Happy Birthday!Β May many more follow!
Also, Odin sends cake, blessed by King Kong and delivered by Godzilla!
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RBL-M1A2Tanker [2018-08-18 17:50:19 +0000 UTC]
A few days from today, the history books show an entry.Β An entry of mystery, and portent, as the great powers came down upon the Earth, and, in accordance with the wishes of the mighty King Kong, granted the world a boon.Β That boon was you.Β And lo, let it be said to all that you are to be wished a Happy Birthday upon that day, with the most excellent and amazing of cakes to partake in!
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RBL-M1A2Tanker [2017-08-21 06:17:27 +0000 UTC]
History records that, just days from now, a tremendous upheaval took place as the ground cracked and broke apart, tornadoes spun counter to their nature, and even Godzilla bowed as you appeared upon the Earth to grace us with your art. And so it is wished upon you to have a Happy Birthday on that day....and a most excellent cake. Β
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RBL-M1A2Tanker [2016-08-18 23:48:44 +0000 UTC]
In a short time hence, may you have a most happy birthday, for that is the day that you descended upon the Earth in a shower of lightening! Β Also, have delicious that day!
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RBL-M1A2Tanker [2015-08-19 03:41:41 +0000 UTC]
Happy early birthday! Β With many happy returns!
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Seieihime [2014-08-25 20:36:47 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday [again] my lovey~!
I hope you have a wonderful day again this year~!
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RBL-M1A2Tanker [2014-08-19 05:05:07 +0000 UTC]
Happy early birthday! I brings much in celebration!
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Seieihime [2013-08-25 20:26:15 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday~!
I hope you have a glorious day~!
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RBL-M1A2Tanker [2013-08-20 04:55:38 +0000 UTC]
Happy early birthday! I brings the as tribute!
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HannibalVlad [2013-03-13 17:53:26 +0000 UTC]
hola lili soy vlad, la razon por la que no te pude comunicar es que me haquearon mi cuenta y tuve que eliminarla. Este es mi nueva cuenta [link]
Saludos y bendiciones.
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ferpsf [2012-12-26 12:58:03 +0000 UTC]
Hey Lili! Saliste en la cosmode 49
fijate [link]
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UlielArt [2012-02-07 21:11:12 +0000 UTC]
Hola que emocionante ver en DA personas de mi pais con tal calidad de deviations
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UlielArt In reply to LiliQuant [2012-03-16 16:59:07 +0000 UTC]
yo no sigue haciendo cosplay?
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LiliQuant In reply to UlielArt [2012-04-07 20:04:58 +0000 UTC]
claro q si!!! bueno... de momento tengo mis proyectos en "pausa" por q estoy fuera del pais, pero ya pronto vuelvo!!!
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cesaw70 [2012-01-05 20:47:46 +0000 UTC]
hope you enjoyed it and
we hope you continue to give us samples of your talent.
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LiliQuant In reply to cesaw70 [2012-01-14 18:48:47 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot!!! I'll try to upload as often as I can thanks a lot for remembering my DA b-day
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Mercenar [2011-12-12 11:40:27 +0000 UTC]
My dear, your interview is online :
Sorry for the long wait !!
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LiliQuant In reply to Mercenar [2011-12-12 19:47:48 +0000 UTC]
waaaaaaaaaaa thanks a lot!!! love it
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blackedx [2011-09-28 17:44:50 +0000 UTC]
Ratos de no ver una nueva foto, ΒΏque ha pasado?
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LiliQuant In reply to blackedx [2011-10-02 21:59:49 +0000 UTC]
estoy fuera del pais, mis fotos de ahora en adelante va a ser paisajes
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blackedx [2011-09-19 03:24:13 +0000 UTC]
Hola hice una foto manipulaciΓ³n donde sales tu. Espero que te guste
te dejo el link:
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LiliQuant In reply to blackedx [2011-09-25 05:36:13 +0000 UTC]
muchas gracias!!!! esta super!!!!
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max25castro [2011-09-12 16:21:53 +0000 UTC]
thanks for join please fell free to contribute
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lousciousfoxx [2011-09-10 15:47:54 +0000 UTC]
i love your Babydoll cosplay you look so like her! x
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Kastarnia [2011-08-25 17:52:10 +0000 UTC]
Lili!! FelΓz cumpleaΓ±os!
Pasala bonito y disfrutΓ‘ todo lo que podΓ‘s en tu dΓa!
Abrazos y bendiciones!
Miss you!
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LiliQuant In reply to Kastarnia [2011-09-25 05:35:48 +0000 UTC]
aaaaaaaawwwwww gracias katy
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cesaw70 [2011-08-24 18:49:26 +0000 UTC]
I would love to wish you a happy birthday
that is
filled with friends and good times and warm memories until next year.
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LiliQuant In reply to cesaw70 [2011-09-25 05:35:26 +0000 UTC]
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww late but thanks a lot!!!!!!
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adriantiberiu76 In reply to LiliQuant [2011-09-25 20:18:55 +0000 UTC]
you are welcome!
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blackedx [2011-07-04 12:24:42 +0000 UTC]
Climas frΓos?, bueno al menos lo que funciona para mi es:
Congelarte primero, acostumbrarte despuΓ©s...
Pero bueno eso depende de a donde vas... por cierto. ΒΏA donde? XD
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LiliQuant In reply to Sweet-Empathy [2011-06-11 01:57:18 +0000 UTC]
same to you fellow sheryl in a castle
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LiliQuant In reply to yinami [2011-05-31 04:29:28 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks a lot!!!! I like yours!!!! love the white bunny one
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