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| Leiru

Leiru [1004033] [] "Lord Leiru Einsoft"

# Statistics

Favourites: 8; Deviations: 3; Watchers: 9

Watching: 23; Pageviews: 6003; Comments Made: 261; Friends: 23

# Comments

Comments: 79

Leiru [2010-03-07 15:31:41 +0000 UTC]

I'm lazy uploading my artworks here,
so many things to put, and need to categorize. BS

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KashinoRei [2008-12-11 13:13:47 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the watch!

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Leiru In reply to KashinoRei [2009-02-08 09:41:50 +0000 UTC]


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v2-6 [2008-07-05 02:46:16 +0000 UTC]

just dropping by.. checking updates sa gallery.. wahehhe..

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villarica [2008-05-23 04:11:53 +0000 UTC]

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narodski [2008-02-05 04:00:57 +0000 UTC]


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cindefckingrella [2007-10-19 08:34:41 +0000 UTC]

thnx dood

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scarypet [2007-08-12 09:51:25 +0000 UTC]

nakikiraan lang! hehe nakita lang kita sa friendster

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u25 [2007-07-30 08:00:07 +0000 UTC]

thanks kapwa pinoy!!!

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PforPutrescence [2007-07-29 06:55:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks dude.
Who is Lintel, eh?
And how am I gonna pm him/her? Hehe...

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QueenStinger [2007-07-28 20:13:35 +0000 UTC]


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butterflies2Heaven [2007-07-18 12:38:35 +0000 UTC]

ur [link] rans?

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sansrival [2007-07-17 07:26:03 +0000 UTC]

kabayan! found you through friendster groups hehe. nice gallery! ^_^ keep it up!

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cxes [2007-07-06 22:40:18 +0000 UTC]

i just got your message in friendster.

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jovincent [2007-06-29 15:55:04 +0000 UTC]

pinoy! keep it up!

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redrider1 [2007-02-23 18:25:31 +0000 UTC]

nice gallery , pinoy pride!

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Leiru In reply to redrider1 [2007-02-24 06:40:33 +0000 UTC]

not much as a gallery but thx nweiz! yeah pinoy the best!

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bernce [2007-02-09 07:55:30 +0000 UTC]

congratulations sa succesful mong printscreen...

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bernce In reply to bernce [2007-02-10 00:05:54 +0000 UTC]

nah! im happy just by helping u out... no biggie...

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Leiru In reply to bernce [2007-02-09 10:53:37 +0000 UTC]

it would be mpossible thx to u!

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v2-6 [2007-01-22 09:57:23 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the watch..

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v2-6 [2007-01-17 04:32:54 +0000 UTC]

pa watch ha..

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ako-lang [2006-08-08 01:54:47 +0000 UTC]

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Leiru In reply to ako-lang [2006-08-21 12:19:07 +0000 UTC]

hello there ^^

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slayerchix [2006-03-20 20:28:04 +0000 UTC]

curious about your avatar... why?

you don't sound like a nazi.

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Leiru In reply to slayerchix [2006-03-24 09:10:49 +0000 UTC]

What the world displays in history books are all fabricated to suit the commercialized education we are up to now. No im not a nazi , but I highly appreciated the symbols Sr Hitler used. Like the seal of the triskelions, the swastika is used in a diff. manner. .and by fault it is not guilty of sanctions . . its a free-for-all avatar.

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Leiru [2006-03-15 04:14:04 +0000 UTC]

There was this girl who struck my heart same as
the speed of lightning. . . Every passing seconds
without her in my sight brings dilemma and her
breath that freezes my humanity. A mans heart
will never satisfy any cravings but this womans love
shall overtake any resort. Forge by the Gods, My
eros for you will never die, even the famed
Cleopatra envies your grace, asking if venus herself
reincarnate to be you .
There was this girl that fills the empty space on
my heart . . . like a butterfly on my tummy , soaring
high above beyond the empire of the angels. . Shes
so pretty . and sassy . .god I loved her! The
moment I met her is the blessings a thousand folds
anyone could ever wished for. Her face that instill
on my dim thoughts seducing me unto eternal
slumber. Shes so mean.
There was this girl who celebrates her Birthday
1 hour before 12 midnight who despise a guy who
love her so much that he left all his career hanging
loose yet undiminished on his endeavors. Jean ,
sometimes the ocean whisper to us . . that we are
not perfect like lesser gods do . .unless we our
selves are gods . . To err is to human , to forgive
divine. . In words or actions I deeply lack these
characters, but hear my flee . . . There will be no
other woman if its not you . . remember the chapel
my commitment . . .8 hours of waiting . . . rain or
shine . . famished and weary . . I do care for
you . . corny may it seems to post this but I dont
care what other people would say . . .The world
testifies how I much I love you . . and making a
covenant with cupid is a must for thee . . . Im
seeking your love , searching thru your soul. .
Could it be that in a dream would I succumb to
receive such caress? Well the end justifies the
means. . . Again Happy Bday . . . If theres one I
would marry , theres none other than you dear.


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Leiru [2006-03-15 04:13:51 +0000 UTC]

There was this girl who struck my heart same as
the speed of lightning. . . Every passing seconds
without her in my sight brings dilemma and her
breath that freezes my humanity. A mans heart
will never satisfy any cravings but this womans love
shall overtake any resort. Forge by the Gods, My
eros for you will never die, even the famed
Cleopatra envies your grace, asking if venus herself
reincarnate to be you .
There was this girl that fills the empty space on
my heart . . . like a butterfly on my tummy , soaring
high above beyond the empire of the angels. . Shes
so pretty . and sassy . .god I loved her! The
moment I met her is the blessings a thousand folds
anyone could ever wished for. Her face that instill
on my dim thoughts seducing me unto eternal
slumber. Shes so mean.
There was this girl who celebrates her Birthday
1 hour before 12 midnight who despise a guy who
love her so much that he left all his career hanging
loose yet undiminished on his endeavors. Jean ,
sometimes the ocean whisper to us . . that we are
not perfect like lesser gods do . .unless we our
selves are gods . . To err is to human , to forgive
divine. . In words or actions I deeply lack these
characters, but hear my flee . . . There will be no
other woman if its not you . . remember the chapel
my commitment . . .8 hours of waiting . . . rain or
shine . . famished and weary . . I do care for
you . . corny may it seems to post this but I dont
care what other people would say . . .The world
testifies how I much I love you . . and making a
covenant with cupid is a must for thee . . . Im
seeking your love , searching thru your soul. .
Could it be that in a dream would I succumb to
receive such caress? Well the end justifies the
means. . . Again Happy Bday . . . If theres one I
would marry , theres none other than you dear.


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linteli [2005-11-26 15:56:58 +0000 UTC]

Hey. Thank you for the favourites. I really appreciate. Your commments make me feel somehow special. They make me smile. So thank you.


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Leiru In reply to linteli [2005-12-31 12:32:57 +0000 UTC]

hey ive just got a thesaurus and guess what i find the meaning of grumps, or grumpsie, hey dont think im a dort . . .lol . .

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2005-12-31 16:57:36 +0000 UTC]

Nono not a grumpsie :3 It's crumpsie coming from crumbs like cookie crumbs.

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-01-01 03:38:23 +0000 UTC]

hehe how u doin?

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-01-01 15:10:12 +0000 UTC]

fine thanks new year's eve went peacefully and now I'm just relaxing at home

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-01-05 06:33:38 +0000 UTC]

r u angry with me? y?

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-01-09 15:30:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh no, I'm not
How did you get that impression, very sorry if I've said something rude to you

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-01-10 13:38:41 +0000 UTC]

no its not what you mean . . .its just a test . . psywar . . im just measuring ur attitude . . sorry for that . . im just trying what my professor in logic tought me . . reading the minds of other by dictating the phase of situation by any means . . friends

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-01-11 18:02:20 +0000 UTC]

Ooh sounds interesting ^_______^
Did I get good points in measuring? x)

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-01-12 13:41:22 +0000 UTC]

actually i dont know . . . hehe . . but i guess your a wonderful person that anybody would envy me . . ur sweet yet intelligent . . points? hmm. . maybe ur character of admitting a mistake that you've never done and ur empathy towards a friend . . dont take it seriously , coz its only an initial impression . . but ill be glad its these are true . tc

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-01-12 18:12:06 +0000 UTC]

Sounds a bit like me ^^ I always freak out if I think I've made someone feel bad

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-01-16 14:19:45 +0000 UTC]

well thats true . . same with me .. its the feeling of being upset during bed time right? i miss you +)

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-02-12 18:17:20 +0000 UTC]

How have you been dear?

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-02-18 11:47:22 +0000 UTC]

i kept on dreaming that someday . . . I can somehow end the sufferings and help people into their worst problem . . but icant . . cause i have problems on my own . . until i met this lady that tells me that in this world of ours . . nothing is impossible by just believing . . . from the unknow . . Godspeed . . shes my ecstasy . .

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-02-26 18:04:44 +0000 UTC]

Sounds somehow very familiar to me. One must solve own problems before being able to help thers.

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Leiru In reply to Leiru [2006-02-18 12:00:27 +0000 UTC]

lin . . always take care of your self . . dont ask just do! "kiss"

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-02-26 18:05:08 +0000 UTC]

Shall do that dear [hugs and kisses]

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-02-27 09:21:20 +0000 UTC]

Finland is half swedish and russians right? Ive just read some info. because of our World History . . haj = hello so haj ^^

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-02-27 14:23:10 +0000 UTC]

Not actually. Finland has belonged to Sweden and Russia but at the moment independent and most of the population consists of Finnish people.

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-03-04 00:55:17 +0000 UTC]

i see . . . you have a beautiful country . . . consisting of lakes and magestic bodies of water . . .by the way is he your boy friend that passed out? what illness? miss u

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linteli In reply to Leiru [2006-03-12 20:57:04 +0000 UTC]

I like our nature, it makes me feel calm.
And no, not my boyfriend. He was a very good friend and in a way a teacher, too. Guess he was just old, I don't know because they haven't told me the actual reason but he was being sick a lot so guess it's better like this.

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Leiru In reply to linteli [2006-03-15 04:05:25 +0000 UTC]

do you like music? and if so what genre, or lets say what band? just asking hehe

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