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| Lefvaid
# Statistics
Favourites: 62; Deviations: 74; Watchers: 31
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# Comments
Comments: 19
bear48 [2016-06-22 00:30:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the Llama
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Lefvaid In reply to channellehazel [2016-03-29 14:08:31 +0000 UTC]
Hi there! Glad to have some of the sketchfit crew on the good 'ol DA. And since i'm here:
Thank you for following me, expect a follow back in 5,4,3,2...
Just saw your improvement piece, and woa, your doing great! Love your birds, they have that painterly look where you can see you had fun doing them.
And thanks for your (extensive) comment on the forums!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
channellehazel In reply to Lefvaid [2016-04-07 05:47:03 +0000 UTC]
Hehe yes! Although I admit, I don't use dA as much as I used to anymore. I feel like I'm flooded with social media these days. dA was always my favourite, but most of my friends migrated to tumblr. :/
Ah, thank you. As for my improvement, it's happening, but it's been so slow. It's awful looking over the folders, which I sorted into years, and seeing how little I did over some years. I'm hoping to really push the progress now, and go up up up. Not to concept art level, but just illustration level. My partner wants to work in concept art, so he's trying really hard, but for me, I don't want to work in that kind of industry. All of the things I want to do are much less serious. In saying that, I want to be serious enough to be awesome, but I just don't need a full-time job out of it. I just want the skills for my own personal satisfaction, and to use them in the ways I want. But... all I ever draw is birds now. People are so intimidating. :c Which study techniques have you found best for improving at drawing people, if I may ask?
That's OK! I have a hard time following people's individual threads - I like the big one. But I'll try be better and look at personal threads. Can you believe there's less than a month now? I kept thinking "Final Push!" and now I think my body isn't recovering because I'm too excited about being too active, and not resting enough. I'm wondering how Ahmed is gonna judge the winner though... everyone has such different goals and setbacks.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Lefvaid In reply to channellehazel [2016-04-07 10:41:00 +0000 UTC]
Yes, DA was the first site I started uploading things to, back in 2008. Since then I moved to tumblr, twitter, instagram, facebook (of course), drawcrowd, artstation... and a couple of forums. But slowly went diching everything except facebook and deviantart. And even in here I deleted my old acount and started from scratch. Too many disaster pieces haha. Tumblr I love, but It's sooooo easy to end up browsing for ours I had to delete my bookmark because of how much time I spend on there...
About the study techniques, I have been taking art seriously for almost 8 years now, and seeing my current level, I don't think you should follow my advice, because I am definately doing something wrong... However, I started by coping Dragon Ball characters when I was a kid, and never got interesting in backgrounds, so most of my study growing up was focused on characters. When I started art school, we mostly drew statues, like Michelangelos David, the Discobolus, some madonnas... and then moved into live modeling lessons, wich I think are one of the most effective forms of practise for realistic anatomy. However, if you want to get interesting poses, I think gesture is much more important than getting anatomy right. So everyday I do a 5 minute warm up with gesture pictures. 30 second sketches, to focus on the "flow" and movement of the body rather on details. I'll leave you some links at the bottom. But if you can't go to live modeling sessions, feel unconfortable around nude bodies or just prefer a fully "on my own" learning experience, I would study the hell out of Loomis or Vilppu. Also, some excercised I do often, is to get some pics from mma figters, get some anatomy guide, and trace the muscles over the pictures with the help of the anatomy guide. Another one, draw four dots at random positions, and then try and draw a figure whose hand and feet are placet at the dots. Or another one I got from a spiderman artist (dont remember who...) is to draw an interesting shape, and then try and fit a character inside, like if it wat a torsion artist.
Yes, so many people its hard to follow.. I did watched your last three videos though, and congrats on winning the kameha contest!! I actually worte you a reply there, but when I hit publish, the forum or my inernet crashed and did not get posted D: I thik the final video we are supose to post it's gonna be a decisive element. Because for him it has to be as hard as for us to follow that many people... That's why I think the ones that posted more videos have the better chances. I already started to think of a top 10 winners, and you are definately in there. And quite up I must say.
Heres some links:
Here's what I use to my gesture drawing warmups:
www.quickposes.com/ (this one is a bit sexist, ence I use it the least)
All Andrew Loomis's books:
VIlppu's drawing manual
this guy has a youtube channel, although its a bit messy:
Oh¡ and forgot about Stan Prokopenko! He's a great teacher and has a couple videos on Loomis and Vilpu, in case you find manuals too boring. Also, his anatomy exercises are very good.
Hope this helped!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
channellehazel In reply to Lefvaid [2016-06-09 21:17:11 +0000 UTC]
Hey man!! Sooo I'm super late to reply, but thank you so much for the big reply! And all the links! Haha I had an old account from 2006 here lilhazelnutta.deviantart.com/ and I feel like a pretty different person to that one now.. I used to really love trying to take sky photos and doing anime drawings but these days I sew and just do reference study digital paintings. I drew with so much energy back then and barely got grumpy when drawing. I miss that haha. Tumblr is definitely distracting, I feel ya. I do love dA but I barely visit these days. IG seems to be the easiest for me. P:
I never had interest in backgrounds either.. still don't, to my shame. The gesture drawing every day seems good. I tried the sketchdaily one, and did a few of those - found some of the pics were really elaborate in comparison to others. I used pixelovely for a bit a couple of years ago and now I'm tired of the same people I see on there haha... also occassionally used posemanics for reference for illustrations but would be cool for gesture, now that you mention it. And I'll look at quickposes, and thanks for the warning. P:
Loomissss. We have one Loomis book here my partner draws from sometimes. Thanks for those pdfs etc! And Vlippu's too. Stan's channel looks especially useful, so I'll keep an eye on his videos too. Really, thanks for sharing all those resources! And I love that idea about the 4 dots.
Aaahh I miss SketchFit. Feels like many of the SketchFitters have disappeared back to their normal lives..
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Grotessive [2015-10-29 16:16:18 +0000 UTC]
Tienes un estilo bastante único! Me gusta mucho tu galería. Y veo que el minotauro del video de sycra está ahí jaja que pequeño es el mundo.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Lefvaid In reply to Grotessive [2015-10-30 08:32:23 +0000 UTC]
Yo te encontré a raíz del concurso de este mes de Jazza, así que sí, bastante pequeño XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Lefvaid In reply to LoulouVZ [2015-09-10 13:49:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I can say the same from you, awesome gallery!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0