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# Comments

Comments: 3687

pk-condor [2025-03-01 03:43:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pk-condor [2024-03-01 03:21:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pk-condor [2018-03-01 03:03:02 +0000 UTC]

You have with your loved ones a Happy Birthday and many happy years and this year God fill you with blessings and happiness my friend.      

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Galatic-Kitty [2018-02-05 22:27:00 +0000 UTC]

Find the 1 and you will get kissed in 11 days
find the $ and you will have good luck for 2 years



*****MAKE A WISH*****
Find the m and your wish will come true
Repost to 9 other pictures  and everything will come true..ignore this and you will have bad luck for 9 years..

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CrystalizedJellyfish [2017-12-25 22:38:24 +0000 UTC]

ayyyy olivia!
it's me! remember? fanastic-ninja-poni?
it has been a while since we have talked

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neongutz [2017-03-13 22:55:17 +0000 UTC]

hey dude we haven't talked in so long omg

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to neongutz [2017-03-13 23:21:12 +0000 UTC]

No, we really haven't. O.o I haven't been posting much stuff lately either. XD

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neongutz In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-03-13 23:33:52 +0000 UTC]

yeah ahahjsdf
we should start talking again

so have have you been :000

[ive been obsessing over the lego batman move]

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to neongutz [2017-03-13 23:40:15 +0000 UTC]

I watched the Lego Batman Movie last month!  I loved it. XD I can't even count how many times I almost cracked up in the theater.

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neongutz In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-03-13 23:49:01 +0000 UTC]

its so good bless 
and gAY
and the tumblr fandom for it it huge

im so glad the movie theater was almost empty because i kept making weird noises trying to suppress my laughter

and screeching mE
especially when batman came home and he was all alone 

im convinced the ending scene was a wedding at this point 

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to neongutz [2017-03-14 01:27:30 +0000 UTC]

I know, I kept pressing my hands to my mouth to try and stifle my laughing.  But I almost completely lost it when Batman was watching the movie and then at the really dramatic part he started laughing.  THE EXPRESSION HE MADE WAS SO FUNNY. XD

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neongutz In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-03-17 14:42:46 +0000 UTC]

i dont remember exactly but i believe that in the movie he was watching one of the characters said "im just gonna come right out and say it, i love you"


coincidence? i think not

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to neongutz [2017-03-17 16:39:41 +0000 UTC]

Foreshadowing. XD My favorite character was Robin.  He was adorable. :3

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neongutz In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-03-25 18:56:56 +0000 UTC]

hes such a pure cinnamon roll

my favorite character was joke r heck yeah

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pk-condor [2017-03-01 21:18:43 +0000 UTC]

You have with your loved ones a Happy (Late)  Birthday and many happy years and this year God fill you with blessings and happiness my friend.      

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to pk-condor [2017-03-02 01:12:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! ^^

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snowyroxx22 [2017-02-28 21:21:04 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to snowyroxx22 [2017-02-28 23:02:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ^^ <3

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snowyroxx22 In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-03-01 03:40:50 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-21 07:30:04 +0000 UTC]

Bumblebee looked over at Steeljaw, who was hooked up to the energon cables; his optics almost looking... Well, pitiful. "Are you absolutely sure...? I mean, it's one life for another. You're a con but I can't help but consider it."

Steeljaw gave one silent nod after exhaling.

Bumblebee acknowledged this; taking in a deep breath before yanking down the switch.

Much like all those years back, a white light blinded them all for a second or more- all the while the life of Steeljaw was being given to you.

...And with that, you woke to see the bots and cons surrounding you; staring down at you with awe and silence.

Bumblebee turned his gaze over towards Ratchet, who had his digits pressed up to Steeljaw's neck: feeling for any pulse.

He looked up and silently shook his head.

And as you looked in that direction, you saw it- Steeljaw's lifeless carcass on the ground. His optics were dark and faded.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-21 13:11:20 +0000 UTC]

(Okay, thanks. It would be alright if you asked me to go reply again to the original, but thanks)

"W-What happened to Steeljaw..?" I asked softly. He wasn't.. He couldn't have been, could he..?

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-21 20:36:07 +0000 UTC]

Bumblebee lowered a servo to help you up, sighing.

"Olivia... You were put into a coma from both the energon blast and the poison retracted from your braces." He stopped to let it sink in before continuing. "...The only way to get rid of it was to send a large amount of processed energon through your system. He..."

He looked over at the carcass, his shoulders drooping.

He didn't feel too much pain for the Decepticon himself, but a pit developed in his stomach knowing you'd feel the opposite.

"He did it for you. He's gone... I'm sorry." He spoke deeply and solemnly.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-21 22:08:21 +0000 UTC]

  I looked at Steeljaw's lifeless body, soaking in what I was told.  No.. Not Steeljaw.. I had barely gotten to see him again for the first time in days and then..he was gone.. Tears quickly formed in my eyes and spilled without hesitation.  I sobbed in silence, still looking at the dead body of the one I was closest to.  I just didn't care about anything else.. I just wanted Steeljaw back..

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-22 09:04:28 +0000 UTC]

 Bumblebee knelt by your side. "...P-please, don't... Don't think this was your fault. Okay?"

 You just wanted to go. You couldn't see Steeljaw on the ground like that... Like this.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-22 12:27:52 +0000 UTC]

I just sobbed, hardly seeming to heed his statement. I got up and quickly ran out of the chamber, still crying as I went. It was my fault.. It was all because of me.. I got hit by the blast, maybe I didn't yell loud enough.. And just the fact that I was alive and he was dead made me feel guilty..

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-23 01:20:34 +0000 UTC]

 As you ran towards the trailer, Bumblebee first extended his arm out and opened his mouth to call you- but hesitated, looking down with guilt lingering in his optics.

 The Decepticon team just stood there, frozen- well, the team that was left. Thunderhoof and Clampdown were gone, they took the opportunity to escape freely when they could.

 Unerbite just stood there, looking down sadly; surprisingly mellow for being around the autobots.

 "I... Was I wrong? He... He really did care about her?" The autobot leader solemnly said to himself. "...Optimus would be so disappointed... I..."

 Strongarm put a servo on his shoulder. "Sir, this was out of your control. You couldn't have changed anything if you knew. If it's anyone's fault, it's her"-

 "No." He said, pulling away from her servo. "...Team, let's put this carcass in a stasis pod. And..." He looked at Fracture and Underbite, who were looking to him for guidance.

 "...A-and you two, just stay here."

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-23 01:24:08 +0000 UTC]

  I burst into the trailer, closing the door behind me and running towards the bed.  I threw myself onto it, burying my head in the pillow and crying more relentlessly.  My sobs were however muffled by the tear-soaked pillow, as I cried into it.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-23 06:25:59 +0000 UTC]

...Hours later, you fell asleep from crying and exhaustion- as well as mild exposure to energon.

When you woke up, it was just about ten at night: the stars were out, a haze of blue fell over the scrapyard.

...You wondered what happened... Maybe you should look.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-23 06:34:42 +0000 UTC]

I got up slowly and gingerly opened the trailer door, carefully stepping out and looking around. I wondered where everyone was.. What did they do with Steeljaw's body? I wanted to know, as I walked quietly through the dark scrapyard.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-23 16:19:27 +0000 UTC]

...Looking around, it was gone- from what you could tell, only the autobots were around.

And Bumblebee was the only one awake.

His figure just kind of leaning on a shelf silently kind of jumpscared you when you saw it.

He barely looked over at you. "H-hey, um..." He spoke uncomfortably, a hint of guilt in his voice. "Your sleep was okay, right?"

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-23 16:30:40 +0000 UTC]

  I nodded slowly, my eyes still furrowed sadly as I looked up at him.  "Where's..th-the body..?" I whispered softly.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-23 18:39:01 +0000 UTC]

He didn't show much expression as he spoke: his faceplate still in an expression of guilt.

"We had to put him into cryosleep, just like Fracture and Clampdown. If we were to bury him, it would risk other humans finding him."


"...He," He paused, releasing tension from his upper half. "He told me to take good care of you."

He changed the topic, solemnly looking down at his feet. "...I'm sorry that I'm not the best at that..."

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-23 18:44:53 +0000 UTC]

  I hung my head, guilt filling me as he said those words.  "No.. I-I'm the one who should be sorry.. You've been trying so hard, but all I've ever done is make you feel bad.. I-I take back those things I said about you.. I don't even blame you if you won't forgive me.." I stated softly, tears filling my eyes.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-23 18:50:53 +0000 UTC]

He instantly looked at you with pity and surprise: a servo extending out towards you.

"W-what? No! You're right, I was too harsh. I mean, you're what: thirteen? Fourteen? Yelling at you was completely unacceptable. You were right. I... I shouldn't have gotten my voice back in the first place?

'Gotten my voice back'? What was he talking about...?

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-23 18:52:51 +0000 UTC]

  "What do you mean..?  You've always had your voice, haven't you..?" I asked in confusion, looking up at him curiously.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-24 06:49:58 +0000 UTC]

(here comes the tears)

He sighed, looking down.

"...It," He continued solemnly. "It was at Tiger Pax. During the great war. Back then, about fourteen years ago- I was a scout, you know."

Saying so, he tried to fake a weak laugh, failing to brighten the mood.

He continued, a frown appearing on his face again.

"...I was put in the front lines, as usual. And, what comes in the front lines," He sighed gravely. "Is the first to get hurt."

He repositioned himself and told the story more numbly as he went along.

"Megatron took me and interrogated me, demanding the coordinate points of the main autobot/ally base. Seeing I wouldn't speak for him, I paid a price. He..."

He stopped. You saw his servo cup over a part of his throat: one that was mildly scarred.

His lids closed and his eyebrows furrowed uncomfortably at the memory.

"...For nine years I was mute. I... I spoke through a morse-like language of beeps and pitched tones. Only autobots and a few lucky humans could understand me. And..." He looked down shamefully. "...Now that I've got it back, you've made me realize that I can sometimes use it a little too much."

You felt tears mercilessly flooding your sclera. You had no idea he was mute...

You felt so guilty, you felt like you were a horrible human being.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-24 07:12:03 +0000 UTC]

(Well, the Morro one already kinda got the tears out.)

"What..?" I whispered in shock, looking up at him with wide, tear filled eyes. I covered my mouth, my stomach tightening as I remembered what I had said about his voice. "I-I'm so sorry, Bumblebee! I was wrong! If I had known, I would've thought twice! But.. But I'm just stupid, a-and ungrateful.. I hurt you more than you ever deserved.." I whimpered, hanging my head in pure, tearful shame.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-27 02:51:20 +0000 UTC]

 Instantly, the leader's shoulder-plate doorwings drooped and his shoulders hunched in worry and sympathy. Instantly, he roughly kneeled- reaching out for you and speaking quickly. "No! No, please... I-I didn't mean to make you... Don't cry, I..." He seemed awkward in his attempts to comfort you; grunting and almost verbally demanding in a passive way for you to stop feeling sad.

 Seeing that his speech efforts failed, he sighed and released tension in his pedes; sitting on a crate and lowering his hand to you. This time, he spoke with simple, soft wording. "Climb up. I think we need to talk about something that I failed to talk about earlier."

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-27 03:35:18 +0000 UTC]

  I looked up at him, sniffled and wiping my eyes as I slowly climbed up onto his servo.  I was too sad to feel scared of him now.. Being overcome with guilt numbed my intimidation of him.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-27 06:45:20 +0000 UTC]

 His servo was unfamiliar territory to you, but it felt welcoming and safe.

 "...I..." He didn't know where to start. After seconds, he released a long exhale and closed his optics; opening them to speak to you finally. "I know you have reasons for what you did. And... A-and I needed to try and listen to what you had to say. Even though they seemed vile, and unnecessary... I kind of forgot... Well, I'll admit it. I forgot my place as a teammate."

 He lifted his second servo, cupping both of them as ground beneath you. "I was too busy being a leader, being the "big commanding authority" that told you what to do without bothering to listen to what you had to say. I... I guess I forgot what it was like, being the one with no voice." He looked down glumly at you, guilt in his optics.

 You felt yourself being lifted closer to his faceplate. Your forehead was close enough that it just gently touched his."But I will change that," He sincerely looked into your beady little human eyes. "I promise."

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-27 06:49:15 +0000 UTC]

Tears were still coming down my face, but they were more comforted. I gently wrapped my arms around his thumb digit, looking into his blue optics calmly. "I-I promise to be a better teammate too.." I whispered sincerely.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-29 04:42:44 +0000 UTC]

A small, relaxed chuckle let out as he smiled. He spoke with no remorse in his voice. "...Just stay in the scrapyard when I tell you." You saw his helm move forward hesitantly: but soon you felt your body resting under the roof of his chin and comfortingly against the rough metal scar on his neck.

For the first time... You felt like he was your Steeljaw. That you were completely safe in his hold.

It would never match up to the unfathomable trust and love you and Steeljaw had, but you had to admit...

...You were home.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-29 04:57:53 +0000 UTC]

(He'd better not be my Steeljaw, 'cuz that would mean he's gonna DIE. -_- )

  I breathed out softly and curled up, feeling comfort for the first time in Bumblebee's presence.  "I will..." I whispered in reply.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-29 20:11:40 +0000 UTC]

(What? You must've seen it coming! Unconditional love, perfect reactions- he's practically bait for character death 😂)

He let you rest there a bit; feeling comfort himself as he finally got to held what he was so protective over- knowing you'd be just fine there in his two big servos.

...As he lifted you away and placed you down, he looked at you while kneeling. "Chin up, okay?"

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-29 20:43:23 +0000 UTC]

(I'm never forgiving you for it, by the way. -_- )

  "Okay.." I nodded slowly. "I.. I will miss him though..."  I folded my hands together sadly, almost too afraid to even say his name from being so sad about it.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-30 14:50:58 +0000 UTC]

(how about now)

He looked down with a soft sympathy in his baby blue optics. Lifting a servo in signal to halt, he spoke up.

"Hey, I understand... If you feel lonely you're welcome to sleep in my cab tonight."

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-30 15:08:58 +0000 UTC]

(Bumblebee's cab does not heal the pain.)

"R-Really..?" I looked up at him timidly. "O-Okay, thank you.."

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-30 18:57:38 +0000 UTC]

(If this is your reaction to Steeljaw then you're gonna HATE me later for the deaths I have planned 😂)

He nodded, transforming into his vehicle mode.

...As you got in, you expected to feel afraid: but you didn't. You instantly felt like huddling in the backseat.

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LOVENINJASFOREVAH In reply to FNAFanimeHobbit [2017-01-30 19:00:14 +0000 UTC]


  As I nestled down on the backseat, I realized how cold I was.  I wished I had brought a blanket with me.. I tightly curled myself up, trying to trap some warmth next to me.

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FNAFanimeHobbit In reply to LOVENINJASFOREVAH [2017-01-31 11:14:36 +0000 UTC]

(sorry for taking so long, fell asleep)

It wasn't too cold, thankfully- it was just above room temperature.

"...It's gonna be a little chilly for a while. I know it's a bad idea to be driving anywhere at night with what happened today, but the highway's safe. If I drive around, it'll get warmer. You... You okay with that?"

He spoke half-awkwardly as usual, but he was growing more comfortable. It was more calming to hear it in his cab anyway.

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