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# Statistics
Favourites: 6847; Deviations: 192; Watchers: 399
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# Comments
Comments: 1040
CartoonAllStars [2024-01-19 00:57:10 +0000 UTC]
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aruberuto78 [2014-05-12 19:02:31 +0000 UTC]
bonitos dibujos, a la espera de nuevos dibujos.
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GFORCELEVEL1988 [2013-07-22 13:49:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Happy Birthday and hope you have a nice day as well
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GFORCELEVEL1988 [2012-07-22 20:21:18 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Happy Birthday and hope you have a nice day as well
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-05-27 19:49:05 +0000 UTC]
haha, sometimes i check my messages
i can't upload stuffs, since when i start drawing, I leave the pictures at 75% and when i decide to finish them i start another picture instead
What's with you man?
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Frost7 In reply to Kovaneer [2012-06-05 21:03:47 +0000 UTC]
I thought id just cool off on my own, kinda in rage mode now.. but in a quiet way.. that and im getting a motorcycle license, more than 500cc bike, my dad is gonna get me a super bike..
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-06-09 21:53:38 +0000 UTC]
wow! that's badass!! but be safe man! don't go reckless!
hey man, did you play "sniper elite 2"? i think you'll like it, i totally love it! it's a short game, but more fun!
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Frost7 In reply to Kovaneer [2012-06-25 00:00:53 +0000 UTC]
Ill try that game, these days all the pc games dont work on my pc, dunno why.. except the old ones.. hows art going man..
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-07-13 22:36:47 +0000 UTC]
art? pretty bad XD
I just have so many sketch now... and nothing finished... and i dunno how much i rusted my digital colouring skills D: I think I'm good with celshade tho... but that's not that nice a thing to boast with
I'm really lazy nowadays... This heat really did troubles with me... i spent days doing nothing... even when i had a lot of plans, and they weren't even hard, I just hopped on bed and watched some episodes of Ultimate Survival... and fell asleep between the episodes... felt pathetic
I'm really glad it started to be colder... finally feels like my gears started to spin...
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Frost7 [2012-04-10 15:52:43 +0000 UTC]
yoo man! i just watched madaka box, this anime is interesting, the main female character is sumwat like my Reair, very charismatic and full of life, [link]
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-04-10 17:12:28 +0000 UTC]
yeah, that's anime starts interesting
hmm tasogare otome x amnesia will have an interesting story too about a ghost girl.
there are a few, this season again, i will follow... hmm like nazo no kanojo X, since this was the first manga i ever followed... hopes it will be as funny as the manga.
and accel world, fate/zero2, and zombi desuka2
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Frost7 In reply to Kovaneer [2012-04-12 20:02:35 +0000 UTC]
Theyre making Queens Blade again, i hope to get to see some really good female fights and flying bewbs and hopefully they make ikkitousen again, the only thing missing now is a good mecha anime, Jormungan is my favourite right now,thank the flying apes that theres atleast some anime for me to watch now..
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-04-13 00:34:47 +0000 UTC]
theres an ikkitousen ova about them, going to another region.
lol never watched queensblade.. maybe sometimes...
yeah, Koko is AWSM! the faces in the animation all looks so foxy (i mean foxy, like the animal XD)... the sly moments looks really slies XD
good weapon art, military stuffs, srs story line... i totally approve!
for mecha, i watch aquarion, but it's only half decent...
damn, i can't remember when they aired the last real mecha anime that i liked...
Anyways this year, there will be a new code geass anime... i really liked the previous ones, i hope it'll be entertaining!
Btw, last season, did you watch "Another"? and lol,"thermae romae"?
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Frost7 In reply to Kovaneer [2012-04-18 20:47:58 +0000 UTC]
Hoho im enjoying the anime, its the kind of anime i was dying to see for a long time, very much old school where there is a lot of yandere girls like melty blood, i grew tired of the years of seeing ordinary girls in anime, blood thirsty and evil girls are the best, i watched Koko, really fell in love with this gurl, i srs would make her my wife anytime... the second episode is absolute pawnage, i like how everyone is tough and not the stupid slow to think type of guys, they show how strong soldier men are... gawd this bring me back to the days i watched Madlax,Noir,Gunslinger Girl and on and on...
btw i watched Natsuiro Kiseki, at first the anime is slow, but the second episode is srsly funny, you should watch it... Another and Thermae Romae ehh?.. ill check it out..
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-04-18 22:28:42 +0000 UTC]
natsuiro kiseki is funny, it's on my list too haha, the 2nd episode had some cheap animation for running and stuff XD
"Another" is horror, about a curse, that killin all the schoolboys -girls around, awsm animation on the gory scenes, "thermae romae" is just a simply flash animated serie about a roman bath constructor, who wakes up always in a modernday japanese bath, and will use the fresh knowledge, to upgrade their roman baths a 1,5 thousand years ago relly funny...
Madlax, oh man, that was awsm... hmm the characters were totally predictable, the story wasn't that good either, and the name: Monday Friday... XD but man, i loved that show... every episode! and music was flawless
this season, there's some nice contestant for start...
"Tasogare Otome x Amnesia" Ghost girl with amnesia tries to find out the reason about her death, and why is she still here in the presence. i think you'll like the protagonist girl.
"Sankarea" looks promising too! theres a guy, who don't interested in girls, only in zombies, and a rich girl, who want to die because her family is more than a dramatic sick mess (and i think she will die, but will ressurected in some ways, so, here's the zombie for the guy ) it's more srs than i thought at start...
"Accel world" is cool too... it have a charming aura about 3d and animation... i still dunno why i like it .
"upotte!!" weapons, girls... or weapons=girls? the more the caliber, the older the girl O.o weird stuff, but there are nice gunfights and humour.
"EUREKA 7 AO" DAMN now, that's something i totally approve... Eureka7 was one of the first animes i ever watched, and totally lure me in anime
BONES need to give us some kickass stuff again!!!!
dunno if you interested in this, but "sakamichi no apollon" looks cool to me, i think it will be a music-related anime...
i thought it is a totally no-point girly anime, but the 1st ep really lured me in!
it starts in the '60s. there's a big delinquent guy, who plays the drums but only love jazz, and an elit student, playing classical music, but the delinquet will turn him to jazz or idunno... damn, i can't describe it, just watch the 1st episode, if you don't like it, then you don't like it
btw if you like tony's style, there is a new shining hearts anime: "shiawase no pan" ahaha... i totally disliked the previous animes... so lame story telling, but the art is cool... the new ending is fantastic XD [link] wind it to 10:05 <--- first i was like WTF O.o then i became βΟβ Wow, thats AWSM!
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Frost7 In reply to Kovaneer [2012-04-26 03:46:07 +0000 UTC]
yea i saw Sakamichi no Apollion, its pretty cool, first episode started out good but i dont know abt the rest, but the anime takes a different approach and i like tat, its watchable but compare with jomurgand, cant get enough of some of the very mature characters in there, i usually get frustrated watching an anime with lots of naive characters and theres nobody to calm ppl down and say some really intelligent stuff u know.. and if the parts where theres whiny and emotional, its like nobody there to say something smart or witty... saw episode 3 and its really refreshing to see how mature that anime is, even Black Lagoon had too many loose nuts for anybody to say something smart.. Lehn is like the coolest oyaji ive seen in years in any anime..
Shining hearts ehh.. the artist is familiar, one of my friend favourite artist, i think he also design game characters, the anime well i have no idea man.. it feels like the guy is living in a brothel island and all the girls act like prostitutal submissive slaves or servants, i dont know.. gotta say it, but i think a lot of animes, the girls have no mind of their own, its like they have no character and they are there just to fill up a blank role in the story and to act like a supportive character.. im still waiting for ikkitousen.. i need to watch sum warrior babes.. i saw the new queens blade but the new characters design seem to be out of place, i feel the old style are better..
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Kovaneer In reply to Frost7 [2012-04-26 23:42:59 +0000 UTC]
yeah, that gap filling stuff is totally pinpoint! As you said! but every shining "xyz" anime had that same lame feeling all around... only art is likable for me
Ah apollon 3rd episode were really good in the areas of characteristics... the piano guy reacted really sharp, i like it! not just sitting there, whatching with round eyes like: "wha? what?"
ahh talking about black lagoon, i still have to watch roberta's blood trials!!!
hmm maybe next week if i'll have some freetime
I'm thinking about watching all the ikkitousens after they'll release the blueray vesrions this year, not that 360p again...I want to have some serious quality fun-time and some nostalgy is fun too
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superaap1 [2012-03-03 16:07:03 +0000 UTC]
hey mate!
long time no speak. been away for too long.
how are you doing? i see that u keep making these awsome drawings.
greetz, superaap1
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Kovaneer In reply to superaap1 [2012-03-04 00:30:10 +0000 UTC]
Hey man!!
I see you're alive
I'm skipping on DA too, I've been away for seasons...
just a few pictures... I'd like to paint more, but not much time
Still doing wargames?
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Alicia08 [2012-02-10 16:36:55 +0000 UTC]
thank u 4 faving!! and may i ask from which anime ur webcam is? ^^
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lem-lem [2011-09-03 13:53:23 +0000 UTC]
stalks back~ xDD brace for fail muro haha
deviantART muro drawing
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