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| Koldrage
# Statistics
Favourites: 1474; Deviations: 175; Watchers: 46
Watching: 59; Pageviews: 20858; Comments Made: 5048; Friends: 59
# Comments
Comments: 514
Koldrage In reply to Nebaku [2014-09-02 01:22:40 +0000 UTC]
Hey no prob. Just looking for really cool inspirations for 3D modelling and stuff.
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Koldrage In reply to Pixxstar [2012-12-31 22:20:41 +0000 UTC]
nonononononononononononono... NO!
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Koldrage In reply to Pixxstar [2013-01-08 12:30:36 +0000 UTC]
this'll never end, will it?
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Koldrage In reply to Pixxstar [2013-01-11 00:23:57 +0000 UTC]
fine, hug me. Whatever -___-
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Koldrage In reply to Pixxstar [2013-01-12 21:32:52 +0000 UTC]
as you may have noticed Im out of plz accounts xD
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Koldrage In reply to LukasEnricBS [2011-07-23 03:43:29 +0000 UTC]
No doblado de la forma pervertida. Noooooo, nada que ver.
No se si has puesto atencion a par de programas traducidos al espaΓ±ol que dicen: "Este programa a sido doblado al espaΓ±ol por...". Quizas este mal.
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LukasEnricBS In reply to Koldrage [2011-07-23 10:58:41 +0000 UTC]
No se ni que forma pervertida hay. Yo he aprendido espaΓ±ol en espaΓ±a de un amigo argentino hahaha ΒΏpero me imagino que significa que hablas espaΓ±ol, no?
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Koldrage In reply to LukasEnricBS [2011-07-23 14:26:04 +0000 UTC]
Ah ok, apues que bueno entonces jaja
Bueno si, eso es exactamente lo que quiero decir. ^^
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Group-Donating-Pool [2011-04-24 14:29:52 +0000 UTC]
You should enroll your OC's at #Happy-Academy
All you have to do is fill out this application: [link]
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Dmingurl1 [2011-03-06 01:51:24 +0000 UTC]
Hey, happy birthday! ^.^ Hope you have a great one.
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Koldrage In reply to LuckyRoulette [2010-09-18 13:02:28 +0000 UTC]
o.o woah that's a big "tehe"
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kunai-kitty [2010-08-09 15:11:56 +0000 UTC]
Dude seriously!! I'm sorry if my doing this pisses you off but:
You really do have to hurry with the comic!!
Not that I want to hear excuses but, at least tell me why you're taking so long with it. the last I heard from you was the 27th and now its the 9th of august... that's a pretty long time.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound angry or be annoying about this. Forgive me if it comes out that way...
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Koldrage In reply to kunai-kitty [2010-08-10 15:19:46 +0000 UTC]
Dude its done. Like I said before the computer and scanner were busted, plus the only wway I could reply was through my PSP, and through there I can't upload stuff xD Sorry for the hassle.
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kunai-kitty [2010-08-02 19:46:37 +0000 UTC]
Jorge, I really hate to pressure you but.... the comic?? Is it tech issues or are you just busy?? It's getting kinda late.
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kunai-kitty [2010-07-28 00:17:10 +0000 UTC]
REMEMBER TO DO THE COMIC FOR MAH GROUP!!!!! *strangles you* NO pressure....but you kinda do have to hurry a bit.... sorry if this wait is because of real life stuff but if it's because you're being lazy .... *lurks in the shadows with deadly weapon*
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Koldrage In reply to kunai-kitty [2010-07-28 12:49:58 +0000 UTC]
im sorry, im not being all lazy btw, its that those last storms fucked up the pc and now the scanner isn't feeling all that well aswell. I know I was supposed to do it earlier but i got slow, im sorry, really really sorry
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kunai-kitty In reply to Koldrage [2010-07-29 22:36:34 +0000 UTC]
It's okay, it's okay. I just had to make sure you weren't slacking. It's fine as long as you can get it in as soon as you can ^^
Aww and you guys had storms too? We had a thunderstorm that made the transformer explode and power went out for about 10,000 people in my neighborhood plus half of crystal city.... It was a very HOT day!! TT^TT
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LuckyRoulette [2010-07-02 02:52:57 +0000 UTC]
oh gosh I can't believe I forgot to add you to my watchlist...good thing I though about u haha
it's KillaSamuraiBabe
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Crocodine [2010-06-23 01:55:14 +0000 UTC]
Muy buena galeria! sobre todo el dibujo de Inuyasha!
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Koldrage In reply to Crocodine [2010-08-10 18:46:31 +0000 UTC]
Perdona la tardanza jaja, pero mil gracias, hermano!
Me encantan tus dibujos de Swat Cats, hace a~os que no los veia. Por lo menos alguien les esta dando cari~o. xD
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Crocodine In reply to Koldrage [2010-12-16 18:05:56 +0000 UTC]
Ahora yo soy el que se disculpa por la tardanza xD. Gracias, que bueno que te gusten mis dibujos de Swat Kats, espero poder subir mas el aΓ±o proximo, saludos!.
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kunai-kitty [2010-05-27 23:56:39 +0000 UTC]
Dude!! How've you been?? Estas vivo?? Como te va?? I swear.. A nuclear explosion coulda hit you guys and I'd know nothing from how little I've talked to any of you.. TT^TT Hey, have classes finished over there yet or are they still going??
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Koldrage In reply to kunai-kitty [2010-05-28 03:02:13 +0000 UTC]
ok lets see where to start....
- I've been good. (Atm very hungry, give me COOKIES!)
- Live's going pretty smoothly. Playing Monster Hunter Tri and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite like a total jerk.
- I passed this semester. Maybe Barely, but passed.
- If we were nuked, you'd hear. Count on it.
- Call us, that's why cellphones exist, RIGHT?
- Classes have finished since wednesday 12th. BOOYAH!
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kunai-kitty In reply to Koldrage [2010-05-28 23:24:29 +0000 UTC]
lol. *hands you cookies*
Good job on passing at least!! ^^ You get extra cookies for that!
FFff, what's a cellphone?? :] Haha, I haven't used mine for alomst a month and I avoid answering the phone as much as I can. They were never invented in my world.
0.0 since hte 12th????? OTL I hate you so much!!! I'm in till june 23!!
Oh yeah, and what're those two games?? Never heard of 'em before.
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Koldrage In reply to kunai-kitty [2010-05-28 23:56:32 +0000 UTC]
Anyways, yes you call atleas once every 4 months...maybe I should do the same >_____>
And YES, we kick ass. I finish early and start late, buahahaha! Isnt school at Puerto Rico awesome? :3
BLARGH! You havent heard of them?! ...Actually I heard of them last semester... hehe. Its about you becoming a hunter and hunting lots and lots of cool and exceptionally annoying and powerful monster in various missions...or capturing them too, but killing is more satisfactory.
Look here: [link]
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Ampster33 [2010-03-18 23:42:32 +0000 UTC]
im guessing you already had to answer this question like 5 million time buy did u get the new Pokemon games? also try to check up on the nightblades sometime, i am going to try and start a tournament
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Koldrage In reply to Ampster33 [2010-03-19 02:31:03 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah I did bought it and already finished it xD (im sucha nooby freak)
I'll try to let you guys know im still breathing aswell.
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Ampster33 In reply to Koldrage [2010-04-17 02:16:02 +0000 UTC]
hey check your pm box on the nightblades i sent my pokemon phrases :]
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Ampster33 [2010-03-18 23:40:33 +0000 UTC]
dude its been way too long. and hey guess what? u are the second person i know that is 20 or older (other than ppl in my family)
if you dare say u feel old you're gonna make me feel like a baby XO
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Koldrage In reply to Ampster33 [2010-03-19 02:31:58 +0000 UTC]
lol guess im lucky? xD Dude im not really all that happy about being 20 :/ I look freaking 17 still, or so people say. But im freaking old. And dont feel like a baby D:<
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