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| Kjellina
# Statistics
Favourites: 247; Deviations: 82; Watchers: 24
Watching: 51; Pageviews: 6541; Comments Made: 496; Friends: 51
# Comments
Comments: 325
KehXKeova [2019-02-27 06:55:32 +0000 UTC]
Hope you're having a wonderful birthday, hun!! Β Β Β
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Kjellina In reply to KehXKeova [2019-04-22 02:45:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh! I'm never on DA anymore! I just happened to log in to check something and just saw this! How are you??? <3 <3 <3
PS: Lemme know if you want my contact info for another platform I'm more active on (Discord, facebook, twitter, etc) so I don't just talk to you once a year! <3
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KehXKeova In reply to Kjellina [2019-04-22 04:10:26 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing good! Glad to see you're doing good, too!! Β
Yes, I'd like that!
Out of those, I only have twitter.
I'm CalOtaku on there.
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Kjellina In reply to KehXKeova [2019-04-22 18:17:18 +0000 UTC]
Ok, great! I added you on there. @TheRealKjellina
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KehXKeova In reply to Kjellina [2019-04-29 08:30:49 +0000 UTC]
I finally went there and added you, too! X3
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Lischi [2015-09-06 12:31:39 +0000 UTC]
Heeeey, i just clicked through your gallery and i have to say, i really like your art!! keep up the good work~~ <3
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Kjellina In reply to Lischi [2015-09-08 04:12:21 +0000 UTC]
Awww, thank you very much! Your work is really good, too!
Thanks for stopping by. :3
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2014-03-18 01:56:33 +0000 UTC]
This scared me: i.imgur.com/VonvU.jpg
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2014-03-19 04:57:57 +0000 UTC]
Why are their hands so big???? D:
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2014-03-19 12:01:30 +0000 UTC]
Ikr? The guy on the right looks like he's about to eat the guy on the left. XD
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2014-02-27 21:15:48 +0000 UTC]
This is so embarrassing, I facepalm'd and blushed so much. XD
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2014-03-01 18:27:23 +0000 UTC]
"This content is currently unavailable." :c
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2014-03-02 01:12:49 +0000 UTC]
Β Here's another link to it.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2014-03-04 16:26:48 +0000 UTC]
oh...oh my... o__o
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-12-25 00:09:27 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas. :'D
Doing anything special?
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-12-26 02:42:08 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas to you!
Didn't do much today. Though my friend did give me the best gift of all... the gift of drag. He dressed up like a girl and took a picture for me.
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-12-26 16:21:53 +0000 UTC]
A gift you can't put in a box, you could say.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-12-26 20:20:25 +0000 UTC]
I just tried coming up with a snappy sexual retort... And I... I couldn't. o__o What's wrong with me? xD
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-12-29 21:56:41 +0000 UTC]
You win some; you lose some?
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-11-17 18:57:17 +0000 UTC]
My dog's funeral is tomorrow; just thinking about it makes me shiver.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-11-18 16:16:40 +0000 UTC]
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.
How're you holding up?
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-11-18 21:17:15 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. Not very well tbh. I saw my dog's body before he was buried; he looked like he was alive. I pretty much broke down for like 5 hours and had a panic attack somewhere during that time (partly due to my parents), and I partially blame myself for his death because I was so close to him and yet still lacked the foresight to see this coming. I'll probably get somewhat better over time though.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-11-20 20:31:11 +0000 UTC]
Time heals all wounds...eventually. It's not your fault though. Sometimes these things just happen, you know?
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-11-23 01:23:13 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, thanks.
I wouldn't really say it was my fault as much as I would say that I could've altered events if I had thought things through.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-12-01 07:54:33 +0000 UTC]
It's not your fault. You don't know the future.
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-10-01 00:01:11 +0000 UTC]
I hit Gold V in LoL virtually only using Soraka, I'm very pleased with myself right now. :'D
Appropriately, my league is the stylishly named "Soraka's Rubies". XD
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-10-02 03:46:18 +0000 UTC]
That's awesome! Grats!
I just started playing ranked... played 2 provisional games, and I hate it. But really, I think it sucks because I'm duoing with my boyfriend who is low bronze and can't play more than 1 role. He had to jungle this past game. It was terrible. Truly awful. I think I should do them alone from now on...
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-10-02 09:02:11 +0000 UTC]
Tbh, if he can only play one role he probably shouldn't be doing ranked. :>
So yes, I'd say you should probably solo or find a different duo partner. Especially for provisionals; I started in Silver, and I can imagine starting in Bronze would suck. If you win your next two matches I think you'll probably be placed in low silver, which is pretty nice. Not that I'm entirely sure how placement works. :\
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-10-02 13:46:19 +0000 UTC]
Oh god that game. I died like 12 times. Because he was playing jungle Elise... and he's not that great at it. And I said "Hey, bring up that you're a shit jungler and maybe they'll let you switch?"... "No, I'm last pick, they'll just trample over me". It's worth a fucking try, dammit! If you say "We'll lose if I do this", they'll probably at least listen to you, because they don't want to lose! Gah. Damn. He got shut out and countered by a Trundle. And never ganked because he always died on the way to gank. And so Trundle would just babysit bot and murder Ashe and me relentlessly. It was a slaughterhouse. Even under the turret. It was like "Woah damn". And the Ashe didn't have map awareness, so when I saw him coming down the river, I had to back off and ping or else she'd be like "Herpy derpy there's a red thing coming toward me on the mini map... wonder what that means...". Every time I tried to do anything I just died from explosions. :'D... It was soooo bad. Worst game I've had since I started, if you go by number of deaths.
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-10-03 00:02:34 +0000 UTC]
I remember having a jungler that was so bad he basically repeatedly killed himself by jumping into the enemy jungle (like, as soon as he came back from being dead). I have to wonder if he wasn't trolling or something.
It was pretty bad that he didn't even ask if he could have the other spots. :>
Here's a picture to cheer you up from your worst-match-ever, at least, I think it'll cheer you up; made me laugh anyway. :'D
I just played a game with a Karthus who flamed like crazy, pretty sure he was a real troll. :'p
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-10-03 17:52:19 +0000 UTC]
lol geeze.
Every ranked experience I've had has been terrible. I really don't understand why people like it. It just makes me not want to play the game anymore. :'D...
And I usually have to play support, which is fine, but I can't really carry the game if nobody else is. I don't have that capability. :/ Then again, I also don't trust other people to actually ward if they play support. :'D... I hate low tier attitudes, since people give up so easily. Hopefully if I try to play by myself it won't be so bad and won't give me bronze 5 teams for my promos... :'D...
The link isn't working. :/ It says the server is down.
But my favourite thing about LoL is probably this:Β i.imgur.com/PKdC8.gif xD...Β
I really hate people who just try to make it not fun for everybody else. >.< So annoying.
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-10-03 18:10:12 +0000 UTC]
I feel exactly the same with everything you just said.Β When others support they usually don't ward, or they do, but they use stupid warding formations. :\
I don't really play ranked for fun, I just wanted that golden border. XD
I don't agree with the ranked system right now; you could play perfectly and still lose every match. At the very least, LP gains/losses should be semi-dependent on other statistics, such as number of wards placed, or KDA ratio. Basically, actually basing things a little more on the individual. The best player in the world can't carry a team of feeders.
Well basically it was some weird BDSM picture of Mario and Luigi.
Made me laugh, but I couldn't help feeling "Where was Lux's ult?". XD
It's unfortunate, but ranked players are more typically flamers.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-10-10 18:02:54 +0000 UTC]
I played with somebody in my club at school once. She decided to ward the same bush 3 times... all at once, so it wasn't even like "Oh, that's about to expire". And she warded EVERYTHING (even places that weren't critical at all that literally NOBODY went). Then when we said "Hey, you're getting caught out warding too much, wasting too many wards, some of the places don't even make sense etc" she decided it was time to just STOP buying wards period. Then the map was black and we lost.
Exactly. :/ I'm not the best player in the world, but I know enough that I feel I should probably be...probably low silver? but if I keep duoing with Nick I'll be bronze V and never climb out. TT^TT
The only other position I can kinda play alright is... ok, well, I can kinda play most things "alright" (except jungle... I haven't tried to jungle outside of bots >.> Mostly cuz I don't know the respawn timers on stuff and can't predict where the enemy jungler will be at certain times, and I'm really bad at ganking :'D...). But I can adc and mid alright because they just have to last hit, stay safe, and hit things. I can kinda top ok because I just have to farm and hold the turret. But if I'm in those roles I'm not going to have control over wards. TT^TT
BTW did you hear about the same champion mode? Where you can have 5 of the same champion on a team? It's apparently going to be made into an actual matched game mode. :'D There's a video of 10 Lux...ulting at the same time. x'D
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-10-16 21:51:02 +0000 UTC]
Did she stop buying wards because she was raging or because she misunderstood/sucked? XD
Jungling isn't that hard imo, but picking the right jungler for the right lanes is pretty essential I think.
Whenever I mid or top, I make sure to get at least a few wards, so there's that. Then again, you can't rely on those roles to ward in the late game. :>
I don't like going top because there are just way too many overpowered champions that go there. I don't suppose you've ever thought Jax was overpowered?
Have you ever tried Janna mid?
Yeah, Riot felt the need to kill everyone's fun by disabling it since it was creating non-existent server problems. :>
I saw a match with ten Syndras, and since there were balls eveywhere, whenever any of them ulted someone would die. XD
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-11-18 16:21:42 +0000 UTC]
She sucked quite a bit. :'D It was terrifying.
How're you feeling about the preseason stuff? They're trying to make it so it's everybody's job to ward. But I'm so paranoid that nobody else will do it. :c Then I'll only be able to have 3 greens and 1 pink. :c
There are a lot of new changes for preseason... It's gonna be so weird to get used to, especially since they're changing the physical map a bit. >.<
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-11-18 21:46:49 +0000 UTC]
I can't say I'm impressed with the preseason changes, and I spotted it a few months ago too. The nerfs disguised as buffs to all of the "traditional" supports really suck since those are pretty much all of my favourite champs, and now utility mages are obviously going to take over the support role because they have good utility, way better ratios, and damage. Since the pure supports got all of their ratios and bases nerfed, they can't even go mid or top like they used to be able to do.
Additionally, RIP Soraka, Riot has finally managed to kill her off for good, and they made it look like a buff too. Oh but hey, it might be a buff to jungle Soraka; great~
What Riot seems to fail to understand about these core supports is that if they were op when they were building ap (which Riot has accused them of due to how they are on the Howling Abyss), then everyone would be sending them mid right now.
I share your concerns for warding. Currently nothing is actually enforcing the other players to ward, since they aren't even forced to take a warding trinket. Either way, like 80% of players use terrible warding formations anyway.
I like the new bush changes. I thought it was kind of stupid how a champion couldn't be seen by other champions in the bush or wards in the bush because they moved to a certain spot.
As for the support items randomly being renamed to things far less imaginative and iconic, and then Riot ignoring everyone hating on their new changes, I don't like that too much. It kind of seems like Riot is just trying to piss off as many support players as they can right now.
I was excited to hear that Janna got a 0.33ap ratio for the ad on her shield, even with the rest of her ratios being nerfed. Then Riot thought that it was too much to have a decent core support and it got nerfed to 0.1ap. Meanwhile, Thresh and other (typically tanky) cc-heavy supports are busy having the highest win ratios in professional play. Sona on the other hand is enjoying lots of nice nerfs despite her 35% win rate in professional play, clearly this is an indicator of how overpowered she is right now.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-11-20 20:30:02 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm not super impressed either. :/ I might want to learn another position now. At least I'll remember to help the support ward. >.>
Agreed about the bushes. I didn't even notice it until they mentioned that it could be done though, tbh. But I don't play very much, so that doesn't surprise me.
Also I got your friend request on NA.
How bad is the latency? Have you tested it?
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-11-23 01:29:01 +0000 UTC]
I'm still going to play them, but I'm going to play my favourite champs knowing that they're in trash tier now. People were really bothered by these changes and pretty much detailed why Riot is wrong in almost all regards on the forums (even though they still don't seem to understand for some reason).
Even I abused the bushes before when I was trying to steal blue.
I wanted to level up an account to five so I could use the NA forums (since Riot doesn't seem to care about the other forums), but having an NA account is nice if I ever find myself having to play there.
The latency kind of really sucks, it's like 350ms, and I already have 200~ on EUW. I can sort-of~~~ manage to play with that ping, but it's pretty hard. How bad is it for you on EUW?
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-12-01 07:53:53 +0000 UTC]
Eh, I haven't actually been playing. I don't even have the preseason patch downloaded. :c I'm just so disinterested in it lately.
Ah gotcha. My ping to NA is usually about ...70-90? I think. But I'm in America, so that doesn't surprise me. My ping to EUW is pretty bad, but it's playable. It's just that if I play LoL, I'm usually playing my NA account.Β
If you're having trouble with ping, I could probably get your NA to level 5 for you so you can post if you want me to.
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-12-11 16:20:00 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I've taken so long to respond to your messages, my internet connection kind of broke down for like a week. >.>
I'll try to reply to all of them when I get the chance.
Still bored of League?
How bad is "pretty bad"?
Nah, already did it, but thank you for the offer. :'D
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-12-12 00:11:57 +0000 UTC]
It's ok. Wondered where you went, though. Was worried.
Yeah, pretty much bored of League haha.
PS- more things happened with the love triangle. Nick and I broke up.
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Kjellina In reply to KirbyGotenksabsorbed [2013-10-02 03:44:13 +0000 UTC]
Nope :c Unfortunately
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KirbyGotenksabsorbed In reply to Kjellina [2013-10-02 09:12:21 +0000 UTC]
Ever plan to? XD
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