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# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 171
Kheisa [2018-04-06 15:23:38 +0000 UTC]
Please leave any comments as a reply to this message to help keep my page clean! Thank you for comments, favs, and badges!
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Kipine In reply to Kheisa [2019-02-07 13:44:15 +0000 UTC]
I really like your style! It's just very pleasant, I can't tell exactly why but there's something really unique about it! Maybe you have a very good grasp of depth, and there always seems to be a story in your artworks? Anyway, keep up the good work, can't wait to see more!
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Shina21 [2013-03-11 12:30:07 +0000 UTC]
Hello : 3
I've looked for someone who can do awesome design for real-looking German Shepherd male... For 10 points. Or Design Trade. And question... Can you...? ;W; If you don't, ok, it's just a question. X3
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Kheisa In reply to Shina21 [2013-04-03 18:14:55 +0000 UTC]
Hi there!! If you haven't found anybody else to do it yet I'd love to! Just note me some details (e.g. eye color, general style, show-type or working-type, etc) and I'll do my best.
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Shina21 In reply to Kheisa [2013-04-03 20:03:39 +0000 UTC]
Hello again. :3
I have founded someone to do this job. I would order you another dog, or the same, to see how different from 1st one it is. And have two both awesome German Shepherds.
...But not good fact is it I don't have any points now. ;0;
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RatChatter [2012-08-26 07:06:00 +0000 UTC]
Your work is lovely, and your style is inspiring~
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michael2021 [2012-01-11 09:17:15 +0000 UTC]
Aw man what happened to you? You dropped out and I wanted to see more of your work!!
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AtFirstPlush [2011-09-12 17:08:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch!!
I totally appreciate it when ppl. put themselves out there, for what ever reason. It means your open, honest, and ok with who you are in any respect. I am good friends with a L couple who are some of the nicest woman I know. Their relationship took me a little surprise for the first 30 seconds, but it wasn't like a shock. And they don't need to talk about it, or introduce them selves to ppl. like "Hello, ____and this is my life partner." I think that ppl. who do that are the people who get the unwanted reaction. If someone they meet has no clue as to their relationship, why just blurt/spell it out to them?! I think it's almost asking/seeking to find out who the haters really are. It's like here on dA. "If you don't like dead things, don't send me hate mail. Just don't look at it." I have never posted text like this, and have never had anyone spam me with hate in any form. I've had some questions, but nothing ever hateful. But those who have posted the "don't look!", have been spammed all over the place, time and again. Ppl. just don't seem to make the connection.
Anyhow, I could care less what your orientation is, and if you hadn't posted it - would I be offended later on if I found out, or acted dif. to you later on?! Nooooo, not a chance. Your still the same person after all, so who cares?! Do you care if I am married with 2 kids? Do you hate me for it? I highly doubt it. I don't know why some people make a big deal out of it really. Love comes in many shapes and forms. And if you have it or find it in someone, your one of the luckiest people I know!!!
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Kheisa In reply to AtFirstPlush [2011-09-12 17:40:06 +0000 UTC]
No prob! I love your plushes. :]
Haha, I was so confused about this when I first read it, because I'd forgotten about the sexuality meme and that it was still on my profile. I agree, though; it's sort of a fine line to walk between being open and comfortable with who you are and broadcasting it for the world to see to draw the attention of folks who might not like it. I'd had a shift in my perception of my orientation in the past year, which I thought some of my followers that I know personally but don't talk to often might be interested in, which is why I did the meme in the first place. :] Thank you though!
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AtFirstPlush In reply to Kheisa [2011-09-12 19:07:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the plush comment. XD
Sorry I confused you @ 1st. But if you were willing to put it out there, I wanted to let you know that I am totally ok with it, and anyone else.
Hey, this year, 5 years ago, next year. As long as you embraced it... and your comfortable with who you are. And if someone has a problem with it NOW, who didn't know in the past, and they stop talking to you because of it, they should be punched in the mouth for being a close minded ass. It's good mental health. LOL
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ThebeanScene [2011-06-15 03:28:28 +0000 UTC]
should be a pretty hefty hint as to who I am.
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Kheisa In reply to ThebeanScene [2011-06-15 04:08:49 +0000 UTC]
Oh, hey there Lil Cal, didn't see you there...
I mean
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BuizelBasketBaller [2010-12-02 18:40:31 +0000 UTC]
SO i heard u like buizels :3 :Meow: Sry for the annoying question XD
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SwiftpawOfShadowClan [2010-11-22 21:17:11 +0000 UTC]
Your art is amazing! Would you be willing to do a trade? If you're not, that's okay too.
(This is Anna of Skeyfer from TDF, btw.)
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Kheisa In reply to SwiftpawOfShadowClan [2010-11-22 22:34:09 +0000 UTC]
Hey Anna! :3
Unfortunately I have a lot on my plate right now with Christmas coming up, but perhaps in the future I'll have more free time for art trades. ^^
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bagelwulf [2010-10-15 21:09:31 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for thw watch, if I may ask, who are you on TDF?
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Kheisa In reply to bagelwulf [2010-10-15 22:26:57 +0000 UTC]
Shockingly, I'm Kheisa on TDF. :'D We didn't ever talk, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity because you always looked like a cool person.
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bagelwulf In reply to Kheisa [2010-10-16 23:22:42 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Lol *facepalm* should`ve guessed xD But thanks so much!
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tibetador [2010-09-15 16:56:35 +0000 UTC]
Hey...I used to be on TDF, do you take requests by chance..? :3
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daaku-no-tenshi [2010-09-06 00:43:02 +0000 UTC]
Hiya, would you like to exchange llama badges, please? ^_^ Hereβs one for you.
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squidbrains [2010-07-02 01:15:32 +0000 UTC]
omg i love your art. you are like the most talented 16 year old ever.
much jealousy
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BlindVeleda [2010-06-01 21:57:53 +0000 UTC]
Oooh! What lovely pieces you draw! Adore it :] Would love to see you create princess Mononoke's wolf ^^
Keep up your good work!
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Knifapotamas [2010-05-22 16:15:06 +0000 UTC]
Oh, look, it's Kheisa on dA. ^__^ *stalkage*
(This is Alyssa from TDF. xD)
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snowpadder [2010-05-12 23:41:49 +0000 UTC]
Vay is a massive stalker and has found you. <3
I likes to stalk your pretty arts. :3
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Kheisa In reply to Aphrael7 [2010-05-08 17:47:17 +0000 UTC]
*sniffs* Did someone spill popcorn? I don't see any... xD
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Aphrael7 In reply to Kheisa [2010-05-11 20:52:13 +0000 UTC]
*hides under a chair*
...they never suspect a thing :]
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extravegance [2010-04-05 02:43:19 +0000 UTC]
i'm from the daemon forums just so you don't think i'm gonning to be a random stalker lol
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Kheisa In reply to extravegance [2010-04-05 11:45:18 +0000 UTC]
(: Lol, no problem! (I have a few random stalkers and would have been perfectly fine with that too. xD)
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extravegance In reply to Kheisa [2010-04-05 20:28:50 +0000 UTC]
fyi I'm glass_trees on the forums
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swerno092 [2010-03-27 13:14:03 +0000 UTC]
Hello there your avatar is absolutely adorable
I would appreciate it if you could upload a larger version. Thank you
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Kheisa In reply to swerno092 [2010-03-27 13:24:33 +0000 UTC]
The larger version isn't very big itself, but sure. (:
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