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| KatTheGrrreat
# Statistics
Favourites: 1412; Deviations: 517; Watchers: 148
Watching: 349; Pageviews: 44226; Comments Made: 4156; Friends: 349
# Comments
Comments: 636
dynamicsketch [2016-07-17 09:52:45 +0000 UTC]
Your dad had mentioned your page to me. You're pretty good.
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to dynamicsketch [2016-07-20 02:43:32 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thank you so much! I think I used to follow your art, your name and characters look so familiar.. you're.. Chris...Englebright?? or is it just Engle? Oooh where do I know you from?? Β Anyway, thank you, and I'm glad my dad is talking to folks again Β
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dynamicsketch In reply to KatTheGrrreat [2016-07-24 22:30:14 +0000 UTC]
It's Engle. I'm not sure if we know one another.
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Lormet-Images [2015-06-07 20:39:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for adding me to your Deviant Watch and for adding a couple of my stock photos to your favorites, I appreciate it!
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to Lormet-Images [2016-07-20 03:13:38 +0000 UTC]
Ooh dear I didn't see your comment!!! My pleasure, sorry for the year-late reply!
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MizzTimeLord [2014-07-09 19:07:55 +0000 UTC]
Golly goodness, I thought I'd said this already, but thank you so VERY much for the watch! ^^
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to MizzTimeLord [2016-07-20 03:14:14 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome, dear ^_^ I'm terribly sorry for the late reply, I haven't checked my wall in a long while
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MizzTimeLord In reply to KatTheGrrreat [2017-04-30 21:38:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh not at all! As you can see, I am much worse. xD But I hope you've had a fabulous almost-year!
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to moosimus [2012-01-16 01:49:46 +0000 UTC]
jOSHY! Hey dude, I know.. I'm never on dA anymore.. how have you been?
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Elixy [2011-02-10 15:12:02 +0000 UTC]
Decided to mosey on down and check out your gallery ^_^ I love your work, you have such a beautiful style and I really like the giraffe on the front page ^_^
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TheArtOfDenisDlugas [2010-06-25 13:57:40 +0000 UTC]
Hi there,
welcome to our DA Disney group !!!
We really appreciate your decision to join us - thanks for becoming part of our little Disney fanart community!!!
We're sure that you'll be a real enrichment for our galleries - can't wait to see your submissions
If you have any questions, don't hesitate and ask us - we will try to help you.
Now... enjoy this group and have fun!!!
Denis (Co-Founder)
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ButtZilla [2010-04-26 05:50:48 +0000 UTC]
1. What does your Deviantart name mean and why?
2. What fandom were you obsessed with when you joined and what are you into now?
3. How many watchers do you have now?
4. Name 3 of your favorite artists on DA.
5. Do you comment, fav, or both?
6. Do you participate in clubs' contests here on DA?
7. What is your most popular submission?
8. What are your favorite non-anime TV shows?
9. What are the things you wish you could draw better?
10. Summer or winter?
11. Rain or Sun?
12. What's your favorite type of music?
13. PC or Mac?
14. Anime or Manga?
15. Coke or Pepsi?
16. Read or TV?
17. How many hours a day do you spend on DA?
18. Name a hidden talent.
19. Flash or traditional cartoons?
20. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
21. What are your top 3 favorite books?
22. Wii or PlayStation?
23. Name 3 of your favorite bands/singers.
24. Are you a fast, slow, or medium typist?
25. Do you like Denny's?
26. What is your favorite smiley?
27. What is your favorite type of pie?
28. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?
29. Do you go on YouTube a lot?
30. Are you a member on any other sites besides DA?
31. Do you cosplay?
32. Fruits or sweets?
33. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn?
34. Have you skipped school?
35. Have you been on a plane?
36. Have you swam in an ocean?
37. Have you been ice skating?
38. Favorite vacation spot?
Dream about:
39. Ever been on TV?
40. Favorite salad and dressing?
41. What do you do to relax?
42. What is the last film you saw in the theater?
43. Favorite Sandwich?
44. If you could go anywhere in the world...
45. Favorite time of the day?
46. What did you want to be when you were little?
47. What do you want to be now?
48. If you could eat with one person, who would it be?
49. What character would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
50. When is your birthday?
51. Favorite type of ice cream?
52. Last book you read?
53. Which store would you max out a credit card at?
54. Do you buy / sell / both on eBay?
55. What is the most annoying thing people ask you?
56. Favorite all time movie?
57. What was your favorite show when you were a kid?
58. What are you listening to right now?
59. What is the last thing you ate?
60. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
62. Favorite sport to play?
63. Favorite Day of the Year?
64. Hugs or Kisses?
65. Vanilla or Chocolate?
66. Favorite Board Game?
67. Favorite smells?
68. What inspires you?
69. Do you have any piercings?
70. How many siblings do you have?
71. Bacon Bits or croutons?
72. Favorite Day of the Week?
73. Favorite phrase?
74. Favorite Restaurant?
75. Favorite animal?
76. Favorite thing to do outside.
77. Favorite thing to do when it's raining?
78. Favorite Disney character?
79. Do you like coffee? If so, what is your favorite brand?
80. Tag 8 people:
81. Did you write any poems if you did post here.
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Irena-N-Photography [2009-12-25 18:59:33 +0000 UTC]
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas...
"...So when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you,
It's because you're on that list of folk I'm indebted to,
And you are one of many folk who in times past I've met,
And happen to be one of those I don't want to forget."
May all your dreams come true and your life be filled with joy and happiness.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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Irena-N-Photography [2009-11-26 20:41:13 +0000 UTC]
Wishing you all a great and safe Thanksgiving, Katie.
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.
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1bgpayne [2009-08-18 11:12:47 +0000 UTC]
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theresap [2009-06-24 04:29:01 +0000 UTC]
Congradulations! of course your mom posted a photo asap..thats a grandma for ya. snuggle as much as you can, before you know it your chaseing him down the hall way saying "stay away from those stairs mister.. i mean it!"
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to Irena-N-Photography [2009-03-17 19:25:58 +0000 UTC]
Thank you wormsy!
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UnbrokenHeartSilvane [2009-02-04 05:57:02 +0000 UTC]
oh gosh, your icon <3 I love that game~
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to UnbrokenHeartSilvane [2009-02-04 18:12:34 +0000 UTC]
do you know who it is? It's not okami
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UnbrokenHeartSilvane In reply to KatTheGrrreat [2009-02-04 22:02:00 +0000 UTC]
It's Blanca! <3 or should I say Snowball~
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to UnbrokenHeartSilvane [2009-02-04 22:14:38 +0000 UTC]
:dances: Yeay!! hehe.. he's the best, isn't he?
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UnbrokenHeartSilvane In reply to KatTheGrrreat [2009-02-04 22:21:03 +0000 UTC]
Yes, he was such a cool character~ I loved his sidequest, the wolf bout fhdjksdfd <3
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to avatargabe [2009-02-06 17:57:32 +0000 UTC]
lol ^^.. . my dad calls her an earmuff..
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avatargabe In reply to KatTheGrrreat [2009-02-07 05:03:07 +0000 UTC]
lmao! an earmuff?! hahaha
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The-Cute-Storm [2009-01-07 01:12:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favorite on my work! I hope you stop by again, and continue to enjoy my new works!
Thanks again!
~Miss D
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to The-Cute-Storm [2009-01-07 06:26:34 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome
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Juctoo [2008-09-17 21:06:36 +0000 UTC]
*poke* Hey, how's it going in Reno?
I also saw your mom the other day at Best Buy!
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KatTheGrrreat In reply to Juctoo [2008-09-29 04:46:08 +0000 UTC]
whew.. just got home a few hours ago.. I'm tired.. It was a good experience, but boy I'm glad to be back.. sleepy time now..
I don't know why, but dA has a weird application and I can't access anything but pictures up here w/ my iphone..
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