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| KatOtter

# Statistics
Favourites: 890; Deviations: 95; Watchers: 242
Watching: 65; Pageviews: 31843; Comments Made: 2592; Friends: 65
# Comments
Comments: 267
Pumpkin-Pie13 [2022-11-22 01:45:49 +0000 UTC]
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Lakword [2018-07-14 11:30:43 +0000 UTC]
AAAAND yet again Happy Birthday Lots of cake, health, wealth. MORE FRIENDS WHO VISIT THIS PAGE. Motivation and some determination to work on your arts and other stuff you like. Have some snuggles from a small changeling ^^ AND NEVER TURN INTO SKITTLE CHANGELIN D: We love you as you are ^^
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2018-07-18 04:16:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! Don't worry far as I'm concerned she's perfect as she is!
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2018-07-19 22:50:03 +0000 UTC]
yay ^^ We lost too many to this plauge of SkittelingΒ
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Lakword [2017-07-14 14:28:53 +0000 UTC]
And yet again. Im the only changeling... No... ONLY living person who actually wishes you happy Birthday here. Still it wont stop me from showing you the cheesecake into mouth XD Anyway happy Birthday ^^ I wish you plenty health, wealth, determination, motivation, inspiration, happines, more cheesecake and whatever more you may need ^^ *HUGS* Even if it dosnt look like it. You are missed here on DA ^^ Even if its only me here waiting for your appearing here
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Lakword [2016-07-14 08:59:52 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday ^^ I wish you all the best in incoming years. Lots of health, happines, cheesecake, money, inspiration, time for all your projects, cheesecake, friends, fun and cheesecake if I dint mention that before. OH! Also a friendly facehug from my little changeling OC ^^ Because its your day after all
Anyway I really hope you will have lots of fun and shall continue drawing because your style is beautiful ^^
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2016-07-25 04:03:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you kindly sir, I shall endeavor to not disappoint :U
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Lakword [2015-12-16 18:17:33 +0000 UTC]
Hey. Its me again. Sorry to bother you so much latley. Many of comments I see are from me so I feel a bit ackward XD
Anyway I want to ask you if I would get your permission to draw your OC for one of my collectable cards for Skyrim mod. I would love to have your sweet hugeable OC in there ^^ But I dont wanna start anything if youre not ok with it
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2015-12-27 05:54:24 +0000 UTC]
Naaaaw thats an illusion. This page is more then a little dead as I haven't updated in forever but to be fair even when I DID update deviantart was always pretty barren for me. That would be half of why I abandoned it for tumblr in the first place.Β
Anyways sorry for being late getting back to you, but feel free to do what you want with her. As long as people aren't shipping Sketchy or doing anything nsfw with her I'm happy to see her pop up in other people's work. :>
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2015-12-27 08:44:22 +0000 UTC]
OH NO! And there I was planing to ship her with my little OC and make them do NSFW stuff over and over XDDDD JK
But Seriously I will put her in some cute or seductive pose on a collectable card. Like those
I just wanted to draw Skethy as I really like her. Plus your art style is always so cute and huggable what makes me smile so I wanted to at least make an excuse to return the smile to you ^^
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2015-12-28 02:31:04 +0000 UTC]
Heh well glad its doing something good for people. She's certainly spiraled bigger then I thought she would lol, so I'm happy that she can make other people happy.
Also one tiiiiiny nitpick, its uh Sketchy with a "c" I think you've been calling her Skethy all along :>
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2015-12-28 11:06:49 +0000 UTC]
Ohh XD My bad then. Thanks for correction
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Lakword [2015-07-14 10:09:07 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday ^^ I wish you many years of full of good health, drawing mood and wealth ^^ Also way more watchers. As I see this place seems a bit empty. ^^ And of course as year before *Facehugs Skethy* (Not in dirty way)
Hope you will have lots of fun in coming years
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2015-11-28 20:52:15 +0000 UTC]
Ah, well super late response but thank you. Hopefully we'll have a lot more content out soon.
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2015-12-01 14:56:10 +0000 UTC]
Hopefully. I love your work ^^ So far on tumblr each time I watch its a lot of reused material. That scared face posted on some random pic for example You trying to make a meme?
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2015-12-02 06:06:21 +0000 UTC]
Like most things that are memes I the orginal content creator had very little to do with that people just took it and ran with it. Likely tho it will be my legacy and engraved upon my tombstone. It is best not to fight the future.
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2015-12-02 14:18:47 +0000 UTC]
XDDD Ok that made my day. Also true on that Meme thing being not really planed by its creators
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KatOtter In reply to FlufflePuff622 [2014-08-24 00:04:18 +0000 UTC]
GYAgh My one weakness hOW DID YOU KNOW?!
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KatOtter In reply to Banjoeman [2014-07-15 05:19:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. ^3^
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Lakword [2014-07-14 07:57:18 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday I wish you many new watchers. Lots of well paid comissions, health and many many good times to have in the future and as memories later to remember good. Also I wish you many cute changelings glomping you XD Including famoius Flik facehug for you *Facehugs*
But seriously I hope you have an awsome B-Day
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2014-07-15 05:47:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, Lak. A toast to a good year then. With many many changelings.
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Lakword [2014-07-05 08:53:28 +0000 UTC]
Ohh one more thing as I always forgeting. Did you ever do one of those toturials how to draw? Like show people how you do your arts?
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2014-07-07 19:33:01 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh not physically. I keep meaning to put something together for a patreon and stuff but I haven't yet. Usually when people come to the streams and ask specific things I do quick demos though.
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2014-07-07 20:32:12 +0000 UTC]
Ahhhh... Streams are tricky as you cant really record them and only very limited amount of people can watch at certian time. Ahh well... Maybe some other time then
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Lakword [2014-07-05 08:52:02 +0000 UTC]
Since its 4th July you shall get a...
Nah but seriously. I was just looking for excuse to do it and just wish you happy independance day. I would do it on Tmblr but I have no idea how to even post a comment there
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KatOtter In reply to Lakword [2014-07-07 19:31:43 +0000 UTC]
Aw thank you. Happy a few days after the forth to you as well, and yeah tumblr commenting systems kinda bunked, so here works.
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Lakword In reply to KatOtter [2014-07-07 20:34:58 +0000 UTC]
For me it really dont matter as I know it was only USA celebration
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longlovevegeta [2014-06-06 02:46:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for watching !!! holy crap o.oyour journal, hope you are ok now
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KatOtter In reply to longlovevegeta [2014-06-07 00:24:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah no problem. Your work is lovely and spot on with the styles you emulate so how could I not?
But yeah haha I'm perfectly fine now. The whole thing was a mess, but the only lasting effect it will have on me is a sizable scar.
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longlovevegeta In reply to KatOtter [2014-06-08 23:32:30 +0000 UTC]
Well that is good to hear ^^ I realized it happened a while ago so yay!
And thank you very much for the compliment
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KatOtter In reply to longlovevegeta [2014-06-11 04:02:28 +0000 UTC]
No problem at all. Great work deserves praise, and its clear you've put a lot of heart and soul into what you do. Β
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KatOtter In reply to I-am-knot [2014-03-13 07:04:28 +0000 UTC]
Glad I could be of assistance. You have a lovely gallery btw.
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I-am-knot In reply to KatOtter [2014-03-13 17:45:29 +0000 UTC]
Aw, thanks! Aren't you just sweet as sugar. ^^
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KatOtter In reply to I-am-knot [2014-03-14 08:16:50 +0000 UTC]
Naaah, I just dispense praise when I'm impressed.
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