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| KatKinKan
# Statistics
Favourites: 10; Deviations: 5; Watchers: 0
Watching: 3; Pageviews: 2029; Comments Made: 22; Friends: 3
# Comments
Comments: 14
GriftersArt [2008-11-25 07:59:28 +0000 UTC]
Hey Kath, See you got my message on FB then?
π: 0 β©: 1
KatKinKan In reply to GriftersArt [2008-11-25 10:24:25 +0000 UTC]
I did! Although I am having trouble figuring out the site, wish I had a scanner cause I would put some of my stuff on here too then.
π: 0 β©: 1
GriftersArt In reply to KatKinKan [2008-11-25 10:27:40 +0000 UTC]
Need any help with stuff? If there is a deviant whose art you like you just go onto their front page and at the top right is the watch button. If you wanna email someone on here like on FB then top right of their homepage again there is "Send a note" um... Thats the stuff people mostly use... um the profile editing stuff is pretty self explanatory. What you stuck on? I have a scanner. I know thats no good to you RIGHT now but i do
π: 0 β©: 1
KatKinKan In reply to GriftersArt [2008-11-25 10:45:45 +0000 UTC]
im glad you have a scanner, mucho useful...erm to you anyway! i will give the sending a note a go, but first i should really look at the pics and stuff, ive had a quick look before, but didnt have a thingy (you know one of these wotsits and stuff) so i didnt put much effort in. i will give it a go!
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GriftersArt In reply to KatKinKan [2008-11-25 10:51:07 +0000 UTC]
By thingy do you mean account by any chance?.. I'm on here most days during the wekk as its one of the few websites not blocked at work... So I'm pretty much logged in here 24/7... Go buy yourself a scanner! you could probably get one for pretty cheap now!
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KatKinKan In reply to GriftersArt [2008-11-25 11:06:52 +0000 UTC]
im thinking cash generator will see me right, im sure there is one on albany road. i shall go on a hunt. hope work isnt too painful and you are able to doodle in the between times. oooh an excuse for shopping
π: 0 β©: 1
GriftersArt In reply to KatKinKan [2008-11-25 11:13:22 +0000 UTC]
think you could pick me up some new Sketchbooks while you're out?
Get your stuff uploaded!
π: 0 β©: 1
KatKinKan In reply to GriftersArt [2008-11-25 15:08:34 +0000 UTC]
Ah, i didnt get to the shop, i decided sleep was much more important.
I will get the scanner sorted at some point.
but I did manage to put some stuff I already had on my computer on here! Woo hoo.
This is the first time I have put my stuff somewhere public (except my facebook page and that does not count) so I hope people dont judge my attempts at drawing too harshly! Have a good day, and get cracking with the strips!
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GriftersArt In reply to KatKinKan [2008-11-25 15:13:37 +0000 UTC]
people wont judge you harshly! Everyone on here is incredibly supportive! Some also give constructive critisicm as well!
I'll check it all out shortly!
π: 0 β©: 0
darkdragon23 [2008-11-25 06:03:18 +0000 UTC]
Hey welcome to DA!
Just thought I would say hi and show you around a bit.
If you would like to get to meet some people right away, then an easy way is to go introduce yourself in the welcome forum. Everyone there is really nice. [link]
If you are interested in posting some of your own art, but donβt know how, this will walk you through it [link]
If you are interested in joining or looking at a club, then this is a good place to start looking. [link] just scroll down a little ways and there will be a list of clubs on the right. If you can't find what you are looking for there, you could try one of these [link] [link] [link]
A couple other useful places are the FAQ page [link] the help page [link] there's always the help chat room if you need it [link]
If you have any questions let me know. I'm fairly new myself but I would be more than glad to help in any way that I can. Hope you enjoy your stay
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KatKinKan In reply to darkdragon23 [2008-11-25 10:26:01 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the hints, I am a bit lost on here now so any help is much appreciated!
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darkdragon23 In reply to KatKinKan [2008-11-27 03:05:59 +0000 UTC]
ok tell me what you need to know.
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