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| JustSquidsYay
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# Comments
Comments: 4707
JustSquidsYay In reply to TheAlpacasaurus [2018-09-28 21:04:07 +0000 UTC]
I'm fast as fuck boi
π: 0 β©: 0
SonicUnderground316 [2018-02-01 08:24:55 +0000 UTC]
Yo, here a Sonic related poll that you might be interested in, mate ! Which play style from Sonic's game history do you enjoy the most :
Your vote would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much !Β
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chevy-runs-deep [2017-04-25 17:31:54 +0000 UTC]
bloody hell, mate. you have a dead account!
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to DraconequusPrincess [2016-09-28 00:30:00 +0000 UTC]
LOOOK at the journal
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FuckingFresh In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-01 12:16:19 +0000 UTC]
out of soggy biscuits.
lol what?
This was over a month ago, why are you still lurking here?
I'm sure by now Dragon knows Squid's new account.
Also, don't assume that Squid's a male . That being said, don't assume they're a female either.)
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to FuckingFresh [2016-10-01 12:43:28 +0000 UTC]
Im literally just got here man
what you mean still lurking here? I was only here for like one day when i saw his account and people asked i just told them, Β then i left,Β
dont assume his gender?.... then dont assume when im lurking about ok 0u0
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FuckingFresh In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-02 22:43:27 +0000 UTC]
out of soggy biscuits.
Im literally just got here man
Regardless, you should at least check the date that the comments were posted. JustSquidsYay moving is old news now.
when i saw his account and people asked i just told them
Because of how outdated the comments were, surely you'd think that they'd know their new account.
dont assume his gender?.... then dont assume when im lurking about ok
Well done, you're transphobic. As I said earlier, they're not a fucking male, nor are they female. If they were to see this conversation right now, do you think they'd be happy with you misgendering them just because I presumed you'd be lurking? Do you think that another user's actions should lessen your respect for them? Not assuming their gender would not benefit me, it would benefit them.
Keep your ignorance to yourself, buddy.
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to FuckingFresh [2016-10-02 23:29:10 +0000 UTC]
Dude i just thought they did know ok
dude calm down, Β im not transphobbic...... you asshole.... stop scting like getting someones gender wrong is the equivalent of being transphobic ok?! Jesus , so what if i get the gender wrong, whats going to happen?..." oh excuse but im not a girl, im a boy ^^" tell me, whose going to be emotionally destroyed when i get their gender wrong huh?! Whose going to go" oh OOOOH IM A MAN BUT HE CALL ME A SHE, oooooh what an ass to assume, Β now i need to shoot myself in the face" , oh im sorry, Β i guess i forget this is the hyper fucking senitive people, were getting someones gender wrong equalls to hitler, oops i guess i need to die.
listen buddy imsorry that i assume someones gender ok.... but if your going to laible me a transphobic, even though you dont even know me, hace evidence besides me assuming someones gender, which everyone does already dick. Β Listen, does it really matter, really huh? Its not like i ripped off their arms or burned their house down, Β i just assume someones gender, thats it, oh whats next, im racist? Im sexiest? Im a nazi? Β Dude if their not male or female then what are they huh? Theirs only two genders?.
well heres is probably their actual reaction to me misgendering thwm
"oh....he got my gekder wrong...."takes drink" welp pff with my day and life because im sn actually, rational human being who cares way too much about actual real life problems, rather then someone getting my gender wrong"
listendo you think they over react to me getting their gender wrong? My friend was called a girl multiple times snd he didnt care, he even understands because he has long hsir, Jesus Christ, look i dint want to treat people like tjeir nothing more then moronic dicks but i have to for you because you think someones gonns care for me getting their gender wrong?!..... HAHHAHAHHHAHAHASHH HAAAAAAAS..... your seriously? Tell me.... does it reslly fucking matter huh? Does it really? Does it? Huh? You think getting soneone misgender os that bad huh, how about you asl them huh tjat if me misgendering gives them cripplei g deprisdion, so i guess you the guy who thinks pepe is a symbpl of hate huh mr triggered,Β
ok to be serious.... lets end the conversation ok? Because lets be serious .... their is a million.....BILLION THINHS WORSE.....then misgendering someone, one of thembeing wasteing your money on fake ads
π: 0 β©: 2
EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-09 19:33:38 +0000 UTC]
People Assume I'm A Male Constantly And It Doesn't Effect Me. They Can't See Me Through Internet Comments, So I'm Just Like 'Okay.. xP' It Really Isn't A Big Deal..
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-09 22:24:07 +0000 UTC]
Well yeah true but this person he was talkong about got emotional destoyed, claims people have stress diffently, but....... i dudbt espect that
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-09 22:40:41 +0000 UTC]
They'll Get Over It, I Didn't Watch The Video Because I Don't Feel Like Being Angry Over Something Stupid Right Now, But I Read The Comments. There's Worse Going On In The World Than Being Called A 'Him' Instead Of Whatever They Want To Be Referred As. If They Don't Go By 'Him' Or 'Her' Than 'Them' Is Pretty Much The Only Other Option And You Referred To Them As That Too.
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-09 22:52:57 +0000 UTC]
Yeah but im not sure but im hoping, i get saying something wirsev doesbt unjustice what i did i mean eh........but heah i just hope
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-10 02:39:54 +0000 UTC]
'What You Did..' Who Cares About What You Did..? It Was An Easy Mistake People Make All The Time, Especially If They Haven't Told You What They Prefer Being Referred To. It's Not Like You Killed Their Dog, Don't Worry About It..
π: 0 β©: 1
DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-10 14:12:13 +0000 UTC]
...yeaj thats true sigh sorry
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-11 05:08:19 +0000 UTC]
There's No Reason To Apologize To Me Either, Just Try To Relax..
π: 0 β©: 1
DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-11 10:28:22 +0000 UTC]
eh can you look at my new creept pasta oc
π: 0 β©: 1
EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-11 11:52:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I Saw Him. Gonna Draw Him When I Get In A Drawing Mood.. xP
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-11 18:24:24 +0000 UTC]
Wait what ^^ 0-0
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-12 02:32:04 +0000 UTC]
Lel.. xP
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-12 02:41:26 +0000 UTC]
Wamt me to link it
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-12 02:49:22 +0000 UTC]
I Can Find It On My Own.. xP
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-12 03:33:33 +0000 UTC]
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-12 04:01:53 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, It's In My Favs.. xP
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-12 14:01:24 +0000 UTC]
Thats nice did you reafd descrition
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to EternalSummer14 [2016-10-12 15:13:29 +0000 UTC]
What did you think was ig too scary
ugb: hmmmmm
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EternalSummer14 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-13 05:27:28 +0000 UTC]
Too Scary..? Nah, He's Fine..
π: 0 β©: 1
FuckingFresh In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-03 15:57:15 +0000 UTC]
out of soggy biscuits.
I'll message JustSquidsYay themself about this situation. They'll have their say on it.
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to FuckingFresh [2016-10-03 16:34:14 +0000 UTC]
Dude calm down, dont waste their time with pointless, useless info, its just getting their gender wrong, listen does it....really matter? They can just correct ok? Its not like i called them something that get em jail or lose their job, come on think for a second, is it really that bad to get someones gender wrong? Its like getting a food names wrong, you just get corrected, and im sure their say will be this
" oh well lets just tell he got my gender wrong"
course your probably gonna try to probably make me look like i said he was a )&@$&%*#*%#*#%++#Β£% $&@ %#^*%*#*# to make me look like the worlds biggest dick but i have faith that even though your the reason God doesnt talk to us any more, that you will actually know im not actually transphobic, im okay woth a man turning into a women, heck i even rp about that, kinda, Β Because i fear rapists, killers, theives, you know people who can actually gove me something to fear.
again, this is unbelievable pointless, , their not going to care ok?
π: 0 β©: 1
JustSquidsYay In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-03 19:57:48 +0000 UTC]
Speak for yourself.
You should've believed FuckingFresh when he said that I'd have my say on the ordeal. Behold, my response.
Before responding, finish it.
π: 0 β©: 1
DimitriWarchief123 In reply to JustSquidsYay [2016-10-05 20:48:28 +0000 UTC]
Flagged as Spam
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JustSquidsYay In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-10-09 12:12:41 +0000 UTC]
fuck you too then :)
oh, and by the way, you're flooding.
FAQ #54: What is "flooding"?
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to JustSquidsYay [2016-10-09 12:43:27 +0000 UTC]
Hey you sent me a videi, i didnt want to be a long response okay?
please dont be the bad persin, be the better person, im sorry cant you forgive, im trying to be nice ok? I now know what i did was wrong, now please for my friends sake, look i know i was a dick but im sorry , ok? Come on, your beimg immature too, your just being angry because i was rude too....please stop this.....lets just end this and try to be friends....please
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DraconequusPrincess In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-09-28 00:34:55 +0000 UTC]
I knowΒ
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to crystalpink1616 [2016-09-28 00:30:12 +0000 UTC]
He made a journal about it
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crystalpink1616 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2016-09-28 00:46:21 +0000 UTC]
Ok thank you ^^
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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to crystalpink1616 [2016-09-28 01:08:41 +0000 UTC]
Your welcomeΒ
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