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| Johnyvill
# Statistics
Favourites: 648; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 11
Watching: 279; Pageviews: 14220; Comments Made: 6695; Friends: 279
# Comments
Comments: 211
ARVEN92 In reply to Johnyvill [2017-09-27 12:55:54 +0000 UTC]
Aww thanks again, I'm flattered you do
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Johnyvill In reply to SheltieWolf [2015-04-13 07:49:21 +0000 UTC]
I honestly thought I was watching you for years XD
I liked your comic and I swear I watched you after that!
And seeing your samurai wolves again reminded me that you existed, so now here I am! A little late but better than never XD
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Johnyvill In reply to AsheArtz [2015-03-15 10:09:12 +0000 UTC]
You happen to catch my eye after binging on RnC for the last few days
And it seems like I caught you right on the move XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Johnyvill In reply to AsheArtz [2015-03-15 19:05:55 +0000 UTC]
yeah I finished off the RnC: Future series like a dozen times already, so I got the classic collection on my PS3, and oddly enough I'm on Going Commando! Witch is the one with Angela Cross. I found your other acc. witch directed me here! But I won't bore you with my life story.
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AsheArtz In reply to Johnyvill [2015-03-17 15:21:34 +0000 UTC]
LOL its okay, cool that it led you to me.
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Johnyvill In reply to HieronymusWhite [2014-12-18 12:38:03 +0000 UTC]
"hey" really stood out for me... sure I ended up drinking the last of my alcohol but otherwise it earned a watch XD
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Johnyvill In reply to zwierzak27 [2013-05-17 19:55:18 +0000 UTC]
Welcome, yer Azulas really caught my eye
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Johnyvill In reply to Sirmaril [2013-03-29 10:26:25 +0000 UTC]
You NMM caught my attention Dem Wings
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Pedigreedy [2012-10-27 03:09:04 +0000 UTC]
i dont know how to color cheetoh texture
instead of cheetoh cat
can i do butter cat?
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Johnyvill In reply to Pedigreedy [2012-11-03 21:01:41 +0000 UTC]
ok... I want you to take a step back... and litterally BUTTER YER OWN FACE! MAKE LE BUTTER CAT!
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Johnyvill In reply to Xesziel [2012-08-03 12:54:50 +0000 UTC]
*in German accent* are you proud of that? are you proud of that pun you just made? well I'll tell you what...
Jacks: *licks* WERE SO PROUD OF YOU!
Yer on yer way to being a comic book super villain
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Xesziel In reply to Johnyvill [2012-08-04 03:09:25 +0000 UTC]
As if I could be a villain, let alone a super one.
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moondevourer [2012-08-01 01:31:03 +0000 UTC]
Took you long enough to watch me, ya bastard! <3
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Johnyvill In reply to desolim [2012-06-14 00:59:20 +0000 UTC]
And the old devil was so kind as to record my resurrection
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desolim In reply to Johnyvill [2012-06-15 05:44:49 +0000 UTC]
I fucking lolled.
So what have you been up to? 8D
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Johnyvill In reply to desolim [2012-06-18 19:18:16 +0000 UTC]
Well mostly perusing my new hobby... growing cacti
that I shall butt rape congress with threw every orifice I can find >: D
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desolim In reply to Johnyvill [2012-06-18 19:24:56 +0000 UTC]
Lmao oh wow xD Growing cacti though, that's pretty cool! Watch out though, I might try to eat it xD
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Johnyvill In reply to desolim [2012-06-19 00:00:19 +0000 UTC]
Good luck, these are my special cacti... I watered them with a combination of petrel and uraninite... so now when they are ready they will EXPLODE into a mushroom cloud of DOOM!!! XD
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Johnyvill In reply to desolim [2012-06-19 18:54:04 +0000 UTC]
You believe me in jest? Alright *mails 450,000 cacti to France* now we play the waiting game
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desolim In reply to Johnyvill [2012-06-19 22:32:21 +0000 UTC]
Lmao xD But seriously, what else?
I took up a hobby too. Rodent ownership-again, I have six rats, and a litter on the way 83 I will also be taking a baby or two from my friend's pregnant gerbil. She is due any day now and is being a bitch xD
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Johnyvill In reply to desolim [2012-06-20 22:32:05 +0000 UTC]
Well besides my RAGING MONTH LONG boner for Assassin's Creed III that's coming out in OCTOBER! -Fuck you too Ubisoft- I've been pretty active... and lazy... kinda of a mix. Like, I'm raging on congress one day, lazing in my bed playing Assassin's Creed another, then making my girlfriend uncomfortable with my sexy voice on skype and so on and so forth. I've been doing a little free-writing here and there, which led me to those new ideas I've been working on -and am also waiting on the critique for the first one I posted a little wile ago-, and the 2nd one is in the last screening stages... aaaaaand yeah that's about it.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
desolim In reply to Johnyvill [2012-06-21 16:00:42 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, one of my friends-and future cottage-mate is obsessed and keeps ranting and raving about it xD She might be able to get a free copy from an ex-girlfriend though, because she accidentally bought two. HERP DERP.
What were the stories about?
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Johnyvill In reply to desolim [2012-06-22 05:28:33 +0000 UTC]
I'm more into jumping up and down and squealing like a school girl after drinking 80 bottles of Dr Pepper and on 12 different kinds of heroin XD
Well one is right here- [link]
The second one is almost done, and I'll upload it as soon as I can
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Johnyvill In reply to nefolllwynog [2011-09-02 03:18:48 +0000 UTC]
So THATS where I left my cannon! NOW! you know where I get my madness from
(and people wonder why there are so many whacky shacks in Russia XD) So does this discourage... or ENcourage your enthusiasm to share a drink with your favorite soviet fucktard?
Always thinking of you [link]
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nefolllwynog In reply to Johnyvill [2011-09-05 00:53:08 +0000 UTC]
I had no doubt that's where you got your madness from, my dear boy.
The first guy, is exactly how I act whenever someone pushes, punches or prods me, but more like "Argh, what is this?" or "What are you doing?" Even though I know what they've done.
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Johnyvill In reply to nefolllwynog [2011-09-05 08:37:19 +0000 UTC]
Yep, got it at an auction in Texas for 40 bucks. Got drunk soon after and started shooting it off, it left my driveway by morning
Ya know that reminds me of the time I went to knob creek in west-point Kentucky... DUUUDE! the GREATEST FUCKING GUNRANGE IN THE WORLD!!! I even got to cook off a few rounds on A FUCKIN 50.! GOD DAMMIT! If I hadn't dropped my camera out of the helicopter I would show you the pics videos we took.
Remember dear Benny... If you are not professional Russian. Do not try anything we do at home... you'll be dieing.
Be taking hint from FPS Russia [link]
lol, but now the big question... Benny... would you drink a tadpole and a beetle between a girl's milk jugs?
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nefolllwynog In reply to Johnyvill [2011-09-09 21:06:43 +0000 UTC]
Your stories make me warm inside. And then I ejaculate.
Oooohhhhh man that was good
No. I'd rather suck a dick.
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