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| JessicsCatsthetics
# Statistics
Favourites: 129; Deviations: 18; Watchers: 29
Watching: 83; Pageviews: 2449; Comments Made: 978; Friends: 83
# Comments
Comments: 53
JessicsCatsthetics [2017-08-13 04:23:15 +0000 UTC]
Want to drop a comment, give a thank you or even have a little chat?
Well you are more then welcome to, though could I please ask you to respond to this comment to prevent spam upon my page.
Thank you very much! โกโขโงโค
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NutellaDog In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2019-12-27 04:46:35 +0000 UTC]
Happy B-day!!=^(แดฅ)^=
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NutellaDog In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-12-26 18:00:08 +0000 UTC]
Happy B-day!!=^แดฅ^=
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to NutellaDog [2019-06-13 07:40:40 +0000 UTC]
oh gosh this is so late but thank you!
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KitharaKitsune In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-06-14 15:17:27 +0000 UTC]
hello! sorry for annoying you, but -
im hosting a monthly art giveaway uwu
i was hoping you can check it out,
thank you!
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to KitharaKitsune [2018-06-15 01:06:51 +0000 UTC]
Oh hello and your not annoying me at all.
Lol ironically I just saw the journal and was about to jump over there to check it out XD
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Shaybayme In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-05-10 17:41:50 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for watching!! I really appreciate it!
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Shaybayme [2018-05-10 22:14:20 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome dear~
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Cloakatta In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-04-14 01:20:39 +0000 UTC]
Aw thanks for the watch buddy!!
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Cloakatta [2018-04-14 04:35:53 +0000 UTC]
your most welcome, your work is so precious ;w;
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to MilenaHide [2018-04-12 10:04:28 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome!
Your art is far to gorges not to appreciate! :')
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MilenaHide In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-04-12 10:06:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for such good words and I'm very pleased you like my art
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to MilenaHide [2018-04-12 11:20:34 +0000 UTC]
Your most welcome. Im just getting into your comic currently and i adore it~
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to MilenaHide [2018-04-12 13:02:33 +0000 UTC]
*cries and stalks your group* :w:
Thank you so much for the invite!
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MilenaHide In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-04-12 13:33:01 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! ^^
I'd also be very pleased if you invite someone else to my group
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to MilenaHide [2018-04-13 00:16:19 +0000 UTC]
I've tried a few friends, i hope they watch you.
But, if i may enquire what happened to chap. 2 of your comic? Is it going throuh a revamp or upload because i could only find the cover and was really getting into it X3
Amazing job by the way!
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MilenaHide In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-04-13 04:19:39 +0000 UTC]
The thing is that this is my first comic that I do in digital. I started it in 2014 and 4 first chapters were drawn in pencil. In 2015 I started using Paint Tool SAI and decided to create it all in digital, so now I have to redraw all the first 4 chapters, so they will look more or less fine. Because of that I work alone on every aspect of my comicbook(like creating the plot, sketching, lining, coloring, etc.) I work reeeeealy slow, and I finished chapter 5 in a year. Also I spent a year to redraw the first chapter(after finishing the 5th chapter and that's why the drawing skill is so different in them), so now I decided not to stop on redrawing old chapters and to work on the next one. Soo... because of my busy study in the university I rarely have an opportunity to get to my computer and draw something. Well, everyone of us may be busy sometimes, right? And now I am on my way to finish only SKETCHING all the pages of chapter 6. It's been a year or two when I started to work on it. I try hard to create more logical and interesting plot and that's why this project goes really slow. Well, if you are interested, you may visit my gallery and find all the pages of that pencil chapters, but all of them are in Russian :'D
Thank you very for spending your time to read this, it is very important to me.
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to MilenaHide [2018-04-13 10:21:13 +0000 UTC]
Oh i see and i can completely understand that and how comics take time be them traditional or Digital, and how skills develop over time~
Im glade in a sense however that you desided not to update all of the pages since its stunning to your improvement over the years
Ill have to hunt about for these pages however and find a Russian translator X3
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MilenaHide In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-04-13 18:17:30 +0000 UTC]
Ahah, wish you best of luck, 'cause it seems to me that it's quite hard to even understand what is written there '
Thank you anyways. I'm so glad someone wants to read my comicbook that much <3
This means a lot to me.
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AyaChan993 In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-03-08 09:09:32 +0000 UTC]
Omigosh, I just noticed that you gave me points! Thank you, but you didn't need to do that, honestly! ;w; I feel kind of bad seeing as those are your only bit of points...
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to AyaChan993 [2018-03-08 10:42:20 +0000 UTC]
haha oh your most welcome~ and dont sweat it, I dont really need them they'veย
been sitting about for months, Besides i reckon youll have more use for them then what i will
so enjoy and your welcome
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AyaChan993 In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-03-09 07:19:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! ;w; I really appreciate this.
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to AyaChan993 [2018-03-09 09:56:06 +0000 UTC]
Your most welcome lovely~
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12greenboy123 In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2018-01-08 19:27:14 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch jessics! Have you read my new stoneclan?
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to 12greenboy123 [2018-01-11 01:01:06 +0000 UTC]
No worries mate.
And no i haven't, not yet
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Yuveeh In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-12-10 01:16:42 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, have been an awfully long time since we've talked ;w;
Work is killing me XD
So, how you're doing?
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Yuveeh [2017-12-10 08:58:41 +0000 UTC]
Oh hey there! Yes indeed it has been quiet the time, but i dont blame you work is crazy expeshally with it being the festive season.
I'm doing well and yourself?
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Yuveeh In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-12-10 14:20:42 +0000 UTC]
Believe me, I didn't notice I took months to talk to you again... ugh dude..
I'm really tired, everytime by the end of the year, things get crazy at work. XD
But well, for most part, I'm doing great
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Yuveeh [2017-12-11 00:21:41 +0000 UTC]
Haha it gets like that sometimes.
And ahh yes i hear you, i work at a nursing home as a fsa it gets so crazy and so busy over the festive seasons and with workers down sick or taking time of im getting the slack.
But its great to hear your doing well
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Yuveeh In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-12-11 00:47:45 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I can't deal with people that well! So, picture this: I work at an ice cream parlor, in a litoranean, ''turistic'' city, at the end of the year. There are times my cheeks won't stop burning from plastic smiling too much.
Hehe, It's nice to hear from you also ย
I'm thinking about joining a rp group when things gets calmer, I need something to keep me from being inactive ^^' There are times when I want to draw but get no motivation, and when I want to draw, I got no idea of what to do...
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Yuveeh [2017-12-11 01:32:05 +0000 UTC]
Haha join the club, im a rather antisocial person myself. A minumal social interaction kind of person because people can be rather tireing to deal with in out of virtual interactions
Though i can picture and i can understand why it'd be getting hetic in your workplace, that dose sound tireing indeed.
Yes i agree, its always nice to catch up with friends now and then.
And ahhh same here personally. I used to run my own group but i shut it down a few days ago because even though it only had two people and was still rather fun my admin was a slacker and it was easy to see they lost intrest.
So im trying to find a group that is going to stay active to inspire drawing.
Shadows-wick was good but it feels a little dead now.
I cant find any good warrior ones. Though im concidering joining Wyngro and staying away from the scam side of it.
It opens dec the 16 then when the crazyness of the month dies down i plan on getting active in it
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Yuveeh In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-12-11 01:46:07 +0000 UTC]
Yah, I agree with you, but I think the problem is mostly me. Since I'm really bad at dealing with people and reading the atmosphere. I've got a circle of my favorite people wich I can deal with, but the number is pretty low. ^^'
I used to be an admin in various groups but.. mostly the founders were the ones who lost interest and didn't contact the admins at all. Although I an understand it was mostly because it was their first ever group.
Yep, I totally get you! I couldn't find any warrior ones that got my interest, and a lot of them... how to put it, feel pretty ''closed'' and ''private'', you see? I also wanna find a good dog or wolf rp, just to try something new...
Dude, if you find a warrior group that's you like, please, tell me! I've got a cat I've posted long time ago and want to use her.
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Yuveeh [2017-12-11 02:13:24 +0000 UTC]
Ah i see, well nothing wrong with that i find it better to have minimal people about you then mass. You know who you can trust and who has your back then.
Ha, oh gosh i used to be a founder of many groups 6 to to be exact but they all closed down for various reasons.
1st was when warrior cats just became a thing and i made a rp group The-four-clans (pfft so original) thats when i was 16 but i had to close it down and focous on my schooling.
2nd was the-wild-ones a rp group about canines but same story when i got into tafe it was hard to kep active and i had no admin so it quickly died.
3 & 4 were koiclan and otter clan, they were created for interaction with a group called snowclan but snowclan became rather inactive so i merged it into a group, no. 5 called Clans-of-the-isles and made another 2 clans for it, it ran smoothly for a while but my only admin let me down..that she got in alot of fights with my other admin ive no idea what was going on there but the group closed down.
I made donatus-academy after that my 6th group. A rp group about mythical creatures teachers/students but da staff closed it down cuz i got accused of stealing some other girls group. Long story.
Then it was two 7th back to Clans-of-the-Isles a revamp following cat breeding lineages and building up your own clan though breeding starter cats.
It well.. came to a close cuz like i said my admin let me down. At one stage it had 3 members but my admin chased the other of, idk what happened their but arguments and i grew tired of my admin not being able to follow simple rules also. So ive pretty well given up running groups ^^'
But i shall let you know if i find any good warrior groups or canine groups. As i also really want to find a canine group
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Yuveeh In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-12-11 02:37:31 +0000 UTC]
Yup~ It's also easier to pick up with them all of my friends have the same ''childish'' interests(such as rp and stuff) as me, so we can all be lame together XD
I've never really founded a group :/ I don't think I have the responsability nor the skills, but I'm always willing to help friends if they ask ^^
Oddly enough, I was also considering on doing a rp about wolves called ''The Wild Ones'', still got the packs and everything, but as I said, eh... the reasons I stated above. XD I'm also trying to start writing stories about my made up clans and stories and everything, so I can get better at rp AND writing, but I'm a mess ^^'
It's such a sad thing to hear, they do sound like interesting groups I do believe it's better to start a group with more than one admin, though... and also have some things prepared, such as backstory, or ''OCs shops'' or whatever. It's weird because there's a lot of promising groups that just die before they start or big groups that suddenly close.
It might be just me though... But why is it really hard to find good rp groups? I mean, there should be a tag or something.
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Yuveeh [2017-12-11 09:18:32 +0000 UTC]
Haha best kind of friends, im glad to hear you all have the same intrests you'd have heaps to talk about
Haha yea its alot to take on but as i learnt if you have admin that dont put the work in or get lazy then they quickly die
Yes my first ones i had 2 admin helping me out but my admin i guess didnt like each other as they were always fighting.
Then my good one that actually did stuff left and the group collapsed.
Each group had themes and storylines. Well as oc stores and goals to aim for. And all had their own form of currency you could earn though events, artwork and writeing.
And i agree. Though i find most places these dayd are discord based, and they die so quickly :/
Ive joined 8 diffrent groups this year. Not inclueing my own and they all die.
And lol wild ones is a very popular name for canie rp groups then XD
Mine was bassed about city dogs aka. Abandoned dogs.
Who had to escape the big city and dog catchers. Moved into the wilderness then had to stuggle agaisnt the elements and other creatures to survive.
All dog breed were welcome but naturally the smaller or breed up fancy breeds had a harder time.
No its not just you. Im finding the same, any good groups seem to close down before they even start or blankly just never start up
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Yuveeh In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-12-11 18:57:37 +0000 UTC]
You could say I'm lucky, because it's pretty hard to find more
Uh, a lot of groups end because of problems/drama with or between the admin... That's kind of depressing :/ Seriously, it's almost a trend with the majority of the groups... and they usually drag some users too. Things get scary ^^
lol Yeah, and the stupid thing is that it didn't even fit with the storyline XD I was really excited to create the group, but yeah, I know how hard it is, so it just died down... I still hope to write something about it though, I still have the OCs drawings :3
Your group sounded really interesting though :/
True... Such a shame... it's kinda disappointing.
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Yuveeh [2017-12-13 00:10:15 +0000 UTC]
I would agree there for sure.
I have to agree, its crazy and because of that its really hard to find good staff, let alone keep a group going if their always carrying on.
And gosh thank god i havent had that happen in my groups, but it is always crazy when admin bring users into a fight
Yes i can understand that id be excited also making a group is a pretty awesome thing, but it isnt always easy and their two are many groups ive thought up but havent made also.
It'd be great to see it in a story though
And thanks
It is. More disappointing the group i wished to join 4 days before their opening and they closed it to new members unless you pay to get in =_=
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Colaetinq In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-11-24 11:24:23 +0000 UTC]
Hello there!
Pardon the intrusion, but I've just come over to say that I hope you're having a lovely day!
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Colaetinq [2017-11-24 12:11:37 +0000 UTC]
why good afternoon~
I've had a wonderful day thank you and i hope you having the same.
also thank you for the spontaneous and sweet comment
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Colaetinq In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-11-24 12:52:52 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem! >w <
I stumbled across your page and just had to!
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Colaetinq [2017-11-24 13:01:26 +0000 UTC]
well it most certainly made my night~ย
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Turtledragon2001 In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-09-30 05:09:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch!
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to Turtledragon2001 [2017-09-30 08:18:17 +0000 UTC]
Your most welcome
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CandyhoIic In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-09-07 01:15:33 +0000 UTC]
I am an admin from @/Lost-Land and noticed you had recently checked out our group! The admin team over at Lost Land were just wondering a few things and if you could answer our questionnaire then splendid. You are, of course, under absolutely no obligation to do so and are also completely free to ignore and not respond to this message. (If you would like it hidden we can do that as well). We ask the following questions because we are always striving to improve our group in any way possible.
1. How did you come across Lost Land?
2. What about Lost Land drew you in/caught your eye?
3. If you have plans on joining then did any particular thing convince you to do so? If yes, then what was said thing?
4. If you have no plans on joining then did anything about our page make you change your mind?
5. Upon your viewing of our page do you think we can expand upon, elaborate, and/or add anything to make another's experience more enjoyable?
Thank you so much for your feedback! Again, there is no obligation to answer any of the following and if you consider this spam then we can hide the message.
-Admin Team of Lost Land
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JessicsCatsthetics In reply to CandyhoIic [2017-09-07 01:41:48 +0000 UTC]
Afternoon and i have absolutely no problem answering your questions for you.
1. I came across your group by browsing Warrior cat roleplay groups under DAs groups options.
2.well the pixel icon of yours, it looked truely magnificent and was a real eye catcher. The name of your group was also intriguing as it was new and diffrent. So naturally curiosity risen i just had to check it out.
3. Sadly i have no plans to join your group as their is a magor deterrence plastered on your front page that to me is difficult to scroll past, explained in answer 4.
4. Skype based. To put it as simple as that, as a person who dose not use skype nore have a need for Skype there is nothing more disheartening then to find a group is skype or discord based and to me and in my experience fellow roleplayers that there nothing more detering then skype/discord based groups as there is zero activity/rp experience to the non skype/discord users there for resulting in a very lousy experince for the member withing the group. Trust me I know many groups i attempted to join with skype/discord that stated their were note/chatzy friendly are anything but.
5. In all honesty i could not answer that question to your satisfaction I am sure as really i didn't take my time to browse. I saw skype based and i hightailed it out of there.
However i whole heartily wish you success and all the best with your group, im sure it Would have made for a delightful experience under other circumstances
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Nitroki In reply to JessicsCatsthetics [2017-08-21 05:36:08 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to DA c:ย
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