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Japanblossom [37916509] [] "<3"

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# Comments

Comments: 991

Japanblossom [2017-01-22 17:12:34 +0000 UTC]

Please reply to this comment in order to keep my page neat! If you have a personal comment, note me. Thanks!
(Please don't thank me for watches, lamas, favorites, etc.)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 125

intrstellarr In reply to Japanblossom [2018-12-30 21:50:54 +0000 UTC]

hiya dia!!

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Japanblossom In reply to intrstellarr [2018-12-30 22:33:08 +0000 UTC]

asdfghj it's been awhile ;v;

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intrstellarr In reply to Japanblossom [2018-12-30 22:40:43 +0000 UTC]

sdfgh yes!! how hv u been?

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Japanblossom In reply to intrstellarr [2018-12-30 22:48:49 +0000 UTC]

good! my family went away to amsterdam last week since it was vacation, and i really loved the city <3
asdfghj i have midyears in all of my subjects in three weeks and i'm trying not to think about them because than i'll start stressing out hnnggg
for now i'm just trying to chill and draw and write. plus, while in amsterdam i rediscovered my love of ice skating haha so now i'm going to freeze my butt off once a week and try to relearn how to skate (i did it for the first time in like 3 years the other day and it was like i was a baby learning how to walk haha i kept falling over and i barely remembered how to do anything)

hbu? did you do anything during the holidays?

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intrstellarr In reply to Japanblossom [2018-12-31 11:17:13 +0000 UTC]

asdfgHJK thats great aah!!!!
but same,,, mock gcses :/Β 
aaahhh i love ice skating !!!!!! its great i do lessons haha,,

and yeah not much ngl,,, stayed in london and revisedddd,,- watched A LOT of movies and did LOTS of art tho >)

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Japanblossom In reply to intrstellarr [2018-12-31 21:35:32 +0000 UTC]

oof i'm so glad i don't have to take the PSATs until next year
it's gonna be so stressful though hnggg
ooh that's so cool! i think i took one lesson when i was kid? and it was just the basic one on how to fall without dying lol. otherwise i've just taught myself.
i went this morning and it was kind of traumatic tbh. it was like 20 minutes after the rink had opened and it was just a bunch of little kids stumbling around and stuff, and all of a sudden this older man fell flat on his back and didn't move. everyone kind of freaks out because he's knocked out cold and they clear everyone off the ice and all of the little kids are so confused and their parents are trying to explain it to them without scaring them - and this was all just as i was about to go on. he was ok but they had to get paramedics and everything.

that's something! i've been to london once haha but i liked it - i seem to like cold, rainy european cities lol
ooh it's nice that you did a lot of art! i never do any while i'm away since it's too much of a hassle to bring my tablet and laptop and stuff
speaking of movies, have you seen the spiderverse movie? i just saw it a few hours ago and it was incredibleΒ 

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intrstellarr In reply to Japanblossom [2019-01-01 10:25:35 +0000 UTC]

asdfgh gosh gases are going to be crazy ngl,,,
and yeah ice skating is perfect for me,,, its a really relaxing sport!!
sdfgh omg thats so bad,,,
the worst iv ever seen is a girl get her hand cut by a skate..
they didnt even get people off the rink they just put some cones around,,..

sdfghj london is lovely but ugh the weather smh,,..
and yeah idk what happened i got motivated >:^0
dfgh i haven't seen it yet,, was planning to go today but i might have to revise instead..

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Japanblossom In reply to intrstellarr [2019-01-02 12:03:47 +0000 UTC]

yeah, it is really relaxing! i'm still in that phase where i stumble a lot tho so i can't really relax yet or else i'll fall on my face, but it is super peaceful
oof that's always a fear of mine! these little kids will fall and they'll pinwheel their legs and i'm always scared to get close haha because i don't want a slice to the face

you should see it! it was a great movie, and just from an artistic standpoint the animation was really original and beautiful <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

intrstellarr In reply to Japanblossom [2019-01-02 13:45:35 +0000 UTC]

asdfghj it really is,,, I'm supposedly not allowed to do it anymore for help reasons smh,,, but i absolutely LOVE it,,..,
i've always wanted to,.. skate with music?? not tried yet but it seems so cool !!
jhgfds yes the tiny kids speeding across the rink and stumbling are super scary !!

edfsgh i think I'm going tomorrow actually,,, I'm very excited to see the animation,, i had heard it ws pretty stunning..

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raiin-i In reply to Japanblossom [2018-11-30 05:12:27 +0000 UTC]

asdfghjkl your art is really pretty and I'd love to get to know you better someday <33

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Japanblossom In reply to raiin-i [2018-11-30 12:48:56 +0000 UTC]

asdfghj thank you so much! <3

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The-unknow-6470 In reply to Japanblossom [2018-10-01 21:30:40 +0000 UTC]

You have really good artwork

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Japanblossom In reply to The-unknow-6470 [2018-10-01 21:37:25 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much! <3

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szerbacities In reply to Japanblossom [2018-08-31 18:07:18 +0000 UTC]

omg i cant begin to describe how much your art inspires me!!

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Japanblossom In reply to szerbacities [2018-08-31 18:17:38 +0000 UTC]

asdfghj tysm!! that means a lot to me <33

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s-tardere In reply to Japanblossom [2018-08-23 06:42:36 +0000 UTC]

your art is so pretty, I hope we can do an art trade sometime <3

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Japanblossom In reply to s-tardere [2018-08-23 14:57:42 +0000 UTC]

tysm! <3

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aaxoIotI In reply to Japanblossom [2018-07-10 12:44:34 +0000 UTC]

hi! i really love your art & i think you have such a wonderful & unique style- you're super inspirational & i hope i can commission you someday <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Japanblossom In reply to aaxoIotI [2018-07-10 14:51:04 +0000 UTC]

asdfghj tysm!! this really made my morning <33

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

zufe In reply to Japanblossom [2018-07-07 16:07:15 +0000 UTC]


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Japanblossom In reply to zufe [2018-07-07 21:36:14 +0000 UTC]

lol dw about it!! i appreciate the watch <33

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offsleep In reply to Japanblossom [2018-06-28 22:01:52 +0000 UTC]

wow i need to commission u sometime, ur art has gotten so good since ive last seen it!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Japanblossom In reply to offsleep [2018-06-29 20:47:54 +0000 UTC]

gosh tysm!! <3

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Osxris In reply to Japanblossom [2018-06-26 17:29:12 +0000 UTC]

uuhh when do you think your trades will be open?

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Japanblossom In reply to Osxris [2018-06-26 19:59:33 +0000 UTC]

Idk, but probably not for awhile, sorry
I have some commissions to do and then it’s artfight and then I have camp and vacation, so I’m not very free ;v;

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Wishinqq In reply to Japanblossom [2018-05-26 21:26:45 +0000 UTC]

hi! its been a while

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Japanblossom In reply to Wishinqq [2018-05-26 22:11:20 +0000 UTC]

yeah aaa it's been forever ;o;

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staryyeyed In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-21 01:17:39 +0000 UTC]

hey! I just found your art recently, and I really love your style! I don't know if you've answered this before but I'm curious, what art program and brushes do you use?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Japanblossom In reply to staryyeyed [2018-04-21 02:34:48 +0000 UTC]

aaa tysm!! <3
i use firealpaca and i use the brushes that come with the program ;o;
for lineart, i use the fluffy brush
for coloring and shading, i use the pen brush
i use the watercolor brush for blending, and i have a custom speckle brush that i use for stars and sparkles ;o;

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staryyeyed In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-21 11:04:46 +0000 UTC]

oh cool, thanks! I was just wondering--

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kakyoons In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-15 03:25:43 +0000 UTC]

!! such pretty art how was i not watching you ;;;

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Japanblossom In reply to kakyoons [2018-04-15 14:39:02 +0000 UTC]

asdfghj tysm <333

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kittenion In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-06 21:31:26 +0000 UTC]

want to do a collab or AT sometime?

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Japanblossom In reply to kittenion [2018-04-07 14:09:56 +0000 UTC]


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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-01 03:41:02 +0000 UTC]


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Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-01 14:19:16 +0000 UTC]

hi hi

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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-01 18:18:00 +0000 UTC]

how you been?

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Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-01 18:26:58 +0000 UTC]

pretty sleepy i guess??
haha i've been sick for the past week or so, so i was basically just eating and sleeping and procrastinating for 5 straight days c:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-01 20:25:24 +0000 UTC]

aww man :'o I thought you just got over being sick... been a rough immune system year?? ;o; but ahh gosh hey that's not too bad though, minus being sick. that's nice you didn't have to do anythingΒ 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-01 20:36:29 +0000 UTC]

yeah lmao my immune system seems to be out to get me this year
it wasn't that bad this time tho, just a sore throat and a stuffy nose ;o;
haha i always seem to get sick when the season's changing

how 'bout you??Β 

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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-01 20:41:35 +0000 UTC]

aww man I'm sorry :'o I think there's just been some bad viruses going around. I rarely get sick but I've had 2-3 colds this year?? everyone in my town had something go through XD but ahh well good <3 no fever or anything? but oh really? XD that's coincidental... weirdd

but I'm ok!(???) idk been busy with art, college prep, and relationship stuff :0 I honestly don't know anymore, just sort of rolling forward and hoping everything somehow works out XD (rip I'm sorry I keep clicking on your profile to admire it, I know core gives you a notification for it .//.)

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Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-01 20:46:31 +0000 UTC]

same, i usually only get sick once a winter and that's it, so this was unusual for me
i have a friend who is sick almost all winter-long and idk how she survives lmao
yeah aaa i always just consider myself lucky when i don't get any of the stomach bugs that go through my school. i get colds and sore throats and stuff and sometimes a fever but it's never really bad enough that i have to stay home from school ;o;

???? me too tho lol
that's great and optimistic!! haha i've been trying to be the same way too, i just deal with things as they come. i'm trying to stress less about the little things and it's so much better lol :>
haha it's fine!! i've only gotten one or two so it's not annoying at all :>

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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-01 21:52:22 +0000 UTC]

ahhh I'm sorry ;0 yeah I have friends like that too XD one of mine.. it doesn't even have to be a usual sickness she just has everything possible happen to her :')Β 
but woah, that's great hahah XD I'll take a cold over stomach bugs anytime... i'm so freaked out over them (probably too much) but I see... hhh you could always make a few days exceptions right? XD jk jk make up work isn't always worth it...

and hhhh idk how optimistic it really is, besides me just saying that XD but yeah I hope it all just kinda... evens out :') but yeah me too XD little things are insanely hard not to stress over though lol. almost had a panic attack picking out cereal when rushed by my mom ;u; I'll get better hahaha!Β 

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Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-02 10:52:34 +0000 UTC]

same, i'd take a cold over the stomach bug any day!
haha yeah but if i miss a day than i'll ruin my perfect attendance xD (idrc tho lol)

hnng i feel you, there are just so many things to worry about. i hate those days where lots of little, stressful events just pile up and you feel super overwhelmed and panicked.Β 

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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-02 16:44:15 +0000 UTC]

haha yeah, definitely... but ahhh I see, got to keep it flawless right? man I was horrible with attendance lol. some missing days....

but yup!! :') those little things.. why are they so freaky XD like if I JUST had to decide and work out college for this fall, then that' ok. it's a big decision but I can sort of plan it out and execute it. but that, on top of creating a business, and building a house with my family/moving, and balancing a rough spot in relationships, it all piles up and I swear I've had like 10 panic attacks in the past month XD

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Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-02 23:25:34 +0000 UTC]

yeah lmao gotta get that perfect attendance award at the end of the year >:0

yeah ugh school's been really stressful for me this year so i feel you on struggling to balance friends and family, art, homework, etc ;v;
it's kind of unusual for me to go more than a week without any kind of test or essay so i always enjoy them while they last ;o;

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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-04 22:11:02 +0000 UTC]

rip idk why I flipped an antisocial switch, I failed replying omg im sorry ;;Β 
but ahhh goodness :0 that is a lot to balance. but ack, that's school XD nonstop testing... I used to have history test on wednesday and science and math on fridays... every week.... the heck :0 which grade are you in currently? .o. some years are more rough than other always...

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Japanblossom In reply to twoamdesign [2018-04-04 22:45:43 +0000 UTC]

haha no it's fine
tbh sometimes i see comments but i just don't feel like replying so i ignore them ^^"
*antisocial high-five*

i'm supposed to have a math quiz next week but it's probably going to be pushed back since we have ELA MCAS (massachusetts comprehensive assessment system, it's a standardized test) next weekΒ 
everyone hates MCAS but i'm fine with ELA MCAS since it comes easy to me haha, it's math and science (especially science rip) that i'm going to fail
tbh what makes me nervous is always when we get our MCAS scores back in the fall. last year i got a 560/560 on ELA and a 540/560 in math but i know i'm not gonna get that lucky again this year ;v;
that seems... interesting?? like, three tests a week is a lot of stress, but i guess it's also nice to not be uncertain about tests and stuff since it's so scheduled and routine. haha i don't even think we learn enough in a week to have a test every week
oof is it ok if i don't answer that?? my parents are really big on internet privacy and stuff and their paranoia's rubbed off on me haha ^^"

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twoamdesign In reply to Japanblossom [2018-04-05 13:39:49 +0000 UTC]

hahahh yeah, especially right now rip. some days have been rough and i'm like "why don't I just reply to this laterrrrrrr" x'DΒ 

but ahhhh goodness o-o so like an end of the year (sorta) testing? ^^ but im glad you're fine with it. same with me? everyone always hated the SATs at my old school, but I was like "....ok you fill in bubbles, wait 10 minutes for the slower readers to finish while chewing bubblegum??(the one week with testing we got to break food rules) you're saying this sucks??" XD but OMG wow congrats on those scores XD I'm sure you'll do fine this year <3 don't stress over it too much. you always are unsure when taking it but you're obviously smart, it will be ok common sense always has a huge part in those test it seems, you'll be good B)

But yeah?? it wasn't quite every week, but there was... at least one-two test each week and it usually followed that pattern. OH and bible quiz every week :I christian private school, heyyyy lets gradE ME on how well I can recite scripture XD I'll read the bible but giving me school stress over it probably isn't.... correct lol. I'm homeschooled now, so now I usually only test for the end test/SAT/whatever, get it done in 2 days and my mom just kinda sticks it away, because it's just what we have to do at the end of the year... (this year my entrance exam to college counts as my yearly testing, whoohoo .D., im talking too much) so it's a lot better hahaha...Β 
but yes yes im sorry, ack XD you don't have to answer that, I was just wondering for like, where you were in life (bad wording lolll) grades don't always mean age, so I was wondering what you were learning and stuff lol. it's fine my parent's are really big about it too :')

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