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| JafnSyxx
# Statistics
Favourites: 426; Deviations: 27; Watchers: 28
Watching: 148; Pageviews: 15877; Comments Made: 637; Friends: 148
# Comments
Comments: 349
ashbasher22 [2014-09-11 20:39:42 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, hope you like this drawing I made:Β ashbasher22.deviantart.com/artβ¦
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JafnSyxx In reply to ashbasher22 [2014-10-01 20:50:36 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the greet, bud. Wasn'tΒ able to check da forΒ a long time.Β
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ashbasher22 In reply to JafnSyxx [2017-07-13 22:02:09 +0000 UTC]
Welcome. Are you open for requests by the way if that is fine with you? Can I also draw something for you please?
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JafnSyxx In reply to ashbasher22 [2013-09-13 10:27:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the greet!Β andΒ anΒ art trade??
Hmm I'm listening
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ashbasher22 In reply to JafnSyxx [2013-09-13 14:25:08 +0000 UTC]
Ok, draw Sylvester wearing modern nodded gangster possesed by a demon.
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JafnSyxx In reply to ashbasher22 [2013-09-17 14:42:19 +0000 UTC]
haha.Β alright! wait,Β what do you want me to draw exactly? it's certainly...interesting
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ashbasher22 In reply to JafnSyxx [2013-09-17 14:56:48 +0000 UTC]
As I said before, I can draw what you choose for me as part of a deal.
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JafnSyxx In reply to ashbasher22 [2013-09-20 15:48:03 +0000 UTC]
I'd want you to draw meΒ a Tweety with glasses, wearingΒ a nametag that says "I'm Sam".Β
*Demonic possession optional
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syolel-o3 [2013-06-11 12:33:32 +0000 UTC]
Hey dude! Thanks for the fave well if it weren't for "The Devil's Game" I wouldn't be inspired anyway.
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DawnnsCuteBoutique [2013-04-02 02:31:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank for adding me to your watch list so long ago I'm now fully active again and I have monthly contests now! Please like my Facebook Page! if you have time.
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eccentricghost [2012-12-01 17:55:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the faves!!!! And, how are you?
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eccentricghost [2012-09-11 21:56:27 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Btw, it's been a while, how's life?
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JafnSyxx In reply to eccentricghost [2012-09-12 20:48:51 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thanks for the greet Anna.
Life.? it's in progress. SOOOO much has happened in the last so so months.
In a nutshell I felt like I'm so tightly wound so I'm trying to loosen up by practicing Skywalking. Have you heard of it, by the way.?
LOL anyway. What's new with you.?
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eccentricghost In reply to JafnSyxx [2012-09-14 01:10:51 +0000 UTC]
You do SKYWALKING???!!! Wow... and yes, I have heard of it. That's awesome/scary/insane!!! I hope you don't mind me asking, but how does it feel?
Aaand..... as for me, I've been making a lot of art over the summer, which I'll upload soon aaand school has recently resumed, so I'm doomed to suffer from torturous monotony.
Anyways, sorry to be irrelevant, but are you going to upload anymore poetry sometime soon?
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JafnSyxx In reply to eccentricghost [2012-09-17 23:02:31 +0000 UTC]
I gave Skywalking a shot this summer and it felt like pure insanity, looked like a low-budget KingKong remake.! Adrenaline consumed me and I had spaghetti legs for the first 10 minutes. Afterwards it was thrilling. I felt like yelling, "Be jealous, oh noble citizens of Dubai.!! For I have THE best view of the entire city on top of this unstable and rusting bridge.!!" I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I love though.
Yes, my waiting has come to an end.! You never fail to amaze me with your works. "Comfort" blew me right out of town. I feel like saving lots of money and buying you your own art gallery. Ditch your school.!!!
and actually, I'm about to upload another poem now, although it's still a work in progress. I might improve it in the future.
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eccentricghost In reply to JafnSyxx [2012-09-20 00:02:22 +0000 UTC]
Wow!!! Sounds amazing to have a great view of Dubai from a rusted bridge!!! It's original!!
And thank you for the comment. :') It's very sweet. I would love to have my own gallery and ditch school.
Btw, I read your poem, and for a work in progress, it was great! But, Absinthe and The Devil's Game are still my favorites.
If I could, I would gather all your poetry, make it into a book and call it, "The Poems of Jaf Liethers." I would publish it all over America for everyone to read. And you would then become an icon.
Seriously, you are amazing. I bow down to all of your work because whenever I read your poems, they inspire me to make more art.
You have a gift!!!
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JafnSyxx In reply to eccentricghost [2012-09-21 23:39:27 +0000 UTC]
You know they're opening a Louvre in UAE. I've seen some of the artworks they intend to put up for display in the museum and quite frankly I find them very bland compared to your stuff. They've bastardized art. They've bastardized the Louvre.
Anyway what do you say we paint over those artworks with yours.?
That right there made my day. It really helps to learn that someone else appreciates those poems. Makes me feel less "alone" about something. Again, thank you for your kind words. ^_^
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eccentricghost In reply to JafnSyxx [2012-09-24 22:15:14 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, art is becoming bastardized everywhere. The majority of contemporary artists have lost all sense of taste and style. I've constantly come across canvases, for instance, that would be entirely painted in one color and they would sell for thousands. It's ridiculous and it's not art, so yes, I would LOVE to paint over the artwork in the Louvre in UAE with my art.
I seriously wish that the world could undergo a new, genuine renaissance.
Aaaaaaaand, no problem. You're a true artist of poetry. Keep up the awesome work!
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JafnSyxx In reply to ashbasher22 [2012-09-12 20:52:01 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, man.! ^_^
I'll be expecting a real cake from you by the way.
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LilBadNinja [2012-08-31 13:13:36 +0000 UTC]
Ohmygoshhhh, like forreals? Crazy yo...
Well fucker I've been HERE, replying to yo' shizz when I should be doing my HOMEWORK & SOMEONE didn't reply for like EVAR. -__- lol just kidding.
Touche Jaf, touche.
You're despairing? That's nice :3 Haha, jusskiddin'.
EXPENDABLES WAS FUCKING AWESOME. I didn't really like the first one so much but this one was wayyyyyy better. Chuck Norris is freakin' awesommeeeeee in that movie. And if you think that Sylvester Stallone couldn't get more epic, you're wrong. Him against John Claude Van Damme = Unexplained glory. Bruce Willis lost awesome points here though, Jason Stathem went up, Jet Li was alright, Liam Hemsworth was just amazing, Dolph Lundgren was alright, Terry Crew was pretty funny. That's just my review though (;
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LilBadNinja [2012-08-19 14:50:06 +0000 UTC]
Pshhhh naw. You're cooler than him The only sport this kid plays is unicycling, & he's still in boy scouts -____- Don't ask me how I find these guys. I don't even know.
Yeshamasaurus I'm done with camp thank pineapple -.- I get ready ha. I share a bathroom w. my sister so she showers first & puts on her makeup & shtuff & then I shower. She leaves around 7 so I take forever to get dressed & end up rushing to put on my makeup & straighten my hurrr'
Camp was fun. But I felt like a few of the girls there gave me attitude because I hung out w. all the guys & they preferred hanging out w. me. What can I say? I grew up w. the "boys". ^.^
- Messy hurr' don't curr' .
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LilBadNinja [2012-08-01 02:19:02 +0000 UTC]
Damn it Jaf, DON'T TOUCH THE JET SKI. DON'T TOUCH IT. Okay touch it :3
Ugh, don't say "happily confused"... lol that was one of his things... Pshhhhh, he called me at like 8 in the morning and was like, "I think we should break up"... FIRST OF ALL, YOU DO NOT CALL ME AT 8 IN THE MORNING. NO, JUST NO. Lol, he did it because he knew I wanted it to & it was pouring outside so we couldn't do it FACE TA' FACEEE Whatevsss, he seemed more distraught then me haha. I'm heartless... it's cool
THAT.IS.AWESOME. Although I don't know what a shawarma really is... I looked it up on wikipedia Uhmm.. I'm guessing they heard about your jet ski story & they thought it was fitting.
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LilBadNinja [2012-07-29 14:26:52 +0000 UTC]
You've been away for like, 50 BILLION YEARSSSSS! -__-
Jaf, what the hell have you been doing to get an ambulance 5 times?!? Wait, don't answer that... I don't know what kind of answer I'll get... O_o
& you got on parole why? Wait, don't answer that either...
It's been chill around here, I've been experimenting with my hurrr & the different colors I can change it! Welp, in the time you died & dropped off the face of the Earth, I got a boyfriend, & broke up with him
YES!! OPENING DAY BABYY! WOO. ^.^ It was, indeed, ahh-mazeeeee-uhhnnnn D
And how have YOU beenn Sinja?
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LilBadNinja [2012-06-20 19:15:00 +0000 UTC]
Yo' Jaf,
What's good homie?
Jeez, it's been HOW long? Yeah I didn't know either...
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syolel-o3 [2012-01-03 03:24:56 +0000 UTC]
Ehem Ehem. *adjusts monocle*
Dear Grandmother,
A very happy New Year to you. Please do accept my sincerest of apologies for not contacting you or sending my regards in the past few months. I'm afraid an authority , commonly referred to as "school", has got in my way. That and a large bout of sulking over a matter we have discussed during my stay in the UAE.
I trust that you are doing quite well there. I do look forward to my next visit Grandmother. I send my regards to your furry little friends as well. Cheers!
P.S. I hope your brother hasn't smothered them yet with his enormous backside.
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LilBadNinja [2012-01-01 17:33:09 +0000 UTC]
HEY SCHMUCK FACE! Hehe, Just kidding
MERRY NEW YEARS AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS... Wait, that's not right...
So what are you doing? We hit 2012 about... 11 hours and 30 minutes ago. I'm eating the world's best egg rolls from my mommy, watching one of my favorite movies "Howl's Moving Castle", and playing... a video game called 'Dead Island'... I was gonna start playing Skyrim but I didn't feel like it...
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TheTentacleCommander [2011-12-26 02:24:08 +0000 UTC]
I'm bhuh wat? You...
I like yew. I must stalk. Now.
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LilBadNinja [2011-12-25 22:46:24 +0000 UTC]
So... MEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY CHHHHHHHRRRRRRRIIIIIIISSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMAAAASSSSS!!! What other stuff do people say on this day? Oh yeah! You're a ho ho ho! Wait that's not right... Ah well.
How was YOUR Christmas? Did'ya shoot Santa in the ass?
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LilBadNinja [2011-12-25 22:44:31 +0000 UTC]
That is exactly, why I am afraid of your Christmas cards. I WANNA HEAR YOUR BAND PLAY. SO GO UPLOAD A VIDEO OR SOME SH*T LIKE THAT GOT IT?!
Excluded? I suppose. I've got an unrealistic jolly mood right now. Not really b/c my sister can go shove it as well. I gave my Aunt a present today, b/c we did secret santa... I gave her pink hair dye and some high end make-up. Stuff costed $30 my damn... My sister was my secret santa &she allowed me to pick my own presents out but she capped me at 30. Legit.
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LilBadNinja [2011-12-14 23:52:27 +0000 UTC]
Blegh, I'm just going through a "I hate everyone so go shove it" phase right now... -__- Well yes this friend I have, they suck balls currently. Well not literally, but yeah.... Yesterday she took a desk on accident and slammed it into my finger. I would've laughed it off like usual, but she said "Sorry" all fuckin' sarcastically -__- Then I yelled at her. Then she got even more sarcastic. My family has very short tempers. I almost punched her.
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LilBadNinja [2011-12-14 02:32:34 +0000 UTC]
Been like for-EVAAAA since I've talked to you... Probably 'cuz I've been really off-the-pill lately...
Shittt, Skyrim is just another way for me to run around &do things I imagine in my head to do people...
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JafnSyxx In reply to LilBadNinja [2011-12-14 15:28:15 +0000 UTC]
Funniest typo ever. Worst time to be off the pill though. JK
Christmas is almost here so woohoo.! However, the boobs that run our college decided not to give us a damn Winter break so Yippee Ki-yay to those mother fuckers.
So how you doing.? What are your plans for the holidays.?
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LilBadNinja In reply to JafnSyxx [2011-12-15 00:28:05 +0000 UTC]
HAHA! We get a Winter break ointandlaugh ! But the sad thing is, I don't know if we're actually gonna get snow. I mean, shoveling is just a b*tch to go through but, CHRISTMAS WITHOUT SNOW?! That's, that's, MESSED UP! It keeps raining &it's always dark outside... :gloomy:
Holidays? I think me &my family are doing "Secret Santa" this year. -__- The minimum for a gift is like $20. The max is like $35. I don't know about them but, I count those numbers as choices. $20, or $35? I think I'll go with the gumball for 5 cents. How 'bout you? What'cha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk up in that.. sleigh...? Lol. Shootin' Sant-y Claus?
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JafnSyxx In reply to LilBadNinja [2011-12-17 16:02:13 +0000 UTC]
Christmas without snow is like "Awesome" without Me...very normal here in UAE but PREPOSTEROUS everywhere else!!!! Let's sign a petition and report that to a manager god.!!!!
HAHA! Our band will be performing at a hotel on Christmas Day. We were entitled to a free stay so I guess I'll be bringing my family. aaand I'll be sending out Christmas cards.! Would you like one.? I bought them myself.
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LilBadNinja In reply to LilBadNinja [2011-12-14 02:33:17 +0000 UTC]
Blegh *to do TO people
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MisplacedFox [2011-12-12 08:01:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Jaf for all the faves and the watch. Glad to see you like Dark Poetry... we have something in common
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LilBadNinja [2011-11-28 20:55:27 +0000 UTC]
Blegh, I'm having friend problems bro, it's pretty shitty...
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LilBadNinja [2011-11-28 20:53:01 +0000 UTC]
YUSH! A NEW COMPUTADORA! It's an Hp Pavilion with Beats Audio. Yeah, feel jelly yet?
My dad got it for me, because I've had straight A's and my old computer was like back when my sister had it. So it's like 12 years old. And I'm so F*CKIN' HAPPYYYYY!
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