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| Jadisxx
# Statistics
Favourites: 817; Deviations: 3; Watchers: 16
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# Comments
Comments: 229
dollyrose09 [2013-08-17 10:42:49 +0000 UTC]
I hope you don't decide to delete your account but if you do, I hope we can still keep in touch love!
My email is a8rebeccad1@gmail.com and tumblr is dollyrose09.tumblr.com
I hope you are doing well! I miss talking to you!
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Jadisxx In reply to Kiki566 [2011-07-05 05:20:23 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha. Thank you! It was too good not share.
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ViridianRain [2011-06-26 21:00:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav!
PS your webcam is awesome! XD
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Jadisxx In reply to ViridianRain [2011-06-26 21:27:14 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I absolutely love your Zelda artwork!
Haha, thank you. I thought it was pretty clever.
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Pauris [2010-07-26 05:54:03 +0000 UTC]
Thx for the fave. I'll add you my watch and give ya a llama badge
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Jadisxx In reply to Pauris [2010-07-26 16:19:14 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. ^__^ Aw, thank you. I'll do the same.
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gdpr-3247494 [2010-07-19 15:00:57 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Thanks a ton for the fav- really appreciate it! (:
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PrissyKissy [2010-05-27 13:15:12 +0000 UTC]
Okay, so I'm reading "The Magician's Nephew" atm...is that where you got the name Jadis from?
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Jadisxx In reply to PrissyKissy [2010-06-07 00:18:44 +0000 UTC]
Yes! From the Chronicles Of Narnia, I actually got it from the movie.(:
See, I named my cat Jadis because she's white, and a little evil. Just like the white witch!
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PrissyKissy In reply to Jadisxx [2010-06-07 01:29:33 +0000 UTC]
My friend has an evil white cat...but he's a boy and she named him Lakini and calls him Demon Kitty. But I was reading the book and was all, "Hey, I wonder if that's where Leigh got her name?"
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Jadisxx In reply to PrissyKissy [2010-06-07 01:52:08 +0000 UTC]
Aww, that's too cute. Could you imagine calling your cat to come eat and calling him demon kitty? o.O
Teehee! You're exactly right! I'm surprised you caught that. (; Kudos!
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PrissyKissy In reply to Jadisxx [2010-06-07 15:58:05 +0000 UTC]
A friend of mine from high school had a cat that was named Satan...they didn't just call him that. Woulda been interesting to be at the vet and hear That name called for someone's pet
Now that I'm done with school, my thinking and reasoning powers are starting to come back, so I catch stuff every once in awhile
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Jadisxx In reply to PrissyKissy [2010-06-12 23:20:54 +0000 UTC]
Oh my...now that's worse than demon kitty!
Teehee! I can tell. (; I think everyone's a little relieved that school is done...at least for a while for most of us. Hahaha.
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abbywhitebone [2009-12-11 23:41:29 +0000 UTC]
oh pooop! I forgot to add, did you know the made a Resident Evil 5? I heard it sucks, and that your partner actually uses guns instead of just stuffing them in trashcans.
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Jadisxx In reply to abbywhitebone [2009-12-12 01:00:18 +0000 UTC]
Ahaha. Yesss. Me and my dad play it allll the time. Pahaa. I'm always Jill.(:
It's really not as bad as people say it is, it's just very different from the original RE's. I think you should totally play it.
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abbywhitebone In reply to Jadisxx [2010-06-17 22:36:30 +0000 UTC]
I did a little at a friends house. It was very different. (I still don't own it though ) It was fun! I'm just going to miss hiding Ashley in trashcans and stuff :3
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Jadisxx In reply to abbywhitebone [2010-06-18 03:24:06 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it's not scary like 4 was. That was a disappointment, I really loved being afraid to turn the corner. But I really like the two player options that 5 has, so that's a plus.
I know! I loved ordering her around...and shooting her. XD
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abbywhitebone [2009-12-11 23:39:10 +0000 UTC]
Ok first, as I was scrolling down to comment, I noticed that Becca wished you a happy birthday, did I do that? I'm having a feeling of de ja vu here, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, even though it's a couple days late
Now what I was going to say is that I saw the comment under your user name about being a pirate-fighting ninja. I was sad when I read that. Because I'm a ninja-fighting pirate.
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Jadisxx In reply to abbywhitebone [2009-12-12 01:14:52 +0000 UTC]
Aww, it's okay. I understand you're probably super busy like I am, ahaha. But thank you, hun! Awh. I'm sorrryyy. How about thisss...we can be pirate-fighting-ninjas together!
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abbywhitebone In reply to Jadisxx [2010-06-17 22:34:42 +0000 UTC]
Lol, your welcome...6 months later....
Sweeet. Though, those ninjas are pretty sneaky.
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dollyrose09 [2009-12-03 03:31:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I read on the Diem forums that today was your birthday.....so I wanted to say Happy Birthday!
If I'm right anyway haha.....Love you!
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Jadisxx In reply to dollyrose09 [2009-12-03 21:27:57 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thanks so much hun! And you're right it wass.(:
I'm really sorry I haven't been RPing in like...forever. Ahaha. I'ma try and get on tonight thoughh.
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dollyrose09 In reply to Jadisxx [2009-12-08 23:24:32 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome girl!
I hope you had a ton of fun! Did ya have like a party or anything? =3 It's alright. I do miss you though....and my charries miss yours!! Hopefully with Christmas break, you'll have time ^________^
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Jadisxx In reply to dollyrose09 [2009-12-10 21:36:18 +0000 UTC]
Tee hee!
Yes, I didd. But I didn't have a party or anything, I usually don't make a big deal out of my birthday's. Ahaha.
I miss you too! And I've started to slowly RP again, I've got a good cover story as to why they were gone so long. Now, to see all that I have missed.
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dollyrose09 In reply to Jadisxx [2009-12-11 00:52:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm kinda the same way. Just as long as people remember my birthday, I'm fine. ^_____^ Did you turn......15? *Ish trying to think back* Lol XD
Oh yeah You missed quite alot. Morgann got a puppy
It's supposedly August right now. What I did about your absent was just say a few things that Morgann did when she visit.....which wasn't much anyway and it wasn't exactly something she was gonna say to Callie when she asked her....she barely talked about it. She tried to not think about....but she still missed him. In my head, she wants to run to him and hug him ahaha.
But don't be surprised if she goes off on him..
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Jadisxx In reply to dollyrose09 [2010-01-25 21:58:41 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh! This comment was way back from the beginning of December, oh my! :0 I'm really sorry. I feel horrible, I have so many of your replies dating way back till Janurary. And not only that, but I've also not been on RP in forever after my last little comback. I'm not sure if I'll be able to again, at least until the summer months.
Yessirr! I'm now 15, ahaha.
D'aww, what type of puppy did Morgann get? It sounds adorable.
Aww, I feel really bad now. If you would like to RP Henry just so Morgann won't be sad anymores, go right ahead. If I can't RP him, then someone must! (:
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dollyrose09 In reply to Jadisxx [2010-01-28 05:00:58 +0000 UTC]
Haha, it's alright. I still have to reply to you and others from last June! I want to reply but get stuck and don't do it XD Life and the fact that they're really long replies stump me @.o; It's the same with art *sigh*
Yayy! You got your permit yet? >.>
I still have yet to get my license....
She's a Bernese.....black one. She's grown a bit but is still little. Her name is Ebony.....Ebby by Morgie <.< >.> She loves her baby teehee X33 More animals for the Swans haha. Plus, Ebby's sister is James' puppy Mollie
Aww don't feel bad! It's alright and Morgann doesn't hate you Or Leah and Henry for that matter. She won't shoot any of you lol!
You know, I have a solution to this problem! There is a way!
I can't remember if I told you this. We can RP through the notes here on DA! Lori and I have done this before with Jamberly and Mallie (Morgann and Callie....I just made that up ha ) You know when the girls had a sleepover during the festival and Callie was upset cause of Emyr so she talked with Morgann? Well, we had actually RP'd that earlier so when Lori was absent, I just copied and pasted the stuff from the notes to the Diem site. It was already complete so we didn't have to worry about RPing it in time or whatever. Lori also did this with the person who RP'd Callie's uncle.....cause, like you, he wasn't able to get on as much.
We can do this for Menry. You and I can RP by using the DA notes. Since you don't always have time to go on RP, I can copy and paste our stuff on the site instead. This way, you can still RP Henry and the others too even though you're not able to get on as much. I love RPing with you so I wanna help It's too much fun to do it alone y'know XDD How does that sound?
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Jadisxx In reply to dollyrose09 [2010-02-04 02:03:01 +0000 UTC]
Hahaa, I know how you feel, I have some back to last summer as well. Sigh. The good ol' days when I could get on for hours. That was really fun, it was also when I really first started talking to you guys. But I actually met Lori in January. ^__^ I never have time for art either, well, except for what I'm working on in art class. Maybe I'll be able to post some of the soon.
Unfortunatly no, I'm working on it though. I can't wait to drive. Haha, it's alright. Some people work at slower paces than others. ^___^
Awh, she sounds adorable. Are you thinking of any fanart for her? I'd love to see what she looks like. I totally understand if you have like, no time though. Ahaha. Neither do I.
Except lately I have been making some time to play a little Oot. Tee hee. I never get tired of that game, I've almost finished it again. I'm currently at the spirit temple now, next is rescuing Zellie!
Wow, that is a good idea. It sounds much easier than trying to get on RP all the time.(: This way I can do it from my iPhone too. Aww, I love RPing with you too and I can't wait until summer when I'll be able to get on again. So do you want me to act like I'm RPing as usual when I type the notes? Or just summerize it, like a story?
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dollyrose09 In reply to Jadisxx [2010-03-10 17:35:44 +0000 UTC]
Act like you're RPing as usual ^____^ What I'll do is copy/paste the last two posts so we both remember what we're RPing then we'll carry on like usual! It's really easy and I love it. We can do this whenever we want to....do future stuff and we could prolly even do it with Abby or Lori. Just tell me when you'd want to do it.
Eehh >.O Yeah, I'm trying not to procrastinate and reply to them. I even have notes with Abby from last summer! They were all about RP too haha It was a easy way for our charries to know each other better. Those were the days. I wish I could get on for hours! Well now I can with Spring Break but that won't last long. *sigh* Yeah, those were the days....when I started to talk to yall too....I actually remember the reason why was because I commented on your Leah drawing! Then I invited you to come RP with us
I have about 13 drawings that I haven't finished One day, I'll spam all of yall's inboxes
Driving's fun! I'm gonna renew my permit till this summer then get my license ^_^ I'd like to be able to drive my senior year....geeze my last year O.o
Mebbe, I'll have to see. Dogs aren't my strong suit Now you'll give Morgann the idea and she'll say "Do it!!"
It'll just be another unfinished art haha XDD
I really wanna play OoT! Maybe there's a way to get another N64 >.> I love the spirit temple and the whole concept of time traveling ^_^ We don't have alot of good games for Nintendo y'know? "I'm coming Zellie!"
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Jadisxx In reply to dollyrose09 [2010-03-13 02:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Okay, I think I see what you're talking about. So you would start out by sending me a message of our last two RP's and we would continue from there through DA?
Ahh, I know what you mean. It's so hard to get on these days. <.< You're on spring break already? Wow, we still have another few weeks to go. Ahaha. Well, I hope you have fun and enjoy it. I know we all need the break. And since you're able to get on more this week I'll try and make an effort to get on more than usual aswell.
I remember! Tee hee. The good ol' days. Remember the big clothing store incident where everyone first met? X333
Eee! I can't wait, I saw that you've uploaded a few already.I haven't gotten around to commenting on them all but trust me, I'll get there. (; I need to start drawing again aswell. Leah and Henry wants everyone to see how they've changed too! That's great! I can't wait to drive, it'll be so much easier than trying to catch a ride with friends everywhere.
Aww, I hope you're able to get a N64 soon. Or even if you have a wii, you might be able to buy it with wii points or by the gamecube version. ^__^ Just a thought.
I've finally finished it again, I feel accomplished. Now it's time to pick another Zelda game to finish. Ahahaha.
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dollyrose09 In reply to Jadisxx [2010-03-14 20:03:43 +0000 UTC]
Yes, and I just did The one on top is the most recent so we'll follow from there. Like I said before, we can RP stuff in the future. That will make it easier cause we'll have the posts all there and it won't be messy or incomplete on RP y'know? We can save the posts on Word till the time comes to use them. ((Lori and I did that for the sleepover. When we were noting each other, "Saturday" was just beginning....so when it actually got to the time for the sleepover to begin, we had it all ready)) Hope that's making more sense.
Yeah, it is. >_> Hopefully all of us can get on like the old days. It's much more fun that way Yeah, I am and I have to go to school tomorrow XP I don't wanna!
Lori and I have been RPing Jamberly but other than that, that's it. They had dinner at James' house. They so cute!
Whenever you can get on, I'll be there!
Eeeeeee! Yes!! I was just reading that....and other things like the dinner at the White's house? That was hilarious! I cracked up and my mom looked at me weird.
Reading everything at the festival made me miss it.....can't wait for summer again!
I was rereading the DA posts/notes between Abby and me (Our charries would always banter with each other)....and I laughed again!
Oh I know you'll comment sometime....I can always remind you but then I'll feel annoying or something <__< >__> I want to see more RP art from you too! I remember you wanting to make a sibling piccy....and finish Menry teehee <333 Driving is fun and I agree. It'll be nice to have a little freedom. >.>
My friend has a N64, I just have to supply the cords which I began to find them. I'll have to ask her if she still has it. I want a wii too....hopefully someday.
Yay! It always feels nice to finally finish a game....I've finished the WW and TP games many times so the feelings died down a bit. Though I'm sure that won't happen with OoT. ^_______^
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