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| JH03L
# Statistics
Favourites: 13310; Deviations: 136; Watchers: 103
Watching: 1162; Pageviews: 51249; Comments Made: 15747; Friends: 1162
# Comments
Comments: 4790
BloodRavens1 [2018-11-13 20:00:08 +0000 UTC]
Happy b-day *gives you strawberry cake* here is video kittens purring motor (notmine)
www.youtube.com/watch?v FCtfH…
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BloodRavens1 [2017-11-13 15:45:33 +0000 UTC]
happy b-day *gives you strawberry cake* i hope we can be friends or not
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Matou31 [2014-10-01 07:16:13 +0000 UTC]
A bit late but thanks a lot for faving my cartoon pirate tutorial
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-26 01:58:16 +0000 UTC]
to erase all the dumb things i said in the past
worth it :3
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-26 03:20:01 +0000 UTC]
Not sure what exactly was dumb about any of it.
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M-A-C-D [2014-09-23 16:11:33 +0000 UTC]
I found a meme that would be fun for the both of us to do.
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-24 07:41:58 +0000 UTC]
awesme! love to do that but nows not the time
Im working on changing the DA account, imma going to move all my works into scraps to start fresh
but apart of me thinking i shoud just move accounts like i said before 95% of my watchers don't care what i do here so if i REALLY want to start fresh then yea
Keep a hold onto that, copy it to your desktop (im going to) and when im ready i will try it with you :3
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-24 14:46:39 +0000 UTC]
Okay then. ^w^
(I'm also doing this with :iconswordsnake16: )
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-11 23:54:08 +0000 UTC]
yups, also trying to find a reason to art
i mean art while im still waitng on Manga Studio 5 ex to come around
i mean if that helps then im in the gold
sweet of you to remember me <3
and im defiantly thinking of doing a Tumblr, sfw AND nsfw
ima going to call the nsfw the "dark corner"
when im ready im going to erase anything in my past here on DA to start anew on DA, that include deleting previous journals, old pictures (the ones im happy with i'll rework like "whats under your bed" maybe maybe not)
cause i feel that my past hold me down, Ulth001 holds me down to be something i want to be, people are capable to change drastically when they age and they realize how much of dumbfucks there were
i mean you change alot from whom i knew from the start for the better
and i know for a fact that i changed
besides im don't really want to make a new account
but then again maybe its a good idea
maybe i can have this account as my favorite account and the new one my main
what you think?
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-12 00:35:07 +0000 UTC]
You use Manga Studio?
Why wouldn't I remember you?
I hope ya do. Ever since I got my tablet and Firealpaca, I"ve been able to pump out art at a much faster rate, which is good for Tumblr, and I just started my Ask Blog for Stingy Jack.
I know that all to well.
You can delete your old work if ya want, but no need to change accounts in my opinion. (Especially if you're making a Tumblr. Just be sure to ignore any porn spambots that might follow your nsfw blog.)
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-12 00:56:39 +0000 UTC]
I want to -_- but its coming
Winter is coming XD (game of thrones referance >W<)
good point, we've known each other since the start of me using DA
just a question thou... in that bad time and things got too heavy with the shit
did i made a difference back then? was i a reason you soldiered on on DA?
yee it properly will <3 i mean manga studio 5 got 3D models to pose and even help with making storybourds
so when tumblrs up i might get to work on flash comics
and i've also been learning how to use SketchUp (done some cool stuff with it :3) like a bar, so yeup background there
its something you can get into easy, you can download it for free
porn spambots? please explain this
its going to be an artblog, so anything that gos in it will be drawn
im not ACTUALLY having pictures of real people having sex on my tumblr
im not that much of a sicko 8P
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-12 01:20:27 +0000 UTC]
You and Sword. (Still waiting for him from time to time as well.) The two of you were few how would still talk to me and try to understand what I was going through.
Well I got an app on my phone that has 3D models that I can pose for sketching.
Sound a bit like Firealpaca, which is also free.
Basically if you make a post that is tagged nsfw, shortly after you will receive like 12 followers on whatever blog you made the post in. Their names and icons are usually have to do with a females privates, and its not worth your time. Just go to the followers page on the dashboard and click ignore on these accounts. Aside from that, Tumblr is a great way to post some nsfw work. (You can also set up a private password protected Tumblr that can only be viewed by those you give the password to.)
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-12 01:42:11 +0000 UTC]
well we're friends(yea im still waiting for him too)... and no matter what kinda shit you go through with we'll be there for you :3
although that was a shitty time we also learned a VERY important lesson that made us better as people
and i know i haven't been active (Photoshop does a sloppy job on lines that kills my boner >3<)
when my ship gets sailing maybe i can teach you how to do anatomy better, if you want that is
awesome! but seriously i recommend looking up sketch up, heres a link to the homepage www.sketchup.com/
theres shit loads of awesome 3D stuff alot of others have done, some awesome some average great for backgrounds ref
hmm i'll keep that in mind, i kinda aspire to have a Nsfw art blog like Eyebrowride or dark doxy, also avante97 <3
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-12 03:25:10 +0000 UTC]
Like I said, you should try Firealpaca. firealpaca.com/en It's much better for making hand drawn lineart with a tablet due to the line correction function. (Apparently not as good as SAI's, but Firealpaca is free to use.)
Hmm, I wonder how one rigs on sketchup.
Okay. Hope to see your Tumblr soon. ^w^
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-12 03:35:09 +0000 UTC]
soooo ^W^ is a yes to the anatomy drawing lessons or just ^W^ in general?
downloaded it, tried it, as far as i see its an advanced paint in comparison to photoshop, but its good
thou its not going to help me that much
manga studio still remains a hope
Rigs? you mean make arms and legs poseing possiple? dunno, i think that Sketch up was made for making buildings and designing weapons
me too
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-12 03:50:51 +0000 UTC]
What anatomy drawing lessons?
Why not? Is the line correction not working for you? (And does manga studio have that as well?)
Well apparently there are tutorials on how to do so on youtube.
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-12 04:26:28 +0000 UTC]
well like i said before i could teach you how to do anatomy better, im thinking that it would help you alot
im pretty sure manga studio does, i've seen some examples of the line work, besides if its not for the lines then the 3D models
but only for sketchup pro
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-12 05:05:01 +0000 UTC]
How so?
Maybe they just used the pen tool like photoshop? (Unless its vector based.)
Also, have you ever once tried to use the photoshop pen tool for lines? It can tack a while, but its A WHOLE LOT cleaner.
Of course, need to pay for what I actually want from a 3d model program.
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-12 05:18:06 +0000 UTC]
hmmm maybe i could do some tutorials on anatomy? or maybe i could use muro on DA and show you on you page
but the pen tool takes too long -_-
and yea i did use pen tool before
oh well
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JH03L In reply to M-A-C-D [2014-09-22 23:48:41 +0000 UTC]
still hanging, got manga studio 5 yesterday and is now trying to get used to it, its very different from photoshop
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-23 00:09:50 +0000 UTC]
Probably is. I'm still trying to master lineart with Firealpaca.
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M-A-C-D In reply to JH03L [2014-09-12 06:39:36 +0000 UTC]
Well Rome wasn't built in a day. X3
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DamianVertigo [2014-08-18 04:30:33 +0000 UTC]
thanx4favin here hava this> www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3aFPN…
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