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JAHphoto [2448679] [] "James"

# Statistics

Favourites: 990; Deviations: 308; Watchers: 221

Watching: 76; Pageviews: 43051; Comments Made: 4051; Friends: 76

# Comments

Comments: 675

RealMantis [2020-12-01 08:13:33 +0000 UTC]

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marsplasticus [2014-08-01 23:15:04 +0000 UTC]


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karin--yamasaki [2012-07-17 06:49:30 +0000 UTC]

hey James....guess what day it is...
but happy birthday, and have a great day and eat lotsa cake and get happy and stuff.


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Mk3 [2012-07-16 18:00:16 +0000 UTC]

hbd ily xoxo

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N-Fphotography [2011-10-26 01:32:59 +0000 UTC]


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karin--yamasaki [2011-10-14 06:53:10 +0000 UTC]

Hey you live in Alaska! So sad, #Photographers wont work for me now.
Have you ever read Looking for Alaska? Great book!

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JAHphoto In reply to karin--yamasaki [2011-10-20 01:01:26 +0000 UTC]

Haha yes I do. And no, I have not.

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karin--yamasaki In reply to JAHphoto [2011-10-20 03:03:16 +0000 UTC]

Alaska is pretty cool. Its on my list of places i want to travel too!

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sweir17 [2011-09-13 02:57:40 +0000 UTC]

you are an amazing photographer!! just thought i would let you know..

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JAHphoto In reply to sweir17 [2011-09-26 22:51:33 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much!

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sweir17 In reply to JAHphoto [2011-09-27 22:34:07 +0000 UTC]

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ChaoticlyChaotic [2011-07-15 17:02:11 +0000 UTC]

Happy Early Birthday!
/won't be online tomorrow

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JAHphoto In reply to ChaoticlyChaotic [2011-07-17 03:27:09 +0000 UTC]


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transculturelle [2011-04-05 00:39:54 +0000 UTC]

deviantART muro drawing

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Wikidly [2011-04-03 17:13:27 +0000 UTC]

sup dude happy belated bday, hope all is well!

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JAHphoto In reply to Wikidly [2011-04-05 00:59:36 +0000 UTC]

All is! thanks. and belated? dude I'm closer to my next birthday than I am to my last one, haha.

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Wikidly In reply to JAHphoto [2011-04-10 01:00:36 +0000 UTC]


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lochis [2011-03-10 23:37:12 +0000 UTC]

i love this place....it's full of colour!

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throughHislens [2011-03-01 22:58:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your support James!

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JAHphoto In reply to throughHislens [2011-03-01 23:40:34 +0000 UTC]

Anytime mate

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GTX-Media [2011-02-22 08:40:22 +0000 UTC]



Not definitive yet, but the newer models don't show a huge improvement over the ones they're replacing... at least at this point...

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MSimpsonPhotos [2011-02-21 19:27:07 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the watch! I really appreciate it!

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Alrediph [2011-02-18 02:25:48 +0000 UTC]

Hey Thanks so much for adding me to your watch list!! you're the second one so I'm quite hyped about it haha

by the way I noticed a fencing picture in your gallery, do you do fencing? That'd be awesome! I just started this year and it's really amazing. I'm still newbish but that doesn't prevent me from kicking some butt haha

And thats a real mean lens you got in your id pic, I wish I had one like that

so I guess we'll talk later in the chatroom, take care and Thanks again!

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JAHphoto In reply to Alrediph [2011-02-19 18:46:09 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

And no, my girlfriend fences, I've never tried it myself.
See you around

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copperrein [2011-02-11 12:55:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favorite on [link] This cat is a type bred from clouded leopards and is very active, always into something. he makes a great subject, when I can catch him.

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NocturnaTenshi [2011-02-08 11:26:01 +0000 UTC]

Hello James!
Thank you for the comments, favs and of course the watch^^
it means a lot for me, i really appreciate it
I saw your gallery and its so good to see that you were a lot of places and took photos
keep up the good work man!
greetings from Hungary

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Syazwanim [2011-02-07 00:39:21 +0000 UTC]

i'm glad that you like my photo JAH

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3rdworldwar [2011-02-06 08:06:44 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the llama and the watch!

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purpleshimmer [2011-02-05 19:20:19 +0000 UTC]

i love the picture with the cat!

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JAHphoto In reply to purpleshimmer [2011-02-05 19:22:49 +0000 UTC]


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purpleshimmer In reply to JAHphoto [2011-02-05 19:35:01 +0000 UTC]

i had a cat just like the one you took a picture of.but she passed away with old age.so its a cool picture cause it is like her twin!

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Syazwanim [2011-02-04 10:01:26 +0000 UTC]

JAH! thanx for adding me to your

i was sooooooo happy with that! weeeee

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JAHphoto In reply to Syazwanim [2011-02-04 20:14:25 +0000 UTC]

It's my pleasure, you do fantastic work

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Syazwanim In reply to JAHphoto [2011-02-05 18:00:01 +0000 UTC]

thanx JAH!

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throughHislens [2011-02-02 21:35:37 +0000 UTC]

Here is another message

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JAHphoto In reply to throughHislens [2011-02-02 23:44:00 +0000 UTC]

Hey! Long time no talk!

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kai18helonore [2011-01-15 18:55:30 +0000 UTC]

hi Want 's to b u'r freind

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AsaBase [2011-01-13 08:53:30 +0000 UTC]

deviantART muro drawing

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SEquikstrike [2010-12-29 13:14:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for stopping by!
Please feel free to leave critiques/comments behind
Thanks again!

p.s lovely gallery! What do you shoot with?

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JAHphoto In reply to SEquikstrike [2011-01-12 02:30:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. It's kinda been a range over the years.. started on film, had canon DSLR's for quite a while (5D, 5D mark II, 30D 50D and 7D's over the years) but I current use Nikon (D700 and D300s)

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SEquikstrike In reply to JAHphoto [2011-01-12 04:41:26 +0000 UTC]

Very nice! I was mainly asking lenses tho ;D haha!

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JAHphoto In reply to SEquikstrike [2011-01-13 00:13:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh god. That's an even bigger list got a specific image in mind or just in general?

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DistortedImagery [2010-12-18 13:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Hey man thanks so much for all the favs, really appreciate you stopping by

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bpme [2010-08-28 00:48:38 +0000 UTC]


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JAHphoto In reply to bpme [2010-08-28 01:39:01 +0000 UTC]


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throughHislens [2010-07-17 03:33:35 +0000 UTC]


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JAHphoto In reply to throughHislens [2010-07-26 19:52:25 +0000 UTC]


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slephoto [2010-05-17 06:05:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the on Tomb of Ill Repute !! Sorry it's a bit late, I got BURIED in responses to the DD!

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arabienne [2010-05-13 16:05:31 +0000 UTC]

Jams, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that, as of 3:23 am today, I no longer have multiple Jamses on my desktop. It was simply too much for me to bear and made me relive all the details of our sordid past.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me - one day.


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JAHphoto In reply to arabienne [2010-05-15 19:10:00 +0000 UTC]

but.. why are they gone.. whyyy.

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