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| Ishiki-Senzai
# Statistics
Favourites: 104; Deviations: 8; Watchers: 23
Watching: 30; Pageviews: 2784; Comments Made: 135; Friends: 30
# Comments
Comments: 56
LuCIoos In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-18 14:33:41 +0000 UTC]
And you are pervert : D
Me too X 3
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LuCIoos In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-19 21:25:34 +0000 UTC]
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Dopplegager [2013-05-18 07:29:44 +0000 UTC]
Just want to say thanks for the watch I really appreciate it.
I'd love you to hear what kinds of things you might like to see in the future.
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to Dopplegager [2013-05-18 12:37:02 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
Well I love your entire gallery, and I think your little Tournament right now is a very interesting idea.
Also: the "good stuff - sexy girls, TF, TG" I loooove dem good stuffz
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Dopplegager In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-25 20:57:22 +0000 UTC]
Glad you enjoy it. I've been kinda slacking on keeping individual folders updated.
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to Dragon-Storm [2013-05-18 12:28:17 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
I've actually been stalking watching you for a while now, just not with this account
I simply remembered you and instantly watched you, because I love your stuff
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-13 21:55:30 +0000 UTC]
Someone with this many watchers actually thanks me for watching?
I- I feel so honored..*sob*
Also I feel bad for already stopping to thank the people for watches and favs xD
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-14 01:14:03 +0000 UTC]
of course ^^ I appreciate the watch! <3 thanks!!
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-14 16:28:47 +0000 UTC]
So much kindness from such a famous person...must not cry...
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-14 18:11:57 +0000 UTC]
lol I'm not famous XD I'm just someone on DA lol, but thanks <3
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-14 20:08:22 +0000 UTC]
well, but you look pretty internet-famous to me. You've got tons of watchers and your drawing style is one of the best pretty much the best I've ever seen. Makes me wanna flip my table and quit being an artist.
But of course I won't because it's fun to draw pr0nz
By the way I hope I don't annoy you too much with my comments, you must be busy o.o
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-14 21:50:15 +0000 UTC]
I'm usually pretty busy, but I always make time to respond to messages :3 I like being part of the community, and talking to my readers or followers. And your stuff is awesome, don't sell your self short
Also, I only have a little over 2,300 followers, which is a lot but I wouldn't say 'famous' level But I appreciate the love <3 You can message me anytime, it's not a bother (^^)
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-14 22:28:04 +0000 UTC]
That sounds really cool, not many do that but maybe that's just my experience. Because I just recently decided to go from lurking (which I'm not very proud of) to making art myself and trying to be part of the community.
Your compliments feel like a thousand hugs and kisses I won't forget that <3
I still imagine having this many followers must be awesome and pretty exhausting at the same time - i can imagine how cluttered your inbox must be xD
But that's really nice to hear ^^ I don't know many people in this community, and it just makes me really really happy to just talk to other Artists a bit :3
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-15 01:54:35 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, and thanks <3
Yeah, it gets cluttered but I feel like plenty of people helped me get where I am now, to ignore those very people would be a pretty jerky thing to do :/ I'd be no one on the internet if there weren't people who liked to read my comics or look at my drawings, so I make it a point to listen and interact with all my 'fans,' though I still think it's too egoistic a word for me
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-15 11:57:42 +0000 UTC]
It still beats me how humble you are that's just amazing, and very inspiring ^^
And even though I haven't been watching you for that long I'd go as far as to say that I consider myself a big fan of yours :3 because I love you and your art ^^
I'd also buy your stuff, but I gotta wait a bit for that, cause right now I'm in my final exams and so I have no Sidejob (can't afford anything :'D). So at the very least you've got 1 fan, and I'm gonna stay here o3o *sits down and clings to your leg*
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-16 00:52:40 +0000 UTC]
Awww thank you >w< *hugs*
I didn't think I could be inspiring (>///<) *blush* I'm just treat people like I'd like to be treated. :3
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-16 10:32:10 +0000 UTC]
Well that's what I usually do, too. But nevertheless people on the internet can be pretty cold sometimes. At the very least not everyone is up to a nice little conversation like you ^^
Even including my first account (which has been on Deviantart for 2 years now) I've only met a handful of people who I like to call faraway friends. Although I've got the impression that people generally seem more nice and open in this kind of adult TF/TG-Community.
Maybe people really are more calm when it's about pr0nz huh?
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-17 01:41:42 +0000 UTC]
I dunno if it's porn that makes the talk easier I get more hate for my porn online than non-porn topics. But ya know, the way I see it is that out of the 1 asshole comment I get, there's like a 100 or more nice ones. So I got to focus on the nice ones, because I'm not going to let one jerk ruin my mood. He'll go away anyway, the nice people will always stay around you
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-17 11:32:48 +0000 UTC]
You do? Oh well then I just got a wrong impression I guess
But there will always be some small amount of haters - even though I don't understand them. Of course many fetishes are strange to other people, and can be a pretty sensitive topic, but that's one of the reasons why there is an adult warning there. But I don't want to discuss about haters, because they're dumb anyways
I don't even need haters to ruin my mood, school already does that .__. believe it or not, but your comment actually cheered me up a bit today
And that's true I'll stay around you for a "little" while ^^
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-17 19:28:24 +0000 UTC]
Aww thanks And you shouldn't worry about school too much. Once you're out of there, you'll realize that those people will mean nothing out in the real world. They might have been 'cool' within school walls, but they don't know anything about life. They're just punk kids who are another rat in the rat race of life. They're no better than anyone else.
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-17 20:24:25 +0000 UTC]
Thanks I know that, since I'm almost outta there already, and I even have some experience with jobs. And the People aren't so bad.The thing that's bothering me is my mother, who keeps telling me that I won't be able to handle life because I don't have the best grades in my finals, and that it would probably be the best to kill myself
And even my best friend leaves me hanging with this...the only people I have are my girlfriend and some people from the internet. (as pathetic as it may sound..yes I actually consider people from thousands of miles away emotional support/friends)
Sorry if that was too much personal stuff - but I'm glad to get that off my chest *hugs you*
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-17 21:30:34 +0000 UTC]
Nah, don't worry about it, I have plenty of close online friends :3 The whole world is full of cool people ^^ And while it's important to get good grades, you can do plenty if you put your mind to it. I never went to art school, went to a whatever, low cost university that was by my house (very easy to get into mind you lol). It was easy so I graduated with a 3.8, but ended up with an asian studies degree (totally useless degree, but hey got a free scholarship!). Mind you, I have a creative director position (that's a senior position) which none of my other art friends have with their fancy art school degrees. How do I do it? Just keep your mind to it and focus on your goals. Even air of confidence can get you ahead in life. I seriously was a kid doing internships 2 years ago, now I'm making more money than my parents...the artist with the non-art degree Just keep your head held high Ishiki! You can do anything you set your mind to ^^
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-17 23:06:57 +0000 UTC]
Okay that's nice to hear and true.
And what can I say? Your Story is just so damn inspiring I'm seriously crying tears of joy now. x'D
But you're right - I shouldn't worry about this shit too much and keep doing what I like. And someday I may be succesful with what I do
Now I'm really pumped to draw something again >:3
(wow my mood swings so fast...am I really male? xD)
Thank you ^^ seriously. I'll never forget that.
I'll keep practicing by myself, without any stupid schools, and maybe someday we'll be able to talk to each other as equally skilled artists.
Until then I'll try to also support you, as soon as I've also got some income again
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-18 19:28:50 +0000 UTC]
Yup, just keep drawing!! And don't give up on school completely, it does make your life a million times easier, just keep pushing yourself. If you ever find yourself in an art school, since they're private and all, I hear the teachers rarely challenge you. They just pat your head and tell you it's good even if it's not.
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-19 10:50:53 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I will And of course I won't give up school either.
Also I remember how I once thought how art schools are necessary and awesome and all that, but you're not the first person who tells me something bad about art schools xD
Well, but I also wanted to ask you something completely different if that's okay
About these Sketchathons you do - I've read a bit about them, and as far as I understood it's just like one big chain of commissions? Also is it possible to buy a ticket with paypal?
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-19 18:36:16 +0000 UTC]
Yes, it's basically a chain of commissions ^^ I set up live stream dates for those interested, and I just do back to back drawings. Coloring is on a separate date. And, yup, I ONLY do paypal ^^ It's the safest and I think most comfortable for most people on the internet. I sell the tickets on my store actually, but they're currently sold out. I'm thinking I might start selling tickets the first week of June or late this month, just want to finish what's on my plate atm.
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-20 20:26:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh okay, then I understood it correctly
Well then I'll just stay in touch with you and see when I can get one of those again
But you don't just occasionally livestream, do you? ^^ Because I'm actually quite interested in how you draw oh and don't get me wrong if you don't usually livestream "for fun" that's cool, too.
Bothering you is the last thing I wanna do
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-21 00:37:41 +0000 UTC]
It's cool I don't usually do it just for fun, I do it for the sketch/color offs, but I'll announce when I do them so those interested can watch
I do have some vids recorded though: [link]
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-21 22:45:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh okay thank you I bookmarked it
Also that made me kind of curious about how much you work - and I really hope I don't bother you too much with that question - do you really work on commissions 24/7? Or do you have like set "work times"?
Oh and also what do you like to do in your spare time? ^^
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-21 22:58:04 +0000 UTC]
Hehehe thanks
And depending on my money situation, it can be 100+ hour work weeks. I'll usually wake up go to work, come home work on commissions, stop maybe for an hour to eat, shower, etc, sleep, wake up, work, rinse and repeat I'll work weekends too, just wake up, eat at my desk, work all day...maybe skip a shower >.>;;
I don't have much spare time, but I have forced 'spare time', wherein I'm stuck on the subway commuting, so I make it my 'me time'. I usually play my DS, I love playing video games I just recently started a much better paying job, so I probably wont need to do as many commissions. Because of that, I'll probably have more free time, which will mean more video games, going out more with my husband, maybe watching some tv?
I'm excited!
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-22 02:35:52 +0000 UTC]
Woah that sounds pretty tough
So you don't only live off of commissions - and what are you working as?
(Sorry for all those questions ^^')
Considering how right now I've got free time 24/7, I'd probably snap if I were in your place
although I need to look for some sidejob
And what kind of Video games do you like?
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-22 03:48:12 +0000 UTC]
I have done commissions/comics 24/7 and have lived off of it, and still depend on it actually. I work at a video game company (small one, so no point in googling it, you'll never find us ~_~) and I love all sorts of video games. My favorite are action/adventure like the legend of zelda series. I also like assassin games (but not violence, like blood and guts).
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Ishiki-Senzai In reply to JitenshaSW [2013-05-23 12:07:15 +0000 UTC]
Well, working at a video game company doesn't sound so bad o.o I actually imagine it quite comfortable compared to the jobs I had (like gas stations or bars).
Heh that sounds nice also liking assassin games because of the gore is ridicilous anyways xD I also like these kind of games because of the stealth mechanics.
But anyways..I imagine drawing 24/7 really really difficult o.o especially since I usually only draw something when I'm in the mood for it. I can't really draw that well when I'm not. Is there a secret to kind of "forcing" yourself to draw and still being that good?
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JitenshaSW In reply to Ishiki-Senzai [2013-05-23 16:57:20 +0000 UTC]
Well incentive helps, and having to pay bills is plenty incentive for me :3
VG companies are also fun to work at, very laid back atmosphere :3
And when I play assassin games I mean knocking people out (Dishonored, batman, etc). I actually always play 'clean hands' and don't kill my victims. I'm very scared/disturbed by intense violence ; ;
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