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| InvaderBloodnut
# Statistics
Favourites: 807; Deviations: 92; Watchers: 45
Watching: 122; Pageviews: 11336; Comments Made: 2098; Friends: 122
# Comments
Comments: 409
InvaderBloodnut In reply to SergeantHakimi [2015-03-19 08:14:23 +0000 UTC]
Awe, thanks!
π: 0 β©: 1
InvaderBloodnut In reply to CottonCatTailToony [2015-03-19 08:14:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much
π: 0 β©: 1
CottonCatTailToony In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2015-03-19 13:03:45 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
Insanefluttershy [2014-06-16 04:50:09 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I know you are a watcher of, I have no access to my account, can you please watch me on this account?
π: 0 β©: 2
InvaderBloodnut In reply to Insanefluttershy [2014-06-17 03:39:27 +0000 UTC]
forget my first comment, I'm weird and can't understand things. Cute new icon! But what did happen to your account?
π: 0 β©: 1
Insanefluttershy In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2014-06-17 03:45:22 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I don't know what happened. I reset my password like 5 times. It won't let me log on.
π: 0 β©: 1
InvaderBloodnut In reply to Insanefluttershy [2014-06-17 04:22:40 +0000 UTC]
bummer! Well your new account is cute anyway
π: 0 β©: 1
Insanefluttershy In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2014-06-17 05:05:48 +0000 UTC]
I actually had this one for a while now . Thanks though
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to Insanefluttershy [2014-06-17 03:36:33 +0000 UTC]
Sure. :/ If this is some kind of virus then that's low. }:/
Β If it's not, hey! wanna watch my account too? I love watchers!Β Say, why don't you have access to your account?Β
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to seika [2014-06-17 03:39:46 +0000 UTC]
No prob. I only give them to the best!
π: 0 β©: 0
Madam--Kitty [2014-04-10 05:43:35 +0000 UTC]
Hi. wanna join my group called Anti-illuminati-01? anti-illuminati-01.deviantart.β¦
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to Madam--Kitty [2014-04-10 07:35:22 +0000 UTC]
whose illuminati?
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Madam--Kitty In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2014-04-10 18:07:16 +0000 UTC]
An evil secret society that wants 2 take over the world though mind control.
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I-n-v-a-d-e-r-X-e-n [2014-03-16 06:30:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch and llama and the fave ^.^
π: 0 β©: 1
InvaderBloodnut In reply to I-n-v-a-d-e-r-X-e-n [2014-03-17 08:05:04 +0000 UTC]
no prob Β
I only fav the bestΒ
π: 0 β©: 1
InvaderBloodnut In reply to Janet-Jackal [2014-02-21 08:08:33 +0000 UTC]
No prob, your "join" button is blocked though.Β
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Janet-Jackal In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2014-02-21 08:09:46 +0000 UTC]
Oh well crap, lemme send you a invite!
I'll fix that in just a moment.
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to Janet-Jackal [2014-02-23 23:35:52 +0000 UTC]
thanks you! I love joining groups
π: 0 β©: 0
ThiagoSNP [2013-11-12 23:54:32 +0000 UTC]
uhau!!great invander zim!!very cool!!!I liked the design! cool, hey I wanted to know your opinion, are asking me to do drawings of characters known web! eg, slenderman, angry birds, earthworm jim, you have some hint!, and also wanted to know what do you think about my first character created for a comic I'm working out, it is called Sniper Riders, thank you very much
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to ThiagoSNP [2013-12-11 05:54:21 +0000 UTC]
Send me the link to your first character! I'd love to send my comments. Cool name. May I suggest Snipe Riders? It allows the title to be both verb or noun. in verb snipe means "to shoot at long distance" which is kinda mysterious and noun it means "a type of bird." So it can be both!Β
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ThiagoSNP In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2013-12-11 12:44:40 +0000 UTC]
I liked the comment! sorry for being slow to post because some things happened that left me discouraged, now I'm riding an evolution of the character designer of the first version to the current! do you have any tip for the 'Sniper Riders '! Β
Thank you very much! want if I can make a drawing of your character! Β
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to ThiagoSNP [2013-12-12 08:51:16 +0000 UTC]
Sure, what character? I don't have a character that I know of. But I'd love if you would draw your image of the title: Wriphaner. What picture does that put in your head? It will be an animal in the world that i am creating. But I have yet to think up what it will look like.Β
As for Sniper Riders, I think you have it pretty much under control. he looks like a character that would be great for a hero's journey. Strong, tall, backstory, would be excellent to go on some epic adventure leading to temptation, rejuvination and final defeat of the enemy. Then he could go on to be a hero of the universe.Β One pilot story of a hero's journey to start his career of good deeds.
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ThiagoSNP In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2013-12-23 18:14:38 +0000 UTC]
ours is amazing your ideas because I have a story and am making adjustments , Sniper Riders of the characters is what I'm criandos a diverse customs !
Well I'll tell you a summary that I have in mind for you about the history ,
Before I had only created a story about the adventure of 'Sniper ' , but then I had the idea to create a source of his powers and other things that happen during the story ! eg I was pequisando tribal designs of indigenous cultures , al I saw that certain cultures had gods with animal forms , give out the idea of ??creating gods , guardians or better ! preparesse for even the summary had been a little big !
1 ' The Origin of the Gods ' , that told the story where warriors and mages of various universes , gathered to create a way to keep order in the universe, then some warriors were selected from different places to be the future guardians !
2 ' The Guardians of the Universe ' , al 35 warriors were chosen to be the guardians , each received a portion of a legendary armor, and each has developed a power to each warrior woe decided to build a temple , but would not a temple any because this temple would be in space !
3 ' The War chaotic ' , after a while , 18 guardians used their powers to conquer towns and cities , and called themselves gods , because of pride , the Guardians split , 12eram well , 18 were ill , and 5 were neutral , and over time, it ended up in a war , a war that was destroying the universe !then a wise old man decided to end! called an bounty hunter and showed a way to defeat them!
then 'Shark Lock' Hunter Mystic , decided to confront them , he realized that there seira possible to win them in a normal combat , so he used the power that the old man had taught ,
used the power to remove the power of his enemy , but withdrew the power and soul that was trapped inside a crystal, and the body was petrified and so defeated each in turn ,
to where he put all the petrified bodies inside the temple , and the old man returned , he saw the crystals together and forming armor , the elder of suspiciously mystic warrior, just the petrifying ! ,
and but for the old man decided to end this way , that over time the guardians were other magical weapons and creating things , so he ordered 'Shark Lock' withdrew their souls and it petrifies them, for they do not revolt , and so with all prisoners and guardians mystic warrior tabem trapped inside the temple space, all things conquers and created the universes were lost , and ended up becoming a legend !
4 , where ' Sniper' will be the new warrior flames ! So I thought , the story being told in brief , an old man telling the story to sniper and his other two brothers , shows that half the screen off with the Warriors with 35 red eyes and a warrior going to face , you know ! the legend being told , ' Swalk ' older brother begins cause 'Sniper ' , and al know that wrestling between brothers , when suddenly an attack happens ! alas tres go to find their parents to know what to do what's goin ' come and that monster army approaching the palace , with ai attacks the castle begins to gradually destriur al and the chΓ£oi that separates the three , al that part I thought the case for a game , just type a tutorial to know the commands 'Sniper ' ! know the kind prince of persia , having to skip climbing face some enemies !
then al conssegue sniper finds his mother , but she says he does not have time to talk and shows a secret passage , al get stronger enemies and sniper mother pushes him to this secret entrance and place it destroys preventing him back , there goes walking up come a kind of escape pod ! but then inside the ship 'Sniper ' finds a crystal with a picture of his mother talking to go on an ancient temple ! sniper out there in the world but suddenly the planet explodes and detroços planet hit the ship leaving the sniper incociente and changing the route of the path until the ship crashes on a island abadonada ! when ' Sniper' wakes up he sees that in a very dangerous place and different about ! then he looks at the crystal that his mother gave you ! there at that time the crystal starts shining strangely and he comes over and touches the crystal and the crystal al enters into his body type mergers, and al the red drawings appear in the body , and has visions of the old one crystal ! et al start appearing inios
there appears some enemies and sniper realizes that it has no weapons to fight and tries to fight but gets a lot of damage until one jump toward him and the sniper diparo one of her hands in adersarios letting them all burned ! then it al realize how to defeat them without much effort , after the fight sniper sees that it's getting dark and need help as soon as possible ! try and see how to use this power until it disrupts your hands start to go up in flames , and he Panic begins to roll on the ground trying to put out the fire and begins to burn all bog ! that part I made a comic sample and was pretty cool !
and with that clareamante the forest starts draws attention to anything pleasant creatures ! until a very distant village has a big part on fire ! shows al personnel and village comersando al defesores the village go toward the fire ! guardians of the village are a rocker legendary snow gear that was traveling through space and his ship is attacked and ends up falling on this island where you will find this village and uses his knowledge of mechanics to unite the people and creates defenses against the monsters island ! Soul Night , a hunter wolf, who can food for the village and defends , he is very aggressive and short-tempered ! Block a type of mystic hunter, his look resembles the ' jugernaut the ' x -men ' ! 'he 's kinda clumsy !
al 'Sniper ' chasing and fleeing all the creatures of the island , plants dinosaurs , monsters and etc. ! until night meets the soul and tries to get help but unintentionally sniper ends up giving a great shot of fire toward nightsoul , and al know ! fight ! ' sniper ' fights ' nightsoul ' and realize how good he is agile , and able to defeat him but very little ! woe in this part if it were in the game , you 'd be 80 % of life and after the fight would be 15 % , would be much more difficult to survive ! tam tam al ! tam ! 'Snow gear ' appears , ' sniper ' talks to 'Snow ' , and again another explosive shot ! Fight ! sniper gets more cautious because he knows there's no way a close combat then tries to appeal giving diparos fire toward snow until snow creates a shield , one expects the energy around him , reflecting the diparos of ' Sniper'para another random direction ! until 'Snow ' also of a double with both hands on 'Sniper ' al diparo know ! KO ! PERFECT 'Sniper ' is captured and imprisoned in the village ! , and 'Snow ' is causing ' Nightsoul ' by having defeated without receiving any damage and ' nightsoul ' is furious , because it is also 'Snow ' could not defeat someone with 15 % health !
after the fight 'Sniper ' talks to 'Snow ' how it got on the island and do not know where this guy temple, but snow put handcuffs on technological sniper but only to prevent ! go and decide where the nature of 'Sniper ' fell ! find the ship and also a visit of a mercenary who tracked the nature of ' sniper ' to take the crystal , but 'Sniper ' can defeat him with this power ,
Our summary is to a great, good, I'm making a few more changes, the more it will be great adventures, a little more forward 'Sniper' and 'Snow' decide to create a group (Flare Smash) and use a large ship to travel by universe and consegundo more friends to class, it would be like dragon ball gt! looks then I'll tell more about saga'Flames Souls' why should I have to leave to go to the dentist! but I want your opinion! ah else also is that my anger Seire not stay focused on 'Sniper' will you also know the origins of the other characters!!Β Β
π: 0 β©: 1
InvaderBloodnut In reply to ThiagoSNP [2014-01-01 01:08:33 +0000 UTC]
complecated but cool!
It seems a little video gamish to me with all the 15% health etc. It takes a lot from other stories such as Super Man and What movie was that that had legendary armor? Any way, I like it, I think its a great lay out. Could use a little revising and I suggest a slight touch up on the Escape from the planet. Maybe make it a friend who pushed him in, or a monk or someone other than parents. the drama of seeing his homeworld destroyed while being sent involuntarily on a mission can be a great call to adventure. Especially if the mission is related to revenge of his homeworld, in memory of it, or a way to resurrect it or save it.Β
Being the new guardian/flame warior is great but he is probably kinda sad about his family and planet. FindΒ a personal relation to the crystalΒ reason for him finding it other than he was sent on a mission to be warrior by a bunch of people who blew up behind him. even if it's just in their honor. but he has to have some sentement towards them.
But I love the story layout. It's really good and will make a great comic/graphic novel.
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ThiagoSNP In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2014-01-02 00:54:47 +0000 UTC]
thank our good! tera also the story of the other personagesn, in view of each! would be like 'Dragon Ball GT' or 'One piece' where 'Sniper' helped a friend and he had joined the universe! would be if it were a game one mixture of "spider man" with "final fantasy"!Β Β
I see how the scenario will be, for example, an amusement park in space, floating islands! aquatic cities and etc!
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to lyyy971 [2013-11-12 04:53:46 +0000 UTC]
i only fav the best
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to AgentJayHawk [2013-11-05 21:20:56 +0000 UTC]
np. llamas are fun to give
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AgentJayHawk In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2013-11-06 14:54:12 +0000 UTC]
Aren't they, though?
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to AgentJayHawk [2013-11-07 06:23:51 +0000 UTC]
I would give more if I wasn't point-less
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to Voyager168 [2013-11-02 20:57:15 +0000 UTC]
no prob! Β only fav the best!Β
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InvaderBloodnut In reply to Elliotxomega99 [2013-10-01 07:22:50 +0000 UTC]
n.p. i only fav the best
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Elliotxomega99 In reply to InvaderBloodnut [2013-10-01 23:17:02 +0000 UTC]
Awwww! Thanks!=^_^=
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