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InkBlueMagician3 [21320248] []

# Statistics

Favourites: 67; Deviations: 20; Watchers: 3

Watching: 47; Pageviews: 3743; Comments Made: 46; Friends: 47

# Comments

Comments: 18

ChrisWoottonArt [2013-05-03 12:29:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much for finding space in your watch list. it's most appreciated.

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InkBlueMagician3 In reply to ChrisWoottonArt [2013-05-10 07:59:15 +0000 UTC]

Uwaah, sorry for the late reply.
No need to thank me for watching your art, since I don't have all that many people I watch anyway. Plus, your art is very very nice, and gives me inspiration to create more!
It should be me thanking you!!!

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Paulcellx [2012-06-10 00:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for your time into writting that critique my friend! I apreciatte your words! Of course i have this anatomy problem that i have to fix, but i do my best to get along with it and advancing, improving and more! Namie needs a lot of work, of course. And Kairi's hand needs improvement, next time i work with perspective i will do my best. I am glad you like my landscapes, you like fantasy landscapes a lot, right?

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InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2012-06-10 03:50:03 +0000 UTC]

Yup! Drawing fantasy landscapes allows you a lot of freedom to create anything you want. I myself do not draw a lot of landscapes, so I'm not very good at them....
I really like your landscapes cuz they're so colorful and creative. They're really nice!!! I usually only draw people, so I'm okay at them, but not really good at backgrounds. I still need a lot of improvement in my characters as well, but I'm only in ninth grade, so I still have a long way to go!!!
Do you like drawing people or landscapes more?

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Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2012-06-10 23:27:10 +0000 UTC]

That's why i like drawing landscapes my friend1 I mean... you dont have to follow stupid anatomy rules or canons, you do what you want the way you want. You are pretty free! That's why i like drawing them, besides i paint/draw places wich i would like to visit. I wish i could live in worlds like those, but at least i can paint them. Wich makes me glad at the moment, but when i get money i will travel around the world to visit some beautifull places. I am glad you like my landscapes, that's my "best work".

You are in 9th grade!? Wow! You are going pretty well. At 9th grade i couldnt even draw! LOL one tip: DONT WASTE YOUR TIME. IF YOU LIKE DRAWING, THEN DO IT.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2012-06-11 02:59:03 +0000 UTC]

Haha thanks! I also want to travel around the world. I really wanna visit Venice someday. I have always had a facination with water, and Venice seems just perfect, since it is a city that is literally floating on water. I also want to visit Florence and Rome, and maybe Greece as well. Greece is supposed to have these beautiful landscapes, and Florence and Rome house some of the most famous artworks from the Renaissance period. I only have two posts currently, since I actually don't like most of the stuff I do. As time goes on, however, I'll try to put in some more stuff. I'll be moving to China in July, so I'll have a lot of free time then. I usually just draw manga-like characters. I did draw a realistic person once, and did pretty good, but I haven't done that in a long time....
Anyway, i wanted to ask you where you get your inspiration from. I always get mine from the things I love, like books and other pieces of art. Are you the same?

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Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2012-08-21 00:56:29 +0000 UTC]

There are lots of places to travel indeed, we share Venice in common you know? But i want to go there specially for the masks, i could dress very fancy in one of those and then i could feel in a fantasy land surrounded by beautifull things!

By this time you would have moved to China, how is your journey my friend? Where i draw my inspiration? MUSIC AND IMAGINATION. I am a great fan of final fantasy and kingdom hearts, Soundtracks really help me to imagine in my mind. The reason is unknown to me. But i am more creative while i listen to music. Here, i am sharing with you one that inspires me a lot: You will get inspired .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2012-09-06 06:25:27 +0000 UTC]

I love kingdom hearts and final fantasy as well. they are really good games.
Yes, I am already in china. Its rather nice here in Shanghai. I know its a good place to get inspiration from. There are so many 'fashionable' people out there, and its a good way to draw fancy clothes for cool people. thanks for the soundtrack, by the way!!
I feel the same about Venice. Venice has a lot of history, and it's almost like a place from another world.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2012-09-09 01:36:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah! Tell me more about those fancy-dressed people! It woudl be pretty fun to go in the streets dressed like that and everyone looking at you! Or being with similar people! It is like... going into a fantasy world where everything is possible and the impossible is possible! I LOVE THAT! Like final fantasy style! Sadly in my country people is close-minded and you cant be in the streets like that, but i hope i can in the future! My dream is to be dressed like ROXAS and go out, i am saving up for my cosplay. Would you like to cosplay somebody?

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InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2012-09-13 08:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Haha, There's a lot of girls who dress in fur and really expensive jackets, as well as some girls who wear frilly dresses. The men aren't that....cool, i guess. China's very fashionable. A lot fo the girls here have really expensive purses and bags, and some of the more 'tomboyish' girls dress really colorfully, with shirts from manga or anime.
My dream cosplay would probably be....Izaya from Durarara

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Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2012-09-14 00:48:18 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Then i suppose the more Tomboyish are the most awesome ones! I have always wanted to talk with a girl like that, they seem to be more mature, i dont know. Oh! frilly dreeses you say? Like LOLITAS? Pretty amazing! Wow, people on China are very fascinating!

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InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2012-09-18 05:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I've seen a lot of girls wearing really bright clothes with headphones on, and they just look so COOL!
Actually, speaking of Lolita, I saw a store that was literally filled with Gothic Lolita styled clothes. I would have gone in just to gawk, except for the fact that I was supposed to be walking in the other direction.
Yeah, the Chinese are quite cool. I really like China, and Shanghai in general, for the fact that it's just so beautiful. The city landscapes are just breath-taking.

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Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2012-12-26 22:03:41 +0000 UTC]

Such an amazing world were people could dress as they like and want! Specially for a store only filled with Gothic Lolita style clothes! By the way, how are "trends" in China? What i mean is that, how many people are "following the crowd/what others do" just to fit in the society? Because i have seen so many photos of China streets and i have saw some groups of young people wearing almost the same style of clothes.

I would like to visit the Valley de Jiuzhaugou.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2013-01-16 11:15:27 +0000 UTC]

Mmm, trends in China are quite similar to America.....however, I have noticed that older people tend to dress less conspicuously. Many of the younger people are wearing very 'American' clothes, with baggy pants and hoodies and whatnot. The young adults mostly wear fashionable clothes with fur lining and expensive purses and bags and whatnot.......

I really want to visit Tokyo.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2013-01-19 21:14:18 +0000 UTC]

That is pretty normal, young people are the ones who dress pretty conspicuously. How do male teenagers dress there? :3 Or everybody is dressing fancy and some kind of those things? :3

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InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2013-01-23 05:14:30 +0000 UTC]

Well, boys dress like gangsters. Or rock stars. Whichever.

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Paulcellx In reply to InkBlueMagician3 [2013-01-23 15:30:47 +0000 UTC]

Boys got style!

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InkBlueMagician3 In reply to Paulcellx [2013-02-01 12:31:20 +0000 UTC]

Yes, yes, although the boys in China don't dress as well as the boys in America or Japan.....ahhhh..Gackt-sama.....

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