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Imp-Creations [13939786] [] "Images from my Heart & Mind"

# Statistics

Favourites: 179; Deviations: 252; Watchers: 12

Watching: 66; Pageviews: 13155; Comments Made: 714; Friends: 66

# Comments

Comments: 99

Twins72 [2012-05-20 15:01:20 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday

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Psychothrone [2011-06-07 08:48:38 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting page, hope you have more pictures coming some day.

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Twins72 [2011-05-20 10:25:53 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday

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Imp-Creations In reply to Twins72 [2011-05-25 07:51:10 +0000 UTC]

thanks very much for the B.D wishes

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Twins72 In reply to Imp-Creations [2011-05-25 13:07:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anubis281 [2010-12-28 19:27:14 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fave

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aztecwolves [2010-12-28 05:51:28 +0000 UTC]

thanks forthe fav!

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anubis281 [2010-12-13 19:42:06 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the llama!

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SalsolaStock [2010-11-03 07:05:18 +0000 UTC]

We appreciate that you are watching us. We'll try not to pick our noses or anything.

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A-teinna [2010-10-10 09:31:53 +0000 UTC]

How sweet of you to give me such a present for my birthday. Thank you very very much

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starrysurrealism [2010-08-29 13:40:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch

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Imp-Creations In reply to starrysurrealism [2010-09-15 13:29:21 +0000 UTC]

thank you for creating beauty to watch

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starrysurrealism In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-09-30 14:18:35 +0000 UTC]

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Twins72 [2010-08-28 12:39:00 +0000 UTC]


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CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-08-28 04:16:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the points on my birthday!
I appreciate them very much! It was very, very kind of you.

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Imp-Creations In reply to CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-08-28 04:39:21 +0000 UTC]

your most welcome

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nummerni [2010-08-23 21:48:32 +0000 UTC]

many thanks for the , Simon

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kurenai-30 [2010-08-20 20:38:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the
Have one too

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Imp-Creations In reply to kurenai-30 [2010-08-21 01:45:46 +0000 UTC]


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kurenai-30 In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-08-21 21:17:31 +0000 UTC]

sure you are very welcome

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Tinna-92 [2010-08-16 08:47:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank yoi for :+points: We are now a step closer to make a Super group

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Witch-Dr-Tim [2010-08-05 09:45:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the points and the Birthday wishes. I can not get over how kind everyone is here on dA!

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Imp-Creations In reply to Witch-Dr-Tim [2010-08-07 14:47:59 +0000 UTC]

your Most welcome, glad I was able to give you a little birthday surprise . Hope you had a great day.
Yes that's what I love about DA the wonderful people that make up this community all I have gotten to know are caring great supportive people and of course the wonderful creative explosion from people of all different walks of life

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JosephThomas [2010-08-01 13:21:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the birthday gift!!!

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Imp-Creations In reply to JosephThomas [2010-08-03 03:46:54 +0000 UTC]

your very welcome, have a great birthday tomorrow

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JosephThomas In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-08-03 10:51:01 +0000 UTC]


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petkau [2010-07-29 08:14:50 +0000 UTC]

and this one, too! [link]

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petkau [2010-07-29 07:53:48 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the favourite!! [link]

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coqui74 [2010-07-21 10:03:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave ...

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Undeath19 [2010-07-11 16:34:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the fav!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Imp-Creations In reply to Undeath19 [2010-07-11 17:14:43 +0000 UTC]

your very welcome,

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OPBeserker [2010-07-07 21:29:31 +0000 UTC]

hey mate!

Thank you for the time you've invested scrolling through my gallery
I hope I'll be able to inspire you in future..maybe with my new 50mm lens

greets from Germany !

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Imp-Creations In reply to OPBeserker [2010-07-08 04:12:01 +0000 UTC]

thank you for creating such stunning images. It was not so much an investment in time, as it was more akin to a wonderful walk through an artists gallery soaking in the images of times and places that one can only visit through your camera lens.Leaving one as they walk away inspired and enriched by the experience

Greetings from New Zealand

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OPBeserker In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-07-10 14:08:50 +0000 UTC]

Wow... that is really makin' me proud! I love the way you're seeing my work... maybe I should hold on to this stlye of makin' photos and deliver you moments of my life... like my own " 'movie' of life" ;D

Thank you for inspire me!


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Imp-Creations In reply to OPBeserker [2010-07-10 18:58:47 +0000 UTC]

You are most welcome It also occurs to me that particular shot seems to also look a bit like you are swimming through the deep waters and have come face to face with the viewer as if to say hello

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empatja [2010-07-05 06:29:31 +0000 UTC]

thanks for llama and greetings from Poland !
When I was a child, I dreamed that I would settle in New Zealand when I grow up

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Imp-Creations In reply to empatja [2010-07-05 08:57:33 +0000 UTC]

You can grow up , just never grow old
Well I am one sided I think New Zealand is as close to perfection on earth as you find, a wee slice of the rest the world, rolled into three islands

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CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-07-04 21:01:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh, gosh!
Thank you so much for the fave!

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Imp-Creations In reply to CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-07-05 01:28:27 +0000 UTC]

most welcome it was a great peice so its great to have in my fav's gallery

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CharIsWhatWeAimFor In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-07-05 01:33:59 +0000 UTC]

(: I'm flattered! Thanks, again!

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Imp-Creations In reply to CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-07-06 06:46:58 +0000 UTC]

I am familiar with the Sea Shepard Program a brake away from Green Peace. Every year we have pods of Humpback wales pass by our shores as they migrate from Antarctica to the warmer waters of the pacific ocean and then back down again. We have a growing Eco industry so you can go out and get very close up views of the Pods. Its taken along time for the whales to return to our coast line waters, as New Zealand was apart of the British whaling industry. Now all we need to have is the Japanese to bugger off and stop whaling in the South Pacific waters.

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CharIsWhatWeAimFor In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-07-06 16:54:24 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see. I don't live anywhere near the ocean. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and although it's close to the east coast, I've never been to a beach or anything. I'm just naturally drawn to it though, I love it and I love it's animals. What people do to whales makes me ashamed to be human, it really does. I would like to help put a stop to it.

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Imp-Creations In reply to CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-07-06 23:41:32 +0000 UTC]

I live in the narrowest part of the North Island of New Zealand. Which means a 10 to 20 min drive in any direction means you either see one of the two harbors come to a beach or cross's a bridge with sea under it. Our beaches are all nice. West coast beach's however are all iron sand making the sand black. while all the east coast beaches are all golden sand.
I'm really lucky to live in such a wonderful place, its really green.

As far as the whale side of life, yes I hate that the Japanese, sail to our corner of the world to hunt whales,seeing as they hunted them to extinction in their own waters. They don't care if its mothers and calf's. whats worse is they lie as to the reason for whale hunting. Their reason scientific research. What a Load of crock, even worse than this they offer large amounts of cash to poorer pacific island nations so that they will vote in the Japanese favor at the international whaling commissions. Wheres Nemo and the Nautilus when you need them. hole enough of their whaling ships, making it to expensive to send their ships and see how they like being hunted. Soon they will be sending out ships to hunt dolphins when they have manged to kill all the dolphins in their coastal waters. However all those water theme parks with Dolphins are partly responsible for the on going slaughter of dolphins as they normally buy their "show dolphins" from the Japanese,

Green Peace has helped save some whales and made the whaling ships less profitable. Its still a crime to see. I am ashamed of my governments new altered stance on whaling, however that's the newest government known as National Party greedy fat cats that care more about money than anything else. However The Australian Government is getting tough taking the issue to international court. Just wish New Zealand Government would grow a pair and join the Australian government in their bid.

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CharIsWhatWeAimFor In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-07-07 14:22:31 +0000 UTC]

You are quite lucky for where you live, indeed. I live in a little suburb surrounded by city. There are national parks where it's nice and green and I even have a small patch of woods in my back yard but that's not good enough for me. I like being beneath the trees, that's where I feel the most safe. I even learned how to identify local trees, I love them so much . But, I love whales more, and them killing whales if just B.S. I know all about them bribing other nations, exc. I read about it almost every day. It's saddening, ya know? It's sad that our species is so insane that everything we touch, dies. Here, there have recently been little ads on tv. I laugh at them. They say "Pittsburgh is a place of creators!" and I think, no, it's a place of people who cut down our forests and pollute our rivers & air. I'm so sick of people who say that the world is meant for our consumption. People who say "God made all of this for US!" ahahaha, no. I really don't even understand why humans were made if all we do is destroy our world. It's like someone unleashed a swarm of hungry termites upon a dead log and waited for the termites to destroy it. I'm not fond of humans. Sometimes you come across one who understands, one who cares about the world. I'm assuming by your words that you're one of the good ones.

Governments could end whaling & dolphin killing today, if they wanted to. It could all end so simply but for some reason no one wants to step on Japan's toes. For one, I don't understand it. The US wrote japan's constitution, they can't develop an army. They're no threat to us, so why can't we tell they we have an problem with what they're doing? They're international waters! Every country should have a say and in my opinion, unless it is unanimous that every single country is idiotic enough to say "yes, we should allow whaling to continue." than no one should kill another one. For one, I don't understand where they get off killing endangered species. They do the same thing to blue fin tuna. They're over fishing blue fin tuna to the brink of extinction and stuffing refrigerated warehouses full of them because the less tuna there are in the ocean, the more the ones in their warehouses will be worth. There's money to be made by driving animals extinct and the Japanese have practically mastered it. Unfortunately, no one seems to be stopping them.

If their behaviors continue like this, our oceans will die and so will we. There isn't one single animal on this planet that couldn't live without us. If all humans died out, life would go on. But if we keep killing species after species, ecosystems will collapse and we'll kill ourselves. Kids these days (including me, I'm a child xD) don't know enough about the environmental issues in the world. I'm only 15 and I'm sure the only reason I know about this stuff is because I wanted to know. I researched it. I've read up on it, watched videos, exc. If I ask most of the other people I know, none of them know what I'm talking about because it's not taught. People are uneducated to the fact that the world is full of idiots and because they are uneducated to this fact, they become more idiots.

We even have a World Cultures class this year and learned about Japan. NOTHING was mentioned about them illegally killing whales, and killing dolphins, exc. NOTHING! I was outraged that nothing was mentioned about how they kill the oceans. The world...It's outrageous.

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Imp-Creations In reply to CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-07-08 04:35:46 +0000 UTC]

I agree, human kind has so many flaws, yet humankind is not all bad. You are young and thus, it is within your own power the within your peers power to help make this world a better place. One doesn't have to go to the extremes as some do through violence to get attention, in fact that is the most counter productive way. It is Simply a case of raising peoples awareness, getting them involved, through an emotional comment on one or other level.

As far as your World Cultures class, one could write a letter to either the teacher and inquire why the information about Japans current role in the world when it comes to the environment of the world and whaling was not discussed/ taught. You could even write to the education Board get your peers to sign your letter so it is not just one single voice. You and your peers are not powerless, you are humanity's future and humanity's best hope of not only survival, but to help ensure the survival of all life in a all its forms upon this planet.
Often we think I am one person what can I do ?
It can be as simple, as to stand up and shout, and when asked what you are shouting about by another you tell them. Hopefully they will begin to shout with you, until so many stand by you shouting that your hew and cry can not longer be ignored.
Keep your dreams and convictions strong and never feel like you are only one person. It is more often the greatest achievements and acts in history were created or achieved by one persons vision and willingness to stand up and shout.

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CharIsWhatWeAimFor In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-07-08 04:49:15 +0000 UTC]

Your words are so kind, and true, indeed. Writing to the teacher and/or board sounds like a very good idea. Shouting....ah what a good metaphor. Really if it wasn't for other people shouting, I wouldn't even know what to shout about. I guess when you look at it that way people influence other people and without positive influence, no one will succeed. I'm hoping others in my generation will either be shouting with me, or hear me shout. Then when they're the ones making the laws in this world, exc, they can fix things. But I hope it doesn't come to that. Things should be fixed much sooner. It would be nice for my future children and grandchildren to have a healthier world. Because, we are borrowing the world from our future generations and I would like to return it in one piece, even though it won't be given to me in such good shape.

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Imp-Creations In reply to CharIsWhatWeAimFor [2010-07-08 04:53:17 +0000 UTC]

the only time things get changed or fixed is when someone or a group stands up and points out what is broken. The reason that for the most part things remain as they are, or worse get worse. Is because everybody else thinks someone else will point out what is broken draw attention that that which needs to be changed. So in the end everybody thinks somebody else will do it, have done it, and the sad reality is, nobody has done anything about it. It is better to point or draw attention to something and learn that another has already done so, than not to do anything at all.

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CharIsWhatWeAimFor In reply to Imp-Creations [2010-07-09 01:37:38 +0000 UTC]

Yes, that's how people are. We don't like being alone, I know I don't. As groups, people are more likely to raise their voices, but someone has to start those groups. The people who start them tend to by my heroes, and I can't wait to join them.

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lorain05 [2010-07-01 14:03:51 +0000 UTC]

hi! thank you so much for the point.
It really means a lot to me

~ Lorraine

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Imp-Creations In reply to lorain05 [2010-07-01 14:22:11 +0000 UTC]

you are most very welcome. I have found you as a person and artist to be a delight. So if a point helps you in your goal which ever goal you whish to set for using your points. I am happy, if I could be like a puff of a breeze in helping you get to your destination so to speak, then all that follows can only be good.

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