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| IICloudChaserII
# Statistics
Favourites: 518; Deviations: 72; Watchers: 47
Watching: 122; Pageviews: 11037; Comments Made: 2300; Friends: 122
# Comments
Comments: 121
IICloudChaserII In reply to rift09 [2020-03-09 20:28:26 +0000 UTC]
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rift09 In reply to IICloudChaserII [2020-03-09 20:39:01 +0000 UTC]
i like my OCs avatar style
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IICloudChaserII In reply to rift09 [2020-03-10 20:14:55 +0000 UTC]
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rift09 In reply to IICloudChaserII [2020-03-10 21:53:37 +0000 UTC]
are you curious what's on the other side of the avatar world?
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IICloudChaserII In reply to rift09 [2020-03-11 16:08:49 +0000 UTC]
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rift09 In reply to IICloudChaserII [2020-03-11 23:18:38 +0000 UTC]
i have a theory. want to hear it?
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IICloudChaserII In reply to rift09 [2020-03-12 19:15:51 +0000 UTC]
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rift09 In reply to IICloudChaserII [2020-03-13 03:41:28 +0000 UTC]
on the other side there are western nations based on medieval europe, africa, native america, and middle east
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IICloudChaserII In reply to rift09 [2020-03-13 16:43:43 +0000 UTC]
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IICloudChaserII In reply to AdrenalineRush1996 [2017-12-24 09:54:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you really much and merry Christmas for you!Β
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wcqaguxa [2017-08-17 07:31:04 +0000 UTC]
Hi! On your other account, you once commented on my avatar fancomic Β If you're interested in reading it further, I reactivated it and chapter 2 is now on:Β WotE B4 Ch2 The Forrest of Magnacs part 1 .
Β If you would like to have regular updates, you could add my profile to watch - I wil publish the comic monthly here on deviantart and weekly (ever Wednesday) on tumblr avatar-comic.tumblr.com and tapastic tapas.io/series/avatar-comic
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IICloudChaserII In reply to AdrenalineRush1996 [2017-01-05 11:13:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ! that is very kind!Β
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tsuanimechan [2016-09-01 07:35:20 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for the fav my friend
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Angie-Sixx [2016-06-08 08:23:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav, it's well appreciated.
Also, your artwork is great.
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BlizzardBombs [2016-01-19 04:24:15 +0000 UTC]
I've recently read your Avatar comic and was amazed at how wonderful it was! The art is amazing and the writing is great! I hope you'll keep it up! You've inspired me in many ways so thank you for posting your wonderful art!
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IICloudChaserII In reply to BlizzardBombs [2016-01-22 16:30:00 +0000 UTC]
thank you sooooooo much! Such kind words courages me a lot and i
am really glad that you like the comic!
I am working on chapter two but it will take some time untilΒ it`s finish.
If you have some ideas or critiques please don`t hold back and tell me your opinions.
I would love to hear them!Β
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BlizzardBombs In reply to IICloudChaserII [2016-01-24 22:10:57 +0000 UTC]
I'll be sure to let you know! Keep it up!
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IICloudChaserII In reply to AdrenalineRush1996 [2015-12-29 19:06:36 +0000 UTC]
Hey thx! T
hat`s very kind from you! Β
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DarukaDraws [2015-12-10 00:23:15 +0000 UTC]
Hey I'm looking at making an Avatar fan comic myself. I've been looking around for others to see what's out there and yours is the best I've seen so far. I really enjoyed reading it and now I find myself wanting more. I like your new twist on the Avatar's powers and I can't wait to find out more about it. Keep it up, you're doing great!!
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IICloudChaserII In reply to DarukaDraws [2015-12-29 19:05:13 +0000 UTC]
Hi Adnan,
sorry that my answer took so long but i was a few weeks not online because i have a few little health problems .
I feel very honored that you like my comic so much and i am sooooooo happy that my littel story didn`t bored you to death!
I really want to keep on and i try every day to encourage me to draw something, even if it`s only one panel.
So the work goes on but pretty slow......
I really like that you want to draw a fan-comic too.
Your gallery is pretty nice and you have a far better sense for colours than me!
I would love to see some comic from you so please try to make some!
It would be lovely!!!Β
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DarukaDraws In reply to IICloudChaserII [2015-12-29 19:27:27 +0000 UTC]
Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope you start to feel better soon. And don't worry about the late replyΒ Β it's all good.
I wouldn't say that I have a better sense for colours than you. I mean, have you seen this?! Naoki and Zhu
Of course you have, you drew it. The colours in that are top notch, not to mention the line work. I hope I can put out art as good as this one day. However I appreciate the compliments very much Thank you!
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IICloudChaserII In reply to DarukaDraws [2016-01-22 16:56:57 +0000 UTC]
Hehe.... thank you again!
I must admid that i really neededΒ a long time to finish the Naoki and Zhu picture.
Most of the time i spendΒ with the colouring and i changed the colours a 1000 times........Β
I am always a little bit unhappy with my colouring results but it encourages me a loot that you like it so much!
Thank you.Β
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IICloudChaserII In reply to KreKael2 [2015-10-02 15:06:12 +0000 UTC]
Hey thank you! I try to work so hard i can! THX !!
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IICloudChaserII In reply to ChickenAngel [2015-08-14 18:15:17 +0000 UTC]
No problem! pls keep on the hard work!Β
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Pandazulado [2015-07-03 01:00:10 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I am from Argentina. My english is not the best and I don't use a translator. Also, I barely chat with people in English. So, I don`t know if I am clear.Β
Your comic is awesome! It is one of the few that I really like. Currently, in my opinion as an avatar fan there are only two great fan-comic stories. One is "Tashi and Nima" and the other that I found out today is yours. "Avatar of the Earth" is captivating, the story is well developed. It has the right characters and keeps the same avatar sense of humor. It is pretty well drawn.
Thank you for share this comic with the fans. I really enjoyed the first part. Keep it up!
When will the next part be available for reading?
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IICloudChaserII In reply to Pandazulado [2015-07-03 13:29:52 +0000 UTC]
WOW! Thank you!
That really build up my courage! Β
Your english is pretty good and yes "Tashi and Nima" is such a beautiful fan-comic.
It`sΒ really funny and i love how they revive the air nomads culture. I also watch them and visit their HP for updates.
Well unfortunately my progress is pretty slow....Β
I am just working on my comic after my regular work in a hospital and sometimes i am just too tired to do something.
The full story is in my head but to bring it on paper is very difficult for me because i want to give always my best and sometimes
i just can`t.
I am glad that you writing meΒ and i will try to work faster.
If there is something you like or something you just find stupit , pls tell me !
I really want to hear what my readers have to say!Β
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Pandazulado In reply to IICloudChaserII [2015-07-05 00:41:10 +0000 UTC]
I will tell you some more things but I don't consider these something important. I like the fan-comics that could acceptably "fit in" with the official avatar timeline story. Your comic seems to be settled some years after Korra's death and I really appreciate that, because it gives immediately continuity to the canon story.
Referring to the characters, I think the casting is okey. I mean, your comic just started, isn't it? We didn't even see the new team avatar in action or who is really part of it, but I can figured out something. All of this gives you a powerful surprise factor, that will let you developing the personality of each character in a right way.
Also, one thing that I pay a lot of attention (apart from the story) when I decide to read an avatar fan-comic is that the drawing style doesn't be so far from the official. In my opinion is acceptable according to my likes, but it can be a bit better.
I didn't expect that Zei would be an earth bender. She looks like to be a great bender under this weak appearance of a college person. I liked that. However, I didn't like the Tao's stereotype of a shy teenager who fall easily in love. I liked her water bend style as she was an earth bender, pretty rare. Finally, I thought for moments that Naoki wouldn't be the avatar, but it was quite predictable (I am probably blind, I don't know jaajajaj)
I hope you will surprise us in the next ones. Thank you for your comic!
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IICloudChaserII In reply to Pandazulado [2015-07-05 14:36:49 +0000 UTC]
Hello Panda,
thank you for your honest words!
It means very much to me that you write me such a open comment about your opinion!
Well, yes I try to copy the drawing style from the official animes but it`s very difficult.
My drawings get easily affected by other mangas or animes i wacht at the same time. I know
some artist can copyΒ another artists work one-to-one but unfortunately i don`t own such a skill.Β
I am glad that you like my figures so far!
Maybe Tao seems to be a little bit shy at the moment but i assure you
she is not so fragile.
I just don`t want to bring up another brutal and super strong girl, who`s hitting her friends all the time for every little mistake.
Next time i will maker her a little bit stronger just for you !Β
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tashiandnima [2015-06-19 04:09:29 +0000 UTC]
You've done a GREAT job on your avatar fan comic! As a fellow fan-comic creator, I truly applaud your efforts and all the work you've put into your project! I am very excited to see where this story goes and watch these wonderful characters grow as people and team mates!
The art is beautiful, the dialogue is natural and fun, and you've definitely created something special. Please keep going. I know from personal experience that fan comics with OC's can be a "hard sell" but you've really got something here.
I'll be watching! <3
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IICloudChaserII In reply to tashiandnima [2015-06-19 14:56:46 +0000 UTC]
Ahhhhhh...thx for all the praise but the same goes for you!
I love your comic , the idea of Nima and Tashi is great.
It`s really nice that Nima is not the super power airbender and just a teenager in love ...Β
I don`t know much about Tashi until now, but he`s got his heart on the right place!
The drawings are beautiful especially the Airtempels at the summer solstice festival.... absolute breath taking!
And all the little links to the old series ...you two are really avatar fans!
I hope to hear and see from you more...much more....more more more!!!!!
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FikryFadhillah [2015-06-16 16:42:36 +0000 UTC]
thanks for watching!
btw, please check out our short animation films!
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