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Honey-mo [23412973] [] "confused"

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Favourites: 4248; Deviations: 45; Watchers: 102

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# Comments

Comments: 2680

seanbutler397 [2021-05-17 07:32:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to seanbutler397 [2021-05-17 16:05:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

lauradorseyart [2021-05-04 05:41:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to lauradorseyart [2021-05-04 13:57:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

PalePastels [2021-05-01 18:22:24 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to PalePastels [2021-05-01 18:29:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leefysaurus [2019-10-07 13:13:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to leefysaurus [2019-10-08 04:03:42 +0000 UTC]

of course! I love your art <3

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Narnise [2019-06-07 05:21:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to Narnise [2019-06-09 01:27:10 +0000 UTC]

No problem! Thank you so much for watching me back! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Pajunen [2019-03-06 18:08:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to Pajunen [2019-04-21 21:57:34 +0000 UTC]

You’re welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TwasKitty [2019-01-11 03:30:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the favorite!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-11 03:32:15 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Thank you for the favorites, as well

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-11 03:33:21 +0000 UTC]

Of course! It's no problem, your art is beautiful!

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-11 03:36:46 +0000 UTC]

oof thank you <3 Same to you, I'm jealous of your digital art skills 

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-11 03:53:12 +0000 UTC]

Ah! We're going to keep saying thank you to eachother! haha. Thank you, I still have a very long way to go though! Always improving! I absolutely love the way you draw hair! I have such difficulties with that. You draw yours so fluffy and cute!    
^You don't have to say anything to this, I'll end up going on and on! Especially after you started watching me, I want to thank you 100x more for that, it means more to me than you could ever imagine.  

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-22 04:36:50 +0000 UTC]

pffffff you can't compliment me and watch me and not expect me to say thank you buuuuuut I won't thankyou
It's really awesome to see someone who is sociable and super active (posting every day are you kidding me--) on dA so it's really nice to meet you. Keep it up yo <3 

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-22 05:04:10 +0000 UTC]

hahaha Love the way you by passed the comment. It's my pleasure though, as I said in the past your art is so adorable! I mean, look at the piece you posted today! I want that shirt so much!
Honestly I'm amazed at my posting too, but I'm quite the scheduled person, I can't help it I did force myself to not post Sundays though, gotta have atleast one day right?   It's really nice to meet you too! You keep drawing your art too, I need the cuteness!

Thank you for the favorites explosion!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-23 03:16:31 +0000 UTC]

pshhhh ty ty I'm blushing-- and same tbh giant snuggly t-shirts are my lifeblood

Well it's really impressive and admirable, I envy your motivation! Posting once a month is a miracle for me take all the breaks you need
Thank you, you motivate me to draw more often~

yooooou're welcome I missed a lot of them lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-23 03:57:04 +0000 UTC]

hmm.. I think your comments section's getting a bit long sorry about that haha.

Ah you said you were the one blushing but jeez that's really sweet of you to say. I don't think anyone's ever told me that before haha.   
It's alright that you post only once a month, your work looks like it takes a lot of time and effort. I know many people don't mind waiting for it, atleast I know I don't mind! Plus not a lot of people exactly have the free time like I do at the moment, so it's completely understandable. 
I'm glad I do, I'm excited to see your next piece

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-24 00:58:44 +0000 UTC]

lmao it's fine no one talks to me anyway, don't even worry about it

Well I just always find it crazy when someone has the motivation and skill to actually draw daily and do it well like you do?? Like the last time I did requests there were a couple that took me weeks/close to a month to do bc sometimes I just can't draw well lol it's like you're a wizard

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-24 01:18:25 +0000 UTC]

Whelp good! Don't blame me for bugging you then

Well sometimes I lose my motivation but honestly being on here has helped a lot. I actually only picked up drawing again a couple months ago after dropping it for over half a year... I do occasionally have that moment when I don't want to draw, but I kinda just push through it? Even if I doodle, it's better than nothing
Plus don't worry about not having the time to draw or anything. I don't exactly have the average persons time schedule, with no school or job atm and being quite anti social, I basically do nothing but draw all day taking breaks to read and such. I'm happy you think I draw well! Ah but sometimes I absolutely hate what I draw, I need improvement for sure. Every drawing I've posted took me atleast 3 different trys and like 5-7 sketches... haha I'm definitely far from a wizard! I think you draw amazing, and there are many more people that think so too! I'm still super jealous about your hair skills.

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-24 03:07:07 +0000 UTC]

jfsd;lakjflas as long as you don't mind me bugging you back then I think we'll be okay

Saaaaaame it's like after not drawing for so long I forgot how therapeutic it can be  if I'm happy with the turnout that is lool? That's a good mindset to have, though, just drawing something small a day. AHA I understand the lack of a social life aspect of it- I always have to wait until breaks to see any of my friends. Up until then, I become a hermit lmao but unfortunately I do have classes. So the daily thing will probably not work for me but I think my new aspiration is to upload at least one thing each month
and of course you draw well like what? Your style is so cute- and you have a wide range of what you can draw I love your animals oml. And the fact that you stick with a drawing after multiple tries is sorcery in itself- so I think you've reached wizard-rank at least.
ty ty ty. Hair for some reason has always been my obsession/make-or-break for drawings. And eyes- hence why a ton of my characters have 5 ft. long hair and giant eyes looool it just took a lot of looking at references and other styles that I liked until I could do it on my own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-24 04:28:42 +0000 UTC]

Perfect. I'm interested and how cluttered your comments section will be (I feel bad for those who accidentally press the replies button on the original comment haha)

It really is, as you said though... if its coming together okay at least. haha  My friends and I don't really hangout in real life anymore, mostly due to me and me not wanting to (I love them but I like my alone time. Texting is different though. I just have a very short "People meter" lol) I feel sorta bad doing that to them. They understand though that's what makes them my best friends, and I'm thankful for them! I'd drop everything for them if they needed it and they would do the same.   Oh jeez... I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back to school in the summer. I think my scheduling might have to change. I'm not going for anything major so hopefully it won't be too bad haha   I think once a month is actually pretty reasonable! I've seen people post once every like 6months and it makes me sad so once a month is good, it's not too long!
I never really expected to be drawing these animals as often as I do. I remember drawing my little Mr. Weasel and thinking, "Alright. That's cute but so simple. I should be doing more than that." I've learned that it's so nice to do that though! Take a break and draw something cute for a change, not stressing over hands or poses lmao   hmmm I think my wizardry is just stubbornness in disguise, but hey that better way of saying I'm stubborn, so I'll take it! hahaha 
Oh my gosh. I relate with the long hair, although in my gallery you don't see it too often, my sketchbook is another story. I absolutely love the long hair and big puppy dog eyes, its so cute! I think I need to definitely use more reference and focus on hair. I have mostly a hard time doing it digitally... My hair actually looks pretty good when done in pencil but coloring it is so difficult. Before digital I was mostly just drawing messily with pencil, so it's weird going from that to clean lining and coloring all at once.

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-01-27 19:28:50 +0000 UTC]

LOL let's set a record for the longest comment thread challenge accepted and appreciated
Yeeeeeah for me the inspiration/motivation to draw comes once in a blue moon and it's usually when I need to be doing something else, unfortunately lool. You and I are literally the same person- I love seeing my friends, but afterwards I'm always exhausted from socializing. I feel like I rarely see them mostly due to all of us attending different colleges, which makes me sad BUT I'm transferring in the fall so I really hope I see them more often then *crosses fingers* But I'm glad your friends are understanding, I can only hope mine understand my situation, as well lmao. I feel like class over the summer is more chill- I've only been in college long enough to spend one summer in class, and the classes are usually full of people who are serious about their education, so it's not disruptive?? Lol ignore me if that's irrelevant to you, but that's just been my general experience As long as you have the passion/desire to draw, I think you'll be fine <3
I'm legitimately jealous of your animals, I want to cuddle them all tbh And for real, not stressing and worrying over what you draw is the best- and I think requests are the best way to accomplish that because there's little pressure to get anything perfect and it's also giving you a variety of designs and styles to interpret?? If I wasn't so unreliable with posting art I'd probably open requests, too lool. Haha the only time I've been called a wizard was for procrastinating super important things but still pulling them off last minute lol. So you can be the wizard of stubbornness and I can be the wizard of procrastination it's destiny
Thank yooooou I love that description lolol <3 And I totally get that! That's why most of my art is the traditional layer with digital underneath it- bc when I do the lineart it makes the hair look so stiff. I think just a combination of multiple tutorials and references will help out a lot, and if you would like I could help if you want

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-01-27 21:34:44 +0000 UTC]

Ah all my friends are still in high school or graduated but super busy so I understand It's really difficult to see eachother as you grow older and have to go to different schools or start working full time and such. Plus I'm always that third wheel now, not fun. haha. Hopefully since you're going to attend school with them you will see them more often that'd be really nice! I'm so nervous about starting college, so much to do, doesn't help with the year off I took. I'll need to get back into the rhythm of things, and fast.. It's nice to know there aren't disruptive people in the classes you took, I spent most of my high school in home school due to not being able to focus with so many people around so that'll be another little difficulty, but it's alright!Surprisingly I'm not actually going to college for arts..; Most have expected me too but I enjoy caring for children and would love to work with them. Art will always be either a side income or hobby to me, I don't want it to feel like a job or like I'm forced to do it.. I tend to stress easily so this is what works for me!

Aw thank you, it really is nice to not even have to sketch 20 different times and to just go with the flow of something simpler.   The requests do help with making me try different things, and would totally recommend if you get time one day. Although, don't do what I did. I took 14 requests and like 3 full bodies which I'm learning now I should've asked for at least a bit of payment. I don't like charging but each full body takes me almost a full 8-12 hours to complete ( I finish fast since I do'nt sleep much) But..Still that's a lot of effort and I'd hate for others to do what I did and not get payed...  I just need to think of myslef as the same as others, I suppose Perfect! We're both wizards then! WooHoo! haha

 I think I'm slowly getting better at hair but I'm coming upon the issue that I realized I have no idea how I want it to look. Like I don't want super realistic I think but I don't want cartoony. I just need to find some middle ground that works for me.. I've tried tutorials but like I said I have such a hard time liking any of the styles I try. Practice will come in handy though, it's getting a bit better and I just do what feels right rather than worrying so much. I don't really know how you could help at the moment, but if I ever have a question about it atleast I know to ask!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-02-06 23:44:36 +0000 UTC]

LOL yeah, adulting makes one very busy. And yeah, college can seem scary at first (it's really kicking my ass right now not going to lie lool but it is my capstone semester so) and it is super tough to get back in the swing of things, but I have faith in you <3 and SAME- it's like just because someone can draw doesn't mean they automatically pursue it for a career lmao My grandparents were so adamant that I take graphic design and I'm like how about no lol. And I love children too! My major is actually early education so
Yeah, for the amount of art that you do and the quality of it, I don't think it's too much for you to ask for something in return LOL Requests are nice for practice, but when you're doing full on lineart and color, I don't think people should expect that for free???? I mean if you're offering it, yeah, but it should also be fair to ask for payment, eventually.
Expecto patronum homie
I think the main point of hair, realistic or otherwise, is it's fluidity. It's like water I guess, unless you're doing big frizzy hair or something, but otherwise, it drapes and moves easily so yup lmao It's all about finding a style, too. You'll get to where you want to be in no time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-02-07 01:01:30 +0000 UTC]

Hope it gets better Aw thank you for having faith in me haha  
Ah Luckily you were able to go with what you'd like. My grandparents were the same way with pushing for an art career, but my father isn't too fond of art. He doesn't hate it, but he knows it's not too reliable income wise, which is understandable. My mom couldn't care less, as long as I do what I want and live a somewhat okay life, I think. Plus like I previously said sometimes when you're forced to do something, it can be less fun and more tiring... Children are so sweet when they aren't related to you, or are atleast under 10yrs old. My little brothers almost 10 this month... and phew... it's a challenge, but I love him haha. It's great you're majoring in early education! While I'm planning to go to school for early development.. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with it. I had a job lined out for a daycare but sadly he closed it due to the parents. He put a child in time-out for five minutes for hitting another child and the parents blew up on him.(wasn't the cause for closing, he just didn't like dealing with the overbearing parents) I love kids, but I think I'm terrified of dealing with the parents nowadays. lmao. I did volunteer in the past for a teachers aid, it was quite fun, but who knows. Right now I'm just sorting out how to go around signing up for scholarships and such... So fun...

Thank you, I hope to open commissions soon, while doing a few freebie things here and there (contests, raffles, few frees for long time watchers, etc). I need a new computer so hopefully I'll be able to save up for it one day in the future. Kinda wish I could get a job to help out but kinda "forbidden" to, it's pretty funny. While I know I should be grateful not to be I know I have to save up to make a life for myself in the future, let alone I live in California where things are far from cheap... So basically, I'm beating the system of being forced not to have a job with opening commissons. lol I plan to put 2/3 away for computer, then 1/3 for "savings" eventhough I won't be charging too much, it's better than nothing.

That makes sense, I think I've been getting a tad better with drawing hair somewhat consistently. I'm trying not to be so strict with it, and just allow it to flow with only a bit of guidance, I guess. Oh yes.. frizzy hair has no direction, consumes everything in it's path haha.

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-02-10 01:39:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks bruh <3 I survived the week tg.
And yeah, that's totally plausible. And something to me about having a career in art/design, I usually don't like it when people tell me what to draw or something?? Unless it's for a friend or I explicitly open requests or something, I get kind of frustrated with being forced to draw/design something lmao But I guess that's different for the individual.
AHA ikr my younger siblings are both in their early teens and they've taken to imitating literally everything I say- they're bullies but I love them too lolol. So when you go into the workforce, you want to just work with children? 
LOL I get that feel. Parents can be pretty entitled- one thing I've learned in my education course is that a lot of parents have a looooooot of opinions on what the education system should be like when they know literally nothing about the system lmao. I don't think you have to be worried about parental figures if you're doing your job right lol 
That's lit, I wish you success in your endeavor for a computer And lol I don't have a job either lmao My parents are exactly the same- like I have an older brother who kind of dropped out of college so he's been focused on a job, while I have classes and they say that as long as I'm doing well with my academic stuff, I don't have to worry about a job. Your saving system sounds pretty smart though
LMAO yes, thick frizzy hair likes to take over-

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-02-10 03:37:10 +0000 UTC]

Yay, you survive! haha
Ah I'm the same way. Like you said it's one thing if you ask for them to tell you or actually fully willing to, but to be told you Have to. I dislike so much. lol I completely understand where you're coming from.
Oh no! xD I have only one younger brother (10) and an older one (21) quite troublesome, but I also love them. That's so cute they mimic you though, but I can see how that'd also not be the best....   Hmm.. yeah I have a few ideas of work I want to look into, but with my small town there's not too many options. We have an elementary school and I wanted to be one of those teachers that work one on one with special needs children (can't remember what they're called) But the school is absolutely horrible. We might be moving out of state though in the next few years so who knows maybe more job opportunities will open up for me?
That's true I understand if I do my job right it won't cause issues, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Yeah... They can be quite entitled just because they have kids and lived longer, they think they know everything about the world
Thank you. haha While it can be an annoyance not working it's also quite nice at the same time not being forced to. I'm not exactly told I don't have to get one, I'm literally banned from it though xD That makes the rebel in me want to retaliate and ruin the free time I'm given. I'm glad you're doing well academic wise, and aren't require to get a job though.

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-07-28 14:17:56 +0000 UTC]

It's been months since I've responded to this LOL I forgot what we were talking about 
I get where you're coming from though, about finding work!! Lucky for me where I live, there are a ton of schools looking for help because they literally just opened a new elementary school. I don't have a teaching license yet, so I hope the situation will stay the same in the future fingers crossed haha. I actually have been working as an IA for the past few weeks, and my last day is this coming Thursday! Which is why I haven't been on or posting art so often- BUT I do look through my inbox every now and again and I see that you've still stayed super busy in terms of art It was really cool to see how much your style has developed in such a short time- and it's really improved!! Especially your coloring/shading, it's super impressive just how much better you've gotten <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-07-28 18:41:05 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I completely forgot what we were talking about also!
That's wonderful you have so much opportunities there for that field of work. Even though you don't have your license yet, still congratulations for working as an IA! That's great! No worries at all that you don't have time to post muh. It's a shame to not be able to see your artwork much anymore, but you seem to really be getting well in your life and are quite busy at the moment. It's completely understandable. Thank you so much for thinking I improved I've had all the time in the world to draw though, haha. My whole school game plan has changed. I'm no longer going for Early child development. I'm planning to get into some medical billing or something along those lines in trade school. However, that may be a bit of time since I still don't even have my drivers license yet. Only just got my permit the other day and I need quite a while behind the wheel to be able to drive where schooling is by myself, so it's a waiting game. lol. 

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-07-28 22:50:31 +0000 UTC]

Lol time really flies by!!
Thank yoooooou~ it's been an adventure haha it's really difficult to get little kids to focus on school, especially in the summer, apparently!! And hey!!! Switching goals for the future is awesome. Wouldn't want to go through years of money and time to get a degree you don't even want And I've always thought trade school is a super efficient and good plan to have- learning a trade in most cases seems to do more than a degree! And don't even worry about that driver's license- I waited until I graduated high school to get mine, too lol! Good luck with everything, though!! Especially with all the hours of practice driving haha that takes forever-
You're so sweet <3 <3 I think I'm going to try and post more soon! I'm actually kind of on a drawing kick right now and I also just impulse bought someones character they were selling so LOL hopefully I'll have a bit more of a presence on dA soon vwv

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-07-29 01:44:04 +0000 UTC]

It definitely does! lol
Of course! haha, I bet they are. I couldn't imagine trying to get kids to pay attention to schooling, especially in summer! For sure. Sometimes it's good to rethink a few things. I'd hate going to school for years only to find out it's just not for me. Yeah, trade school's not the worst to go to! Pretty good schooling, great pricing, and it'll help me get a job quicker when I finish, so that's great. Thank you! It's only a matter of time. I'll eventually be able to drive one day. Seems like it might take forever, but shouldn't take too long! xD
I'm so glad to hear that! I look forward to seeing more posts from you. Those impulse buys, I know all about those lol. Can't wait to see what character you bought, they must be lovely! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-07-29 18:31:32 +0000 UTC]

Ah man seriously lol it was so rough today, all the kids were still wired from the weekend so they didn't want to do anything lmao! It really makes me wonder what they're like during the school year, bc summer school sessions are only from like 9AM-1PM. Regular school, they'll be there for three more hours!! 
Yeah, trade schools are super cool. If my job didn't require a degree or if I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, I'd totally go to a trade school. It really sets you up for a career much better than college-
Np!! <3 It'll be a long few months, I'll give you that lmao are you required 40 hours of experience?? I don't know if it differs from state to state...I didn't really think of it lmao ALSO do you have to parallel park for your test??
Dude you'll see my new son soon enough LMAO- I really went back and forth with buying him bc I've never bought anything for money, especially characters- but I looked at him and a story instantly popped in my head for him and I was just like fuck it haha
If you're somewhat maybe interested in a new character for kind of cheap (at least the section I bought from was-) I can link you the journal?? The person who is selling is doing it for emergency money, so I'd figure I would ask just to try and help out a bit ;v; If not it's cool!!

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-07-29 20:26:53 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm glad you survived! I couldn't imagine teaching the kids for longer than that many hours, jeez. Especially right after the weekend. Sounds like it'd take a lot of patience! Lol
They are quite cool. However going to a regular college is far from bad too. I suppose it depends on the person and lifestyle. Sometimes that's the best option for them for what they want to do for work in the future. Either way, any schooling will help get you work! Yeah it will be a long couple months, but I'll manage. I'm pretty sure where I live they require 60-or so days after getting your permit. After that you take the driving test. It'd be different if I wasn't over 18 though. If I was underage, I'd need to take a class, driving lessons, and have the amount of hours driving come into play.  And... yes, sadly, parallel parking will be in the test... :,(
Oh wow, I'm so glad you got him then! Trust me, I've missed out on so many characters I kept going back to but never bought. Still regret it. lol. He sounds like he'll be a fun character with how his story just popped up when you saw him, he'll be amazing for sure.
Aw, really wish I could. I don't actually have any way of spending actual currency online right now. ;-; Paypal is a weird one that doesn't seem to like me. (Honestly I just need to sort it out one day.. but it's so much work in my lazy mindset, haha.) Feel free to link it though or let me know the persons name. Maybe it'll urge me to finish setting it up. Lmao

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-08-02 22:44:21 +0000 UTC]

Haha ty! My last day was yesterday, actually so now I’m free to worry about college registration rip. Yeah it’s kind of rough, bc although the time is short, that means getting through material is difficult, especially when the kids are antsy and don’t pay attention lol. But at that point, the teacher I was working with was just like “you know- this is all we can do, we can’t force them to focus”. At least summer school is more lenient in that respect haha.

You’re right though. It definitely depends on what career you’re going for. I guess having so many options is like a double edged sword XD You just have to hope that whatever course you take it helps in the long run.

OOF that sucks I’m so sorry. I really wish you luck with your test, I’m sure you’ll do fine! I was lucky enough not to have to parallel park- actually the test I took was way too easy, imo. It’s like too many people pass who aren’t necessarily ready for the road?? And even despite how easy the test was, the instructor I was with was like “it’s really nice to give the test to people who know how to drive” and like- that implies some people weren’t able to do the bare minimum?? If that makes any sense sorry I’m ranting lmao! Are you nervous at all about driving?? I don’t remember if I’ve asked you that already ha-

Ahh I know that feel, though. I’ll try to post something of him soon before I travel! I also relate to the whole online money thing- I made a paypal account just for this instance and it was an anxiety-inducing experience loool. I hope you get it sorted out eventually though- or at least find another way to spend money online!!

The user selling characters is SleepyJae- they’re selling a pretty wide variety of species as well as humanoid one. But that’s their user if you want to just peek at what they’re offering! <3 

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-08-06 19:36:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh yay, but oh no Yeah, I bet it's difficult when you have so little time to teach them, but atleast summer school is a bit more carefree in that sense.

Haha. Exactly. Options are great, but can also be a bit of a hassle! Just have to hope you take the one that's for you.

Wow really? I feel like your town would be very scary to drive in, in that case! It's actually the same around here, kinda. People never go to the one in the closest down because of how difficult it is. So they all crowd to the next few towns over to pass the driving test xD. It's quite sad how easily it is to pass the test though. It's just obvious some people shouldn't be on the road. I've driven a few times the last few days and haven't done terribly. Although I can't drive with my father anymore. He panics and actually attempted to grab my wheel from me when driving (That'd be okay, but I was not at all driving badly at that time.) I was doing a U-turn on a road since he thought it'd be best to tell me to turn exactly at the turn and tell me to use my blinker(Which he didn't tell me where it was and frankly I didn't want to hit random things), which wasn't possible to turn at with less than a seconds notice so I missed the turn. So.. yeah my mother is now in charge of that, thankfully. lmao. I'm not nervous at all really driving, surprisingly. I'm only uneasy when certain people are in the car. I had to drive with my whole family, besides my mother, in the car (So my little bro was there) while I drove on a new road and frankly that made me slightly nervous. Other than that, I'm pretty alright.

Woohoo! Can't wait! Haha, yeah, I can see it being extremely anxiety-inducing. It's still causing me problems, since I don't have an ID and it just seems weird that I need to send a picture of proof before being able to claim any money. Quite annoying, but maybe it'd be better if I opened up a bank account or something. Who knows. I hope I can too!

Aw, they do have quite the array of characters. Hm, I don't think any really caught my eye, although there are super cute ones. 

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-08-14 14:30:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah lmao. Sometimes it just seems like glorified babysitting though lol!

Exactlyyy especially when you're not sure which option is best?? Becoming an adult is so stressful LMAOoo

IT IS especially in the downtown areas oml. OMG what a mood though XDDD It was the complete opposite with me- my dad taught me to drive and he grabbed the wheel, too- but that was because he had really good reflexes?? And I was totally about to drive in the opposite two-way lane because I got distracted by a Christmas tree lmao- and my mom STILL freaks out when I drive even though I've had my license for years- and when she gets scared she's the type to literally scream and cover her eyes it's a mess. Which is why I try my best not to drive with her in the car LMAO. But I relate because I'm sure I'd be the same way- I kind of am when I'm with my friend who drives horridly- I don't scream though lolol. OOF that's scary! I've never driven with my whole family in the car, just my four siblings. Good for you though, not being too scared of driving! <3 That will definitely help as you learn/go through the process of being able to drive legally on your own lol.

Yeah for real though. But I understand the whole security thing I guess- I'm sure both you and the people paying for things don't just want their money floating around lol. On facebook for my birthday I did a digital fundraiser for the ASPCA and my grandparents were like "fuck no-" and gave me like physical money and were like "do what you want with it but I don't trust the internet-" and I thought it was kind of funny lol!

Yeah~ they do have a specific style/species thing that would take like certain people to go for especially the ones that were $200+ omfg. I think I lucked out a bit lol But thanks for looking!!

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-08-16 03:40:55 +0000 UTC]


Ugh! It really is so stressful, I'm not ready for it at all! I don't think there are many people who are ready for it though. lmao

Oh gosh, not the Christmas trees! I'm glad your dad was helpful with that though, could've been a bit of a bad situation. I couldn't imagine driving with your mom, wow. It'd freak me out so much! I don't know how you do it. Well it's understandable to be scared of others driving abilities.. but to scream? That's just panic anyone and everyone! Lol! Some people are just really scary drivers though.
Yeah it was a bit stressful, but I got through driving with all of them! It will, for sure, help me with driving on my own. A few days ago I was able to drive with just my mom and wow.. I did so much better at driving! I'm so happy. She doesn't yell at me or leave me in complete silence which was nice (Talking and radio) Kinda helped calm my nerves. So atleast now I know that I just need to drive with the right people, haha.

Yeah, true. The security is far from a bad thing when dealing with actual money - however it's still annoying. lmao. Some people are just so against trusting online things with their money especially. Can't blame them though, it is quite a weird thing you can do for basically everything nowadays! At least they helped out still without doing it digitally I suppose! lol

They do! Such beautiful characters, but it'd just take certain people interested in them. Oh jeez, I saw that too... so much money. Yeah of course! They were nice to look at!

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-08-18 17:41:33 +0000 UTC]

fjdskjfaks seriously. I read somewhere that it's like from the ages of 18-25 people don't know what they're doing lol it's a little too true

YEAH IK- and it's funny bc she'll yelp or scream and I'm like WHATWHAT- bc I'm not sure if I missed something or like a car is coming and then she's like "oh never mind you're fine" but my heart beats so fast for like another five minutes bc she scared me so much lmao! I'm so happy for you though!! It's great to gain confidence in something that's so nerve-wracking! haha that's so true XD

True! And when you can use your phone/thumbprint as a card in stores and scan things to buy it- I really don't trust that haha! The technological age is approaching. Alas, I'm too inept at it to survive it-

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-08-20 18:22:04 +0000 UTC]

Haha, it really is spot on!

Oh gosh. I can't imagine. It's easy to see why your heart would beat fast for so long, jeez. I suppose I'm thankful not having to deal with that type of person driving with me! Props to you for being able to, lmao, I'd completely panic. It is! I'm really glad I'm not too worried by it like I thought I would be!

Yeah, being able to do that is just so strange. It doesn't feel secure at all and honestly I think I'm too inept at it to survive it too. haha. Times are a-changing though! Gotta somehow figure out how to adapt to these weird things. xD

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-08-29 21:06:20 +0000 UTC]


Yeah seriously lol And especially driving is so traumatizing for me sometimes. Like I've been driving for almost two years now and I still wake up with small nightmares about running over mailboxes or hitting someones car when I'm parking it's so ridiculous. Especially now that I commute to college and drive on the highway four days out of the week lmao. Ofc! I think it's something people deal with differently, and it kind of sucks that driving is pretty much 100% necessary to function in american society?? Like there's no universal transport and unless you have someone to drive you places you're pretty much out of luck lmao.

Yo same!! It's like in some aspects I'm super paranoid and reluctant at using technology, especially for things concerning money, and then with other things I'm too lax and totally clueless about how things work XD And it's just getting more complicated as technology progresses like plz stop-

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-09-02 18:25:59 +0000 UTC]

Completely understandable! Oh gosh, haha. I thought I was crazy to have those dreams! I'm glad to know that they occur to those even after two years of driving. They absolutely suck. lmao. That sounds so stressful to drive on the highway four days a week... Yeah maybe! Right?? You cant do basically anything without driving. Mmhm, I wish there where more public transports or something. Even "cabs" are over 100$ just to drive 15minutes away - it's just insane. If you can't drive theres seriously no hope for you. Lol. it's awful.

I'm the same exact way. xD Technology is just so weird. I'm afraid whats going to be added in the future besides money and such. We must adapt somehow, but how do we when they keep complicating things in a matter of days?? I'm not even in the older generations and I can't keep up. How will we survive?? Have mercy. Lmao

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-09-05 20:14:52 +0000 UTC]

Haha this is so ironic because I was actually in a car accident yesterday. No one was physically hurt and it wasn't too bad, but dude it really sucked. I think the dreams are super normal- like even my dad who is a super confident driver says he gets them sometimes. However, they're not as mundane as hitting a mailbox like in mine LOL- But yeah, it's nearly impossible to avoid owning/driving a car unless you want to be stuck in a small town/city and never go anywhere for the rest of your life LMAO. We should up and move to Europe where they get everywhere by train or maybe an Asian country where they bike everywhere haha. There's just too much money and jobs that go into the transportation industry in America so there's like no way that the US is going to give that up fhskadjhfakls.

Same, seriously. It kind of reminds me of like the economy and the bank, how it was created to be as facilitated as possible and just- as straightforward as possible. Yet to me it seems so convoluted and impossible when it's supposed to be accessible to everyone do you know what I mean???? So now with tech, it's like "oh you can shortcut this and connect this to this and use your fingerprint with this and scan this" and it's like, unless your brain is wired for it, it's not going to be simplified at all?? I'm probably just going to have to find a rock to live under or something haha it's nice to know someone else in my age group is as inept with tech as I am lmao!!

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-09-09 04:38:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh no. Yeah, I bet... doesn't sound fun to be in an accident, big or small. I'm really glad you're alright! Good to know I'm not crazy for having these dreams then, haha. Although I couldn't imagine having ones in worse accidents than hitting mail boxes that's be kinda scary to experience. Mmhm, definitely. We really should. lol. It's a shame America doesn't rely on public transport more, but like you said - how the industry is right now. It's far from believable that they'd give that up. I wouldn't mind riding buses or something around to places. Sadly only have one weird bus stop in my town. Honestly don't know where it goes. Thought to take it one day just to see, but with my poor directions, fear of asking or talking to people to know, and the closest town being 30mins by car away... probably not the best idea. I'd get stranded or lost in a heartbeat. Lmao

Yep! It's just so bizarre. Then again everyone has access to technology these days; Wifi, phone, etc. Either way though, it seem to be progressing so fast it's so hard to keep up even with that. Like you said the everything's a shortcut, but is it really with very few being able to get used to it before a whole new tech comes out. It's not exactly a shortcut or simplified when you think about it. I remember how confused everyone was with the card chips, but finally people are getting used to them and there's now new phone scan things, I guess? I give up. Save me a spot under that rock. Actually while we are struggling - the children now a days are really doing well somehow with this and the changes. Like they actually seem to be able to keep up without the struggle. I can't tell you how many times I have to ask my 9 year old brother for help on technology or games now. I feel old... haha. May have gotten screw over a bit being born slightly early and/or late. I feel as though we're right between so we need to either learn to adapt very quickly all the time or be completely inept in the technology department. Lol

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Honey-mo In reply to TwasKitty [2019-09-14 15:41:01 +0000 UTC]

Lol yeah it’s been a little rough not having a car as well- but I guess these things are bound to happen unfortunately smh. It’s kind of weird though!! You’d think your mind would come up with the worst possible scenario, but then it’s just...hitting mailboxes or parked cars LOL. Yeah there’s a lot of things we as a country (or even internationally) do because we’ve done it for years and change would be too radical in the immediate years, despite how good change would be in the long run. LMAO literally same!! I’ve been to New York once and thank god it was with my dad who has been there a thousand times bc the subway system was insane lol. Maybe find a friend or someone to go with you??? Bc that sounds fun, and being lost with someone is better than being lost alone haha

LITERALLY SAME I ask my little brother for help all the time, or to get things set up for me bc im hopeless- the most tech-savvy thing I’ve done recently is connect the wii to the tv after it was taken to another house lol!! Dude we really are in that generation that is a total grey area it’s insane. Like are we millennials or gen z??? The internet says multiple things- but it’s like so crazy that we can’t really identify with a group? Because we’re too young to be “90’s kids” (although I was born 1999 so technically I am??? But I was barely a conscious person so it’s not like I could remember the 90’s LMAO) but too old to really identify with like, kids who use fidget spinners and vape LOL

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TwasKitty In reply to Honey-mo [2019-09-15 21:47:25 +0000 UTC]

Mmhm, Hopefully you get it repaired or get a new one soon. Kinda difficult to do basically anything without one . Haha, right?? One of the only dreams of car crashing I can remember so clearly is driving off the road into a field - barely any problems. Dreams are strange. Yeah, definitely and it'd just so problematic to make changes if done immediately, but who knows, maybe they'll implement them slowly. Oh jeez, New York sounds like a nightmare without someone with you to help navigate a bit. Really glad you had your dad with you, that sounds stressful. lmao.  Maybe I should! In all honesty I don't really have friends to drag with me though. haha. Most of my friends are more "long distance" ones - not that all of them live far away, more so we only see each other or even maybe text every 6-12months. Getting lost would definitely be more fun with others rather than by yourself, probably a bit safer too. lol

Oh good, so glad I'm not the only one who asks a younger sibling for help on tech related stuff. xD I think that's one of the only tech-savvy things I've done too! I hooked up a Nintendo Switch (kinda) with help from my bros. It's crazy to think I used to be a 'pro' at gaming a few years ago, what happen to these things?? Exactly. We are in such a grey area, it's so confusing. I suppose I'd be more so not in a grey area according to people (Born 2001), but yeah... There seems to be no middle ground between those you said - 90s kids or kids vaping and fidget spinning. I really think the late 90s and early 2000s are a strange area of confusion, they almost mend together into something not recorded. Must say it's quite interesting though. Lmao

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FreeingMyAngelWings [2018-08-13 15:07:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the Fav!  

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