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| HappyNisa
# Statistics
Favourites: 652; Deviations: 77; Watchers: 17
Watching: 50; Pageviews: 10110; Comments Made: 881; Friends: 50
# Comments
Comments: 167
HappyNisa In reply to EmisBakery [2014-02-28 20:15:55 +0000 UTC]
Yesh, itsa me~
We made tha bentos together~~ Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Lundorei [2013-02-25 19:06:30 +0000 UTC]
Oh Hi Nisa So this is your deviant-art, I knew you had one, strangely I couldn't find you
Hm, I must have done something wrong.
Thanks for the watch though!!
π: 0 β©: 1
HappyNisa In reply to Lundorei [2013-02-27 12:48:29 +0000 UTC]
Heheh hi hi~
I didn't think I'd be so hard to find XD
Also thank you and you're very welcome
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Lundorei In reply to HappyNisa [2013-02-27 20:13:37 +0000 UTC]
Well, I didn't know if your deviant id would have the same name as your youtube account ^.^'
I remember once you had your id linked on your youtube page but it wasn't there anymore, I guess that's why I never found you
+ I never thought of typing your name here >.>
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C-h-i-m-e-r [2012-08-16 11:40:28 +0000 UTC]
How are you doing HappyOne ?
Long time no see
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HappyNisa In reply to C-h-i-m-e-r [2012-08-17 17:54:17 +0000 UTC]
*huggles* noo indeeeddd~~~ *huggles some more*
How are ya? T^T you added me and I was like CHIMER~~!!!!
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C-h-i-m-e-r In reply to HappyNisa [2012-08-18 18:42:43 +0000 UTC]
*Huggles too*
Same as before, totaly quited the "community", work and friends now
Lol i was watching Youtube and well i remembered you were here, so... Here i watch ^^
say hi to Cipher and Hard gay xD for me, they make me laught so often ^^
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HappyNisa In reply to C-h-i-m-e-r [2012-08-19 09:59:24 +0000 UTC]
o.o If you quitted everything then what are you doing right now @_@
Lol how does watching youtube remind you i was here? xD I'm on youtube too, so it would be more logical if you remembered I was on youtube too while watching youtube vids XD whahah
but ehm I don't talk to Cipher and Hard Gay a lot o.o but if I ever do I'l lsay hi for you
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C-h-i-m-e-r In reply to HappyNisa [2012-08-20 09:29:41 +0000 UTC]
What am i doing now ? i'm here xD
Since you are an artist, i thought i would find you here, plus i have Manga wolf in my firends, so it just took like 30 seconds to find you
why don't you talk with them ?
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HappyNisa In reply to C-h-i-m-e-r [2012-08-20 15:14:01 +0000 UTC]
Whaha yeaaahhh I'm stalking his work XD so shouldnt be hard to find me XD
And i dunno, I don't have any reason not to, it just doesnt happen o.o I talk a lot, but I still cant talk to everyone XD
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Candor-Shade [2012-07-02 04:41:52 +0000 UTC]
Wows. I have moar pageviews than you XD But you has way more watchers than me wut
Endless stream of mediocre art beats several cute pictures of cats.
Are you ignoring me ._. I see you've met such great new friends or just people that say thanks. Not even sure you remember me any more or just remember me as "dat crazy kid".
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HappyNisa In reply to Candor-Shade [2012-07-07 22:13:03 +0000 UTC]
Lol congrats and err sorry? Pageviews and followers aren't really under my control, hehehe ^^"
And what can I say... cats...<3
Lol yeah lots of people say thanks ^.^ kinda nice no? and sure I remember you.. you're the one that really nicely decorated his agenda diary thingie with drawings *nods* you also even made a drawing of me *nods nods* and well lots of other drawings and if I remember correctly your name was Andy? and you had these long emails you send me which alos included lots of other peoples I didn't know and you creeped me out by telling me your fantasies .__. Nope didn't forget you
Also .___. I was on vacation last week without interwebs... sorry if I seemed to have ignored you >.<" wasnt on purpose
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Candor-Shade In reply to HappyNisa [2012-07-08 05:34:30 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I like pushing buttons and treating strangers like they're friends I've already known for some time. I don't like how should I say this, manipulating my attitude. Let's just say I have these quirks both online and in persn. Really, thanks for the reply XP.
You just chilling in college? The past year wasn't great for me as you can see the crazy stuff I'm obsessed with currently, so er yeah... Kind of suck with presenting myself and dunno if I can get a job or something, still don't think I'll publish my novels. Probably will also camp in college for four years. Grats on turning 19 or whatever.
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HappyNisa In reply to Candor-Shade [2012-07-08 12:02:25 +0000 UTC]
*pats pats* no problemo
Err not really chilling but yep... And for a job *shrugs* as long as you don't really need it... and when you do need it .___. there has to be some job with which appearance doesnt matter no? or where they could use peoplelike you?
Ahahah thanks ^.^ I'm 19 now indeed ^.^
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Candor-Shade In reply to HappyNisa [2012-07-09 04:50:27 +0000 UTC]
I was just feeling kind of better that you replied, I know that there are a lot of so called "nice" people but they usually try to make say minimal contact with me. How should I say this, it always feels that those nice people are sort of keeping themselves in their bubbles. It feels good to know there are people that are willing to reach out.
What, appearance? Idk it's more like my social nature. I feel you'd make a good "person who works at Starbucks" or something, but maybe yous a little too happy for a therapist? XP
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HappyNisa In reply to Candor-Shade [2012-07-09 09:35:44 +0000 UTC]
I work at an icecreamshop(/lunchroom) ^.^ isn't that a perfect fit? *chuckles* but well... I can be serious you know... I dunno how often I've had to act likesome kinda therapist for my friends >.<" apperently I know what to say to calm them down and I know how to listen. Well I don't mind so much as long as they feel better again For me needing a therapist *shrugs* I have my very depressed moments too... but they go away by themselves... suppose it's just not in my nature to b depressed for too long (btw you know reading your "therapist" I read "the rapist" XD and I was like WUT?! xD then I noticed there was no space inbetween lol)
Oh and glad I made you feel better by simply replying And for that... well they might just retreat in order not to say mean things... you know... taking a break so you don't make a huge fight over nothing but a slip of the tongue ._.
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HappyNisa In reply to ZutaraMushroom [2012-07-07 22:07:10 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome ^.^
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MoonyMina [2012-04-22 14:51:06 +0000 UTC]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! wish you wonderful surprises and and a great day!
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hirolu [2011-12-30 00:15:18 +0000 UTC]
Hello Nisa!
Thank you so much for all the faves!
Much appreciated!
I wish you good luck for the next year!
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HappyNisa In reply to hirolu [2011-12-30 13:50:33 +0000 UTC]
Awnn <3 You're welcome!! I really liked your photographs :3 have a happy new year yourself
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hirolu In reply to HappyNisa [2012-01-02 00:15:22 +0000 UTC]
aww thank you so much kindly!
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flamestar6 [2011-12-15 13:47:50 +0000 UTC]
here's a llama
there's a llama
and another little llama
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HappyNisa In reply to Cyril-Helnwein [2011-11-13 17:15:44 +0000 UTC]
Lol you're welcome~ love that rabbithole and love that you atually dug a hole XD
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Ledrah [2011-11-07 12:01:29 +0000 UTC]
i returned YOU with a llama hope it kills you in your sleep
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Glowing-Neon-Hearts [2011-08-29 23:26:07 +0000 UTC]
I found you Nisaaaa!!!! <3 *glomps* +watch (it's Lovely. from MC)
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panda69680102 [2011-08-17 02:24:14 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the 's. I am sorry to be posting this so late, but I have been really busy. I really do appreciate it though.
π: 0 β©: 1
HappyNisa In reply to panda69680102 [2011-08-18 19:30:03 +0000 UTC]
Awnn don't sweat about it Thanks for thanking though lol lol
π: 0 β©: 0
blackorchid2007 [2011-07-15 17:48:13 +0000 UTC]
Give β₯ο»Ώ Thisβ₯ Toο»Ώο»Ώ β₯ The β₯ Twelve β₯ Nicest β₯ People β₯ You β₯ο»Ώ Know β₯ If β₯ You β₯ο»Ώ Get β₯ο»Ώ Five β₯ο»Ώ Backο»Ώ β₯ You β₯ Mustο»Ώ β₯ο»Ώ Beο»Ώ β₯ Perfectο»Ώ β₯
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