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| Hanamorona
# Statistics
Favourites: 4896; Deviations: 288; Watchers: 59
Watching: 142; Pageviews: 20221; Comments Made: 2350; Friends: 142
# Comments
Comments: 981
Imagimind38 [2016-11-27 04:44:04 +0000 UTC]
Hiiii Anime lover ^___^ Just wanted to stop by and thank you for favoring my drawing of Nagisa and to let you know that I will be drawing all of the characters from clannad finishing my collection everyday or 2!! I'm almost done with kotom don't forget to stop by to check it outi. ~Bre
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Vhestale [2016-11-26 13:10:05 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thank you a lot for the fave!
Plus, I love you profile picture X'D. Also: NaruHina, yeah! /o/
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Devi-Tiger [2016-11-21 16:21:19 +0000 UTC]
Hi thank you very much for my Pokemon cross stitches it really means a lot to me
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kuroneru [2016-11-18 11:38:39 +0000 UTC]
Hi there, thank you for the I really appreciate it!
Hope you have a lovely day
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Lucy-H9 [2015-07-21 08:40:52 +0000 UTC]
شوفيني رسمت رسمة العيد XD
تصدقي ؟ احس شكل شخصيتي بتسيحة ديان احلى ...افكر اخلليها على طول كذا
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Lucy-H9 [2015-07-07 12:33:19 +0000 UTC]
لساتني جالسه اتفرج ببداية الحلقه
البطله نسخ لصق منك حتى شخصيتها
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DamaiMikaz [2015-06-30 22:50:27 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for adding my work to your collection.
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Lucy-H9 [2015-06-30 11:53:25 +0000 UTC]
في واحد اجنبي يقل لي اني بروح جهنم لاني اكره الشواذ.........
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Hanamorona In reply to Lucy-H9 [2015-06-30 18:35:50 +0000 UTC]
ماعليك قسم بالله اني ودي استغفر الله بس انا مارديت الا لما يغيرون كعبتنا ويخلونها قوس قزح الله يقرفهم
والي يقول احنا نتبنى عشان مافي احد يتبني الاطفال راح تزيدهم أكثر الا هم فيها
اخ بس يا زمن وتستمر الحياة
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Lucy-H9 In reply to Hanamorona [2015-07-02 11:12:23 +0000 UTC]
متى غييرو كعبتنا ؟ قولي لي السالفه خن امسكها عليهم
ايه واحد قل لي نفس الشي قلت له وش ذنب اليتامى المساكين تتبناهم عائلة شواذ ...واصلا بالله لو كنت يتيم بتثق بعائلة شواذ تتبناك ؟ بالعكس مصيرك بيكون انك تصير شاذ زييهم
الزبده بلكني الجبان
ايه مورو تشي
ارسمي كنق ساما عشاني ): ابشوفه بأسلوبك لو م عندك مانع
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Hanamorona In reply to soosh-paws [2015-06-30 01:40:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank You Sorry If you don't like it
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hazuki011 [2015-06-12 13:55:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav !
and im a naruhina shipper too~
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Hanamorona In reply to hazuki011 [2015-06-29 22:04:57 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome Oh
Iam glade to know someone like you
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peachlii [2015-06-01 07:20:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so so much for the fav!! It means a lot to me
I wish you a lovely day/evening
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Hanamorona In reply to peachlii [2015-06-12 09:54:13 +0000 UTC]
your welcome my dear
you too have a great day
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uzomakileen [2015-05-31 10:33:15 +0000 UTC]
hi dear ^^ how r u
i just want to ask if you don’t mind
are you Arabian
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Hanamorona In reply to uzomakileen [2015-06-12 09:57:16 +0000 UTC]
I am fine how are you too?
Yes i am an Arabian
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uzomakileen In reply to Hanamorona [2015-06-13 07:57:39 +0000 UTC]
I am fine too
ahh i am Arabian too
You can not find many Arabs here right
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Hanamorona In reply to ORO58h [2015-05-26 01:37:47 +0000 UTC]
ماني عارف اش اقول !
خذي الوردة مني
تجنن الرسمة والتلوين
كل شي يجنننننننننن
ثكرا اورو
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Mink-tDR In reply to Mink-tDR [2015-05-28 05:31:04 +0000 UTC]
And special thanks for the Watch!!!
I deeply appreciate it
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