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| GoombaPie
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# Comments
Comments: 75
KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-26 00:26:07 +0000 UTC]
Wandered over here because I see we're both running around trying to explain asexuality to people on Aenea-Jones' poll, and I see you like Mass Effect and Portal! Portal was my first video game and I still love it (I'm working on Portal 2) and Mass Effect is my absolute favorite! ^_^ (this is my awkward nerdy way of saying hi)
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-26 05:40:29 +0000 UTC]
Haha asexuality and videogames are always a nice way to say hi.
actually Mass Effect brings up an interesting question here, I use an rpg game full of choices like that to really pretend im someone else, and so I romanced/sexxed Tali and really loved that path for my character. If you are also asexual, did you remain single or pursue someone romantically or sexually? I guess it depends if you were playing Shepard as if it's yourself, or if you were playing Shepard like a totally different person?
Portal/Portal 2 are definitely in like my top 5 games of all-time lol, I love them like way too much, honestly.
I have very few friends and family who I haven't sat down and played the Portal games with them, playing through it again to show it to people is like one of my favorite things haha.
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-26 05:53:26 +0000 UTC]
I am not actually asexual myself, I just have friends who are ace or demisexual so when I see uninformed people I'm like 'here let me help'. I do know that my demisexual friend romanced Garrus (as I did) and we both had a great deal of fun with that, but that's not quite coming from the same place.
I consider Portal the ultimate gateway to videogames because it was my introduction after coming of age in the era of 'videogames are evil they're all about killing people and will make your children violent!' Portal proved that videogames didn't need to be violent to be fun, but while you still got to run around viewing the world through the character's eyes. And of course now that I'm older I can understand both the legitimate concerns and the overblown nature of that news-hype and can enjoy things like Hawken (fps with mechs!) as well, but Portal will always be special to me for showing me that videogames existed with more personality than SimCity and more depth than GTA (which my cousins played).
Also philosophy aside it's frikkin' FUN AS HECK. I always love that room everyone I know hates where you're flipping through a ton of portals to basically climb up that one room with acid all at the bottom and it screws with your sense of up and down but you basically spend the entire room FLYING and I love it.
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-26 13:01:05 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! I love that Portal is essentially pacifist as well! As dark as some of the humor may be, compare it to it's sister-series Half-Life and it's like night and day that way, there is never any true violence going on in the Portal games so far.
Not that i didn't like Half-Life too lol I did, just a lot of violence, and it totally contrasts with Portal in a way that I love.
Portal and LIMBO are the two games i've used to get all my non-gamer friends a little bit more into appreciating videogames, both as a valid form of art/entertainment and as just plain fun!
Whenever I hear someone saying videogames are overly violent and sexist and say they're bad because of that, it does frustrate me, it really is just ignorance. I always try to explain it this way: Some games are violent and sexist, much of music and movies are violent and sexist and you still respect them as forms of art and entertainment. Yes I could play GTA or CoD, but I could also choose to play (or happen to play) Journey or Portal. It can be just as diverse as any other art/entertainment medium. It would be like me choosing to (or happening to) watch Scarface or Saw 7, and saying "omg wow this is just violent trash"... when I could have just as easily chosen to watch (or happened to watch) 12 Angry Men ('57) or Disney's Mulan lol.
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-26 18:58:32 +0000 UTC]
Ahh I've heard of LIMBO but I can't remember what sort of game it is...
It's so true! I hadn't thought of that approach before. I bet the ''all videogames are violent and evil'' thing was partly just because parents didn't know how to sort what was and was not violent... somewhere I saw written ''ours will be the first generation of parents to know that you can't pause a multiplayer match''. I hope our generation will be better about trying to sort media rather than just falling into ''new media are evil'' and remember the lessons of our childhoods if something totally new crops up and go learn about it rather than try to ban it entirely.
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-26 21:46:34 +0000 UTC]
Well I got introduced my mother to the Legend of Zelda series with Twilight Princess and she's been hooked ever since, she even played the DS ones her own. And she once told me how one time she ran into an older relative of hers, and this older woman she hadn't seen in years said something about how awful videogames are (unaware my mother plays them), and my mother replied about well you know they so have the ESRB ratings, like ratings of inappropriateness and age-range like movies have, so a responsible parent can look at the ratings and do a decent job of shielding their child from overly violent or sexualized games. And this woman hadn't even known... she was ragging on the entirety of videogames while so ignorant about it she didn't even actually know much of anything about them lol.
I also like to remind people there were days when music we consider SUPER tame and normal now, was considered awful evil music lmao. So silly. If only the people who decades ago complained about Elvis and Led Zeppelin had known about our music like Ke$ha club mixes or actual heavy metal screamo lol.
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-27 08:01:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I think a lot of older people just lump things like that... I hope our generation isn't like that when we're old -_-
It's so true like Elvis tho is was like ''this man with his swinging his hips how immoral!'' and now some of the things pop stars (don't) wear...
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-27 23:42:24 +0000 UTC]
lol I do think it's a good example, like comparing Elvis and Miley is honestly too hilarious
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-28 04:12:36 +0000 UTC]
Somewhere someone's grandmother or great-grandmother or something is being shown Wrecking Ball or however it's called and being shocked out of their mind since they thought Elvis was pushing the bounds of decency XD
...although personally I kinda think we've gone a bit too far this generation, or at least, some of our celebrities have.
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-28 19:04:24 +0000 UTC]
lol my favorite thing about Wrecking Ball is how as a song, just audio, it sounds like a nice actually artistic song
and then for seemingly no reason she made the video like that and i'm just like "... u fkn kiddin' me with this right now gurl?"
lol my question is how did our conversation go from our favorite videogames to this?
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-30 14:17:18 +0000 UTC]
I'm pretty sure the first time I heard the audio was on a parody video (like, regular audio but distant w/ doofy video) but what of it is still floating in the recesses of my brain does sound like a pretty normal song.
Hahaha natural conversational drift.
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-30 17:59:18 +0000 UTC]
haha now "conversational drift" sounds like it could be a good song
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-30 19:00:16 +0000 UTC]
hahaha yes! And verse one would start someplace and by the end be somewhere totally different and you'd be like ''wha...?'' but it would all make sense, somehow.
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-30 21:23:04 +0000 UTC]
the hard part would be the refrain/chorus, it would need to fit between all of the verses while still helping the conversation from point A to point E or whatever...
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-09-30 23:04:44 +0000 UTC]
it could be a series of phrases that usually start a digression into something else
"oh hey do you remember that one time?,
omg that reminds what George had stated,
aw jeez that's like kind of a funny story,
hold on while i interrupt about something less related"
(sang in a way that "stated" rhymes with "related" lol)
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KyonaraRisingStar In reply to GoombaPie [2014-10-01 03:48:56 +0000 UTC]
hmm, that's true! or perhaps in a more subtle manner... although it would be really cool if somehow it was a chorus that meant one thing between the first and second verses and a completely different thing between the second and third, although that would be terribly difficult to achieve.
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GoombaPie In reply to KyonaraRisingStar [2014-10-01 05:20:17 +0000 UTC]
ohhh, neat idea but very tricky to pull off
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HaleyHylia [2014-09-02 01:55:14 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! Thank you so much for adding me to your watchlist!
I'm flattered you liked my works enough to follow them and I hope you enjoy my future uploads, too.
Thanks again!
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GoombaPie In reply to HaleyHylia [2014-09-02 02:14:27 +0000 UTC]
Well you're gallery is pretty nice, I think you deserve every watch you'll get as it continues to grow and show your potential and your style
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
HaleyHylia In reply to GoombaPie [2014-09-02 04:28:20 +0000 UTC]
Awesome to hear you think so. Thank you for the support again!
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SaraCuervo [2014-08-10 03:18:22 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the watch! I'm glad you like my artworks
also ohmygod that's an AWESOME moustahe.
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GoombaPie In reply to SaraCuervo [2014-08-13 22:56:51 +0000 UTC]
You deserve every watch you get, you have some beautiful quality artz going on, plenty of talent
Haha but no thankYOU for the compliment
Her name is Ruthesca and I might be killing her (shaving her off) on my birthday in November
It'll be like murdering my best friend who lives on my face!
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Wild-Theory [2013-04-30 16:11:24 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the watch It's much appreciated
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KatrineTindlund [2013-04-28 14:34:49 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the watch i have now reached 50 watchers <3 Thanks for making this possible ^^
Have a nice day <3
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theresahelmer [2013-03-20 09:11:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for adding me to your watch list, i am utterly flattered ~Theresa
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GoombaPie In reply to theresahelmer [2013-03-20 22:20:14 +0000 UTC]
floral photography isn't always my cup of tea but new food ideas are always welcome!
keep doing what you're doing and uploading what you like because your gallery is more than quality enough to deserve a respectable audience
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theresahelmer In reply to GoombaPie [2013-03-21 03:12:06 +0000 UTC]
wow, thank you so much. i will always be part floral photography, i love flowers and nature, i have a beautiful garden...stay tuned, even when you don't care for them
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