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| Goks1211
# Statistics
Favourites: 15; Deviations: 40; Watchers: 2
Watching: 6; Pageviews: 2078; Comments Made: 20; Friends: 6
# About me
I used to draw a lot, paint too. Some people have stolen my art, some people wear it. Now I muse and write a bit too, take the occasional picture, and inspire a new generation through my children.
My photos are of people I know. If you want to use one, ask me. I don't mind if you use drawings for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit me. If you would like to use something commercially, talk to me.
# Comments
Comments: 3
WikiSnapper [2009-06-26 19:41:45 +0000 UTC]
I think I account for at least half of your page views. ^.^ But it is only because you rock!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Goks1211 [2009-05-07 01:52:18 +0000 UTC]
Check out the artist 57AV3
It is my brother, I thought I was creative until he was old enough to show me what creative/skill really is.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1