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| Gigi-FenixPhoenix

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# Comments
Comments: 1676
Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2019-08-23 13:15:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! Sorry for the late reply! How have you been?
π: 0 β©: 1
Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2019-08-23 15:40:07 +0000 UTC]
How have you been ?Β It is ok. As for injuries.. I ruptured my achilles tendons on the job last year.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-09-07 22:31:59 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-09-07 22:40:54 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome. Haven't seen you about. Hope your project is going well.
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to LunasChild8 [2018-09-07 22:31:56 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Pokingaround [2018-09-07 22:31:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!
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TestRender [2018-05-30 05:28:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm a little late on this one, but thanks for the fave!
Mature Content
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to TestRender [2018-06-20 13:43:25 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome, it's a gorgeous piece!
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Noshoba [2018-03-13 23:54:39 +0000 UTC]
I think I might have gotten in trouble with Daz forum lol.Β Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-03-17 17:35:12 +0000 UTC]
Why? What happened?
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-03-18 00:17:59 +0000 UTC]
Was kind of getting my questions ignored so thought I was up the creek for that render lol.
How have you been? You have been seriously absent on the Aiko 8 front. She isn't perfect but she does blend well with Sakura
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-03-20 14:37:47 +0000 UTC]
I did get her! The price was too good to pass up, plus I actually like almost everything included in her bundle (I hadn't liked half the things included with previous Gen8 bundles). I did try to transfer her shape to G3 using Singular's script. Though I succeeded with her head morph, her body gets distorted once I dialed it into G3. Nonetheless, I've now done a mix with Sakura (she does mix well) and a mix with Aiko7 and other G3 morphs. I ended up with a cool style and, after talking with the team I'm working on the VN with, we decided to remake the characters in this new style. That's why I haven't posted anything in the forums. Been busy remaking the character art plus (pet project) while dealing with a troublesome project (full-time job).
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-03-20 23:40:12 +0000 UTC]
Well I am just glad you are alive.Β Yeah I liked this pro bundle alot better. No watch them screw me when I am broke and bring out Kenji 8 right before Madness ends and I can't get him.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-03-26 15:29:16 +0000 UTC]
I do hope that Kenji 8 does come out. I'd hate it if they skipped him in favor of releasing yet another female character.
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-03-26 22:31:32 +0000 UTC]
I am hoping for Kenji just because he should match up to Aiko like he did with the 7s.Β And really need something to fit the style that is male.Β Yeah sadly they know what sells and it isn't the males.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-03-27 13:02:28 +0000 UTC]
And so we get... No Kenji. Tbh I suspected that would be the case. But it is still disappointing.
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-03-27 19:33:51 +0000 UTC]
Honestly I wasn't betting on it either. But Ollie 8 is exactly why male characters don't sell. Worse piece of garbage I have ever seen. Also means the next female will be his matching female. Depressing.
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-03-29 16:18:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm not getting him. Might get his base further down the line (with a bigger discount, maybe), but he's not my priority. I also didn't like almost everything that's being offered with his PRO bundle, so that was an easy decision.
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-03-29 23:16:20 +0000 UTC]
Honestly, he never should have had an 8 after his name. Why I will never buy him. He has no use in anything I do. Edward is only one I regret not being able to get when he came out.Β Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-04-28 00:06:13 +0000 UTC]
I did get Eddie's Pro Bundle, though. But that's because I liked almost everything in her bundle and I think that (once I transfer her morphs to G3) it might give me some cool things to play with!
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-04-28 22:58:44 +0000 UTC]
I am sorry but I still don't like either one. And yes if I see something I like with it I will pick and choose the pieces.Β Sadly liked nothing with either one.Β
How have you been ?Β Had not heard from you in awhile.Β Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-05-10 18:01:21 +0000 UTC]
I've been good, thank you! Excited for the new X-Divide product. I'm going to get it and try it out tonight or this weekend. I have some morphs that I would love to divide into submorphs! How have you been?
π: 0 β©: 1
Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-05-11 00:52:29 +0000 UTC]
Just working way too much but we will get there.Β Playing with Mika8 and Sakura blends.Β Yes they put one out that I actually liked lol.Β Also seems if you got the dewdrop outfit you have a sneak peak at the next two females in the fit morphs. Looks like Girl 8 is on the way and another based off an old V4 character .Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-06-20 13:44:48 +0000 UTC]
Did you get the Girl 8?Β
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-06-20 23:00:00 +0000 UTC]
Of course she looked like a better endowed Sakura lol.Β Her pro package also had more things that I wanted as well.Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-06-21 13:02:02 +0000 UTC]
I opted to get Facegen instead, since it came around the same price as the Pro bundle. I do not regret my decision. FaceGen is amazing!
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-06-21 15:12:18 +0000 UTC]
Got that as well lol. PC+ discount. This is time of year when I can make serious income. Haven't had a chance to play with it yet though
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Chanteur-de-Vent [2018-02-07 17:42:19 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome. You're gallery is superb!
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Chanteur-de-Vent In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-05-27 14:04:14 +0000 UTC]
Well, thank you again.
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Noshoba [2018-01-13 12:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Figured I would make things a little easier since I am on here as well. And you do have a nice gallery here.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-01-17 15:47:11 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Yeah, this might be easier than using the PM system over at Daz
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-01-18 00:29:28 +0000 UTC]
Indeed but I wonder if the person I thought was trolling is going to derail the thread over there. Why would anyone want to do something like.Β And no I already know the answer.Β I was being extremely sarcastic.Β Β
Honestly I am just happy to see some nice stopgap males til we get one.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-01-21 22:46:52 +0000 UTC]
Who was trolling?
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-01-22 01:03:34 +0000 UTC]
The person asking about putting a penis on her made me think she was trolling lol.Β Β Argh dforce still gives me heartburn. Been playing with it
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-01-22 03:11:36 +0000 UTC]
Haahahaha that's right. I thought it was a strange thing to ask, but to each his/her own, I guess. I am playing around with G3 trying to create a figure that might sort of match with Sakura. I even managed to parent the eyes and brow onto him, but the eyelashes... I gave up. It's really difficult to position them properly.
I haven't played nearly as much with dforce as I'd like. Wish I had more free time to spend on DAZ. I got so many new things this last sale, but I probably haven't rendered 1/4th of the content I owe.
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-01-22 03:22:13 +0000 UTC]
I am the same way. Too much content. Although I am sort of grateful.Β Trying for a little fan art.Β Might be able to create it with an old V3 hair. Do a google search for Tsundere Heavy Cruiser.. and you will see what I mean about wild hair. She is one of my favorite tsundere characters in anime/manga.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-01-31 15:39:34 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that would be a hair difficult to recreate in DAZ. But you can always search for something similar (a high, long ponytail), then do postwork to finetune it.
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-01-31 21:26:14 +0000 UTC]
Fortunately she is also the one character that likes to change her hairstyleΒ but to me she isn't Takao without her original long hair.Β And you haven't figured it out yet. I hate doing postwork lol but for backgrounds and such lol.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-02-01 16:00:14 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha meanwhile, I LOVE doing postwork! But that's because, prior to finding about DAZ, I used to do everything from scratch in photoshop (painting). So DAZ speeds things up, but I still like finetuning in photoshop and lightroom.
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Noshoba In reply to Gigi-FenixPhoenix [2018-02-01 16:10:24 +0000 UTC]
Honestly I don't hate it but I try to avoid it since I work strictly with a mouse and not a tablet.Β
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Gigi-FenixPhoenix In reply to Noshoba [2018-02-02 23:39:17 +0000 UTC]
I have a tablet which I LOVE! But most of my postwork I do with the mouse and keyboard. When I have to paint, however, a tablet is a must! If you ever have the budget, I would encourage you to get a tablet (doesn't even have to be the newest one. Even the first version of the tablet works fine. I only replaced it two years ago, but it still works!). A tablet will change your world!
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