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# Statistics
Favourites: 3053; Deviations: 43; Watchers: 63
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# Comments
Comments: 652
Maivory [2018-06-04 02:26:06 +0000 UTC]
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GhostShow In reply to Minami-Kousaka [2017-08-08 20:01:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing alright-- you?Β
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Minami-Kousaka In reply to GhostShow [2017-08-09 09:40:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm good, too.
Speaking of which, do you know Kiryuu Sabato? I hear he's tall, dark and handsome 'cause evil is sexy.
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GhostShow In reply to Minami-Kousaka [2017-08-20 00:21:56 +0000 UTC]
why yes, i do--- it's been a long time though since i've thought about him.
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Minami-Kousaka In reply to GhostShow [2017-08-20 03:47:16 +0000 UTC]
I made two Demotivational Posters of him. Wanna see?
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GhostShow In reply to Minami-Kousaka [2017-08-20 23:23:23 +0000 UTC]
I don't see why not--- sure :0
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SinistrosePhosphate [2017-03-27 00:45:50 +0000 UTC]
Hello again!Β
And thanks for visiting. Thanks for adding my new bumper crop of works into your list of favourites! I know you'e seen a number of them already, but it's always nice to surprise you once in a while. You can't blame me, can you? Β
Either way, it's so very nice to have you visit again. So thank you very much!Β
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SinistrosePhosphate [2017-02-27 03:08:37 +0000 UTC]
Hello, hello!Β
Now that I know where -else- to find you, I am not fully sure if you will see this message any time soon. But I hope that you'll accept my "thank you" note nonetheless. Your support is much appreciated!Β
Many sincere thanks,
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SinistrosePhosphate [2017-02-17 05:15:01 +0000 UTC]
Nice to see you back again. I hope you are doing well.Β
And happy (belated) Valentine's Day to you, too!Β
By the way... I am thinking of hosting a join.me session this weekend. Would you be interested?
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GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2017-02-17 19:29:43 +0000 UTC]
Nice to hear from you as well. Happy belated valentines day to you also!
As for that-- I certainly would. Just let me know when via note and all that about times and links and so on. I'd love to meet up, again.
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2017-02-18 06:26:12 +0000 UTC]
Sounds good to me!Β
I am thinking about Sunday-ish. (I am also hoping to get our common friend to join. But he said something about "avoiding confrontation." Any idea what that might be about? )Β
I will certainly post something in the notes to both of you soon! Β
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GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2017-02-19 02:33:48 +0000 UTC]
That, i'm not entirely certain on.
All I know is that it's likely connected to what he does when he gets into a bad place. It can be deeply frustrating because of the paths it travels-- but part of it is trying to pull him out of it... during that time he seems to widely misinterpret what is actually being done or said :c
Also; I never knew you had a discord-- then again, i also never asked.
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2017-02-19 02:38:12 +0000 UTC]
I... didn't have Discord...Β
... Until... approximiately 15 minutes ago.Β
He sent me a link and I signed on that way. In fact, we're chatting on discord right now. Would you like to join us?Β
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GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2017-02-19 02:49:37 +0000 UTC]
Sure-- I'd love to. He seems to be having abit of a hard time. Let me know your name and the number attached, and I shall create a server for the 3 of us.
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2017-02-19 02:57:15 +0000 UTC]
Apparently... I'm #0772.Β
And I see what you mean by him having a hard time.Β
I hope by chatting we can at least make him feel better!Β
... That's the join.me session figured out over discord today!
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GhostShow In reply to curtsibling [2017-02-03 02:04:23 +0000 UTC]
You're more than welcome--- thank you for the add as well. :y
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Aya-Lunar [2016-11-29 17:56:45 +0000 UTC]
Hi, thanks for all the faves!Β Β
If you like my work, feel free to give a watch!
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SinistrosePhosphate [2016-11-10 04:50:52 +0000 UTC]
Hello, my friend,Β
Thank you very much for your visit. And thank you very much for your continued support.Β
I hope you are doing well and I hope things are going well with you. I'd like to hear more from you to see what you've been up to since you've been away, too. So, if you feel like it, we should reconnect somehow.Β
In the meantime... thanks again!
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SinistrosePhosphate [2016-09-07 03:19:01 +0000 UTC]
Hello, hello!
And once again, thank you very much for your visit. Thank you for your support on my latest tutorial. I know you don't deal with colours very much, but I still hope that this piece will be of some use to you in the future!Β
With gratitude,
π: 0 β©: 0
SinistrosePhosphate [2016-05-17 01:05:00 +0000 UTC]
Hello again,Β
And hopefully you have been doing well. Thank you very much for checking back on me and thank you for taking your time to add my work to your list of favourites again. I hope that this finds you well and I hope to hear from you soon!Β
Take care,Β
π: 0 β©: 1
GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2016-05-26 16:53:20 +0000 UTC]
Hello hello-- and as always it's no problem.
I have missed you... I'm also sorry that I've been horrid about replies and getting back on here. Needless to say I've been doing MUCH better mentally/emotionally since I started taking Sam-e. My mind hasn't been mine for months.. I've basically been consumed by worsening depression... and I started taking sam-e, b6 and fishoil because my experience with the typical clinical anti-depressants has been less-than good. It's only been these passed two weeks that I feel like me again...
It's nice, I almost feel like I woke from some terrible dream.Β
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2016-05-27 01:29:40 +0000 UTC]
Modern antidepressants have their own range of side-effects. (Heaven knows, I prescribe them to people and I used to take them myself. I stopped because of the side effects.) I am glad to hear that you have been able to find some relief with supplements and vitamins, however. That's great news. I have heard some good reports about SAM-e and some folks swear by it. (Some people I know also swears on St. John's Wort, so that one might be worth a try, too.)Β
But the most important thing, of course, is that you feel like yourself again. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you end up where you are right now, the most important thing is that you feel like your old self. After all, a self is a terrible thing to waste. And I think I speak for both of us here: Welcome back.Β
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SinistrosePhosphate [2016-01-21 09:07:38 +0000 UTC]
Greetings again,Β
And thank you so very much for visiting again. Thank you for visiting. And thank you for your continued support. I don't think there's a way for me to thank you enough!
With gratitude,
π: 0 β©: 0
SinistrosePhosphate [2015-12-28 09:12:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for adding the latest Theratoon to your list of favourites. We appreciate the gesture very much! Β
Happy holidays and Happy New Year!
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SinistrosePhosphate [2015-11-04 01:21:28 +0000 UTC]
You might be interested in this, I think.Β www.deviantart.com/art/Bloodboβ¦
... Blood-spam, perhaps?Β
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SinistrosePhosphate [2015-10-04 22:47:49 +0000 UTC]
This might bring a smile to your face, perhaps.Β fav.me/d9bjsqe
If not... well, I'll take a wry grin.Β
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SinistrosePhosphate [2015-05-20 04:56:16 +0000 UTC]
Hello my friend,
It's been a long while. I hope you are keeping well.
Thanks once again for your visit. And thank you once again for adding my work to your list of favourites. I highly appreciate all of your support!
With sincere thanks,
π: 0 β©: 1
GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2015-06-07 05:58:59 +0000 UTC]
Yes, it has been. As I said, you're a reason that I always come back to this site. And as always, you're very welcome-- I'll always support your work and what you do, my friend. Sorry I've been silent, I've been around off and on but my mind feels... tired and stressed. So I haven't been talking with too many folks as of late. I need to shake that habit because being silent helps nothing... ughhh.. ><
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2015-06-15 23:18:24 +0000 UTC]
Being silent means you keep yourself with your demons... and there's no window for anyone to reach in and help you out.Β
We can't read minds, after all... and sometimes it takes you reaching out before anyone can reach in to help you. Speaking out is usually that very first step.Β
If there's anything you'd like to talk about, I'm here. You know exactly how to find me.Β
And since I can't reach in unless you reach out... you're going to have to help me to help you. But for as long as you need me, I'm here.Β
Take care of yourself... and let me know how I can help.
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SinistrosePhosphate [2015-03-05 03:01:44 +0000 UTC]
Hello again.
And it looks like I'm spamming your front page. Sorry about that.
But thank you very much for your continued support and friendship. I don't always know how to thank people correctly - because I always think I'm not doing enough. But really... thank you so very, very much.
With sincere thanks,
π: 0 β©: 1
GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2015-03-05 03:17:18 +0000 UTC]
Nono you are, and by all means it's very fine, my friend. Besides, I like seeing you around and I love Β to talk to you. It's just, I wish I was more active on here AUGH. I need to get back into it, really. After all, I still have a good reason to return.Β
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2015-03-05 04:18:01 +0000 UTC]
I like to think I'm a good reason to return here.
The thing is.. I don't like the Tumblr environment. It's hectic and much interactive unless you're really picking a fight with someone - which happens all the time. The social-justice-warrior environment that permeate Tumblr also turns my stomach (and makes me roll my eyes on a regular basis.) I now hang around there much less - pretty much once a week to upload Liam. I still spend most of my time here.
But you can still reach me through e-mail. I read my e-mails multiple times a day (mostly because... well, work. ) Sorry that I haven't been able to get back to you about the Join.Me idea. Now that I have a relatively stable (albeit slow) laptop and Internet... the work is sending me away to an even more remote location for another week. And that's this week coming up. They also mentioned about having to move me out of my apartment where I am living now come April. You might say I'm leading a pretty hectic life here. But I still try my best - and if you ever want to talk, I'll be here.
... Also, just to let you know... I'm working on something. Something Trinity Blood related.
... It'll be a while yet before it'll be done. But... I'm back on the saddle!
π: 0 β©: 1
GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2015-03-05 05:07:17 +0000 UTC]
I DO NOT BLAME YOU AT ALL. TRUST ME. I have even considered black listing MANY things so I would NOT have to see them/read about them, but they're almost countless and sometimes people tag shit incorrectly with the intent of it being found even if you don't want to. It's pretty messed up. Sadly, it's like this: unless you're drawing fandom porn/fetish fuel/yaoi/being an SJW/talking out your ass and just so happen to share that ass-in-mouth view point with someone else of some kind(and that being the all personality you have...).. you won't get much attention. Also, everything is being reduced down to WHO HAS IT WORSE. It's generally becoming more unhealthy and eye-rolly as time goes on... but there's still some stuff on there that's nice from time to time, but is it worth it? It's becoming less so. It's ok if you're not on often, I'm slowly drifting from it as well.
BUT HEY, I HAVE BEEN UPDATING MY ART TUMBLR. So that's something at least. :T
But wow, really, another way-off and out there location? Well, by all means i certainly wish you the best and I SHOULD REMEMBER THAT THINGS LIKE E-MAIL EXIST. Considering I check it st least once a day, you think I would. >< And as for the join.me thing, we can shoot for it when you have free time. I understand that your life is quite busy so no impatience on this end with me. I'll wait for you as long as you need me to. The last time we did it, it was loads of fun and quite abit was shared between us-- I look foreword to the next time we can. :>Β
Oooohh! Really now? I can't wait to see what you'll churn out. Your trinity blood work always gets a rush from me somehow, and for good reason. Well.. your work in general does, but you know what I mean.. I think? I hope. ><
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2015-03-05 22:45:02 +0000 UTC]
Well... there are ways you can spend more time here on dA. Just like me, I upload Liam to both places every Monday evening. And since it takes longer to upload on dA, I do it here first then copy-and-paste the same description to Tumblr. And since no one writes to me there that can't be reach anywhere else, I pretty much just stick to dA. Call me chicken... but I like this environment much better. It's a lot more collegial and hey, folks here are, for the most part, about the art and the parts of their lives that revolve around art. Tumblr is... for the lack of a better word, scary. And it really should take a first-generation Asian immigrant to tell most of the Tumblr crowd that their logic is flawed to the extreme.
... not my cup of tea, that's for sure.
No worries. My folks at home became quite aghast at the fact that I am going to somewhere further off, too. But I have the feeling that it's not going to be awful, anyway. The folks here are nice enough and they are in desperate need of doctors. I can see the venture working out -Β even if it is a bit of inconvenience at the moment. The only thing is, of course... sorry about the Join.Me thing. I'll definitely get back to you, that much I promise.
And yes... another Trinity Blood project. And if I didn't know it will get a rush out of you... I wouldn't have told you early, right? So not to worry... just be patient with me for this project!
In the meantime... yes, e-mail. No matter where I am in the world, e-mail is still a pretty viable way to get to me.
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SinistrosePhosphate [2015-01-28 04:12:34 +0000 UTC]
Hello again. And welcome back.Β
Thanks for the visit. And thanks for adding even more of my works to your list of favourites. I know I have said it many, many times, but I just want you to know that your support is very important to me!Β
Sincere thanks,
π: 0 β©: 1
GhostShow In reply to SinistrosePhosphate [2015-04-26 09:05:46 +0000 UTC]
No problem friend -replies a million years later-Β
I'll always have a reason to return. Also, sorry I've been away. Got caught up with moving things and some other little details... augh. Life things. Movin to an apartment, by the way.
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SinistrosePhosphate In reply to GhostShow [2015-04-26 23:44:33 +0000 UTC]
That's Ok. I've been moving around a bit, too. Don't worry about being busy... moving is kinda important! ^^'
I hope you're settled in, though. And I hope you like where you are staying. I hope things are working out for you. And at the end of the day, that's all I need to know. So, take care and be happy. That's all I need to know from you. Β
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