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| GaySideOfDimensions

GaySideOfDimensions [46790243] [] "we're all happy here."

# Statistics

Favourites: 71; Deviations: 116; Watchers: 200

Watching: 54; Pageviews: 20547; Comments Made: 2743; Friends: 54

# Comments

Comments: 110

BagelofTime [2023-06-24 22:00:03 +0000 UTC]

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RAVEN0ID [2020-03-11 18:53:18 +0000 UTC]

wow your art looks amazing!! I really like the way you design characters, they’re very appealing to look at! cute babey horses,,
also the drawing notes you’ve compiled for some of the characters are super helpful! it’s really hard to find good references for the yugioh cast lol

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-11 19:14:59 +0000 UTC]

oh thanks so much! *gathers support*

the character notes took a ridiculous amount of time and effort just for those couple of people so its nice to know others find that useful. also i always expected people would find the ygo centaurs to just be weird and maybe looked down upon in the same way furries are so i love to hear that others enjoy them because they are so much fun. my art makes me happier when it makes other people happy as well


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RAVEN0ID In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-11 19:40:29 +0000 UTC]

you’re welcome!!
I definitely want to try and find the time to read everything you’ve written (both your own works and the yugioh notes) in depth too, it’s a lot to take in but it’s really enjoyable :0

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-11 20:20:49 +0000 UTC]

the character notes can be bookmarked from your browser or you can fav the main page journal and come back whenever you need them. the comics are more of a "settle in with a blanket on a rainy day" sort of thing. i want to put up more single pics for people who don't have time for comics, maybe with stories in the description so people can just look at the pics and skip the story if they want.

we tried to organize everything neatly in journals and gallery folders. is it easy to get around and find what you want? ?

im so happy you liked them


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RAVEN0ID In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-11 20:57:10 +0000 UTC]

perhaps I should wait for a nice rainy day to read everything then x3
that’s a good idea! and it would probably be relaxing to just do small pictures every once in a while to give yourself a break from larger comics

everything is organized really well!

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-11 21:51:19 +0000 UTC]

i dont want to do comics anymore cuz they're too tedious and slow and i dont think im very good at them r__r roxafox is doing one on his own to see if just doing three panels at a time will work out. me and riku are taking a break to plan what we wanna do next cuz we were thinking of just pics with description stories but most people dont like to read on da so it could be a waste of time.... but description stories is a pretty common thing so maybe if the story is interesting enough people would read it? i donno :/ we'd just have to try a little thing and see how it works out i guess

and tyty .u.


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RAVEN0ID In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-11 22:04:43 +0000 UTC]

yeah I can relate. every time I try to make a comic my motivation just dies >_>
I feel like it’s harder to read stories in a description because if the description is too long it can impair other aspects of the page, like you have to scroll through the entire thing to get to the comments,, for me I think journals/literature/sta.sh docs are easier to read with. I would definitely want to read your description stories though, getting a story along with art is really cool qwq

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-13 02:21:01 +0000 UTC]

when i see a huge big thing of text i tend to just sort of shut down and just "tldr" and i think other people do too or that little abbreviation thingy wouldn't exist in the first place. we were planning to have a 200 word limit on the description stories. but when we looked at eclipse, which we promptly turned off, there is some stupid thing where you now look at the picture separate from the description which is just one of the many stupid things we dont like about it. a lot of people dont look at descriptions and that new setup seems like it would make it even easier to not even notice there's a story with it. we thought of putting the text on the image but that takes away the option to enjoy the picture without bothering with the fanfiction. i donno, maybe if we could make the text look nice and not too distracting from the picture that could still work. like how people make pics with fancy text that is basically just decoration and the text is like part of the overall effect of the picture. maybe we should try something like that. i didnt think of that until typing this just now lol


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RAVEN0ID In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-13 02:29:45 +0000 UTC]

wait really?? I haven’t used eclipse at all (it actually gives me migraines it hurts >>), do they really make it harder to see the description? Now I know why people never read mine lmao
I think that would be a good idea :0

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-13 03:00:03 +0000 UTC]

well it's like, when you click to full-view a picture it pops up in its own like popup window thing and then you have to close it out when you're done and i just think it's stupid. and yeah, while it's full-size you can't see the description or comments or anything until you close it back out.

we tried to give it a chance since da says they're gonna switch everyone over to it even tho they know a lot of users dont want it. i dont like how stuff is set up but main reason we scrapped is we tried to set up a profile for people using it cuz they cant see our front page journal and the text in the boxes or any of that, but everything we tried to do was glitched and bugged and didnt work. it was just frustrating and just, nothing worked. i think we just put like, "here's what is supposed to be on the front page" as a link and just said the heck with the rest because it was stupid. and it was a shame because supposedly they want to make it so you can customize the front page more than ever before but yeah, you cant if it doesnt friggen work. r_r

they did change it so you can pick between white/black/old da green but like, thats still annoying cuz we may have ours set to green but other people may have theirs on black or white so thats annoying for pics that are made to show up on certain colors. like if you have a transparent background you have to make sure everything is visible on stark white/stark black/old dA green and thats just, ugh.

i did do watermarkes before where it had our site address in white in one corner and black in the other corner, so if you have the white backround only the black shows up and if you have the black background then only the hwite shows up, but if you have the green one you see them both/ruins the trick and yeh its just a pain and i don't like it


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RAVEN0ID In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-13 14:39:37 +0000 UTC]

eclipse is absolutely awful, I hate how dA is going to force it on people despite their user-base saying they don’t want it. it’s like they’re not listening at all
if they do force it on people I’m probably going to have to leave altogether despite the fact that this place is where I met/talk to most of my friends. if it physically hurts to be on then it’s not a good idea to stay. also other people have complained that the colours used in eclipse also hurt their eyes and could cause health problems but dA doesn’t seem to care :/
I also really hate the forced profile headers that take up like 50% of your profile in eclipse. not only is it ugly, as an artist who draws really small art (like 500 x 500 pixels), profile headers are the worst because they pretty much require you to have art that’s practically 4000 x 4000 to look good
eclipse also is incredibly unfriendly to groups so they’re pretty much going to murder any species communities. there’s no other alternative site that works like the original dA does, so every single original species people have worked hard to create will just be dead

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-13 16:14:09 +0000 UTC]

did you change colors? both the bright white and the black hurt my eyes but now they have the option to go back to the grey-green of the original site

i dont know anything about how they handle groups :/ we didnt get past the profile glitches to explore much of it

we made a list of sites to look into so we could move when da switches to eclipse but i hate starting out new on a website with no friends and having to figure out how stuff works :/ we intended to go ahead and start using other sites this year so later if we cant stand eclipse when they force everybody to convert and have to move then we'd already be used to the new sites but just ugh :/ i hate the work that goes into it. i hate having even more passwords and stuff to keep track of. i've been on da since 2006 and im comfortable with it and know my way around and what to expect from people so i dont want to have to be a noob/stranger all over again. and it burns me that that's what da is counting on. its been the same all this time and people are already established here so they'll "have to stay" and da can just do wahtever they want. that "the world's best art site" or however they worded it on the log-in page is so arrogant, basically "yeah we can do whatever we want cuz you got nowhere else to go"


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RAVEN0ID In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-13 19:58:52 +0000 UTC]

I’ve tried the green but it didn’t help all that much. my eyes are really sensitive and the new website feels really claustrophobic which definitely is exasperating the issues it has quq

aaa yeah I can relate,, I’ve tried to use twitter or instagram but it doesn’t feel good having no idea how the website works,,
I hate how dA seems to be so smug with their whole “biggest art community” thing. they’re the biggest because they’re the only one who - at least right now - doesn’t have a trash layout. but that’s gonna be gone soon

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to RAVEN0ID [2020-03-17 04:12:41 +0000 UTC]

yeah they're like "we've had the same site for decades it's time for something new" and all the users are like "why fix what's not broken? this has worked perfectly for so long so why change it now?"

i like having the option to not use the new version but when i'm using the old site and people looking at my art/profile are using the new site then they're not seeing what i see / not seeing stuff the way i wanted them to see it so it still causes issues. like we had our profile all fancied up but NONE of that showed up if someone was using eclipse. it's also annoying that if someone doesnt have a da account then if i link them my pics or they come up on google or whatever then people automatically have to look at them through eclipse. we tried to make a nice profile for eclipse but stuff wouldnt save right and we couldn't even figure out how to post a journal! and i dont know if they are doing away with letting you embed images or if that just wasnt working or we just couldn't figure out how to do it but it was really irritating. like they seem to only want you to post images from your stash now, meaning you'll run out of space and have to buy more and that makes me mad. i just hate everything about eclipse. the only thing i liked was the option to put a header across the top of the profile but that ended up being stupid and hard to use, and it was supposedly gonna give a lot of nice options for customizing everything else too and use features that used to be core-only but none of it worked right so i couldn't have any fun with it.


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Ientina1234 [2020-03-04 05:24:49 +0000 UTC]

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to Ientina1234 [2020-03-04 14:25:13 +0000 UTC]

my gosh, just last night I literally dreamed that someone used our art in some kind of art book. they credited us but did it without really asking permission and removed our watermarks. we had mixed feelings about it because we suspected they planned to sell the art books in which case just crediting us would not cover that at all, and was especially annoying since we don't sell our art but someone else was going to profit off it themselves. anyway it's so bizarre that you ask this, it's like you were typing it at the time I was dreaming it. xD

do you mean that you want to use a part of an image for something but not repost the whole thing? or just want to draw a picture based on it? people are welcome to draw stuff based on it and we'll feature them in our WSOD journal. 

don't put it in an art book and sell it! lmao


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Ientina1234 In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-04 14:30:11 +0000 UTC]

Omg that's the weirdest thing lol. Maybe coincidence.

Well I want to use several images /panels from the comic combined with something else for the surprise (ain't going to spoil it). Also a drawing is on the way as well as probably many other drawings that will come as I need anyways to improve on horse anatomy for my own au that has a horse in it..

Nop not gonna do that. So I guess that's a yes? I bet you three will like the result and will firstly send in private, then if you want to, I can post public. But it's gonna take a while.. Oof

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to Ientina1234 [2020-03-04 18:49:28 +0000 UTC]

we normally don't like our stuff being posted on someone else's account so we'll make decisions on that after we see exactly what it is when you get it done.


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Ientina1234 In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-05 05:28:47 +0000 UTC]

I understand, is normal!

Oki hehe x3 well a spoiler and coincidence is that your page 'Wild and free' has the same line that I'll use with that exact same panels eee >->

Enough spoilers lol eeeee x3 I'll start today and hopefully won't take too long T_T

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to Ientina1234 [2020-03-05 14:26:34 +0000 UTC]

i'm very curious about what this is and can't say whether i'd be comfy with it being posted off our acc without seeing it but either way i'm excited that you're making it, whatever it is


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JukeboxxSheepters [2020-02-28 07:23:47 +0000 UTC]

I love your styles so much, and it's always lovely to find active Rivalshippers!

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to JukeboxxSheepters [2020-02-28 14:35:23 +0000 UTC]

i KNOW right!? it is really not a very popular pairing! i rarely ever see it on da and even when i did a google search the other day i only got a few kaiba/yugi pics, then it started wanting to go off on the usual kaiba/atem pics and then apparently they reused "rivalshipping" for some other pairing in one of the new non-yugi series that came after and that showed up more than kaiba/yugi :c

back in the day i only had season 1 for a long time and they have some really cute moments there like when yugi spared kaiba's life and cried when he lost to pegasus and was the one to return mokuba to him, but then for pretty much all the rest of the series they both start to focus on/obsess over atem and dont interact with each other much anymore. so that may be why its more special to me than other people is season 1 meant a lot more to me since it was all i had back then but for everybody else well its kinda the minority of the storyline to be honest. :/ dark side of dimensions made me so happy cuz not only were the real characters back but kaiba/yugi finally had a chance to interact and now there is some cute official art of them together instead of it always being atem instead

thanks for the comment


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JukeboxxSheepters In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-03 23:52:42 +0000 UTC]

If you use Tumblr, I really suggest looking up Iced-Blood, as he's written a good amount of Rivalshipping that's just really cute.

He's also my BFF/roommate, so I may be a bit biased in his favor, but he really loves the ship and it's the only Seto ship he actually likes.

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to JukeboxxSheepters [2020-03-04 00:13:43 +0000 UTC]

it's also pretty rare to see fanfic authors and fanartists who like gay pairings that aren't girls irl. it gets awkward sometimes D; and of course whenever we write stuff that is more along the lines of something guys are into instead of girls we don't get much interest from other people here as we do when we post stuff that's more the kinda thing girls are into if that makes sense

we considered tumblr when we were looking for another art site or just an additional place to post our stuff but i donno. last time i used it i found it confusing and messy but i guess they've updated it since then. it seems to have a reputation for people always yelling about being offended over everything and that makes me kinda wary since i always hear people referring to it as basically a drama queen paradise

i didn't like how they updated their policy to "no female breasts please, but trans people can post pics of their new boobs after surgery" which i think is either unfair favoritism that promotes transphobia ( so as long as they're trans girls they can post all the topless pics they want but other girls can't? ) or possibly anti-trans because it's like saying "that's not a real girl so it doesnt matter" or something, and whats to stop everybody from posting boobs pics then just pretending to be trans to make it ok. i just thought it was generally stupid.

but i dont have any recent experience with it and last time i used it was years ago and only for a few days so i dont really know what the community is like there


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JukeboxxSheepters In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-04 07:27:12 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, no, that makes sense. We need more men feeling comfortable about being open about liking mlm relationships, even if they aren't gay themselves.

Tumblr is...a mess, which is why you take care of who you follow. As long as you only follow people you care about, you're golden. It's possible to completely avoid drama if you pick who you choose to follow carefully.

Transwomen actually can't post their top pics at all, I've noticed, and neither can transmen. Both still get marked by censors. If you're trans or a cis woman, you can't post pictures of your chest, nor draw characters with their chests showing that aren't cis men. Transfolk and ciswomen both hit hard by censors while cis dudes are safe.

I probably follow more people than I should, but that's just me. The dude I recommended only follows, like, 30 people and misses out on drama. I follow over 900, so I run into more often.

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to JukeboxxSheepters [2020-03-04 18:52:48 +0000 UTC]

well, what i mentioned there is what i read in the tumblr tos cuz when we were looking into other sites we read all the rules first and took notes and i thought that was a strange rule, "no boobs except trans people posting pics of their surgery results"

the trouble i had with it before was lke, here on da you fav stuff and then go to your favorites to see it again, and on tumblr i coudln't find the stuff i posted or the stuff i liked or anything and it ws all just jumbled in together in a confusing way. 


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JukeboxxSheepters In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-05 05:55:11 +0000 UTC]

What is permitted?

"Examples of exceptions that are permitted are exposed female-presenting nipples in connection with breastfeeding, birth or after-birth moments, and health-related situations, such as post-mastectomy or gender confirmation surgery. Written content such as erotica, nudity related to political or newsworthy speech, and nudity found in art, such as sculptures and illustrations, are also stuff that can be freely posted on Tumblr."

That rule, right? Well the funny thing is, while they say those things are allowed...they aren't. People constantly have their posts flagged even for the "exceptions" up there. I've seen "male presenting nipples" (whatever that is) flagged. Tumblr doesn't even follow their own guidelines lmao

Tumblr is dumb, cluttered, doesn't follow its own rules, and I hate it but my friends are there and some cool people so I stick around.

I usually either draft things I really want to find again or privately reblog them, but even then I'll lose them. DA is a lot better with that. That said, I still lean more on Tumblr given all my friends are on there and I can use Tumblr's shitty blacklist along with X-Kit to blacklist stuff I really don't want to see.

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to JukeboxxSheepters [2020-03-05 14:22:11 +0000 UTC]

so it's a "we just want to look good" kind of rule. I think dA has some rules like that, like how it appears they are extremely strict about how you're allowed to draw minors but we suspect they probably don't actually enforce that and it's just there IN CASE something offensive happens or someone makes a big deal out of something so they can say "well we had a rule against that all along". they also have stuff about hate stuff and it's not supposed to be posted and at the very least controversial stuff is supposed to have a MC filter on it but like I said people are allowed to post "god hates fags" and stuff as stamps and when you try to report it, it says it's already been reported multiple times and already reviewed multiple times and found to be not only fine to be posted but fine to not even be filtered. that's when I came very close to leaving dA completely but it's hard to find a new site to move to, start over with 0 audience, figure out how stuff works, etc, and no guarantee it'll be any better someplace else.

we have some kinda add-on filter for dA that can block categories or specific artists


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JukeboxxSheepters In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-03-06 04:41:29 +0000 UTC]

Tumblr says they're against hate-speech but allows TERFS, Nazis, and pedos flourish on their site.

DA says they're strict but I've seen plenty of fetish art of underage characters.

Both of these sites talk out of their asses.

I use an add-on for DA as well, got tons of tags blocked along with artists. I don't wanna run into gross stuff anymore.

We all just need to move into the mountains and send emails to each other.

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to JukeboxxSheepters [2020-03-06 14:49:17 +0000 UTC]


we were planning to leave when dA converts to eclipse but it's hard to figure out where else to go and annoying to start over, learn a how a new site works, be a noob again, etc. and i think that's hwat dA is counting on. they are so arrogant with their "the worlds best art site" plastered on the log-in site which basically says 'we're gonna switch to eclipse even though we know everyone hates it because you have no where else to go so you have to just deal with it."


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MrMostWanted [2020-02-02 12:45:03 +0000 UTC]

I love your art. It's very amazing.

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to MrMostWanted [2020-02-02 14:28:44 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much it's very nice to hear *gathers encouragement* ♥


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ARCatSK [2020-01-13 08:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Your art style is so cute! Why am I not watching you yet??!

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to ARCatSK [2020-01-15 14:13:47 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the support

i've seen you around a lot and faved some of ur things and "already given a llama" lol. we were just looking at ur matrix kaiba pic thing the other day and now when that guy shows up in an episode i picture him saying "Mr. Anderson." or "attention duelists, this is the sound of inevitability" fufu. roxafox wants to do a similar pic with a different movie but he can't figure out exactly how to set it up/which characters would be funniest

also i see ur the one posted that other ygo merman pic that was there when we went to submit something the other day. i saw an entire group dedicated to ygo mermaids but it was a closed group for someone's story or something. someone needs to make a general open group for them cuz i'm surprised at how popular they are.


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ARCatSK In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-01-18 18:39:03 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing!

lolol, Kemo is a secret agent of the Martix..which only Kaibs is aware of!

I wish you good luck with your pic! I'm sure it'll turn out great!

and we totally need a mereman group!!!!!

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zansuro [2020-01-05 04:26:58 +0000 UTC]

Hi I know its random but do you rp?

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to zansuro [2020-01-09 01:45:28 +0000 UTC]

we do normal text RPs and art RPs

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zansuro In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2020-01-25 22:56:55 +0000 UTC]

Ok :3 would you rp with me I know its random asking

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to zansuro [2020-02-02 14:36:53 +0000 UTC]

send us a note with what you have in mind for characters/setting/plot/etc


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Th3-Gr3at-Tac0 [2020-01-02 04:30:05 +0000 UTC]

Just popping by to say your work is totes adorbs. Keep up the good work.~

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SoraWithWings In reply to Th3-Gr3at-Tac0 [2020-01-02 20:57:07 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much

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DemAng-Usagi [2019-10-01 22:54:52 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to DemAng-Usagi [2019-10-02 22:30:45 +0000 UTC]

oh i haven't seen comments from you before

the birthday entered was the day we made this account, so it's just the anniversary of this account. we intended to do a special event for it but after spending a year on it, now everybody is considering giving up on it instead or at least going on hiatus :/ we should have selected the "hide birthday" thing when we decided not to do the special event thing


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DemAng-Usagi In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2019-10-02 23:07:39 +0000 UTC]

ooohhhh I thought it tells u that it was yur birthday

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to DemAng-Usagi [2019-10-03 00:09:06 +0000 UTC]

Since there are three of us here and we can't enter in three birthdays we just used "the account's birthday," which is the day we made the account.


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DemAng-Usagi In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2019-10-03 00:28:24 +0000 UTC]


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yami-no-blackneko-13 [2019-10-01 22:40:19 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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GaySideOfDimensions In reply to yami-no-blackneko-13 [2019-10-02 22:30:50 +0000 UTC]

the birthday entered was the day we made this account, so it's just the anniversary of this account. we intended to do a special event for it but after spending a year on it, now everybody is considering giving up on it instead or at least going on hiatus :/ we should have selected the "hide birthday" thing when we decided not to do the special event thing


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yami-no-blackneko-13 In reply to GaySideOfDimensions [2019-10-13 03:42:34 +0000 UTC]

awwww I see. That sucks maybe a little break could help everyone 

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