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| Gangsta-Paula
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# Comments
Comments: 570
freddykruegerplz [2010-11-25 18:47:58 +0000 UTC]
This is on a different account. Nice to see ya again!
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to freddykruegerplz [2010-12-02 18:52:28 +0000 UTC]
Oh! Hiii! 8D It's been a long time, how are you?
Oh, sorry I didn't answer this so soon... You see, I am also moving on another account these days. It's
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freddykruegerplz In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-12-03 00:56:41 +0000 UTC]
Ah. I'll be back on my old account someday and I've been doing well
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to freddykruegerplz [2010-12-10 13:12:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh OK, and that's good to hear.
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freddykruegerplz In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-12-11 00:08:51 +0000 UTC]
Sooo uh, what's new? .
My friend passed away a couple days ago...
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to freddykruegerplz [2010-12-14 21:04:50 +0000 UTC]
Ah well, I guess my life is just the same. xD You know, school and stuff like that. I am looking forward to Christmas, and I'm so exited about it. ^^ I spent my last Christmas in France so it'll be so much fun this year. Oh yeah! I was in France for 5 months. 8D
What? Oh noooo...! I'm... I'm so sorry to hear that. Truly sorry to hear that.
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freddykruegerplz In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-12-15 11:27:32 +0000 UTC]
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kakkujapojat [2010-08-24 01:42:45 +0000 UTC]
welcoming u FRIENDSHIP WEEK~♥♥~
Send this to at least 15 people you love
including me if you care 4 me! *Let's see how many hearts you get!*
Please continue sending your own love to those you care for.
FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore it ♥♥ But you know I love you
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Mirpeli [2010-04-22 18:41:47 +0000 UTC]
Moi 8D
Tulin watchimaan sinua
Ja olinhan mä tääl käyny useampaan otteeseen
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to Mirpeli [2010-04-25 06:33:57 +0000 UTC]
Oooh, hei kiitos 8D
No mutta hei, mun pitää nyt watchata sua kans.
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kakkujapojat [2010-02-15 02:18:56 +0000 UTC]
^ I finished your picture, finally ;A; I'm soooo sorry it took so long =A= I had it finished a while back, but I just got lazy and hadn't posted it... |D
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to kakkujapojat [2010-02-15 17:35:50 +0000 UTC]
Yes! I saw it! Thank you very much about it! ^^ It was very sweet. :3
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kakkujapojat In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-02-15 17:44:13 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome^^~
I'm glad you liked it!
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to kakkujapojat [2010-02-06 18:27:54 +0000 UTC]
No problem, and it is thanks to YOU. >D
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kakkujapojat In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-02-06 19:03:57 +0000 UTC]
Well I had been talking to you for all this time, and was surprised I hadn't watched you yet XD You're welcome ^^
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to kakkujapojat [2010-02-07 10:39:55 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that's right. Actually I thougt the same too, but I always forgot to watch you. xD Yaaaay~
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My2Sisters [2010-01-09 17:45:00 +0000 UTC]
I found it weird talking on the APH groups page so I messaged you here instead ;
Norwegians understand most Danish and Swedish. And some Icelandic when they write instead of talking...
Norwegians understands the most of the other's language though. (Some Danish does not hear the difference between Swedish and Norwegian. o__e)
Yup, Finnish is a lot different than the other languages in Scandinavia... I like the sound of the language though. ^^
I have heard most of the people near the border know Swedish as well...? True or false?
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-09 19:04:20 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, I almost forgot we're talking on the APH group. xD This'll be better. 8D
I haven't heard much Norwegian but I have always thought that there are some things similar to Swedish.
When I spoke some Finnish to my fellow students in my French high school, they said that it sounded like Russian. 8D But I don't. xD Russian language is.. Special. 8D
In fact all the Finns should know Swedish. It is our second language so we have to study it. Even I have studied it but now I have started to forget it.. It gets mixed with my French. xD So, it is true. 8D And near the border and the area of our capital most of the road signs are written in Swedish and Finnish. And so on.. :3
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-09 19:57:16 +0000 UTC]
At some points Norwegian and Swedish are similar, but my experience tells me that Norwegian is easier due to easier grammar.
Pfft, french people. They eat snails, like they should know...
WTFH?! (Woot da f'ing hll) YOU SHOULD NOT BE TOLD TO STUDY SWEDISH! YOUR FINNS! FIIIINNS! And you already got to learn English!
...You have to learn French as well? Oh God... No wonder that creepy guy took a gun and killed several female pupils at his school and then killed himself...
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-09 20:12:55 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, interesting. 8D Maybe I should start studying Norwegian too. xD
Yeah well.. XD French people are special.. Kinda.. I haven't tasted the snails yet, but I tried the oysters.
Yes, well.. Many of us Finns are not so content because we have to study Swedish.. Many of my friends are complaining about it. But luckily I don't need to use Swedish outside Swedish classes. >D
Actually I chose to study French myself.. But it is a hard language.. D= Very.
Oh, you have heard of those shooting things at our schools... Ah... I don't always understand what's wrong with some of our youngsters.. And even the people in France have heard about them.. Lately we heard about a shooting thing near Helsinki.. Some crazy guy went to a supermarket to kill his ex and some other dudes. What's wrong with the people nowadays?!
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-09 20:24:44 +0000 UTC]
You should seriosly start a debate about it...
You are FINNS, in a very FINNISH country. Sweden and Swedish has nothing to do with you except for the people near the border.
It is... ugh... so annoying listening to!
I have to teach Nynorsk, the other kind of Norwegian we have to learn in Norway... Almost everyone uses Bokmål. I mean... We could have had a month where we were taught some words and such... but making it to a subject is CRAZY!
And the man who made Nynorsk made it because he hated Germans - he was a racist!
He hated that our language changed after the war f.ex using words that starting with Hv.
That is part of why I hate Nynorsk.
Our language has ALWAYS been in movement! Norwegian has grown from the Norse language just like Icelandic.
And f.ex our word 'Kjendis' which is celebrity is really SWEDISH. *gasp* We 'adopted' it. Changing our language on purpose is some f'ing bulls***!
If you learn Nynorsk you learn the language of racism - my opinion... I just hate it that much - you understood that.
Haha, my friend is half French. She said French grammar is the worst...
I heard about the shooting thingy at the supermarket too - it was on the news. And one my teachers often (almost always) brings up news and shocking facts up in our Norwegian classes.
That is part of why I like her.
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-10 14:36:40 +0000 UTC]
Well, personally I don't mind studying Swedish. It just allows me to communicate with even more people. >D
Wut? You guys have two kinds of languages? Wow, I didn't know that. Oh, the origins of Nynorsk aren't so pretty.. So it was just to show how much he hated the Germans? : (
There are words originally from Swedish in Finnish language, but I don't mind it. 8D I heard that there are a lot of words in Swedish that come from French originally. I dunno. ^^
Yes, I understood. I will never study Nynorsk, then. Dx
I don't like the shooting thingies in Finland.. They are so wrong. )= Actually I wouldn't want them to happen in other countries either. And some idiot made it into a joke and told that there would be an attack like that in my school and some other schools nearby. Because of that stupid idiot most of the students in many schools were evacuated for NOTHING.
But it's true, that it may be good to bring up news like that on the lessons.
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-10 14:54:53 +0000 UTC]
Danish uses words for number influenced by French.
fir og tres and such... I understand hardly any numbers in Danish. oo''
We have two languages, but they are a bit alike... it sounds like a dialect. But it has some really hard words. >__<
Yush, he made it to put out the German influence on our language to show off. <.<
Yush, we discuss a lot. Sadly that teacher is pregnant so I think she is going to stop working soon... she is retiring for some months...
she has two daughters but she wanted more children. She said she wanted a girl so the kid could get old clothes from her sisters... you know; when the clothes are just fine but got too small.
And the boys in my class said this just to be rebelious;
''Ey! You are a racist! You only want girls!''
And the only reason she want's a girl is because then she could take over clothes that were too small for her other daughters... Idiots. <.<
If they have got nothing smart to say then they can shut their pie holes...
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-10 16:31:16 +0000 UTC]
Actually I think I haven't heard a lot of Danish.. I think I wouldn't understand it if I heard it. 8D
I have a teacher who is very smart and still very funny. He is also telling us things about the other countries and the news and he can explain things in a very interesting way. :3 I like him a lot even though he makes the hardest exams. x__X
Oh, that is so cute! :3 I hope she'll get a girl. ^^ There are 4 girls in my family, me and my 3 sisters. And I have used the clothes of my big sister and our little sister gets our clothes. Of course we buy some new ones too. Actually one of my sisters is my twin. ^^ I love having a twin sister.
Bah! Those boys were just stupids. >: ( Boys can be REALLY stupid sometimes. And annoying. But not all of them, luckily.
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-10 16:54:55 +0000 UTC]
Haha, true.
I have two elder sister. One Lucifer in living person and one mini-Lucifer (only when she used to live at home...). I am glad you are okay with your sisters, though.
The eldest is 21 - going to be 22 this year, and the other one is 16 and is going to be 17 this year.
Of course we have to buy new ones too, but re-using is common in families where there are a lot of kids of the same sex. ^^
Yush... most of them are annoying and ignorant, but luckily at least 4 or so are not. <.<
I hate it when they fake their personality and such... 90% or so of the people from my old school got all fake of all sudden. :S
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-10 17:11:30 +0000 UTC]
Oh, you didn't get along with your sisters? : D My big sister can be troublesome quite often but it seems that she is very fond of me. So we get along though I can't stand listening when she is mean to my twin and little sister. She's not always mean, though. She will turn 20 soon and she has moved on her own.
Me and my twin are 17, going to be 18 this year. °A° We get along perfectly, we are always together. ^^
My little sister is 12, going to be 13. We get along well but she has problems getting along with the eldest.. She has learned to get along with my twin now that she is the only sister for her at home now. I am in France and the eldest has moved away.
I think that re-using clothes is not so bad. Or if we don't use them anymore, we'll give them away to the poor or to developing countries.
I hate it too when the others fake their personality and try to be 'oh, so cool' or something. I respect people who can really BE themselves.
That's really annoying especially with some boys. They really SHOULD grow some balls! D:<
I hate it when some boys have done something bad and the others just say that "boys are just boys". It's not like their sex allows them to act all mean and stupid. I was bullied almost all the time from elementary school to the end of middle school. Mostly by the boys. There were some girls but mostly boys.
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-11 10:14:10 +0000 UTC]
Yush, if they can be re-used they should be given away. ^^
Are you in France right now? oo''
Me to... I was bullied from 4th to 8th grade... FOUR YEARS!!! All by older boys and sometimes two girls came to watch them beat me up, bug me and steal my stuff...
The worst thing was being called names such as ugly, ignorant, ''smårips'' and so on... Smårips is a word we use to look down on people, a person who has smårips has not begun puberty yet...
And I had begun puberty - they looked down at my scawny figure and small boobs... Sorry I did not put paper in my bra like my friends did then! >__<
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-11 17:56:51 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that's right. ^^
Yup, I have been in France for 4 months now as an exchange student. Unfortunately.. This will be my last month.. They already sent me the train ticket to Paris.. ;__;
Oh, that is just outrageous. D:< I don't like mean people AT ALL! I was called ugly, nerd, and even for sometimes they called me a whore. That was the worst I had heard. D; I think it's totally wrong to look down on people who are different by their body shapes or appearance. Maybe those people have some problems with their bodies and they try to cover it by bullying the others.. They put paper in their bra? That seems.. Weird. D=
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-11 18:11:37 +0000 UTC]
Everyone have once or so been called whore/hore... I used to get offenced but I do no anymore... I mean;
What do they know about that? NOTHING! They did not even know me.
And because I was rude to them in return, how does that make me a hore? If you are pissed at some girls and you start to argue and you are rude in return then that does not make you a hore. o___e A hore is a man/women who sell sex/sexual services, it has nothing to do with being rude.
Yush... and I have shared school with most of them for 9 years or so, so I should know how ''goodlooking'' they are... It is so pathetic to look down on others to make yourself feel better with yourself. <.<
Two girls or so put paper in their bras... and we were, like... 10 or so? It was pathetic to look at... <.<''
They were 10/11 years old, every girl knew they did not have real b and c-cups. >__< and certainly not with that slim and child-like body.
Only the boys did not know it.
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-11 19:14:56 +0000 UTC]
I don't want to leave yet, but I have to.. ;__; But I think it makes good to see my family and friends again.
YEAH that's right! That boy who called me that just drove by me with his bike and shouted "WHORE" at me. It didn't feel so good.. After he was asked that why did he call me that and he said "I don't know." THAT PISSES ME OFF! D:< I did never nothing wrong to my classmates and they kept bullying me just for their fun. Luckily it wasn't so hard on 9th grade anymore.. It's stupid how people call the others with names they don't seem to know well.. It pisses me off that some guys here who are friends still call each other "gay" all the time, as if it was fun.
I spent 6 years with the same class, but then in the 7th grade they put me into a class where I knew no one. There I was even more bullied than in my old class.. People can really be pathetic sometimes.. -__- Especially the bullies. >:I
10 years old?! Well, I think that some girls in my old school did something like that too, in that age.. When they want to be teenagers and oh so cool.. =__= I didn't even have bras when I was 10-11.
But that's fine with me. I got boobs in age of 14 or 15.. But that doesn't matter to me. : D
Ah, well the boys see nothing usually. XD They hardly ever notice things like that. Maybe they were just hypnotized by those fake boobs...
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-11 19:33:22 +0000 UTC]
o___e Those are just a bunch of loosers... Ignore them - It is what I do. There is nothing else we can do... We can just hope that they will grow up eventually.
I started wearing a bra when I was 11 or so... in 6th grade (12 years old) I had aa-cup and they were sore so I used a bra to comfort them. ^^
I was so embarrassed about wearing one (because I was the 2nd one to get boobs, no one else had it.) so I used huge hoodies so they could not see the straps.
I got over it after some time, though... it was just in the beginning it was a bit uncomfortable.
ME LIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY (not really, I only like them because it is SO COOL to pretend to be a horny jackass.)''
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-12 17:59:30 +0000 UTC]
I am happy I don't have to be with those loosers anymore. Now I have an awesome class and great friends in my high school. Thanks to my sister I was able to go to that high school. 8D
Oh, ok. ^^ I don't like to wear bras, because they have started to hurt a little bit.. D8 I think I was maybe a bit happy to get boobs, many other girls had them before me, so I didn't have to feel uncomfortable. :3
Haha, I could imagine those boys thinking like that.. It wouldn't be new, though. XD
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-12 18:16:32 +0000 UTC]
O_o I love wearing bras, they support and hide the shape of them so no one can imagine what is underneath my tank top + cardigan. (I mostly use tank tops with cardigans on top)
Most boys seriously need to stop thinking with their little brain... no one good with it, and we women dun need them either. <.<
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Gangsta-Paula In reply to My2Sisters [2010-01-12 18:29:40 +0000 UTC]
I should maybe just find bras which don't hurt me. 8D I'll have to find a different model.. °3°
The boys seem to think with what they have downstairs... >__> Too often. We ladies are much more wiser and better. >D We don't need the men. Hahahaha! Well, maybe somehow we do.. xD
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My2Sisters In reply to Gangsta-Paula [2010-01-12 18:32:17 +0000 UTC]
Maybe your bra does not fit anymore?
Most probably it is the area around under your boobs that has gotten bigger, maybe you should try a bigger size?
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