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GamerGirlN [22948608] []

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# Comments

Comments: 483

QuidesDezinho [2024-07-04 18:48:47 +0000 UTC]

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gitreckt [2020-01-21 06:09:17 +0000 UTC]

Stop being a hater. Nobody wants to listen to your shit.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GamerGirlN In reply to gitreckt [2020-03-14 02:50:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HopMydreem [2017-11-19 22:42:26 +0000 UTC]

Hello, Gamergirl could you look at her beautiful picture today on the days she open her comments on this month only on the 19th(which is today), 21st, 22nd, 24th, 27th and 29th your available on to go here Brazil's qiphan garota samba lil' Chinesa Gal Ai  so could you favorite it, comment it and rate she appreciated you to submit in her artwork comment section, will you, please she'd be happy to read it in her artwork?

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HopMydreem [2017-10-10 23:33:06 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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GamerGirlN In reply to HopMydreem [2017-10-14 03:27:06 +0000 UTC]

i know this is your other account... sorry for blocking you and i think i shouldn't ghost on people like that, so here's the thing
i study full time, all week, i have two college level works to do to the end of this year or else i am screwed, i have a lot of problems in real life, and after all my computer broke so i have no reason to use deviantart ( which i stopped enjoying using a long time ago. )
i'm not answering you because i barely have time and i really don't want to feed a friendship i wouldn't be able to keep, that would be extremely selfish of myself. but there are tons of other people, brazilians like me, out there, with time and willingness to feed a friendship! it's just not me though, i am not exactly much of a friends person, specially over the internet, i had really bad experiences with that.. i just want to focus on school, work and getting my diploma at the moment.
so yeah, that's it..

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kottylingual [2017-09-01 21:33:20 +0000 UTC]

 Ni oi ma   , GamerGirlN so do you always have watched Lilo & Stitch series so do you know this Chinese spin-off came out just last March the 27th a new girl named fully Ai Ling in a place of Lilo only in a place of China instead of Hawaii, here is the picture of them img07.deviantart.net/e86d/i/20… isn't Sparky and that new little girl adorable and perfect?
If your interested in them the Chinese girl and you should, already know that Chinese dragon-like experiment alien, could you draw them of Sparky eating Chinese noodles in a Chinese noodle box or a Chinese noodle bowl and Ai eating a tanghulu a Chinese red dumplings on a stick, please?
So if you don't know what tanghulu is, it's this that appeared in this Chinese show c1.staticflickr.com/5/4300/363… of Sparky meeting his own partner in China, but there was no Chinese noodles seen in this show or could you draw them in a Chinese festival wearing these outfits, a Chinese gate called a Paifang in the background for them, drumming Ai is doing in that pretty China flag colored Chinese qipao outfit and Sparky wearing this cool outfit like a monkey king sort of having these antennaes on the cap and some Chinese warrior outfit matching for the Chinese festival it looks like to me, a stick and a lantern stick carrying with him as Ai carrying a drum celebrating in that street in China so here are they to copy their outfits and the background with the Paifang for the street Ai's Chinese outfits festival or Sparkys outfits  do u like to do both or which one you want them to do in?

I love looking for someone from Brazil to draw it for the newly Sparky and Ai fans.

 Ni oi ma   is a mix of Chinese and Portuguese of hello/hi, ni hao ma + oi = ni oi ma.

Hmm, did you watched Sagwa, A Gatinha Siamesa on canal Futura between 2007 and 2011, bcus your avatar is the gatinha?
Well I do not speak Portuguese, I just found out the cartoon where it use to air on that channel in Brazil of ur country.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-01 21:46:16 +0000 UTC]

Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've never heard of the cartoon, but it does sound really interesting! Unfortunately, i'm not taking requests. But i appreciate your interest to my art and my country!
Also, no, i never watched Sagwa, my profile picture is just a cat i found around on the internet and i tought it was cute haha

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-01 22:51:33 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome. Oh, try to see the picture www.google.com.br/search?q=Sag… so does that cartoon looks familiar to you at all as I guess maybe u don't know the title of it?
So u never take requests at all?
Is your art are full of Brazil culture stuff as I didn't see yet?
I know it is, I just thought you did that avatar that real life 1 would of remind u of the cartoon cat from China named Sagwa.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-01 23:05:58 +0000 UTC]

yeah i do know that cartoon, is really famous around here! but i'm not a big fan of tv, i almost never watch it ever since i was a child haha
And no, no requests, sorry! I do take comissions though. ( i'm trying to pay exactly what makes me so busy to draw: school haha )
My art doesn't really have much brazilian culture influence, as i am most influenced by fantasy and video games. i like my country but not that much

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-01 23:21:56 +0000 UTC]

Okay, glad u know that cartoon and am proud is really famous in ur country of Brazil that cartoon take place in China.
I like to watch it as a kid, becus I was curious. How r u not a fan of tv, is it, because your not very curious on that Chinese cartoon looking show to learn something there u see what situations the Chinese show's characters r in that genre wen u were a kid?
Okay, so you don't do any requests at all. I still don't know too much what commissions is.
Your busy to pay, becus your in highschool.
Oh, ok no much Brazilian culture influence in so just fantasy and video games, odd, so how did you like your country and not very much?
Do you know it be cool if there's a Chinese and Brazilian fusion so.. Do you know something similar between Chinese and Brazilian icon culture identities? If you don't know/if you didn't know, but I'll show u how.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-01 23:30:50 +0000 UTC]

i don't know, i never really enjoyed tv that much, as a kid i liked spending my time on my computer or drawing. but if it helps, i have always been a big fan of Mulan, and it makes me really curious about chinese culture, i love it!
And a comission is pretty much a request, but it's paid and i post it as soon as i can and with every detail exactly as you wish! I have comission info up here in my profile, but i can change the prices a little bit depending on what you ask.
And my country, as beautiful and culturally rich as it is, it truly is not the best country in the world. It's unfair, corrupted, the population suffers in the hands of the government and everything is expensive, it's really bad.
And i don't think i see much of fusions between brazilian and chinese cultures that much aside from traditional chinese festivals we get once in a while around here haha, but if you do know of other things, let me know, i have always been enchanted by chinese culture! Sorry, i don't know if you told me this before, but are you chinese?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-02 15:20:25 +0000 UTC]

Hm, I always enjoyed tv much till I got into being on the computer too more then tv well I didn't have much tv anymore when I got into being on the computer when 2 years before I became a teenager so now I'm a grown up, but I did have watched a little tv when gotten older, but there isn't any great shows I was never into anymore I mean these weird non classic shows or there was a channel they shut down where they show classic cartoons was on and I missed that. Oh, now I get it sort of, so commission means to draw a picture, so now I remember someone told me I have to pay, but I have a disability a learning one is a disability so I'm not use to with money much and can't ask my mom to pay that I believe, becus I am afraid she'll ask me why as I don't want to be embarrassed. I didn't know much what happened to your country, I had a couple users tell me they don't like it or like it and not much of your country Brazil so u said it's bad the reason a couple of them said about their country like that to me when all of u live in Brazil, I don't know what about the government or how its expansive and the population suffers or corrupted and unfair, sounds awful about the suffering. I'm surprised your a fan of Mulan, wow, so your curious on the Chinese culture too, oh my gosh. I'm happy to read u like me to let u know, I did know they have Chinese festivals in Brazil. So you think u do not know much fusions between Brazil and China so I like to know how I thought there's some fusion looks on 2 culture identities so here this is what I thought about so u didn't say if ur interested in Chinese culture when ur curious.

Also are you ever interested in the Chinese culture, but you know Brazil and China have similar resemblances, you know that these facts so here they are what I mean, you notice all that before?
The Portuguese came to Brazil the first Europeans as well as the Chinese came to Brazil the first East Asians both arrive to Brazil.
When I first heard Portuguese by someone I use to see, it came in my mind that Portuguese sounds like in Chinese it reminded me, cus both they have "ese", I thought Portuguese was the only European language to have it while the Asian languages lots have it like Taiwanese, Balinese, Sundanese, Shanghainese, Surinamese, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Javanese then found out there is another European language Maltese with "ese" but all Asian languages have "nese" while the European languages have "guese" and "tese", seems Maltese and Portuguese are the only European languages to have "ese".
Both China and Brazil countries in the same sizes mapfight.appspot.com/cn-vs-br/… so now you have looked at these.
Even though China had a Portuguese colony, but I'm sure Brazil must of have a Chinese colony too.
But, because of what happened funny facts that way is both flags have same one color matching on the first two flags you'll see c1.staticflickr.com/5/4315/359… a gold rhombus transforms into golden yellow stars from the yellow diamond shape and as you see another set of 2 flags showing them both have stars switched, but not same colors, though.
China and Brazil flags make them look like in Christmas colors, but unlike Brazil, China doesn't traditionally celebrate Christmas, but now they do.
And look at the mountains between in China and Brazil c1.staticflickr.com/5/4330/360… they look almost the same as if people could mistaken that the Guilin mountains was in Rio de Janeiro or mistaken Sugarloaf mountain was in Li River rarely I believe.
Last 1 is that the Chinese has the mythology of huge beautiful birds in stories are similar to that of Brazilian dancers with stylized as dancing human birds called the garotas that they dance in the samba parade, very similar between the fenghuangs and parrots, because of the idea of feathers.
There are Brazilian and Chinese differences of headdresses too, here is the Brazilian 1 i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/82/1… and here is the Chinese 1 i.pinimg.com/236x/ca/2b/05/ca2… similar are they that both have like pom-poms and feathers sometimes that don't have feathers and tiny gemstones sometimes too, right?

So do you realized all that, before, if you didn't know, what do you think on all of the 7 facts I wrote and show you links of them?
It's a bit long, but I think you have fun learning new things of facts u enjoyed what you read and see in the links of pictures.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-02 16:02:51 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry about it, i'm always open to comissions, so whenever you want it, reach ouy to me and i'll gladly draw whatever you want!!
Also, i never knew that China and Brazil had so much in common! I love the fact of the birds, i'm a big fan of samba and i plan on being a dancer someday, it's nice to know it has the influence of such a beautiful culture like China's!

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-02 18:19:44 +0000 UTC]

I'm not worried, I was just like not ready. So u can draw me Sparky and Ai soon, really?
So much in common, it sounds your saying about the relations between China and Brazil or did you mean China and Brazil got some almost same influence?
Your a big fan of samba really?
Are kids going to see you as a samba dancer as I'm surprised u want to become one?
I seen how silly they look and indecent looking, I am curious to why do they not wear just dresses or skirts with the feathers of crests, wings and tails too I guess, not like showing their butts or sometimes they don't wear tops like this one I saw i.pinimg.com/736x/e0/1e/92/e01… like does it look gross as I saw that I was like eeeeek as I found months ago some they have their breasts painted without their top on in those carnivals and looks to me their bottoms don't have underwears too, bleh I didn't know there is body paint so when I seen the movie Rio that looks like a Pixar movie the girl wears like a 2 piece swimming suite and end up mistaken to play as a dancer in a carnival and can't understand Portuguese, I was kind of quite embarrassed/disturbed a bit of them as I'm confused why they dress like that showing their inappropriately I mean they say they show too much skin, but I only liked the feathers, but not the way how their outfits of clothes look like that, I mean it was so weird, but we're both girls anyways as it's my 1st time asking that of how could this be invented like that?
When you become a dancer, r u gonna wear a skirt or dress instead of not wanting to show yourself look indecent like an adult content lady, I mean I was a little shocked?
So now you say it's nice Brazil has the influence of the culture as China did.
I was gonna show you a video and then you got me curious that u want to be in a dancer in a carnival as I didn't know this is coming, bcus I never knew someone would say to me wants to be a samba carnival dancer. I think not this time, I'll see your answers first and then show u another video on the culture your curious of on China.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-07 18:53:08 +0000 UTC]

It's not really a huge dream of mine to become a dancer, it's just something i really want someday. Also, i have absolutely no problem in showing my body in really small clothing, it's something cultural around here ( i think it's because of our native people, of when our country was discovered around 1500, our ancient people were really simple, walking around with no clothing at all because they weren't ashamed of their own bodies and everyone was so respectful. )especially during Carnaval, we celebrate our ancient culture and women's bodies. The brazillian woman is beautiful, and we aren't afraid or ashamed to show that! And i don't think it's the slightest indecent or gross; we are proud of our own skin, and we showing ourselves doesn't make us less human or respectable.

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-07 20:14:12 +0000 UTC]

Ok, ur not a huge dream of it, I don't even know when someday, like when u be ready? To me I don't like wearing a 2 half swimming suite as it's too weird to show my tummy I felt, I prefer how I wear back in the 90s as a child a 1 swimsuit even my mom have a 1 swimming suite, but it was changed now a days, I saw a little girl wears a 2 half swimming suite ad it's nothing like that when I was a kid. Since I thought it was a little gross, I can't remember how exactly I say, but the native Indians I saw that on youtube before were naked unlike the 1's up north in North America, but when the Portuguese came what do they think how they discovered the naked bodies of Indian people, did they felt ashamed? What about catholic or christians in your country today, what they thought about that out of curiosity as I never knew I'd be curious to a little more, again? I never knew u would mention on native people of Brazil, becus I seen there r Indians who cover their bodies in outfits in Canada or the USA. When u respect that culture, does that mean yur descent is a native indian Brazilian? I thought this should been short, but it's not. Now to the Chinese stuff.
U didn't answer this question about u can draw me Sparky and Ai soon, really?
Oh, did u know this cartoon Chinese character show pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb… at all?

So there is something else too.
I was curious are you familiar with the soundtracks or a song/intro song this www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imj25n… video I watched sounds cool and it's over 1 minute the video so let me know which one's you recognize I love you to list them for me of the one's you know?
I wonder if you know a Chinese gate called a Paifang in this Brazilian town Liberdade you just saw the pictures in the video, it should been a first town for the Chinese, since the Chinese are the first to arrive to Brazil just like the Portuguese did as the first Europeans to arrive in Brazil I read, it's cool Liberdade should been the first for the East Asian arrival to Brazil of the Chinese and have their first Brazil's East Asian town nicknamed Liberdade as the Chinatown makes sense, before Koreans and other Asians came in arrival more later and strangely Liberdade use to be called Field of the Gallows which it was creepy it was use to be a place for executing the slaves, yikes, so do you know the Paifang at all?
As I seen here in the article en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinatow… it's a bummer that it doesn't say an info of Brazil have a Chinatown like Mexico and others in this only speaking Portuguese country out of in Spanish speaking countries.
Last time I talk to this other Brazilian user and she knew nothing on the specific data of cities, cus she doesn't like the country like her you live in, I find it strange she didn't know and not liking her home country of your home, but also there was another Brazilian user, but didn't say anything if he knows who also lives in your country of Brazil.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-07 20:55:05 +0000 UTC]

yes, that's exactly it! our people was happy and free, living naked and in touch with the nature, then the portuguese came and tought it was bad and gave them clothing. it sucks, if it depended on me, i would happily live in the middle of the forest, wearing no clothes at all, and be free. And christians in my country are really conservative so indeed they don't like women wearing little clothing, but i coulf care less of what these old men think of my clothing, i wear what i like haha
and respecting their culture doesn't necessarily mean my descendents are native indian, actually my descendence is Russian, but i do like their culture very much.
And yes, i could draw Sparky and Ai whenever you want! But only in form of comission, but the price is negotiable. feel free to contact me whenever you want to make the transaction and i'll draw it for you. ( i just can't make it next week because of my tests at school. )
Yes, i am familiar with Ni Hao Kai Lan! Even though i wasn't a big fan of tv as a kid, i know that show and i think it's adorable.
And yes, i know Liberdade! It's kind of a neighbourhood in our biggest city, São Paulo. I live one hour from Sao Paulo, but if i didn't, i would go to Liberdade all the time, i love that place. It has a looot of asian people selling things, and i mainly go there to buy imported chinese goods that i can't find here at my city haha but it's a beautiful place, full of traditional decoration and stores, the food there is great too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-07 22:03:02 +0000 UTC]

Were u also a dog person too or love dogs?
Oh my gosh, I'm surprised ur Russian, so ur parents are from Russia, hmm, what your parents think of wanting to be free and naked in the middle of the forest? Gosh, didn't know this would come.
Like the Brazil and China flags have yellow, but this something interesting www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&a… an old Russia flag matches the China flag, becus they both have yellow and red, but now Russia flag is red, white and blue, but I wonder how not red, yellow and blue like how Germany flag have red and yellow, but have black, but I know Soviet Union is gone, but if communist in China is gone I have no idea if the flag will change too, did u realize that before, just curiously interesting if u did seen the matching between the red and yellow Soviet and China flags though Russia is bigger then China?
I 1st supposed to said about Hawaii, this is similar what happened to Hawaii I saw in a documentary on youtube a long time ago of the English came they want to stop the Hawaiians from doing dancing with the naked top only, I'm not sure if I remember right like how u said the Portuguese force the native people to wear clothes on. Hmm, that's odd you like to wear little clothing.

Okay, Sparky and Ai, I don't know about the form of commission, I have trouble figuring that out, because of learning disabilities. Whew, good that's fun a nice Brazilian person knows Ni Hao Kai-Lan too, awesome, u think it's adorable. Oh, you do know that town, haha, hey I live 1 hour away from a big city too so yeah, East Asian people there. That's so cool u buy Chinese goods there, hehe and u must of go and watch Chinese festival celebrations like the Chinese New Year and others. Hey, ur missing something, where is the list of the music I asked u to list of which u recognize any in the video link, do you recognize any soundtracks from old cartoon shows and 1 song intro?

Do u know there is a video on youtube called Liberdade - São Paulo // Chinatown of São Paulo - Brasil by MrKacorodrigues at all that Brazilian user? Do u love to call Liberdade Chinatown or either East Asian town whatever u like? Because Chinese were grown to live there and other Asians like Macanese(half Chinese half Portuguese), Hong Kongers, Taiwanese and Koreans or others like Vietnamese.
Did u know this ethnic Asian group at all called the Javanese en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javanese… before?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-07 23:00:53 +0000 UTC]

That's random haha but yes i love dogs, actually i love all kinds of animals!!
And actually my grand grandmother and grandfather were russian, my parents and my grandma are brazilian just like me haha and i'm pretty sure my mother would love to live just like the natives!
I never noticed the resemblence between the flags, that's really cool. Also, i actually never went to Liberdade to see any traditional events, i think it doesn't happen there, i think it's just a big market, but i'll check it out!
Oh and i think you sent me the wrong video, the video you sent me was talking about Liberdade.

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-09 08:31:42 +0000 UTC]

Ok, u love dogs too and as well u must be a animal lover.
U said grand twice, so wow your grandparents on your mom's and dad's sides are all Russian or from Russia 2 generations ago, so your a full fledged Russian descent, your not mixed by other descents if one of your parent's parents are not Russian, am I correct? Wow, u think the Soviet Union flag and China flag resembles www.vlink.com/history/vnflag/p… see the correct colors of yellow too, please?
U said your grandma is Russian not Brazilian when saying grandparents or do u mean she become a Brazilian immigrated from Russia?
Edit: Later this came up I want to ask do u know little Russian words and do your parents speak Russian fluently and u and parents have been to Russia to see other relatives of the grandparents?
U said u r sure ur mom wants to be like u as a native be free, u should ask her can u, I wonder if ur dad too?

Oh, so u never went to see the Chinese New Year there or other Chinese events/celebration. Um, don't know if event means celebration as well it came like that to my head.
No, I didn't send u a video talking about Liberdade, I just checked it and I correctly give u a video link, it's a video with pictures and just music, did u got mixed up or forget?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-09 22:43:53 +0000 UTC]

Actually, i have parts of my family who are Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, so i could say i have a lot of european heritage haha
Actually, my parents and mu grandmother are brazilian, just my grandma's mother and father were russian. They don't know any russian, but i did take time to learn it. But it has been a while and i'm not fluent, so i can read a bit in russian but i can't speak, i'm still studying it haha
My parents aren't home rn, but i will ask them once they are here.
And that's weird, when i open that video it shows a different one :/

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-10 00:25:08 +0000 UTC]

Hmm,  can't believe u never say anything about your other descents ur mixed with, who are the one's that were Spanish and Portuguese sides?
I thought u said your grandfather and grandmother r Russian, but your mother's grandmother's child, what descent her daughter or son marry? A half Spanish half Portuguese descent?
Ok, I'm surprised they don't know Russian. Ok, odd.
Which is your parent is the Russian side of the grandparents?
Ok, once their home, ask them before u forget.

A different 1, so is it the video of the Liberdade pictures with the sound effects, soundtracks or a song/intro song u now hear and watched it?
So tell me if there these soundtracks or a song/intro song u recognize, becus u never answer me these lists, please?
I have not have my question answered about the Chinese gate, earlier I forgot what to ask 1 thing so I think I remember by realizing it u never answer me it so I want to know have u heard of a Chinese gate called a Paifang before?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-11 01:44:33 +0000 UTC]

My father's side of the family is portuguese and spanish.
And i don't recognize any of them, sorry! And i never heard of that gate

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-11 13:26:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh, okay, so your mom is the Russian side.
I was confused r u saying your Russian grandparents r from Russia or your great grandparents r from Russia?
So did u ask your parents that they both dream being free in the forest, nude freely?

Oh, u never heard of it, did you love the Chinese word for gate 'Paifang''?
Arrgh, u didn't tell me the nearly last question, again, did u forgot to answer the lists of the music?
So tell me if there these soundtracks or a song/intro song u recognize, becus u never answer me these lists, please?
Anyway, I'm glad you finally answered me that u never heard of Paifang before.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Kottylingual [2017-09-12 02:28:34 +0000 UTC]

my great grandparents are from russia. And my mom shares my dream of living free, my father is more about the city hard working life.
And i did answer you, i said i don't recognize any of them.

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Kottylingual In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-09-12 18:15:57 +0000 UTC]

So u mean great grandparents for last time u said grand grandparents, haha.
So your grandparents of your great grandparents adult kid and in-law r they both Russian born Brazilians, your grandma and grandpa on ur mom's side?
So ur mom said she dreams to be free naked in the forest too really?
So does ur dad hates to dream to be a naked native indian man in the forest?
Surprisng he loves working in the city.

Okay, so as u hear them so are u sure you never heard any from the old shows you must watched in the 90s or 2000s like the episode called Eye of the Dragon plays this ding ding music I guess it's called of this Chinese music sound they used it from a show Inspector Gadget, the soundtrack of another ding ding Chinese music sound of the closing credits of The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan if you seen it on Boomerang in Brazil, a piece of the Chinese music sound intro song of China Girl by David Bowie and the last piece with the Erhu sound it's called from an episode Big Brother Binky from a 90s show Arthur?
I know there's 1 of them u didn't know is from a 50s commercial of Chinese characters.
Have u heard of these three Portuguese songs before just look at another version of the video www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffs9ed… do u know these Portuguese songs before, do they all suit the pictures with more then 2 different songs??

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Sigue-Sigue [2017-03-18 00:44:13 +0000 UTC]

Quero te perguntar umas coisinhas...
1) Você é de Campinas, certo?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2017-03-18 00:45:27 +0000 UTC]

não, sou de uma cidade perto de Campinas na qual eu nao vou revelar o nome hahah pode perguntar :^)

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-03-18 00:51:03 +0000 UTC]

Mas, de qualquer jeito;
você saberia me responder como é o sotaque dos campineiros?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2017-03-18 00:52:38 +0000 UTC]

Hmm. provavelmente sotaque de interior.

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-03-18 01:34:06 +0000 UTC]

Eu vi falar que o sotaque campineiro é meio português.
A impressão é que se está na divisa Minas-Rio.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2017-03-18 01:36:31 +0000 UTC]

Nao sei muito bem, nunca estive muito em Campinas

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-03-18 01:53:19 +0000 UTC]

E onde você está? É em Jundiaí, né?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2017-04-08 22:44:38 +0000 UTC]

opa, perdao, so fui ver agora
e o sotaque daqui eh bem caipira, bem esteriotipico

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2017-04-08 22:47:50 +0000 UTC]

De onde (sem compromisso)?

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Sigue-Sigue [2016-08-14 23:23:57 +0000 UTC]

Olá, Capi; lembra de mim?

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2016-08-15 00:03:32 +0000 UTC]

oh, oi!! você voltou, fico feliz com isso! o que fez você voltar?

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2016-08-15 01:03:56 +0000 UTC]

Uma série de coisas em geral, Capi. Entre elas, desenvolver novos projetos para o dA.

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2016-08-15 01:04:34 +0000 UTC]

fico feliz com isso. bem vindo de volta, amigo.

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2016-09-08 05:21:29 +0000 UTC]

Quer ser minha amiga de novo? (Eu irei te adicionar)

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2016-09-08 09:46:24 +0000 UTC]


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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2016-09-08 23:37:27 +0000 UTC]

Obrigado pelo watch!!!

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GamerGirlN In reply to Sigue-Sigue [2016-09-08 23:46:15 +0000 UTC]

por nada

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2016-09-09 00:48:27 +0000 UTC]

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2016-09-08 16:38:22 +0000 UTC]

Então eu espero.

(Adiciono algumas coisas suas no caso)

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Sigue-Sigue In reply to GamerGirlN [2016-08-15 01:22:14 +0000 UTC]

Obrigado, querida!

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AlduinGijinka [2016-07-24 16:25:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch!

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GamerGirlN In reply to AlduinGijinka [2016-07-24 16:37:24 +0000 UTC]

Np! I love your videos

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Blackbear972 [2016-07-13 05:07:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for watching, i hope you enjoy my stuff!

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