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# Comments
Comments: 76
AlexanderdeSade [2019-03-22 22:16:38 +0000 UTC]
hi, baby!!! i used to be real_jeff on instagram, we used to be mutuals if this is the right person. was checkin' out my old, super bad accounts.Β
hope you're doing greatΒ Β
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Forest-Lark In reply to AlexanderdeSade [2019-03-24 13:30:43 +0000 UTC]
oh hey dude!! Yes, i used to go by missignoghost (if that's who you're lookin for lol) and I remember you fondly!!
Unfortunately I had to skedaddle away from all my old accounts and anything to do with creepypasta stuff, since horror affects me really badly and I couldn't lie to myself anymore (the reason why there's recent batim stuff on here is bc I had a stupid relapse of "oh this can't be THAT bad right?? haha I can deal with this right??) So that's why I suddenly dissappearedΒ Β
I hope you're doing great too!!
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ThatLuckySonOfA [2018-07-02 19:00:22 +0000 UTC]
sCrEm your page is a bit silent qvq
but anyways, HAPPY BIRBDAY!
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2018-07-18 15:39:35 +0000 UTC]
haah yea it is cause i never finish anything digital i just doodle on post its all the time
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Tiafu [2017-08-07 00:49:55 +0000 UTC]
Just dropping to say I love your art?? so so much?? is just WOW.... Goals!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful drawings !!
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Forest-Lark In reply to Tiafu [2017-08-08 09:11:19 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosshh thank youuu!!! <3
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ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-06-29 01:43:25 +0000 UTC]
heyo again
its kinda awkward because the comment i made one month ago is just below this one xD
how's it going ?
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-06-29 16:11:24 +0000 UTC]
It is going quite cool-y!! I just fell into another fanart pit but haven't been doing much postable digital art stuff.
And how are you doing on this fine summers day ?
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-06-29 17:18:39 +0000 UTC]
now thats quite awesome ;O; did you fell into another fandom ?Β
actually where i live it's winter (i live in the south part of brazil) so i'm literally coolio right now x)
i'm waiting for school to start in june 17 (long story short protests and manifestations against the government on here so school stopped for about half year, which kinda sucks) so i'm just here waiting for all for high school uwu
i had to look school stuff in english because apparently american high school equals to our middle school o_OΒ
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-06-29 17:37:17 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I fell into the Bendy and the Ink Machine pit. I was in denial about liking it and tried to resist drawing the toons but now I Β c a n ' t Β s t o p
Ooo okay!! Then I hope you're having a fine winters day! Or should I say a.. chill winters day lol
Oh dear, that's sounds frightening. I hope you get to go back to school soon!!
Yeah, school equations are weird. I'm actually Norwegian so I know the struggle X) I believe american high school equals middle school here too, give or take a year. (Our middle schools go from age 13 to age 16)
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-06-29 17:56:04 +0000 UTC]
oh bendy xD i should've guessed
just don't fall too deep into the fandom, you know what lurks there in every fandom D:
the weird stuff, i don't judge, but i prefer to stay away from some
i wanted to get in the fandom but i've figured out i'll just watch how the games and fandom go along from afar because i'm already stuck in other cool fandoms x')
thanks! i'm actually eager for school this year lol
i wanted to bother you with even more NT things forgive me XD
who'd you think between all the mutants would make the best ruler ?
i have so many ideas on my head and so i'm planning on trying to do a short comic or any small thingy
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-06-30 11:03:08 +0000 UTC]
Trust me, I am staying miles away from that stuff ._.'
Tbh I'm not even that deep into the fandom side of it, since I've been staying off a lot of social media for a while now. I'm just sort of sitting inside my own little bubble and wondering what everyone else is up to..
Hmm... To be a good ruler, one has to have a fair share of caring and empathy for one's subjects and their needs, but also be pragmatic enough to make tough choices. Being selfless and considerate is very important. Charisma is also an obvious asset. Otherwise I think keeping a level head is important, as is the capacity to make complex plans and consider multiple factors at once. One has to maintain a balance between being careful and actually getting stuff done on time.
Out of all the mutants..Β My best guess is Rebel. She's highly ambitious and knows the importance of teamwork (referring to her allies) and is also willing to take risks for the greater good. HOWEVER, this can also be a bad thing, and her decisions might sometimes be too idealistic to work. Overall, if she were a ruler, her kingdom/faction/grouporwhatever would either be incredibly powerful and ahead of it's time, housing the beginnings of many positive revolutions, OR it would be terribly turbulent. (WHich is why having an adviser or something, to keep her visions grounded, might be a good idea) Charisma-wise, she is definitely an introverted type, but I can still see her being good at talking to crowds.. Just as long as she's talking about ideologies and whatever other important subject is at hand.Β
SO ANYWAYS SORRY FOR ALL THE RAMBLING OTL !! My answer is Rebel being the ruler, possibly working with an adviser to balance out the idealism with
practicality. Probably either Eyes (very strategic) or Melting (very careful).Β
So uh.. That's just my answer
oooOOh!! That sounds awesome and suuper interesting!!
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-06-30 15:51:33 +0000 UTC]
i'm sad to tell you for some time i was there and didn't even knew it
but yeah thats what i do most of the time X)
i don't mind the rambling, it's okay i like reading your elaborate answers xD
lets be honest our beloved radiation doggo horror would obviously be the wisest and coolest ruler of all
yes, thats my first thought when i made this question, i had in mind that she'd be idealistic like you said
the thing is: we even don't know what the throne will be used for...? at first i thought it meant just as a symbolic thing to declare someone as the king or queen of the wasteland but the way some characters refer to it (crystal talks about healing her family, robot says change_item the_throne which implies he would eat the throne and absorb it's mechanisms upon himself) kinda implies it has other uses
i think Steroids and Fish would be great rulers too, Steroids is really smart and he foresaw the apocalypse, and Fish seems the righteous justice type with a heart (i don't know if it's his mellow voice when singing and his guitar or something)
But can you imagine what would happen if Robot swallowed the throne??
For now it's all in my head but i'll try to draw something
my main problem with comics is drawing the scenery (in this case, the throne which is super detailed)
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-07-01 17:24:02 +0000 UTC]
oh god xD
Phew, that's good lol
there is no competition, really #horrorforpresident
Yeah, I figured it'd be a symbolic thing too. At least sitting on it would be symbolic, since they've defeated this huge and powerful dimention-ripping abomination-machine-thing. I always thought defeating, and therefore deactivating the Throne was what their goal was, since it would stop the radiation spread, or stabilise the dimensions/portals, or something..? (And destroying the generators completely DE-stabilises the dimensions, which is what causes the loop) And then the world not being such a rad-riddled wasteland would make it more fertile and liveable again.. maybe. Idk
The other thing about the Throne is that it's "making everything better" aspect was possibly a bit of a myth or lie, or at least ambiguously true. It's actual usage remains far more of a mystery.
(Also, did Crystal and Robot say those things when they sat on the Throne and said some stuff in trashtalk?? cause I've been meaning to translate that dialogue and omg)
Oh yes, for certain! And even if not rulers themselves, they would definitely be the ruler's advisers of some sort, especially Steroids.
S O Β M U C H Β A M M O Β (unless Robot tried swallowing the entire Throne in one big piece... that wouldn't be a very good idea)
(..now I'm just imagining Robot ramming it's open mouth into the base of the throne, trying in vain to swallow it)
The Throne is so hard to draw hhhhh.. I find it easier if one starts by drawing it as big simple block shapes and then putting the details on, kind of like building a plain chair and then carving patterns into it
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-07-01 22:34:04 +0000 UTC]
(hey you forgot to use < / s > and your entire text got crossed out XD)
And yes, the voices when each character sits on the throne have been translated (www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Ybu2β¦ ), except for the characters that speak a different language or no language at all, like YV who fricking sings instead, Plant who speaks no apparent language, Horror which is just a happy rad puppy, Eyes that murmurs some recognizable words but mostly is unaudible
oh man this kind of stuff makes me wish the game had at least a sequel but these types of games are usually one of a kind and rarely spawn sequels, the most could be a spiritual successor
I always thought Robot spoke in a very different robot-y language but he actually just speaks trashtalk but his voice is heavily compressed
thats a good idea- but i have another problem- perspective kills my ideas very easily
sometimes i wish i had a 3d program that could serve as a reference q-q
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-07-02 15:12:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh my goodness gracious that is one fantastically interesting video!!! It provides so much insight on each character and aaaaaaaaa I'm so happy D !!! (It also confirms Rebel or Fish being the best rulers lol.. their speeches almost sound like they're running in an election, but as sincerely good candidates)
Fun fact: If you listen really closely to Robot's "FLΓSHYN" it's actually a crunched version of Fish saying "FLΓSHYN" when he begins a level.
This leads to me having a headcanon that Robot speaks entirely through recordings of other mutants voices, chopping the sentences up and mixing and matching the words in order to create it's own statements. It's gradually gaining an increased understanding of grammatical nuances too, much like a chat-bot.
And I do believe such a program exists!! I've heard Google Sketchup is good for creating structure/perspective references.Β
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-07-03 00:54:08 +0000 UTC]
(it's okay it just was a bit harder to read XD)
I believe there's some extra dialogues from Big Dog for when he was playable but it's probably just his roar xD
(yes it does X) oh man me and my friend had a run together on coop and we managed to loop and beat Mom and i was sweating like spaghetti xD)
Though that is interesting, i just think thats too far-fetched because his voice and even the pitch sound so different
but since he is described as a robot that wants to blend in as a mutant that would make sense, but if so why would he also mimic the noises from fax machines and old computer-y sounds?
also, he seems like he values the other mutants as friends as opposed ("protect friends, kill YOU!") to just binary numbers so he probably is sentient and not just a mindless killing machine
thank you, i'll check it ;O;
also, mama crystal is best mom
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-07-20 12:00:59 +0000 UTC]
Ooh boy, I remember the first time my brother and I looped together as Fish and Crystal respectively. That was intense... and really fun!!
It does sound different, but I really think that's because of how compressed the audio is. Compressed audio tends to distort and even change pitch (at least in my experience). The intonation, accent etc. is just about the same as far as I can hear. Fish puts extra emphasis on the "SH" sound and Robot sorta does too in it's own distorted little voice. (Admittedly, there is still a fair chance I'm completely off the trail here XD)
I think it got the fax machine/computery sounds from before it met the mutants, and they've just become a part of its sound library. Maybe it uses them to express itself where it doesn't have an actual recording of the required phrase/reaction.
And oh yeah, Robot definitely has sentient AI. I'm not sure whether it had it from before or developed to that level through updating itself with radiation, but yes, definitely!
Mama Crystal is the very best mom and must be cherished
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-07-20 18:29:44 +0000 UTC]
I have yet to play another match; i wonder if there will ever be an RPG turn based roguelike with co-op sometime
Yeah maybe you're right; we're talking fan theories here haha
Now i wish i had figurines of the mutants that randomly played their quotes whenever you press a button
Also, is it just my mind not recording it but are all robots in Nuclear Throne one-eyed ? Snowtank has one eye, Snowbot has one eye, wolfbot appears to have one eye too but it might be the perspective and/or flipped sprite oversight and it might just be one of the little details of the game
I want to draw crystal being a shield mom so bad but the mutants anatomy bugs my mind a bit
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ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-05-29 18:43:55 +0000 UTC]
Just dropping a comment because i have nothing else to do :P
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-05-31 10:01:42 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear, I'm picking it up before somebody steps on it Β : P
(Thanks for the fave by the way!!)
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-05-31 16:51:42 +0000 UTC]
It's no problemo!
I'll watch you again because i switched accounts XD
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-05-31 18:33:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!! And hello again lol
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-05-31 19:59:12 +0000 UTC]
no prob, would you mind if i fave-train a part of your gallery? ovo
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Forest-Lark In reply to ThatLuckySonOfA [2017-06-01 13:43:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh not at all!! Thank you very very much woa
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ThatLuckySonOfA In reply to Forest-Lark [2017-06-01 15:40:22 +0000 UTC]
no problemo friendolino
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FamilyCat [2016-10-23 15:54:39 +0000 UTC]
Hello? I may have contacted you on Tumblr to talk about Nuclear Throne?
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-23 15:56:59 +0000 UTC]
Yeah!! I'm not very up to date on DA's chatting functions, shall we talk through notes or is there another way you'd rather use?
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-23 16:09:22 +0000 UTC]
I think talking through comments is more efficient then notes, if that's ok.
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-23 16:16:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh ok!! That might get a little long on the page, as well as making our convo public, but nobody ever really comes on here so sure!!
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-23 16:21:56 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, the comments will be cut off from the actual comment section and be continued in a different page.Β
So, what is your favorite NT character?
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-23 16:50:05 +0000 UTC]
Ah, good!
Character wise, I'd have to say Crystal. I feel she has a lot of potential for depth and development, with what happened to her family and her current situation and all that. (I'm a bit mad about her only having two exclusive loading screen tips when everyone else gets like eight on average) Also she's just... Really cute. I like her voice too.
Playstyle wise, I kind of shift around a bit depending on how I'm feeling, although I mostly just click random.
What about you?
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-23 17:16:35 +0000 UTC]
I personally have never played the game (no steam account or anything like that.)Β
Character wise, I'm split between Rogue and YV.
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-23 18:29:34 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes, those two are wonderfully iconic!! Rogue's another one of my favourites, I love drawing her!
And!! You can actually get Nuclear Throne without steam! If you go to the official website and scroll down to the "JOIN NUCLEAR THRONE, WEEKLY UPDATES AND LIVESTREAMS" bit, and buy it through Humble Store, you'll get aΒ DRM-free version that doesn't need steam or anything (as well as a steam key in case you ever get steam). Buying it there also supports Vlambeer a lot more, so it's a win-win!
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-23 18:52:04 +0000 UTC]
(Can it run on Xbox 360? Is it a physical disk?)
yeah. I don't see many people using Rogue game-wise, which sucks because I think her play style is great. I also ship her with Rebel because why not?Β
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-23 19:37:35 +0000 UTC]
(The thing I directed you to is a PC download. According to the wiki, it's coming out on XBox One sometime in the future... No 360 though, unfortunately)
Haha yeah, I used to be a huge Rogue/Rebel shipper. I called it Renegade Girls, cause the word renegade is synonymous to both rogue and rebel and also starts with an R so.. yeah. I've recently kind of slowed down on shipping it, however, since I fell into Crystebel hell and haven't found a way to crawl out so far. Which is a bummer because now my neatly arranged shipping chart has come undone.
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-23 19:39:04 +0000 UTC]
(Ah. I don't have a computer either. Sorry.)Β
Aww. Rebel and Crystal are pretty cute too. I also ship Robot/Horror and Fish/Eyes.Β
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-23 20:06:07 +0000 UTC]
(That's okay!!)
Aaaawww those are some really cute combinations!! The other thing I ship is Melting/Steroids... And that's about it. I wish I could be a multishipper, that would make things so much easier. I can't hold all these godforsaken boats at once.
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-23 20:59:22 +0000 UTC]
Heheheh. And...Well...There may be one ship with YV that's kind of growing on me...
...YV/Bill Cipher...
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-24 11:30:32 +0000 UTC]
Now that one's a classic
I can actually see it working, since I have a headcanon that YV and Bill are from the same dimensional realm. You might even have seen it, since I submitted it to the same blog you submitted yours to. So maybe they knew each other way back when, and maybe they'll meet again while dimension-hopping.
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-24 12:33:36 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! I've been trying to find a Bill/YV RPer for days, and I only managed to find ONE just last night! It's crazy!
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-24 13:21:07 +0000 UTC]
Aw that's great!! I'm so glad, and I hope you have a good RP!!
I usually just think really intently about ships and other character stuff when I'm in the car listening to music or something. Like in my head I'm constructing entire stories with complex plotlines and character development and ANGST and the whole shebang, but on the outside I'm just staring into nothing with a weirdly stern expression. Not as social as you lol
I've tried writing fanfiction, but I always get really self conscious about it. Or I just lose interest in writing it if it gets long.
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-24 16:17:06 +0000 UTC]
Heheh! I do the same thing with music! Trust me, I come up with a lot of shit that way!
i'd be delighted to help you out with your RP skills if you want! A little practice one if you will. Just enough so you can feel good about it.
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-25 11:54:29 +0000 UTC]
AAaaaaa I really don't knoww. The problem is that last time I tried RPing, i freaked out and spent the whole time worrying I was doing badly or writing OOC. Which is dumb considering I was roleplaying an ORIGINAL character. But still, it kind of engulfed me in anxious stress for a while. More stress than it should have.
So uh, I guess I decided that RPing wasn't for me.Β
But again, thank you for asking, really!!
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-25 14:18:53 +0000 UTC]
Well, it was worth a shot!
Anyway, I think YV is one of the characters that has more potential for feels. Considering he's immortal, while his friends are not, and has likely seen multiple timelines where his friends have died trying to reach the Throne. Including them being slaughtered by the IDPD at the campfire.
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Forest-Lark In reply to FamilyCat [2016-10-26 16:01:52 +0000 UTC]
Yes!! And in the beginning, as he gradually got attached to them, their deaths affected him more and more. And he doesn't exactly feel like telling them what he's seen, because it would be really disturbing for them if he just waltzed up to them one day and told them he'd seen an alternate version of them get mauled to death by rats. So he just... Keeps it all in and tries to stay detached, all the while thinking that this was not what he wanted when he joined the crew for some fun and action.
I actually think Crystal has a similar "repress everything" mindset for her own reasons. The memories surrounding her initial mutation and what happened to her family burden her quite heavily, but she doesn't talk about it cause she wants to be completely there for the others. They are her new family now. But they're so fragile compared to her. And she doesn't want to lose anyone ever again. And if somebody does die, she has to be a stable support system for everyone else.
She just... Completely disregards her own mental state because she considers it her job to protect and help the rest of the mutants. It's not healthy and she knows it and she tells everyone else not to bottle things up but she's absolutely not going to admit how self-destructively hypocritical she is.
....Haha sorry, I went on there for a bit.Β
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FamilyCat In reply to Forest-Lark [2016-10-26 17:49:00 +0000 UTC]
No, no! I encourage the rambling!
hmm...What about Horror?
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