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| Flintpokemaster718
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# Comments
Comments: 100
Flintpokemaster718 In reply to space-time-parallel [2017-02-03 20:04:23 +0000 UTC]
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to space-time-parallel [2017-01-28 20:57:29 +0000 UTC]
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to space-time-parallel [2017-01-28 14:57:10 +0000 UTC]
so do you have discord or do you want to talk with notes?
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-12 01:12:26 +0000 UTC]
hey please note me
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-01 01:16:51 +0000 UTC]
i have a music question
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-01 19:08:41 +0000 UTC]
did you see my post about patreon and music?
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-02-02 02:19:29 +0000 UTC]
I think I see it!
I'd certainly recommend posting some stuff up for free on Youtube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, even here~ Visibility is key when it comes to getting an audience. You could release a special track once a month that only patreon people could have, to make donating to you more appealing.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-03 01:14:59 +0000 UTC]
that's a good idea.
i've also been experimenting with undertale music. want to hear it?
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-03 01:53:02 +0000 UTC]
what's a good site to upload music to?
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-02-03 01:59:18 +0000 UTC]
Like I said, Soundcloud and Youtube are both good platforms.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-03 02:20:17 +0000 UTC]
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-02-03 02:57:17 +0000 UTC]
Ah, your guitar sounds better~ Good job.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-03 03:20:13 +0000 UTC]
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-02-03 04:31:12 +0000 UTC]
Let me know when you fix it?? What I heard sounded good, xD.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-02-03 03:19:26 +0000 UTC]
thank you! i tried different settings and put four layers of effects on the guitar. i also used a separate one for the solo.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-22 13:19:59 +0000 UTC]
i know how to make nightcore but how do i make the song she nightcored?
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-23 02:07:15 +0000 UTC]
You don't. To make something like what was nightcored, you would take the original song and edit it (or you only take and use parts of it).
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StrangelyShiny [2017-01-14 00:28:27 +0000 UTC]
Hello there! I'd like to welcome you to ! With writing prompts and "getting to know you" questions offered every week, I hope our group will provide you with a chance to blossom as a writer.
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RedCatStudioArt [2017-01-10 19:08:55 +0000 UTC]
Hi there! Please read the rules and re-submit your work into the correct folders.
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StrangelyShiny [2017-01-09 23:57:22 +0000 UTC]
Hello there! Thank you very much for choosing to join . Feel free to submit your written works to our gallery and help yourself to sampling the works of other writers our gallery has to offer. A writing prompt, our theme of the week, is produced every Monday to help provide creative inspiration. I hope we'll be able to help you grow as a writer.
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Byeonaraye [2017-01-06 14:55:55 +0000 UTC]
I was listening to your stuff, ayy! I'm a fourth-year music major and I've done some digital composing units, so I do find it quite interesting and am happy to give some advice if you'd like it. Only if you want it, though; I know that my composing is a really personal thing, so.
I was just wondering if you'd considered making a more general Pokeumans or Pokextinctionists theme? I think it might pull a bit more of an audience than your more personal character/meme work.
👍: 0 ⏩: 5
Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-09 16:32:02 +0000 UTC]
how do i make a more general song? battle music that might play when fighting pokextinction?
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-10 06:01:49 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, something like that? Or an instrumental anthem for one side or another, or just stuff they're into, or a fanfare, or... Honestly, there's a lot of possibilities.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-06 18:51:27 +0000 UTC]
this is the longest song i have ever made flint-timetoburn.bandcamp.com/…
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-06 18:34:32 +0000 UTC]
i made a new song and its longer than anything i ever made before.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-06 16:35:39 +0000 UTC]
what advice can you give me?
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-06 16:45:34 +0000 UTC]
Well, I guess it kinda depends. What do you use to mix and make your music? It sounds like a bunch of synth loops, but what software are you using to put them together with?
I generally use Ableton Live to mix (and program some MIDI tracks), and do most of my track-making with my Push controller, though I do sometimes record live keyboard stuff. I have some experience with a lot of different sound-mixing programs, so at the very least I can give you some general advice.
👍: 0 ⏩: 4
Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-09 12:54:41 +0000 UTC]
All right, so before I give my advice I'm gonna ask you not to beg for responses in the future. I always reply in the end, but I have a chaotic, busy life. I can be gone for days at a time with no notice (that, plus this is a big post), and I find it irritating to come back to this nagging behaviour. You didn't know that, obviously, so I'm not angry at you or anything. I'm just saying this so you know for next time!
I'm only going to talk about the Flint Theme - not because I haven't heard the other tracks, but because they're memes and trolling stuff. Good practice for original composing just doesn't apply to that. If you only want to make meme remixes in the future that's fine and you can ignore this advice.
- You need to equalize your tracks. Just playing them all together will invariably result in some tracks becoming utterly dominating - in your case, the distorted synths are so loud that the rest of the track might as well not exist when they come in.
- A basic form of equalizing would be checking each sound's volume against a pink noise track (a static sound - you can download it easily). Take your first track, and while playing your pink noise track, mute all of your other tracks and make sure that this first track can just barely be heard over the pink noise. Repeat this for your other tracks.
- When you have done this, you can continue to adjust the balances for taste. As a general rule, you should try to prioritise bass noises (drum kicks, low keyboard sounds, low reverb, ect) where possible, making them slightly louder than your more treble sounds, but not so much so that they overpower them.
Warning: If you're using headphones to do your mixing, stick with the pink noise mixing outlined above. Headphones-that-are-not-earbuds often contain automatic equalizers, which means that they automatically boost your bass sounds... and will throw off any attempts at fine-tuning a mix. People who are not listening with equalized headphones - on speakers, earbuds, ect - will not have the benefit of the extra equalizers, and so will end up having a rather bad time. - Consider looking into the more advanced low- and high- cutting techniques to take unwanted frequencies out of your tracks. Often, tracks contain harmonized notes or reverb noises, which can end up covering the frequencies of tracks you actually want the audience to hear in a balanced mix. I find it helps a bit to think of tracks like cutting puzzle pieces - you need to make sure they all fit together, so you make holes in places the other tracks can cover. (Unlike puzzle pieces, though, you never cut out important notes in a melody/bassline/ect.)
- Consider making your own tracks via MIDI programming if you're not already doing that; it will give you far more creative control over what sort of sound you're making. If you are already doing that, consider editing the default sounds in FL - for instance, your piano sound in particular is lacking in proper reverb, which is fine in a group of other tracks, but means that it sounds incredibly 'tinny' when played on its own at the start of the track.
- You need more in the way of thematic material and variety. I'm not saying you need to make a traditional verse-chorus structure, or add lots of different tracks, but you need to do more to keep a listener's interest than repeating 4-5 looping tracks for about 7 mins. Ideally, you'll want a piece to last between 2.5 - 5 minutes if you don't have vastly contrasting subjects During the course of the piece, experiment with different combinations of tracks (highs together, lows together, mids together), reversed or 'flipped' tracks (running against the 'real' loop with some modifications so that the harmonies work, they can be very effective), double-speed tracks, fade ins/fade outs/unusual entry points/slow distortions of existing tracks, and interesting rhythms like triplets and syncopations.
- When combining tracks, listen very carefully to what tracks you are pairing together. Do they fit not just rhythmically with each other, but harmonically? Play your new material against each existing track it will be with, if you need to. Two basic rules would be to avoid consecutive fifths between tracks (this is pretty much because your listener can't tell what key your piece is in without the third of a chord), and avoid dissonances that don't fall on a weak beat and immediately get resolved (like the clashing C/C# in the melody of Flint's theme).
- One sort of track you really need in your pieces is a drum track. Generally speaking, heavier, more distorted sounds are far easier for the listener to focus on and follow when there is a drum track, which is why most heavy music has drums. They naturally provide accents on the relevant beats, which then saves you having to make those accents happen in the rest of your tracks (a tough task with already heavy sounds).
- Speaking of beats, pay careful attention to where you're introducing your tracks; not just for clashing note or looping issues with your other tracks, but in relation to their beat importance. In a four-beat bar, you should be emphasizing beat 1 the most, then beat 3, then 2 and 4 need to be the weakest.
- When you're finished with a piece, play it, and watch the master volume control. Make sure the peaks of your song (or the whole thing) are not hitting the red area or above the meter-bar. That is an indication that your program's exporter cannot handle how loud your song is, and you need to turn the volume on your master mix down until you can get it below that area. If you don't do that, your sound will come out quite distorted in the exported track - no matter what volume you play it at through headphones, speakers, ect. If you have issues with the master volume making the track too soft, consider adding a limiter (it's under compression effects in Ableton if that helps at all) to keep your tracks below the max exporter volume.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-09 15:17:09 +0000 UTC]
oh shit thats a lot of advice
what is the clashing C/C# in the melody of Flint's theme?
my drums are the timpanis from pokemon RSE's soundfont
also my synth is a guitar.
i feel like you're college-level at this and im a random beginner that picked up a paintbrush and thinks shes making art.
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-09 15:56:32 +0000 UTC]
The C/C# you'd have to listen out for in the theme, checking between the tracks. It's very obvious to me, and it's definitely repeated many times. The two notes are incredibly close to each other- literally a white and a black key on a keyboard, it sounds very much 'wrong'. I think it's between the piano and the softer synth guitar, but I couldn't really tell you which tracks are doing what because of the balance. You'd have to go through and listen to work it out.
Ah, I didn't even hear the timps due to the equalising problems. But timpani, while being drums in terms of how they're played, are actually considered a bassline instrument when you're composing! You probably noticed this, but they actually have separate tones - the four timpani are tuned to specific notes before concerts, and sometimes in the middle of a concert. In professional orchestras, if you look at the programs, you will see that the timpani player is even specially employed as a timpani player, separate to the other percussionists; this is because tuning the timpani at short notice is very difficult.
Anyway, if you wrote a timpani part on paper, it would look like this , and a timpani solo would sound like this - each note written is a note, with its own tone - ie C, D, E, F, ect. But if you wrote a drum part on paper, it would look like this or this , and sound like this . A 'note' here just means 'hit a specific drum'; some notes don't even have proper heads in the notation, as you can see.
TL;DR - Drums don't have real 'notes'; timpani do, and therefore aren't treated as drums when composing.
You must be really distorting that guitar then - are you putting a little distance between the notes to simulate the plucking? It sounds completely legato, which is pretty much impossible for a guitarist because of how they play. If you've put your distance in, I'd definitely add some decay or reverb to balance your sound.
I'm college-level, yeah - again, fourth-year uni. Happy to give basic advice, though - this is all stuff I learned really early on, haha. Since you showed me your stuff, here is something I made a while back . We had to follow quite specific stuff with it, so it's reaaaaally static creatively and acoustically and IMO there are some transitioning problems - but I feel like it's a pretty okay example of how very few tracks can hold a listener's attention, if you introduce them weirdly and change them a little bit. The entirety of the high bell-like and guitar-like tracks, from 0:31 onwards, are actually all from the same damn melody - just doubled in speed/inverted/reversed/pitch-shifted/arpeggiated/simplified to a couple of key notes/ect.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-09 16:28:12 +0000 UTC]
by college level i meant higher than me
also my guitar sucks balls. i use the basic fl studio guitar.
i experimented with EQ and stuff in my newer song, the one with the crying face. my songs aren't really trolling or memes, they are experiments.
flint-timetoburn.bandcamp.com/… this is the one where I experimented with EQ
flint-timetoburn.bandcamp.com/… and this one is a metal cover of a song using different guitar settings. i think its better than my flint theme guitar.
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-10 06:13:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah - we equate the american college with university here, so I just meant that I really am college-level.
Did you use the default settings on the FL guitar, or did you change them? It really doesn't sound like a guitar, but I'm not sure if it's to do with how you're using it (putting the notes too close together) or with the settings on the voice itself (specifically, the decay and the reverb). Might be a combination of both, you should really look into it.
Your EQ piece sounds like you've just used the EQ settings to distort the piece further - not equalize it, as they're meant to be used. Even though it can create distortions, EQ is really not supposed to be used to distort tracks; it's just meant to help you present your finished piece. Your bass track absolutely drowns out everything else whenever it comes in (and has broken the exporter as well, I can hear that very clearly). As an aside on your bass track, the more resonant lower tones seem to have been cut out from it as well? I really wouldn't recommend cutting those from a bass track - they're the most important parts of it.
The guitar on your cover track is better sound-wise, but doesn't seem to have any sort of reverb or decay on it, so again you need to look into that. Might as well bring up that your melody sounds 'computerized', too - every note is perfectly on the beat and ends perfectly off the beat. To make your stuff sound more human (which you should be doing with acoustic-sounding instruments!), you need to vary the note length by milliseconds; start slightly early, finish slightly late, and just keep listening and doing this to your melody until you can get something more realistic.
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Flintpokemaster718 In reply to Byeonaraye [2017-01-10 13:36:23 +0000 UTC]
i used the "metal" FL Slayer preset.
the music i listen to doesn't sound off-tempo. also i turned up the swing for the unity cover so it would sound the way it should instead of computerised
www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_M… by the way how do i get the drums and bass and video game-sound like that?
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Byeonaraye In reply to Flintpokemaster718 [2017-01-11 03:17:07 +0000 UTC]
There should be settings on your presets, which let you make your own/more realistic versions of them. I'd definitely recommend having a play around with them; it'll really expand what you can do with FL.
I'm talking milliseconds when I say put the music off slightly, and you need to vary it. No, you don't want to pull a whole track two milliseconds backwards, but definitely do it to a few notes here and there. You need to do this because people don't play things perfectly, like machines do; there is always a tiny bit of 'give and take' in acoustic sounds. If you're trying to recreate acoustic sounds electronically, you need to create that effect artificially.
The swing effect creates perfect dotted rhythms; it doesn't make the music 'acoustic-sounding'. The reason why you were able to recreate Unity with it is that Unity has perfect dotted rhythms - it's meant to sound very very computerized, and that's quite obvious just from the first or second listening. (Which is fine, because most of its sounds aren't meant to replicate acoustic ones, with the possible exception of the jazz drumkit at the start - even the singing in Unity is very, very electronic.)
If by 'video-game-sound' you mean the melody at the start of Unity, it just sounds a lot like they've used MIDI programming; they probably got a piano effect, and hacked out the resonance frequencies until they got something closer to a 8- or 16-bit sound. I'd say you could adjust a piano until you got a similar effect. The bass hasn't been edited as much IMO; they went with a bass guitar sound to match their more acoustic drumkit sound.
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