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| Firerwolf
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# Comments
Comments: 964
Firerwolf In reply to TheLoneB-312 [2016-05-22 17:52:03 +0000 UTC]
The Spartan IIs were not just getting out of training. The Spartan IIs started combat operations in 2525 and the fall of reach is 2552. I think you mean the Spartan IIIs. At the time of the Fall of Reach the Spartan IIIs were all teh way to gamma company, of which there are none on Noble. The Spartan III project started training Alpha company in 2532 and they were prepping for Beta company by 2537. So by 2552 when the Fall of Reach happened not only were Alpha and Beta already in service but they were down to the few remaining Spartans making Noble filled with possibly the only remaining Alpha Spartans(Jun, Carter, and Emile) and some of the few remaining Beta Spartans(Kat and Six). Jorge was already long in service by that point and had just been allocated to the team at some point. The other Spartan teams that are mentioned during the final cutscene of New Alexandria are all gamma Spartans. At the time of the Fall of Reach most of the Gamma company were graduated and in service and the Gamma Spartans that are then in Ghost of Onyx are the like 5 teams competing for top honors of their company so they were not yet in full active duty.
The thing you have to keep in mind is that Ghost of Onyx takes place across a long span of time. It was 2531 when Kurt was secretly taken for the Spartan III project while the end part of the book takes place during Halo 2 the earlier parts about Alpha and Beta(so all parts about Shane and his group or anything about Tom and Lucy and their group) are all before the games and take place intertwined with the book Fall of Reach.
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Tempest-PROjects [2015-12-31 19:56:31 +0000 UTC]
Just going back through and re-reading Noble pair. They are so well done, I'm enjoying all of it. Even the one's where you make it all feelsy because you're evil XD
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reclaimerart [2015-12-01 18:08:43 +0000 UTC]
Hi there. I've been enjoying your stories so far. I was wondering if you were planning on doing a Palmer/Lasky family story?
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Firerwolf In reply to reclaimerart [2015-12-01 23:45:49 +0000 UTC]
I think I have a Palmer/Lasky story I'm about to post that you might be looking for.
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Legionaryprime [2015-09-08 00:56:28 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for not talking much lately. Had a series of computer issues and the computer eventually died on me and it took me a good while to get a new one
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TehCommanderShepard [2015-06-14 10:39:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey i know this might be alot to ask but can you give me a list of the John/Kelly stories possibly after Home.
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Firerwolf In reply to TehCommanderShepard [2015-06-14 15:18:32 +0000 UTC]
You mean in the timeline after Home or published after Home?
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TehCommanderShepard In reply to Firerwolf [2015-06-15 07:25:53 +0000 UTC]
in the john/kelly timeline after home, yes
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Firerwolf In reply to TehCommanderShepard [2015-06-15 10:16:19 +0000 UTC]
There actually aren't any more in the timeline with little Sammy. The next stories that I published that were John/Kelly were the Escalation chapters so that story line had stopped because 343 had asserted a canon for John after Halo 4.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 14:47:41 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely. and they're even allowing a free trial of it right now.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 15:46:12 +0000 UTC]
They won't. Deal with it like everyone else.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 16:44:11 +0000 UTC]
There's no trade system so you have to play to earn weapons.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 18:52:52 +0000 UTC]
Doesn't matter. Weapons and gear must be earned.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 19:11:12 +0000 UTC]
Well the first real trailer for the game was called "welcome to the jungle" if I remember correctly.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 15:44:47 +0000 UTC]
It's a trial, it gives you enough to get a feel for the game. What more do you want? Beside, level 8 was only in the beta so people could play the moon.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 16:43:34 +0000 UTC]
YOu want to get past level 5 buy the game.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-27 17:47:46 +0000 UTC]
So you're complaining because it's one level lower?
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 12:38:24 +0000 UTC]
1.) I haven't played it. 2.) I don't give a shit about it.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 13:09:48 +0000 UTC]
How can you judge a multiplayer based on a video? It's just pretty pictures and shot to make it look good. It's not at all a proper judge of the gameplay.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 13:25:22 +0000 UTC]
You can't analyze mechanics without actually playing it. Who gives a fuck if they predate up something to make something work, that's not nessisarily how it will actually work. It's like a game trailer but the actual game is nothing like it.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 13:39:22 +0000 UTC]
No it's not, it's just pretty pictures. There's nothing to analyze. Besides, I'm pissed at 343 right now for still giving us nothing about Halo 5.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 13:55:07 +0000 UTC]
Clearly as the story is what matters.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 17:31:00 +0000 UTC]
What? No, good writers on the staff keep it alive and investing in the EU of the series keep it good. The problem is they won't give us basic information about the story it's getting annoying.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 17:48:19 +0000 UTC]
That's not true at all. The lack of information has only caused arguments and fighting on the forums(mainly Cortana fans insulting those that don't worship her), and has actually caused the community discussion to become stagnant. There isn't anything for the community other than the most vague of summaries. Hell we don't even know how long after Halo 4 Halo 5 is. We've given them time and they've twiddled their thumbs and said to just buy the next thing because it will give us information and then we get nothing.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 18:06:06 +0000 UTC]
Actually the forums are the only community for Halo. At this time begore Halo 4 we had so much more information. They are only trying to milk people for money at this point. The fact that they won't even give a timeline and have been jerking around fans of Blue Team has become tiring, and the Corrana fans have only made it worse. No thread on the for could be started about Blue Team without them stepping in to assert lies and deny the facts that have been given. Basically in the last year, since they released the announcement that it was called Guardians and there was a duel campaign we've been giving no new information. They're too busy trying to get people to want Nightfall when all the reviews say only the Spartan II character is even the slightest bit interesting. They're so caught up in this shitty Locke character they're ifnorig what people actually care about. They don't give a shit about the community or how they're making people like me hate my own fandom.
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Firerwolf In reply to Graphicspark84 [2014-11-11 18:23:48 +0000 UTC]
DA is not the Halo community, they're the DA community. Why the fuck would you assume that the recovery of Reach would be at all a time stamp for anything in the current timeline? There is no connection.
No, I'm starting to hate the Halo community, not the characters. I hate being attached by the same three John/Cortana fans in every thread and their refusal of facts.
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